That was a Calipari special

Cal loves him some moral victories.

Mitchell missing 4 free throws and UK giving up that end of the first half three was the difference.

Cal can't beat legitimate teams anymore.

Once UK got that 12-14 point lead, you knew it was coming.
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He’s the reason I didn’t watch a single second of the game. Figured we’d get blown out. Was surprised when I checked and saw we were up in the second half but I KNEW we would lose. Cal is the biggest choke artist in basketball. He can’t play ahead late unless it’s a 15-20 point lead.

I’m so sick of him and can’t wait until he’s gone. Just like the last two years I’ll probably only watch the games where we absolutely should win. No reason to make myself mad for 2 hours watching us lose because our “coach” is a dipshit.
I realize Rob had a bit of foul trouble, but why keep him out that long? By the time he came back in he was completely out of rhythm. Made two big mistakes that led to the Harris treys that were essentially the game winning plays. Wagner really hurt us tonight with drives to nowhere and inability to knock down a jumper. Reed played very well but had a couple bad TO’s and that last shot was a head scratcher.

You have to tip your hat to Harris, kid was 5-5 from 3. He made us pay and knocked down his FT’s too, plus played his normal reliable defense.

We played very well but need to be better from the line and Wagner has got to be a threat to shoot or he cannot be in. Right now he’s nothing more than flashy handles. Can’t finish layups either.
He’s the reason I didn’t watch a single second of the game. Figured we’d get blown out. Was surprised when I checked and saw we were up in the second half but I KNEW we would lose. Cal is the biggest choke artist in basketball. He can’t play ahead late unless it’s a 15-20 point lead.

I’m so sick of him and can’t wait until he’s gone. Just like the last two years I’ll probably only watch the games where we absolutely should win. No reason to make myself mad for 2 hours watching us lose because our “coach” is a dipshit.
Exactly what I did. Didn't watch a second because I freaking knew they would lose. Why even bother watching Kentucky vs the big boys anymore?
Calipari is the single worst end of a Half coach I've ever seen. Say this because young old, in between, good team/bad team--doesn't matter. He's ALWAYS going to give the opponent a shot at end of Half. There could be 1 second on the clock and somehow the opponent gets a shot attempt.

Up 10, shot clock either go in up 13/12/10. Nope. Up 7. Game lost right there. So when you surge ahead it never gets to 18/20--stayed in contact and when up 6--your smartest decision makers need to be on court--so things like going under/losing a guy who hasn't missed a 3pt shot all night isn't wide open. Don't care what scouting report says when he's splashing like that in a game. That type of crap loses every big game.
Cal likes to recruit them, but I don’t think he has the personality to coach a team led by freshmen. They need someone to calm them and keep their head in the game and Cal is…erratic would be a nice word. I can barely make sense of what he’s talking about half the time and he clearly panics himself in late game.

Oh well. Is what it is. A lot of very good players on this team but I lack faith in the leadership. Will be fun following them when they are stars in the NBA.
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Non-sensical substitution patterns, keeping players who were hurting us in far too long, braindead, panic attack driven offensive execution at the end of the game.

Team has some talent for sure but I’m tired of moral victories
If the team manages to do anything at all this year, it will be in spite of Cal's BS. We are going to lose some head scratching games this season, I suspect.
He’s the reason I didn’t watch a single second of the game. Figured we’d get blown out. Was surprised when I checked and saw we were up in the second half but I KNEW we would lose. Cal is the biggest choke artist in basketball. He can’t play ahead late unless it’s a 15-20 point lead.

I’m so sick of him and can’t wait until he’s gone. Just like the last two years I’ll probably only watch the games where we absolutely should win. No reason to make myself mad for 2 hours watching us lose because our “coach” is a dipshit.
you're a douche
He took Sheppard out when UK was up 60-51. Kansas went on a 14-2 run to make it 62-65. Then UK was up 81-75 and Cal took him out again, and Kansas went on a 10-2 run to make it 83-85. Those two times that Reed was taken out resulted in UK being outscored 24-4 as soon as Sheppard was pulled over two different points in the second half
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I realize Rob had a bit of foul trouble, but why keep him out that long? By the time he came back in he was completely out of rhythm. Made two big mistakes that led to the Harris treys that were essentially the game winning plays. Wagner really hurt us tonight with drives to nowhere and inability to knock down a jumper. Reed played very well but had a couple bad TO’s and that last shot was a head scratcher.

You have to tip your hat to Harris, kid was 5-5 from 3. He made us pay and knocked down his FT’s too, plus played his normal reliable defense.

We played very well but need to be better from the line and Wagner has got to be a threat to shoot or he cannot be in. Right now he’s nothing more than flashy handles. Can’t finish layups either.
To be completely fair it was clear the scouting report was to let Harris shoot. As he had shot 5 shots all season and was 1-5 or something. Of course tonight he goes 100% from 3 and a career high…. That’s on Cal for not making the adjustment after the first 3 to go over top. Too focused on sagging the entry pass instead of collapsing after to double or just forcing him to shoot overtop all night and see if his 50 beats you but shut everyone else down
Cal didn’t help Wagner or Edwards draft status tonight
You’re right, but I can guarantee he will ride them till they start showing stardom or we have another 9-16 season, and he’s fine with that. It’s what he does, and when he has bonafide superstars it works. Either way he’s playing them till they blow up or the team does.
He took Sheppard out when UK was up 60-51. Kansas went on a 14-1 run to make it 62-65. Then UK was up 81-75 and Cal took him out again, and Kansa went on a 10-2 run to make it 83-85. Those two times that Reed was taken out resulted in UK being outscored 24-3 as soon as Sheppard was pulled over two different points in the second half
^^^ THIS ^^^ More than anything else. Substitution patterns are inexplicable. It’s almost as if he wants to stop momentum!