The earth is a flat, non spinning realm, not a planet in an infinite universe

Is the Earth Flat or a Globe

  • Flat

    Votes: 10 10.3%
  • Globe

    Votes: 87 89.7%

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I'm still waiting for a physicist to tell me what gravity IS.
Here is a demonstrable way for you to understand gravity.

This is simple, but very important.

You really only need two things
  • A 16 lb bowling ball
  • An open mind
  1. Hold the bowling ball high over your head
  2. Close your eyes
  3. Wish really hard that someone can prove to you what gravity is
  4. Let go of the bowling ball.
You will understand very quickly what gravity is.

Oh by the way. You keep putting everything under fish eye lens.
I gave the example of RF wave propagation and the limitations of line of sight that VHF has, but the HF spectrum does not. You said many, many pages ago that you would "look into it."
Go ahead and say Fish Eye Lens and get it over with.

Then we can get back to the "myth" of gyros and navigation...... I am really waiting on your response to Schuler Oscillations and Schuler Tuning.
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If Brushy is a troll... Bravo, good sir! Seriously. [cheers]

But this JRE podcast was posted a few pages ago and I just listened tonight. Brushy is every lunatic Mick West describes to a T. I recommend everyone listen to at least the first 30 mins.

I'll continue to read and post regardless because I like talking about space and science, and I've actually learned a thing or two, but we're never going to convince Brushy otherwise. His belief in a flat earth is confirmation bias based in religious fervor. For him to accept a round earth would mean for him to denounce his idea of God. And good luck doing that.

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Here is a demonstrable way for you to understand gravity.

This is simple, but very important.

You really only need two things
  • A 16 lb bowling ball
  • An open mind
  1. Hold the bowling ball high over your head
  2. Close your eyes
  3. Wish really hard that someone can prove to you what gravity is
  4. Let go of the bowling ball.
You will understand very quickly what gravity is.

Oh by the way. You keep putting everything under fish eye lens.
I gave the example of RF wave propagation and the limitations of line of sight that VHF has, but the HF spectrum does not. You said many, many pages ago that you would "look into it."
Go ahead and say Fish Eye Lens and get it over with.

Then we can get back to the "myth" of gyros and navigation...... I am really waiting on your response to Schuler Oscillations and Schuler Tuning.

I don't care what you are waiting for anymore asshole.
Because this guy is freaking me out, and he's using science to do it. If you watch his other videos you can see the physical toll that his conclusions, that we are not on a spinning ball and the earth is probably flat, takes on his body and mind. What's going on here. I'll take anything, proof the earth is a sphere, proof the earth is spinning, proof the earth is moving through space because I've been at this for a few weeks and I can't find anything definitive.
Going back and revisiting your first post and you asked for "...proof the earth is a sphere, proof the earth is spinning, proof the earth is moving through space because I've been at this for a few weeks and I can't find anything definitive" and after 53 pages now you have shrugged off every bit of facts we have presented--if not straight up ignored.

So, I ask you, what would constitute concrete evidence worthy of enough your approval? Just what specifically would you consider definitive proof?
It is irrelevant to the discussion, and you don't care what it is anyway, I know what game your trying to play here.

It certainly is relevant to the discussion. And I'm not playing games. Just trying to learn something REAL about you.
MR. BRUSHY BILL. You deleted your post outlining the terms in which you were willing to concede. I saw it! Do you want to tell everyone what you said or shall I? #SHAME!
There is no LEO on the flat earth.
EXACTLY. So why can we all walk out of our homes and look up into the night sky and see an object exactly when and where it's supposed to be? This is not limited to the ISS but many, MANY, satellites. Exactly when and where. It's not magic I tell you that. And absolutely not possible in a flat earth scenario.
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Shall I expand? Because in your deleted post you said you wanted non-photographic evidence. But here you present a photo that seems would represent a globed earth that the curvature would be visible at sea level. No one here has ever said the curvature was visible at sea level.

The earth is much much much much much larger than this. The reason you think the earth this flat is that it is so big you cannot see the curve at sea level. So, in the picture you posted you purport the Earth is much smaller than anything we've discussed before. In your own words what is the area of your flat earth?
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