The earth is a flat, non spinning realm, not a planet in an infinite universe

Is the Earth Flat or a Globe

  • Flat

    Votes: 10 10.3%
  • Globe

    Votes: 87 89.7%

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Kind of like this one?

And before you even say it Simple Billy, see how the panels and module are not distorted? NOT.A.FISHEYE.
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This guy got in a boat in Mich. with Chicago in plain view with his camera and crossed 50 plus miles to prove it was not a mirage.

Not really, their are problems with the Foucaults pendulum proving the spin of the earth. Other just as plausible explainations can be offered like the electromagnetic nature of the sun and moon. The rotation of the ether (yes the either is real) all around us. It is not definitive proof of the rotation of the earth.

Ah Brushy Bill, you lying character you. Funny that your screen name is that of a famous liar, a pretender of someone he is not. Anyway, I think that makes the game more fun so I'll play a bit more. Rob Skiba is quite the, um, knowledgeable person, but I have a couple problems with his video evidence. First, why in this now infamous picture can you not see the full Chicago skyline but only an extremely elongated view of only the tops of the tallest buildings? If the earth is flat, why wouldn't you see the full skyline? How did the buildings get so distorted and elongated?


Here is an undistorted view of the Chicago skyline.


Make it good.
Ah Brushy Bill, you lying character you. Funny that your screen name is that of a famous liar, a pretender of someone he is not. Anyway, I think that makes the game more fun so I'll play a bit more. Rob Skiba is quite the, um, knowledgeable person, but I have a couple problems with his video evidence. First, why in this now infamous picture can you not see the full Chicago skyline but only an extremely elongated view of only the tops of the tallest buildings? If the earth is flat, why wouldn't you see the full skyline? How did the buildings get so distorted and elongated?


Here is an undistorted view of the Chicago skyline.


Make it good.

Asked and answered
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It goes much further back than the 60's. It goes 500 years back to Copernicus himself and the complicity of the Catholic Church to propagate the myth of a sun centered solar system in an infinite universe removing the first pillar in the Biblical account of creation and paving the way for evolution, billions of years...It is Luciferian in origin and Satan has used it to his advantage in his war with God.

No you cannot. Not in a plane, not in a balloon, not on a homemade rocket. Once the fisheye lensing effect is understood and you realize that the horizons true shape is only shown when it is in the center of the image, you will see that it is ALWAYS flat.

20 something feet of elevation change does not negate my premise. Redo your math and see that I am correct. Also, why can you see the Superdome from 17 miles away across lake Pontchartrain, or see the Isle of Mann from 70 miles away. It doesn't work on a ball earth!

The laser tests have been done and they prove a flat earth. There is no horizon the ships, sun, moon go beyond your ability to see them at the vanishing point, it's all a matter of PERSPECTIVE, and atmospheric density.

The Bible explicitly states that the earth is flat and that Adam and Eve and all the plants and animals were CREATED not evolved. Also...

The great circle routes look good on paper, the math works out and they look humped on your standard flat map of the work. When you plot the plane courses on an Azimuthal Equidistant map however the routes are oddly enough a fairly straight line, hhhmmm. Also flights that originate and end north of the equator traverse the north pole, why don't flights that originate and end south of the equator traverse the south pole?
Interesting Bible quotes. Totally incorrect and out of context, but interesting just the same.
I doubt you have any idea what you're talking about when discussing Biblical context.
Oh is that why the Catholic Church killed anyone who went against their Earth as the center of the universe narrative they had pushed for a 1000 years? Yeah the you really don't know what you are talking about.
For example, if you put a person on South Africa, Australia and the southern tip of South America and they all face south, why do they all see the southern cross in the sky? Can't happen on a flat earth.
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