China has a written obligation to come to the aid of Ukraine, should
anyone use Nuclear weapons against Ukraine.
Beijing’s 2013 promise to protect Ukraine in a nuclear attack appears to now further muddy its stance on Russia’s invasion.
From the link:
“Beijing appeared to be promising more than it had in past commitments, and why it singled out Ukraine for such an arrangement has confounded nuclear experts ever since.”
Now that China and India have openly condemned the possibility of such a move by Russia, that which was already extremely unlikely becomes an even more remote possibility. . . a Russian use of a nuclear device would require a very muscular response by China, only implicitly nuclear in kind, but certainly of a strong military nature.
Hence, Putin’s box of options grow far more limited. Any nuclear saber-rattling will draw further ire from his only effective ally, China, and be laughably hollow and counter-productive.
Frankly, that Saber rattling was already laughably hollow, though taken seriously by the muddle-headed of both extreme right and left. (See some responses in this thread.)
China’s strong stand effectively places Russia “in check” in Ukraine: it is still a war they can lose, but is now extremely unlikely to be a war they can win, as their ultimate bluff has been called, not by the US, nor by the UK, nor by NATO, but by their putative ally.