SEC lifts alcohol ban

You had some cell time after buying this weeks weed. You must have a Taco Bell managers slot.

By the way, that billion they made from weed sales, they paid many times that in law and justice costs for drug related criminal issues. Oops. I drifted off the talking points again.

By the way, did it make you feel like a big man insulting that poster about his son? Were you stoned or straight when you did that?

When do I get my tax money back?
Wrong! I'll take your supporting data anytime to prove your unintelligible diatribe. Oh, don't have any.

You are up replying at 3:15 am and 3:30am, and you are going to claim someone else must work at Taco Bell? :joy:
Come on, you can do better than that.

Who did I insult and how so? You are the only one insulting him and others by spewing ignorant propaganda you heard on Fox News and read in facebook memes, trying to aid in the prevention of them being able to have access to something that is proven to save lives of opioid abusers. You've admitted you have no experince and no education into the matter. You just want to control other peoples lives because you have none over your own life. It has nothing to do with marijuana.

When you can prove your tax dollars are going towards marijuana expenses. Not to mention when it's legalized you will enjoy the economic benefits like the rest of us.
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Fox News? I don’t watch them. Don’t watch the Communist News Network either.

Thanks for confirming you are hiding behind medicinal arguments.

Give those stats time in the pot head states. Legit statistics will lag 4 to 6 years. Anecdotally I’ve heard the the judicial folks report the only drop is possession and peddling because the charges are no longer valid for the heads. Ancillary crime, DUI, wreckless etc involving MJ is ramping. What hasn’t been seen is any dramatic drop in health care costs due to the miracle drug THC. Expect a few more years before the lung cancer toll is quantified.
Sure you do! I would deny it to though if I were you.

Oh, so you call facts and supporting data "medicinal arguments"? Got it!

I'm sure you have heard that. Judge Jeanine Pirro rambles on about it often. Notice she never shares any facts or details on it either. You must be taking your queues from her.

Pot has been legal in some states since 2012. That is 6 - 7 years, correct?










The impact of marijuana consumption on the safety of drivers is a major focus, as any fatality on our roadways is a concern. More data about the impairing effects of marijuana and more consistent testing of drivers for marijuana are needed to truly understand the scope of marijuana impairment and its relation to non-fatal crashes.

  • The number of trained Drug Recognition Experts increased from 129 in 2012 to 214 in 2018, a 66% increase. Thousands of additional officers have been trained in Advanced Roadside Impairment Detection.

  • Colorado State Patrol (CSP) DUI cases overall were down 15% from 2014 to 2017.

  • The percentage of CSP citations with marijuana-only impairment has stayed steady, at around 7%.

  • About 10% of people in treatment for a DUI self-reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse, compared to 86% who report alcohol as their primary drug of abuse.

  • The percent of drivers in fatal crashes who tested positive for Delta-9 THC at the 5ng/mL level decreased from 11.6% in 2016 to 7.5% in 2017.

Fears have been raised about the prospects that legalizing marijuana might lead to an increase in demand (and hence, production and distribution) for other “harder” drugs, such as opioids. However, several studies have found that medical marijuana legalization (MML) and legalization for recreational use are associated with a reduction in opioid use: • A 2014 study found that opioid overdoses were about 25% lower in states that had introduced MML—and that this effect was larger the longer the MML law was in place. • A 2016 study found that in states with MML, Medicare prescriptions for drugs to treat a range of ailments, including pain, depression and anxiety, were significantly lower. Two studies published in 2018 found a similar effect—and one of those papers found that legalization of marijuana for recreational use had an even stronger effect. • Surveys in Michigan and California found significant reductions in use of opioids for pain management following the introduction of MML.• A 2017 study found that the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado was associated with a significant reduction in the number of deaths from opioids, reversing what had been an upward trend in deaths in the state (a trend that continued in most states where recreational marijuana remains illegal).

