walking dead

Well, despite all the dumb plot twists and even dumber decisions, I thought it was a pretty good season.

Do the people from Camelot bow to Negan, or are they totally separate?
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Better be because there's no realistic chance in hell they have of getting out of this one. I mean really... They have no weapons and it's like 9 to 100. Show might as well end.

Spoiler. Dwight the burnt face guy, will end up being a friend to Rick. That's how they get out of it.

But wait there's more!

Guess what? They will run into another group after Negan.

Same old shit. Roam from place to place fighting survival groups.
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Well, despite all the dumb plot twists and even dumber decisions, I thought it was a pretty good season.

Do the people from Camelot bow to Negan, or are they totally separate?

If they do it by the comics, Camelot is like Hilltop. They give their half to Negan.
It's definitely not Rick. Only Game of Thrones has the balls to kill off the main character. And it's not Rosita or Aaron because nobody cares about them.

It's Abraham. I'll bet anything on it. Him and his best friend Eugene had their emotional goodbye and everyone assumed they were sending Eugene off to die, but it will be the opposite. Abraham's final words to him were about how he had turned into a strong survivor. Pretty sure they call all that "foreshadowing" in the biz.
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On talking dead, kirkman, one of the writers, may have given a hint. They were talking about fans reactions and he said "one of the beloved characters" died.

So to me, that has to be either Glenn or Daryl. Abraham nor Eugene are"beloved". We like them but it would not be earth shattering if one of them died.
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Do some of you simply watch the show to see how it compares to the comics? You must be horrible to watch the show with - constantly saying "well in the comics..."

I don't think the writers' decision to make this a cliffhanger was a good idea. Their explanation was stupid and as someone else said, it will leak out who dies. And it sounds like we won't get the "shock" of an execution. My guess is the next season starts a period of time after the last season - when they've just accepted their roles to support Negan.
Abraham is who I would bet. Mainly, because the comic. I know it's Glenn, but too popular to kill. Abraham just seems boring. Thought in the talking dead clip, the look he gave Eugene, was weird.

What makes me think it's Darryl, was the promotion of his new show. If a character is going to go, you have to give him something.

Talking dead said there were clues. Obviously, I don't know. They have shifted from the comics.
Kind of my thinking as well. Abraham was suppose to die, but it was Denise. And the new Norman Reedus show made me think he's out. But he's a cash cow. Not sure the show can withstand his death. But not sure he'd get his own show otherwise.
Do some of you simply watch the show to see how it compares to the comics? You must be horrible to watch the show with - constantly saying "well in the comics..."

I don't think the writers' decision to make this a cliffhanger was a good idea. Their explanation was stupid and as someone else said, it will leak out who dies. And it sounds like we won't get the "shock" of an execution. My guess is the next season starts a period of time after the last season - when they've just accepted their roles to support Negan.
Personally, I've never read the comics before a couple weeks ago. Found them online and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Wasn't impressed and won't read any more. But evidently, quite a bit of the show does follow the comics. So, i can't blame the people that do read them, for comparing the two.
Better be because there's no realistic chance in hell they have of getting out of this one. I mean really... They have no weapons and it's like 9 to 100. Show might as well end.

Spoiler alert!

I got the feeling that the guys on horses that helped Carol and Morgan are the ones who will bail out Rick and crew..Prolly hundreds of those horseback warriors ( did you see the protection they were wearing) will stealth the Negan's with arrows and spears (no pun) while they are all hooka huffing and Rick himself will BTF out of Negan with his own barbed bat for killing Eugene. Maggie will lose the baby therefore Glenn will be able to pound away. The Dr they were going to for Maggie will in fact transplant an eyeball from one of the fallen Negan's into Carl's effed up patched socket, helps him see perspective from TWO different eyes..I think Carol will get back to normal per say and credit for that goes to Morgan. However things get rough for them at first. Morgan and Carol will hook up in the woods, he is nailing it when 10 walkers appear. While Morgan maintains his rhythm with Carol he uses ninji stick to jab off walkers. As time moves on it is inevitable Rick will age and all the fighting will take it's toll, Rick will perish. We will then realize the new leader will be from the seeds of Morgan and Carol, hence the character MorCa comes to the show. Carl will angrily leave the camp for not getting leadership roll he thought he had earned.. Enjoy your summer as we now know what happens next season on TWD..
Better be because there's no realistic chance in hell they have of getting out of this one. I mean really... They have no weapons and it's like 9 to 100. Show might as well end.
THey definitely serve the Saviors for a while. However, Alexandria, Hilltop, and the soon to be introduced Kingdom colony (I suspect they are formerly introduced within two episodes since we have already seen two of their people) will band together and take down the Saviors. When together, they have enough numbers. Plus Dwight turns on Negan, giving the triple alliance a valuable inside source to the Savior organization and their complex.
Do some of you simply watch the show to see how it compares to the comics? You must be horrible to watch the show with - constantly saying "well in the comics..."

