Wow thanks for calling my post stupid, esp since in no way was I saying that the two were even close to being the same! I was mainly expressing my frustration that nothing ever gets done, and nobody ever stands up to the NCAA.
As far as weather UK or Kanter could've taken action, I'm not a lawyer and admit that maybe it wasn't plausible, but there were many people hoping that action would be taken and it didnt, which was frusterating.
I'm not sure how any true UK fan could read my post and not sympathize with my frustration, and calling it stupid was out of line, esp since at no point did I say the cases were similar at all. I still wish that Cal would've sued, or will sue the NCAA should he be discriminated against, esp when you can show the inconsistency with the Camby case to the Maggette, the Rose case where they vacated his FF due to Rose not talking while Thomas and Duke skated for the exact same thing, the Manger situation, and his getting in trouble for celebrating his 50030th win, while others with vacated wins have done the same thing. As far as Kanter, they thought about it, but decided against it, so it wasn't out of the rhealm of possibility, esp if you know the TRUE FACTS of the case.
As for those who think I'm going overboard, you're Prolly right, but I'm a FANATIC who wants nothing more than for ANYONE to sue the NCAA and make them answer in court! Could you imagine them trying to justify going after Cal, while letting Duke and UNC skate ( I know, they could still penalize them, which I doubt much will happen ).