Interesting group of no votes, not casting any negatives on UK fans that have this opinion.
- AbbieLex - Guy is hot and cold, not surprised
- JayCatz44 - Been concerned for awhile
- sluggercatfan - Been concerned for awhile
- kyups01 - pessimistic by nature
- Svaniro - surprised
- moe#8 - surprised - absolutely hates UL and Duke
- kywildcat_nation - UK fan, but no idea about him/her
- W_Heisenberg - UK fan, critical by nature
- Catscratch81 - surprised
- Wordless65 - Hooker U fan
- mxkeid - Duke fan
- CincyHawk8 - Kansas fan
- calionreppa - LSU fan
- mistaks - Kansas fan
- dwarner - just signed up to vote?
- Steat - UNCheats fan
- RamHard - UNCheats fan
- contrerasmjc - just signed up to vote?
That is paranoia. Nothing that has happened, or not happened, will prevent Labissiere from being cleared to play next month.The NCAA hates Cal and UK. You do the math.
I have to admit that I'm surprised there are UK football only fans out there. I'm 26 and have been watching UK football and basketball for 19 years, I prefer basketball but again like both, but everyone I have met in person are either fans of both sports or just basketball for obvious reasons. It wasn't until I came on cats illustrated that I discoverd there are people that just watch the football team despite our state's heavy baseketball culture.Slugger is a goof I have on ignore. I think he is a football only fan and hates Cal.
From what I understand, Skal can't participate at Midnight Madness or any other games if he isn't cleared yet and that makes it a story in itself if that happens. No one knows what is happening behind the scenes, so we just have to wait and see.This s not a story, why are we making it a story! Dozens and dozens of kids haven't been cleared yet, this is not unusual
I have to admit that I'm surprised there are UK football only fans out there. I'm 26 and have been watching UK football and basketball for 19 years, I prefer basketball but again like both, but everyone I have met in person are either fans of both sports or just basketball for obvious reasons. It wasn't until I came on cats illustrated that I discoverd there are people that just watch the football team despite our state's heavy baseketball culture.
Yeah I see what you mean. A lot of the football only fans don't like the basketball team because they get all the attention but basketball is a large part of the Kentuckian culture and I like it that way. However I enjoy the football team and watch the baseball team when they play on television as well.Yeah, you see a lot of them on the football board. If someone says "Go back to Raftards" they are probably one lol. That is your first dead giveaway. The funny thing is the ones that only like football are not even the best football posters on Lair. They are not even superior experts/posters in their one sport of choice they care about.
I am intelligent enough to watch both, and keep up with the women's b-ball team, baseball, softball, etc. I think a lot of it has to do with intelligence levels...the basketball only or football only fans are the less intelligent UK fans that are incapable of keeping up with/appreciating multiple sports. They are similar in that regard, but different in that the b-ball only fans just act like football does not exist, while the f-ball only fans obsess over basketball and gush hatred for UK b-ball whenever it is mentioned.
Seems like it.Guy has 2,500 followers. I'm sure he's a Humphries fan. Maybe he's hoping Skal can't play.
If you're gonna cut a bitch you might as well start with Mr Emmert, summers eve may pour out when you doAll I know is if Skal isn't eligible and Diallo is, I'm gonna cut a bitch.
NCAA better have proof of wrong doing. If they rule him ineligible for his handler requesting money UK will sue them. They set the precedents with cam newton's dad. Nothing to see here.Just because UK and Cal think he will be eligible still doesn't calm my nerves. The NCAA is the one that decides and we all have seen how consistent they are with things.
NCAA better have proof of wrong doing. If they rule him ineligible for his handler requesting money UK will sue them. They set the precedents with cam newton's dad. Nothing to see here.
Jay Williams basically said the same thing I heard last year about Skal. That his guardian was shopping Skal around to switch high schools. I can't fathom that would make you permanently ineligible...... Ryan Boatright accepted a new car and only had to sit out like 15 games.
technically he doesn't have to be cleared .... he'd have to be ruled Ineligible. I mean we can play him if we want from game one but we'd risk forfeiting those games if he's later ruled ineligible.
I have always wondered if the late addition of Humphries might have been sparked by the fear of Skal being would think Calipari would have learned his lesson with Kanter, this is a make or break the season type impact player, don't care what anyone says
Starting to look like Kanter part deux !
Based on what? Collegespun? These two situations are nothing alike. The NCAA is trying to find out who payed for Skal to go to HS which is ridiculous in it's own right.
Jay Williams basically said the same thing I heard last year about Skal. That his guardian was shopping Skal around to switch high schools.
Based on what? Collegespun? These two situations are nothing alike. The NCAA is trying to find out who payed for Skal to go to HS which is ridiculous in it's own right.