I don't think the writers' decision to make this a cliffhanger was a good idea. Their explanation was stupid and as someone else said, it will leak out who dies. And it sounds like we won't get the "shock" of an execution. My guess is the next season starts a period of time after the last season - when they've just accepted their roles to support Negan.
No, I enjoy both separately from one another. I only use the comic as a rough guide for the future of the TV show.
Walking Dead does need to start killing off some regular characters. Getting to be too many and they are wasting away some characters that are good in the comics, like Heath. I don't even know why they even bothered to bring in the Heath character since he gets less screen time than extras. And we're going to have more characters being brought in from Hilltop and the Kingdom that are vital to the story. The TV folks can't handle all these characters, time for some folks to die.
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Walking Dead does need to start killing off some regular characters. Getting to be too many and they are wasting away some characters that are good in the comics, like Heath. I don't even know why they even bothered to bring in the Heath character since he gets less screen time than extras. And we're going to have more characters being brought in from Hilltop and the Kingdom that are vital to the story. The TV folks can't handle all these characters, time for some folks to die.

They could handle building the storyline of more characters if they wanted to: Look at The Wire for example for a series that utilized dozens of characters effectively.

I also miss Aaron and Heath's storylines and their better be more Jesus next season.
They could handle building the storyline of more characters if they wanted to: Look at The Wire for example for a series that utilized dozens of characters effectively.

I also miss Aaron and Heath's storylines and their better be more Jesus next season.
Which ones are Aaron and Heath? I agree about Jesus. I was wondering what happened to him.
Spears that's my issue as the story keeps going. They will run into another mean group. More animalistic group. At some point this Shit has to end
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so how long until the show jumps the shark then? 2... 3 more seasons? Already seems to be getting stale by listening to my wife gripe. Same old shit.
Next season should be pretty good. The war with the Saviors should be awesome. Will be pretty hard to botch this. The time period after the war? There's going to be a lot of disappointed TV viewers if they aren't aware of how the comic story arc goes. Unless the writers go in an entirely different direction, that is, which frankly I wouldn't mind because even the comic gets kinda boring in the time after the war with the Saviors and before they encounter the Whisperers.
it has to at some point. They're already luckier than any people that have ever lived, basically. They all should've died no less than 5-6 times by this point. Doesn't matter how good you are... sooner or later your luck runs out. I would've killed Rick off already, his boy a long time ago. Let someone else take over the leader role for a while and then they die. Keep the show developing if you wanna keep it fresh. It gets stale when people know what to expect because the same thing keeps happening over and over.

Next season should be pretty good. The war with the Saviors should be awesome. Will be pretty hard to botch this. The time period after the war? There's going to be a lot of disappointed TV viewers if they aren't aware of how the comic story arc goes. Unless the writers go in an entirely different direction, that is, which frankly I wouldn't mind because even the comic gets kinda boring in the time after the war with the Saviors and before they encounter the Whisperers.

I think they will use the angle after Negan, time has passed where the communities are building together and they will start right into the Whisperers. They can't really make a season without the antagonist. They will have a couple of slow episodes where they are depicting the evolution of the communities an then they will go straight into the Whisperers.
I think they will use the angle after Negan, time has passed where the communities are building together and they will start right into the Whisperers. They can't really make a season without the antagonist. They will have a couple of slow episodes where they are depicting the evolution of the communities an then they will go straight into the Whisperers.
I hope so. If they go a whole season between the end of Negan and the beginning of the Whisperers it will be unwatchable. Knowing how the TV writers like to troll the viewers, they might just do something like make the internal conflict with Greg of the Hilltop take up the majority of that time though.
Well if the show keeps going like it is, it will pass the comic. We are on issue 100 on the show. There are what, 160ish issues? Kinda pull a Game of Thrones number.

