Not to me, though. Putin didn't tell me to "stay home and stay safe". Putin didn't lock me down and cost me thousand of dollars in income. Putin didn't make me a wear a mask. Putin didn't make me take a vaccine to travel. Whatever he did in Russia was relatively benign compared to what happened here, but, whatever happened there is not my problem. Putin has never done a thing to me. Putin is not an American problem. You actually do know what the American problem is, specifically, the Left, yet align yourself with the Left to fight the Putin boogieman. Who has never done anything to you, either. You need to a hobby, or to go fight him yourself, if you feel so strongly, and, I realize that you have said that you are not personally physically able, which means that you should go do it another manner, perhaps through intelligence work, but fighting him on message boards is laughable. You can do better, if you really wanted to