The earth is a flat, non spinning realm, not a planet in an infinite universe

Is the Earth Flat or a Globe

  • Flat

    Votes: 10 10.3%
  • Globe

    Votes: 87 89.7%

  • Total voters
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I should really get over to the Paddock more often.

I confess to not having read this entire epic thread so not sure if trolling has been confirmed through reproducible experimental means.

I find it funny a flat earther is asking for scientifically verifiable evidence.

I have hope that it only appears mankind is getting dumber because we can be more easily exposed to the dumb through the Internet.

Luckily smart people have always existed, hence humanity advancing out of the caves tens of thousands of years ago. Yes, tens of thousands.

Eratosthenes calculated the diameter of the earth to a high level over 2000 years ago. Calculus shows the volume of a sphere is the integral of surface area. Pi has been calculated to millions of digits. All of these discoveries are self-consistent.

The good thing about math and science is every person that encounters it later doesn't have to reproduce it to use it. I don't have to work out the math and build my own semiconductors to use a computer.

Bushy Bill, take your own advice and demonstrate using accepted scientific methods any of the paranoid, manic ramblings you're espousing here. Hint, google isn't a scientific experiment.

Or keep being the most persistently annoying troll in the history of the internet.

One quick edit: there is also the possibility you are truly manic depressive. I had a friend that went full manic and he sounded a lot like you do. If so I hope you get help.
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I looked up this Project Bluebeam stuff. RationalWiki describes it as possibly being the great Unified Conspiracy Theory because all conspiracy nuts can basically work their preferred whackiness into any aspect of it.

I actually think the psychology of conspiracy theory is pretty fascinating. And I feel more confident than ever that Bushy does suffer from mental illness. Has all the hallmarks.
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I looked up this Project Bluebeam stuff. RationalWiki describes it as possibly being the great Unified Conspiracy Theory because all conspiracy nuts can basically work their preferred whackiness into any aspect of it.

I actually think the psychology of conspiracy theory is pretty fascinating. And I feel more confident than ever that Bushy does suffer from mental illness. Has all the hallmarks.


Didn't you earlier chastise people for resorting to insults?

I think I hit a nerve with my admittedly amateur diagnosis of mental illness. I'm guessing you have people in your life that love you and have obviously confronted you about getting help. Take their advice and salvage your sanity.

Science works. Me posting on this message board is one of countless demonstrable pieces of evidence that proves it.

The beauty of science is that it is correctable. If you feel you have a theory, be as clever as Eratosthenes and prove it.
That's what I've been doing, over and over. You guys have looming, atmospheric anomalies, refraction, blah, blah, blah, that must apply in EVERY single case of seeing things that should be beyond a 'horizon'. You also have unreproducible BS 'satellite' images and I'm the one who hates science. [eyeroll]
That's what I've been doing, over and over. You guys have looming, atmospheric anomalies, refraction, blah, blah, blah, that must apply in EVERY single case of seeing things that should be beyond a 'horizon'. You also have unreproducible BS 'satellite' images and I'm the one who hates science. [eyeroll]
Asked and answered.
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That's what I've been doing, over and over. You guys have looming, atmospheric anomalies, refraction, blah, blah, blah, that must apply in EVERY single case of seeing things that should be beyond a 'horizon'. You also have unreproducible BS 'satellite' images and I'm the one who hates science. [eyeroll]
** Breaking News **

NASA's EPIC view spots flashes on Earth.

** Film at Eleven **

There are two types of "flat earthers".

* Those who don't actually believe it, but like to troll for attention.

* Those who are just absolutely shit nuts and are going to continue to believe that the earth is flat, regardless of what evidence you show them.

Flat earth doesn't even need math or pictures from space to be debunked. All you need is a beautiful sunset or sunrise at the ocean to completely destroy the flat earth theory.
If anyone is in the Titusville, FL area tonight, Space X is launching a satellite at 7:21. If you've never seen a live launch, I highly recommend it. I've been fortunate enough to see 4 shuttle launches and probably a dozen or so other launches, and it never gets old.

My youngest was studying the International Space Station last month. I have never followed it's progress and had no idea that they started on it in 1999.

You can enter your address and it will tell you the date,time, and where in the sky to view its passing. There is also a live camera feed when it is not in total darkness.

