For example, if you put a person on South Africa, Australia and the southern tip of South America and they all face south, why do they all see the southern cross in the sky? Can't happen on a flat earth.
Yes, it can.
For example, if you put a person on South Africa, Australia and the southern tip of South America and they all face south, why do they all see the southern cross in the sky? Can't happen on a flat earth.
If this is fizzling, we could discuss how the British Royal Family are lizard people.
I can't go through 50 pages looking for a specific thing toots. So please elaborate.
I figured you couldn't go through it and explain anything.
I thought that was the point of the whole topic.
Just so we're clear, I chose to GFM.I already did, you're not special enough to warrant a recap just for you, if you want to know go find it or GFY, I'm good either way, murse.
the funny thing is that in roughly ten billion years the sun will start burning helium for fuel expand and engulf this sphere or flat plane and turn it to dust.
I wonder if they'll have a forward facing non fisheye camera on this one.
I wonder if anyone caught it landing somewhere in the Atlantic because that would be awesome.
Jeebus ......... Why are you still talking about this ??? Porn Hub is 7 letters and an enter away. Go believe in the power of Titties.... for which there are mountains of proof
I never did get an answer for how SpaceX fits into the conspiracy. Is the government secretly funding Elon Musk to form a more elaborate conspiracy now that the flat earthers figured out NASA?
Now you are just getting lazy with your conspiracy theories Bill.Probably
Now you are just getting lazy with your conspiracy theories Bill.
Now you are just getting lazy with your conspiracy theories Bill.
Jeebus ......... Why are you still talking about this ??? Porn Hub is 7 letters and an enter away. Go believe in the power of Titties.... for which there are mountains of proof
If you're expecting any kind of intellectual argument from Bill, you're going to be disappointed. He doesn't have the capacity for intellectual discussion. Bill is an unsophisticated troll.
He sacrifices personal credibility by professing extremely dumb beliefs and spends time posting absurd links and memes. That's it. In his sad little world it's his only way to get attention.
Somebody with a little more intelligence, if desired, could accomplish provocation by simply taking the side of truth on a controversial topic and present the facts to the hordes of idiots. A dumbass has to make himself the idiot to get attention. Unsophisticated troll.
Are the vids on that site shot with cameras that use a fish eye lens?
I'm more intelligent than you in every conceivable way Ida, and I always have been, chump.
Brushy is the perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect: people so dumb they don't recognize their own stupidity and believe themselves to be experts. It's pervasive everywhere on the Internet now in this "Age of Misinformation", where everyone has their own echo chamber, social media blogs, tweets, YouTube channels, etc. Some would argue even our own president is suffering from the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Brushy is the perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect: people so dumb they don't recognize their own stupidity and believe themselves to be experts. It's pervasive everywhere on the Internet now in this "Age of Misinformation", where everyone has their own echo chamber, social media blogs, tweets, YouTube channels, etc. Some would argue even our own president is suffering from the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
You really are that dumb and/or have that little self-awareness. It's comically sad my Wildcat friend.
Yep, degeneracy is the solution to your ignorance.
you should be ignoring the flat earth theory yourself. Because pretend its real. if you convince enough people of it... then god or the aliens that put this lie into motion would go all biblical and destroy our asses to start new and fresh. Think about it.