6 Bachhuber, Marcus A. et al. “Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Analgesic Overdose Mortality in the United States, 1999-2010.” JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 174(1). 2014. 1668-1673. 7 Bradford, Ashley C. and David Bradford. “Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Prescription Medication Use In Medicare Part D.” Health Affairs. Vol. 35(7). 2016. 8 Bradford, Ashley C. et al.. “Association Between US State Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Prescribing in the Medicare Part D Population.” JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 178(5). 2018. 667- 672; Wen, Hefei and Jason M. Hockenberry. “Association of Medical and Adult-Use Marijuana Laws With Opioid Prescribing for Medicaid Enrollees.” JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 178(5). 2018. 673-679 (which found the stronger effect for legalization of marijuana for recreational use). Boehnke, Kevin F. et al. “Medical Cannabis Use Is Associated With Decreased Opiate Medication Use in a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients With Chronic Pain.” The Journal of Pain. Vol. 17. 2016. 739–744; Reiman, A. et al. “Cannabis as a Substitute for Opioid-Based Pain Medication: Patient Self-Report.” Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. Vol. 2. 2017. 160-166. 10 Livingston, Melvin D. et al. “Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Opioid-Related Deaths in Colorado, 2000-2015.” American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 107(11). 2017. 1827-1829.

Why would eating or drinking marijuana, consuming by wax, pill or vaping cause lung cancer? If you knew much about it you would no you don't have to smoke it. Again, that just highlights your ignorance on the subject. And if you manage to do some research, you will find doctors are still not sure there is a correlation to increase likelihood of lung cancer to marijuana use. It is still being studied. However, I am sure good ole Fox News told you different.
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Not sure why marijuana is being hated on so much.

Alcohol has taken far more lives and done far greater damage than pot.

I'm a Dentist. You know one of the leading causes of oral cancer? You guessed it. Alcohol.

And I've personally never taken a single hit of pot. Never had the desire to. But let's not single out marijuana as a "gateway drug" when there are far more damaging substances that can be sold down the street in Kroger to anyone who is 21 & older.
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Not sure why marijuana is being hated on so much.

Alcohol has taken far more lives and done far greater damage than pot.

I'm a Dentist. You know one of the leading causes of oral cancer? You guessed it. Alcohol.

And I've personally never taken a single hit of pot. Never had the desire to. But let's not single out marijuana as a "gateway drug" when there are far more damaging substances that can be sold down the street in Kroger to anyone who is 21 or older.

This is right on. Alcohol is the real gateway drug.
Sure you do! I would deny it to though if I were you.

Oh, so you call facts and supporting data medicinal arguments? Got it!

I'm sure you have heard that. Judge Jeanine Pirro rambles on about it often. Notice she never shares in facts or details on it either. You must be taking your queues from her.

Pot has been legal in some states since 2012. That is 6 - 7 years, correct?










The impact of marijuana consumption on the safety of drivers is a major focus, as any fatality on our roadways is a concern. More data about the impairing effects of marijuana and more consistent testing of drivers for marijuana are needed to truly understand the scope of marijuana impairment and its relation to non-fatal crashes.

  • The number of trained Drug Recognition Experts increased from 129 in 2012 to 214 in 2018, a 66% increase. Thousands of additional officers have been trained in Advanced Roadside Impairment Detection.

  • Colorado State Patrol (CSP) DUI cases overall were down 15% from 2014 to 2017.

  • The percentage of CSP citations with marijuana-only impairment has stayed steady, at around 7%.

  • About 10% of people in treatment for a DUI self-reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse, compared to 86% who report alcohol as their primary drug of abuse.

  • The percent of drivers in fatal crashes who tested positive for Delta-9 THC at the 5ng/mL level decreased from 11.6% in 2016 to 7.5% in 2017.

Fears have been raised about the prospects that legalizing marijuana might lead to an increase in demand (and hence, production and distribution) for other “harder” drugs, such as opioids. However, several studies have found that medical marijuana legalization (MML) and legalization for recreational use are associated with a reduction in opioid use: • A 2014 study found that opioid overdoses were about 25% lower in states that had introduced MML—and that this effect was larger the longer the MML law was in place. • A 2016 study found that in states with MML, Medicare prescriptions for drugs to treat a range of ailments, including pain, depression and anxiety, were significantly lower. Two studies published in 2018 found a similar effect—and one of those papers found that legalization of marijuana for recreational use had an even stronger effect. • Surveys in Michigan and California found significant reductions in use of opioids for pain management following the introduction of MML.• A 2017 study found that the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado was associated with a significant reduction in the number of deaths from opioids, reversing what had been an upward trend in deaths in the state (a trend that continued in most states where recreational marijuana remains illegal).