The ISS doesn't have outboard lights like an airplane. It's only visible when sunlight is reflected off of it's panels a few hours before sunrise or sunset.

Next week it will be visible for easy viewing each night in the midwest between 9-11pm start times. It moves quickly across the sky. Its visible from 1-6 minutes.
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My youngest was studying the International Space Station last month. I have never followed it's progress and had no idea that they started on it in 1999.

You can enter your address and it will tell you the date,time, and where in the sky to view its passing. There is also a live camera feed when it is not in total darkness.

The ISS doesn't have outboard lights like an airplane. It's only visible when sunlight is reflected off of it's panels a few hours before sunrise or sunset.

Next week it will be visible for easy viewing each night in the midwest between 9-11pm start times. It moves quickly across the sky. Its visible from 1-6 minutes.

Big Bush Billy hates this fact and ignores it to the Nth degree. I tried to bring this up about 10 pages ago and he just brushed it off. You're attempting to present logic and reason to a mentally unstable person who refuses to dip his toes into the world of critical thinking.
There are two types of "flat earthers".

* Those who don't actually believe it, but like to troll for attention.

* Those who are just absolutely shit nuts and are going to continue to believe that the earth is flat, regardless of what evidence you show them.

Flat earth doesn't even need math or pictures from space to be debunked. All you need is a beautiful sunset or sunrise at the ocean to completely destroy the flat earth theory.

I've shown you how sunsets/sunrises can be explained by the laws of perspective, you choose to ignore this fact instead of investigating which hypothesis is true, good job there Einstein.
It's funny that something I had no interest in six months ago, I can find intriguing/entertaining now.

Thousands of amateur photographers have taken pictures of the ISS. This is an older one with the space shuttle docked.


The ISS and shuttle Discovery during the STS-131 mission. Credit: Ted Judah

It doesn't have the shape of anything that should fly in the atmosphere.

It's a goal of mine to capture one myself this summer with the moon in the background. From my vantage it travels the width of a full moon in ~1 second.

You can replicate it yourself. Follow instructions.
I should really get over to the Paddock more often.

I confess to not having read this entire epic thread so not sure if trolling has been confirmed through reproducible experimental means.

I find it funny a flat earther is asking for scientifically verifiable evidence.

I have hope that it only appears mankind is getting dumber because we can be more easily exposed to the dumb through the Internet.

Luckily smart people have always existed, hence humanity advancing out of the caves tens of thousands of years ago. Yes, tens of thousands.

Eratosthenes calculated the diameter of the earth to a high level over 2000 years ago. Calculus shows the volume of a sphere is the integral of surface area. Pi has been calculated to millions of digits. All of these discoveries are self-consistent.

The good thing about math and science is every person that encounters it later doesn't have to reproduce it to use it. I don't have to work out the math and build my own semiconductors to use a computer.

Bushy Bill, take your own advice and demonstrate using accepted scientific methods any of the paranoid, manic ramblings you're espousing here. Hint, google isn't a scientific experiment.

Or keep being the most persistently annoying troll in the history of the internet.

One quick edit: there is also the possibility you are truly manic depressive. I had a friend that went full manic and he sounded a lot like you do. If so I hope you get help.

You left out the radius of the sphere. I meant to say integral with respect to r (area*dr)
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You left out the radius of the sphere. I meant to say integral with respect to r (area*dr)

Yes, the radius is the independent variable of the function A(r)=4(pi)r^2 so by definition the integral is with respect to r and by general power rule you can derive the volume formula.
That's all fundamental calculus.

Which is the real problem.. I don't think Bill here is just shitposting, he and others susceptible to these simplistic arguments just don't hgave a solid grasp on science at all.

There would be a monumental shift in science if the earth was a flat realm; literally almost everything would have to be reworked and rethought out. Someone who could prove it true would make Eeinstein, Newton and anyone else look like amateurs.
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That's all fundamental calculus.

Which is the real problem.. I don't think Bill here is just shitposting, he and others susceptible to these simplistic arguments just don't hgave a solid grasp on science at all.

There would be a monumental shift in science if the earth was a flat realm; literally almost everything would have to be reworked and rethought out. Someone who could prove it true would make Eeinstein, Newton and anyone else look like amateurs.