Problem is Rick, Darryl, Glenn are so likeable. They sell the show. Id still bet on Abraham getting the ax, but Glenn has to be the favorite to croak here, with Darryl, being second (also, new tv show and all).
I hope so. If they go a whole season between the end of Negan and the beginning of the Whisperers it will be unwatchable. Knowing how the TV writers like to troll the viewers, they might just do something like make the internal conflict with Greg of the Hilltop take up the majority of that time though.

Ya know, that's prolly right. I think they will drag it out and then start the next season with the Whisperers.

I can definitely see them wasting a whole season with Gregory. If they do that, I may quit watching it.
Well if the show keeps going like it is, it will pass the comic. We are on issue 100 on the show. There are what, 160ish issues? Kinda pull a Game of Thrones number.

Problem is Rick, Darryl, Glenn are so likeable. They sell the show. Id still bet on Abraham getting the ax, but Glenn has to be the favorite to croak here, with Darryl, being second (also, new tv show and all).

Good as guess as any LEK

I think so far there are 24 issues. It may be 25 or 26.
Ya know, that's prolly right. I think they will drag it out and then start the next season with the Whisperers.

I can definitely see them wasting a whole season with Gregory. If they do that, I may quit watching it.
That or they will create something TV exclusive like with Terminus. Talk about a completely wasted opportunity there. Terminus had strong potential. I'm still kinda pissed about that.
Agreed about Terminus. I don't follow the comics, but I think this season was incredible. It's just enough characterization and action. They do need to kill off a couple of the major characters to make it seem more believable though. Other than Rick, I would think anyone is fair game at this point.
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Agreed about Terminus. I don't follow the comics, but I think this season was incredible. It's just enough characterization and action. They do need to kill off a couple of the major characters to make it seem more believable though. Other than Rick, I would think anyone is fair game at this point.

Agreed. I think this season was great and they do need to kill off a few.
Yep. Don't think the writers have the balls to kill them off anymore. JMO
Why do some of you want to kill off the best cast members. That's just dumb. We watch shows, partly because of the script but mostly because we like/identify with the actors playing the roles.

There was a Britcom on BBC a few years ago called Coupling. Season one was pretty good but one of the main stars quit after one year. They replaced him and season 2 was ok but a definite downgrade. Fast forward a few years and they brought the show to America with an American cast. The pilot was almost word for word as the British version but none of the actors was likable. Show failed. Not even sure it finished one season.

Bottom line, the ACTORS make the show. So, stop trying to kill off the main characters!
Why do some of you want to kill off the best cast members. That's just dumb. We watch shows, partly because of the script but mostly because we like/identify with the actors playing the roles.

There was a Britcom on BBC a few years ago called Coupling. Season one was pretty good but one of the main stars quit after one year. They replaced him and season 2 was ok but a definite downgrade. Fast forward a few years and they brought the show to America with an American cast. The pilot was almost word for word as the British version but none of the actors was likable. Show failed. Not even sure it finished one season.

Bottom line, the ACTORS make the show. So, stop trying to kill off the main characters!
Game of Thrones disagrees
Yeah, some of the major ones have to go to make room for new ones. I think people will like Ezekiel and how Dwight develops.

I like Darryl, but I don't know why. Maybe he should be offed.
Carol- she won't be offed because writers have spent too much time developing her character -per the writers)
Glen- Offed. Next.
Morgan- Should be offed.
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Game of Thrones disagrees
That's ONE show and completely ignores my example. And they have lost viewers and will lose more if they don't have Jon Snow in some form. They would have lost me if they'd killed off Tyrion.
Yeah, some of the major ones have to go to make room for new ones. I think people will like Ezekiel and how Dwight develops.

I like Darryl, but I don't know why. Maybe he should be offed.
Carol- she won't be offed because writers have spent too much time developing her character -per the writers)
Glen- Offed. Next.
Morgan- Should be offed.
Love the Carol character (until she went all Morgan this season) and hope she makes it. The women are crazy about Daryl. Not sure they'd kill him off. Dumb move if they do. Unless he has other projects he wants to do.

I'd hate to see Glenn go but he may be the one.
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