6 Bachhuber, Marcus A. et al. “Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Analgesic Overdose Mortality in the United States, 1999-2010.” JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 174(1). 2014. 1668-1673. 7 Bradford, Ashley C. and David Bradford. “Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Prescription Medication Use In Medicare Part D.” Health Affairs. Vol. 35(7). 2016. 8 Bradford, Ashley C. et al.. “Association Between US State Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Prescribing in the Medicare Part D Population.” JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 178(5). 2018. 667- 672; Wen, Hefei and Jason M. Hockenberry. “Association of Medical and Adult-Use Marijuana Laws With Opioid Prescribing for Medicaid Enrollees.” JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 178(5). 2018. 673-679 (which found the stronger effect for legalization of marijuana for recreational use). Boehnke, Kevin F. et al. “Medical Cannabis Use Is Associated With Decreased Opiate Medication Use in a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients With Chronic Pain.” The Journal of Pain. Vol. 17. 2016. 739–744; Reiman, A. et al. “Cannabis as a Substitute for Opioid-Based Pain Medication: Patient Self-Report.” Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. Vol. 2. 2017. 160-166. 10 Livingston, Melvin D. et al. “Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Opioid-Related Deaths in Colorado, 2000-2015.” American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 107(11). 2017. 1827-1829.

Why would eating or drinking marijuana, consuming by wax, pill or vaping cause lung cancer? If you knew much about it you would no you don't have to smoke it. Again, that just highlights your ignorance on the subject. And if you manage to do some research, you will find doctors are still not sure there is a correlation to increase likelihood of lung cancer to marijuana use. It is still being studied. However, I am sure good ole Fox News told you different.

Don’t watch Fox News. I think that’s a hallucination there Doper Boy. Been dropping that acid too?
If a Martian came to the USA and observed alcohol was legal but Marijuana wasn’t he/she would conclude there is no intelligent life on earth .
——Not popular—-

Pot is incredibly hard to put down if it becomes a problem. I had my own issues with it and have some friends who have been 15 year smokers and can’t advance because they simply cannot put it down.

If you start smoking pot at a young age routinely it becomes extremely difficult to kick.

I understand medical benefits. I understand it might not be as bad as alcohol.

Coming from someone who actually enjoys it but wishes I didn’t, my kids will be taught to stay away from it.

If you need a mind altering substance to get through the day, whether that be alcohol, weed, pills, whatever, you have a problem.

It is not normal to need a substance. It is a learned habit that might actually be biological. It’s best to reject all substances and learn to live without any of it.

The most successful people I know in my life do not use alcohol or drugs of any kind.

Any teens on the board, just stay away from it. Long time smoker here.
——Not popular—-

Pot is incredibly hard to put down if it becomes a problem. I had my own issues with it and have some friends who have been 15 year smokers and can’t advance because they simply cannot put it down.

If you start smoking pot at a young age routinely it becomes extremely difficult to kick.

I understand medical benefits. I understand it might not be as bad as alcohol.

Coming from someone who actually enjoys it but wishes I didn’t, my kids will be taught to stay away from it.

If you need a mind altering substance to get through the day, whether that be alcohol, weed, pills, whatever, you have a problem.

It is not normal to need a substance. It is a learned habit that might actually be biological. It’s best to reject all substances and learn to live without any of it.

The most successful people I know in my life do not use alcohol or drugs of any kind.

Any teens on the board, just stay away from it. Long time smoker here.