Oh, my mind is open bro... that's why I'm still here, if you can really show me something convincing it will lead me to a nobel prize in physics.

That's 1 mill in the bank... I'm not here for my health. Unlike others here, I ain't mad at ya.
I've shown you how sunsets/sunrises can be explained by the laws of perspective, you choose to ignore this fact instead of investigating which hypothesis is true, good job there Einstein.

No you haven't. You've only posted silly memes and videos made by people who are borderline insane, and would be laughed out of a 5th grade science class. It's time for you to give up this ruse and start trolling on far more plausible subject, like the Loch Ness Monster, Mothman, or maybe even the Woodbooger of Southwest Virginia.
No you haven't. You've only posted silly memes and videos made by people who are borderline insane, and would be laughed out of a 5th grade science class. It's time for you to give up this ruse and start trolling on far more plausible subject, like the Loch Ness Monster, Mothman, or maybe even the Woodbooger of Southwest Virginia.

You are free to get TF out of this thread at any time Hoss.
Then go back a look at the stuff I've posted...or keep talking out your ass IDGAF.

No need to go back and look at it. It was complete and utter bullshit the 1st look, and will still be complete and utter bullshit if I look at it again.The flat earth "theory" has been disproved here repeatedly. The fact that you refuse to accept it is entirely on you. We can keep using this thread for space and other related subjects to keep it going, but you're feeble attempt to troll the flat earth "theory" has fallen....well, flat. [laughing]
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I'm still waiting for a physicist to tell me what gravity IS.

Then you haven't been keeping up! Back away from the entertaining diversion of "fake science" long enough to explore the exciting developments happening right now in physics. Read about: Verlinde's new theory of emergent gravity.

This theory has the potential of replacing Einstein's model of gravity (General Relativity, 1915), which superseded Newton's Universal Law of Gravity (1687). It would also eliminate any need for the existence of the so far unseen "dark matter". Before acceptance, it faces rigorous hurdles, but Verlinde's theory recently passed its first observational test: New Theory of Gravity Passes First Test.

We are standing on the brink of what could be the next revolution in science. Yet stories like this are drowned out on the Internet awash in anti-intellectual nonsense. Unbelievable.
They also say the "impossible" EM space engine has passed peer review. [eyeroll]

The irony of your posts cannot be overstated. Except to say that you have the most obtuse refusal towards a basic understanding of science that's possible.

Here's a long quote from the Washington Post regarding the EM engine you randomly inserted into this discussion (emphasis added):

"This doesn't mean that the Eagleworks EM drive definitely functions. Peer review is designed to make sure that studies are well designed and executed, and that the conclusions are reasonable — it's not an endorsement. And plenty of findings published in solid scientific papers have later been found to be incomplete or incorrect. That's how science is supposed to work: You draw conclusions based on the best evidence available, present them to your peers, and revise and refine as you conduct more tests and gather more data. The authors of the paper list nine possible sources of error in their experiment, and indicate that they need to do more tests to try to rule those out."

Your source of "evidence" lays out how science is supposed to work. You've spent 50 pages of a thread running exactly counter to the quoted passage above and then somehow try to use that in defense of your pseudo-science.

I'm going back to my original suspicion that you are just a mentally unstable person easily susceptible to conspiracy theories as opposed to the most pathetic troll ever.

Either way you do it with a certain douchebag panache that is almost admirable. So keep doing you Bushy.
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Don't worry Bushy I'm out. I've decided to start walking in a straight line and discover the edge of the Earth.

Maybe the Seth Rich body cam footage is out there in the "Deep State" lol. I'll let you know if I find it, just let me know what frequency your tin foil hat is tuned to and I'll Bluebeam it to you.

Edit: also: snowflake, cuck, safe space, Pizzagate, and virtue signaler. Ok, I think that covers it in Breittbart-ese you can understand.
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Don't worry Bushy I'm out. I've decided to start walking in a straight line and discover the edge of the Earth.

Maybe the Seth Rich body cam footage is out there in the "Deep State" lol. I'll let you know if I find it, just let me know what frequency your tin foil hat is tuned to and I'll Bluebeam it to you.

Edit: also: snowflake, cuck, safe space, Pizzagate, and virtue signaler. Ok, I think that covers it in Breittbart-ese you can understand.

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