The earth is a flat, non spinning realm, not a planet in an infinite universe

Is the Earth Flat or a Globe

  • Flat

    Votes: 10 10.3%
  • Globe

    Votes: 87 89.7%

  • Total voters
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No, it's true, and you know that it is true. It's just a simple fact that completely destroys the flat earth nonsense, and does it without any complicated math or pictures from space. You can post all the silly memes and videos produced by people who are completely insane, and none of them refute the fact that the earth is round.
He's not a brilliant troll. He's a pathetic POS attention whore. Anybody willing to degrade themselves and post constant stupid, mindless shit could do it.
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I'm not pretending, I don't care about getting anyone's attention, and you have provide ZERO evidence or even attempted to present a case other than, muh NASA said so.

I think I know who you are. Your sophomoric, attention whoring idiocy identifies you. I didn't hear the story about why your clique turned against you causing you to leave the board. Get real dude. Nobody likes a phony POS.
Here's your problem, Bill: You are incapable of defending yourself, or your beliefs. Your narrative is so weak that not only have you failed to convince us, you haven't even convinced us that you believe it yourself.

Fifty-two pages - using memes and you-tube to do your talking for you. Are you able to speak for yourself?
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Here's your problem, Bill: You are incapable of defending yourself, or your beliefs. Your narrative is so weak that not only have you failed to convince us, you haven't even convinced us that you believe it yourself.

Fifty-two pages - using memes and you-tube to do your talking for you. Are you able to speak for yourself?

I have done plenty of explaining in my own words, go back and look. The meme's came out when people kept asking me to re-explain something for the umpteenth time.
Since WilliamJ just confirmed Bill is a troll, will this thread die now?

I think we should keep it open. Use it for space/science related topics. Or maybe even far more plausible theories than flat earth, such as do vampires as we see them on television and the movies really exist, or are the British Royals lizard people (a question already posed by Ganner).
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