walking dead

Love the Carol character (until she went all Morgan this season) and hope she makes it. The women are crazy about Daryl. Not sure they'd kill him off. Dumb move if they do. Unless he has other projects he wants to do.

I'd hate to see Glenn go but he may be the one.

I know man. I like most of the characters except for Carl.
Why do some of you want to kill off the best cast members. That's just dumb. We watch shows, partly because of the script but mostly because we like/identify with the actors playing the roles.

There was a Britcom on BBC a few years ago called Coupling. Season one was pretty good but one of the main stars quit after one year. They replaced him and season 2 was ok but a definite downgrade. Fast forward a few years and they brought the show to America with an American cast. The pilot was almost word for word as the British version but none of the actors was likable. Show failed. Not even sure it finished one season.

Bottom line, the ACTORS make the show. So, stop trying to kill off the main characters!
Who on here actually identifies with folks going through a zombie apocalypse?
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Why do some of you want to kill off the best cast members. That's just dumb. We watch shows, partly because of the script but mostly because we like/identify with the actors playing the roles.

There was a Britcom on BBC a few years ago called Coupling. Season one was pretty good but one of the main stars quit after one year. They replaced him and season 2 was ok but a definite downgrade. Fast forward a few years and they brought the show to America with an American cast. The pilot was almost word for word as the British version but none of the actors was likable. Show failed. Not even sure it finished one season.

Bottom line, the ACTORS make the show. So, stop trying to kill off the main characters!
Just because something worked or didn't work in one country doesn't mean it will or won't work in another country regardless of the cast. Example: The Office. Only survived two six-episode seasons in England where it originated. The American version survived for 9 seasons and is ranked the 75th best TV show by user ratings on IMDB.
They should kill off some of the main characters for a lot of reasons, but you would have more time to develop other characters and the death of the characters they do kill off can help with the characterization of others and develop their storylines. To me, it would be boring if certain people were completely untouchable and they kept killing off secondary characters. They should follow the comics as close as they can IMO.
Just because something worked or didn't work in one country doesn't mean it will or won't work in another country regardless of the cast. Example: The Office. Only survived two six-episode seasons in England where it originated. The American version survived for 9 seasons and is ranked the 75th best TV show by user ratings on IMDB.
I don't know why the British version only lasted 2 seasons. Maybe they wanted it to end. Didn't they have a final special that tied up loose ends? Where David Brent was a sale and that came back to the paper company?

Imo, the office worked in both places.
I lived in eastern Virginia for years and I can tell you exactly what happens next season...Winter comes and the walkers rot under 3 foot of snow and half the survivors freeze to damn death! In typical Rick fashion he comes up with a plot to attack Mother Nature which he loses sending him back to Georgia where he and Carl open up a sunglass hut specializing in sunglasses with only one lense.

My guess is Daryl gets it. Not because hes got a new show (so does several of the cast and the actress that plays Maggie just starred in a movie so filming shouldnt be an issue). What better way to snap Carol out of her "I cant kill anybody else" funk than to kill her boy Daryl?
It still remains in the realm of possibility. Not from a conflicting schedule standpoint, but as an offering or branching out to the actor.

Obviously, we all have guesses, but to say it's beyond an effect is silly.
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I think the next season should start as Negan is in the middle of his speech. Then do the eenie meenie miney mo again. After that, switch to the character view as he picks them to reveal who he is going to kill and when he says the line about feeding the eye to his dad part. After the first hit you show the reaction from the person that is closest to the character (like Maggie for Glenn). Then show another hit and shots from various other characters. Finish with a close-up of Rick with tears in his eyes and flinching to the sound of each hit. Then do The Walking Dead intro before going to commercial. After that they can jump forward a few weeks or months and show how they are dealing with the new arrangement.

If they don't let it be known right away who dies they are going to piss off even more fans. I hope they don't milk out the whole Negan storyline for another whole season though. I am getting tired of the same storyline being done over and over. Find a safe place. Start a fight with someone. Be forced to abandon safe place. Go looking for another safe place. Come up with something new. Maybe actually find out about a safe zone that is working on a cure and not a made up story pulled out of Eugene's ass. Move the story in a totally different direction than "in the comics". With the way things are going, I'd be surprised if this show makes it more than a couple more seasons. Look for Fear The Walking Dead to pick up steam while The Walking Dead starts to fade away.
I had been saying for 3 weeks that Abraham was going to die at seasons end. I saw nothing that changed my mind. They manufactured a storyline for him by breaking up with Rosita and going after Sasha. Then, Eugene said he could make it without Abe.

The clue the writers were talking about was when Abe set up and looked Negan in the eyes. Negan took this as a threat and shut it down. Sending a message that if you stand up to me, I will kill you.

I do not see Rick working for Negan. I see Rick and the core group leaving Alexandria but coming back later for revenge.
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It still remains in the realm of possibility. Not from a conflicting schedule standpoint, but as an offering or branching out to the actor.

Obviously, we all have guesses, but to say it's beyond an effect is silly.

It's nothing but him riding around on his motorcycle, and goofing off. Put it this way... if he's not part of twd, they're not airing his show.
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The only way to keep it from leaking out is not let anyone know till filming begins for next season.
After thinking about it, whoever dies has to know. Do you think they're just going to show up on set and be sent home?
Maybe he kills none of them? Maybe he kills Dwight instead, who is standing behind Abraham.

When Rick and crew attacked the Saviors outpost, out of all the characters to see the polaroid pics of Lucille's victims pinned on the wall, Glenn was the one to see them. Foreshadowing?
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There are some people online that say the audio at the end gives it away. They slowed it down and filtered, saying they hear the phrase "Maggie" with Maggie screaming Glenn. Indicating Glenn took it.
I still think if they know who got killed then it was Glenn. A lot of people are gonna be disappointed though if they have a cliffhanger like that and they wait 6 month to find out that they killed the person they were supposed to kill. Could be Darryl for killing his guys first, could be Abraham since he took it like a champ, or Eugene after they had their goodbye moment and being wrong about him. Those theories made the most sense to me. Kinda feel like with the audio it would be too easy to blame it on Maggie having a pain and Glenn getting concerned. Especially if it didn't start until after the first hit.
I still think if they know who got killed then it was Glenn. A lot of people are gonna be disappointed though if they have a cliffhanger like that and they wait 6 month to find out that they killed the person they were supposed to kill. Could be Darryl for killing his guys first, could be Abraham since he took it like a champ, or Eugene after they had their goodbye moment and being wrong about him. Those theories made the most sense to me. Kinda feel like with the audio it would be too easy to blame it on Maggie having a pain and Glenn getting concerned. Especially if it didn't start until after the first hit.

But even Glen had the foreshadowing when he was inside Negan's outpost and saw the wall of the pictures with the bashed in heads from Negan's bat.
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I've been to two different TWD walkthroughs during Halloween Horror Nights at Universal. Both were great. Kinda anxious to see this.

Universal just had a huge price increase that now costs more than a Disney ticket
Pretty sure the writers can kill anyone they want at this point. Whatever best fits how they want to take the storyline.
Fear The Walking Dead is going to do the same formula as The Walking Dead with some kind of pirate group out there on the water with them. Always have to have another group causing problems. It seems a bit early to have groups that are very organized already. So who is on that other boat? Pretty well armed judging by the holes in the boat. Looked like machine gun fire. Maybe a group of AWOL soldiers who said screw trying to protect others. We won't be able to get ideas from "in the comics" for this series.

I am kind of disappointed in the start of this series. I think it could have started much better with a different storyline and less members of the dysfunctional family. Hopefully it starts ramping things up as it goes on.
Fear The Walking Dead is going to do the same formula as The Walking Dead with some kind of pirate group out there on the water with them. Always have to have another group causing problems. It seems a bit early to have groups that are very organized already. So who is on that other boat? Pretty well armed judging by the holes in the boat. Looked like machine gun fire. Maybe a group of AWOL soldiers who said screw trying to protect others. We won't be able to get ideas from "in the comics" for this series.

I am kind of disappointed in the start of this series. I think it could have started much better with a different storyline and less members of the dysfunctional family. Hopefully it starts ramping things up as it goes on.

I can't handle two walking deads.
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Is there any place I can read or download the comics for free, without torrenting them?

I'm guessing no, but thought I'd ask.
Is there any place I can read or download the comics for free, without torrenting them?

I'm guessing no, but thought I'd ask.

Local library should have them. free.

I caught up to all the comic episodes except for the last 3 from getting them at the library. Only reason I why I stopped, I just go into Barnes n Nobles or Books a Million and just read the current episode in the book aisle.