I’m reminded of the tobacco use progression through history. At first is was a cool thing with few if any acknowledged side effects. The industry built a massive propaganda machine to promote use and discredit any study to the contrary. You had users like Doper Boy in this thread that carried the banner for the industry. Of course we all know someone that has died of lung cancer, heart disease or the other ailments now known to be caused by cigarettes. The evidence had to grow massive before smokers were confined and isolated from the general public. DB will get to push his O2 bottle in a few years. Probably crying about not being warned. I’ll bitch about paying his medical bills.
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——Not popular—-

Pot is incredibly hard to put down if it becomes a problem. I had my own issues with it and have some friends who have been 15 year smokers and can’t advance because they simply cannot put it down.

If you start smoking pot at a young age routinely it becomes extremely difficult to kick.

I understand medical benefits. I understand it might not be as bad as alcohol.

Coming from someone who actually enjoys it but wishes I didn’t, my kids will be taught to stay away from it.

If you need a mind altering substance to get through the day, whether that be alcohol, weed, pills, whatever, you have a problem.

It is not normal to need a substance. It is a learned habit that might actually be biological. It’s best to reject all substances and learn to live without any of it.

The most successful people I know in my life do not use alcohol or drugs of any kind.

Any teens on the board, just stay away from it. Long time smoker here.
You are describing an addict who is pre-disposed to addictive behavior. Those people will become addicted to chemicals regardless. It is very hard to prevent because they are wired that way.

Less than 7% of people who use pot ever meet the criteria to be classified as addicted. Even then there is no physical dependence, it's strictly psychological.

Many successful people have admitted to being pot users. Jobs, Gates, Musk, Winfrey, Ted Tuner, Richard Branson, Gary Johnson, sergey brin, Jay Z, Clarence Thomas, Clinton, Bush, Obama and many many more. That has far more to do with the person than the drug.

Many people have to take pills daily to live. Pills that have serious side effects and potential allergic reactions. Why shouldn't they have access to marijuana if it is a better option?

Any negative habit you pick up at a younger age is harder to kick. You csn say the same thing about people who bite their nails, play with their gum, don't wash their hands regularly and so forth.
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I’m reminded of the tobacco use progression through history. At first is was a cool thing with few if any acknowledged side effects. The industry built a massive propaganda machine to promote use and discredit any study to the contrary. You had users like Doper Boy in this thread that carried the banner for the industry. Of course we all know someone that has died of lung cancer, heart disease or the other ailments now known to be caused by cigarettes. The evidence had to grow massive before smokers were confined and isolated from the general public. DB will get to push his O2 bottle in a few years. Probably crying about not being warned. I’ll bitch about paying his medical bills.
Any moron knows inhaling toxic chemicals into your lungs can cause cancer. We have known that a few decades now. Again, you seem to not understand you don't have to smoke weed. You can cook into oils, wax, candy. You can make it into tea to drink. You can get it in disolvents. It's also in pill form. THC does not have to be smoked. It can also be vaped.

How is someone comsuming marijuana without smoking it raising their cancer risk?
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Any moron knows inhaling toxic chemicals into your lungs can cause cancer. We have known that a few decades now. Again, you seem to not understand you don't have to smoke weed. You can cook into oils, wax, candy. You can make it into tea to drink. You can get it in disolvents. It's also in pill form. THC does not have to be smoked. It can also be vaped.

How is someone comsuming marijuana without smoking it raising their cancer risk?

Such a devoted little Doper Boy. You do realize smokers of 30 to 40years ago sounded just like you and they waived the industry tracks in everyone’s face.

Cancer really hurts. Emphysema robs your breath. Parkinson’s eats your nerves slowly. A heart attack grips you chest like a vise. Wonder which one awaits you DB? Wonder how loud you will cry that you weren’t warned? Maybe all your industry propaganda will help ease the suffering. Wonder how much you will cost me with medical bills.

DB, I wouldn’t give you one shred of data. You deserve what is coming to you. Smoke up.
Such a devoted little Doper Boy. You do realize smokers of 30 to 40years ago sounded just like you and they waived the industry tracks in everyone’s face.

Cancer really hurts. Emphysema robs your breath. Parkinson’s eats your nerves slowly. A heart attack grips you chest like a vise. Wonder which one awaits you DB? Wonder how loud you will cry that you weren’t warned? Maybe all your industry propaganda will help ease the suffering. Wonder how much you will cost me with medical bills.

DB, I wouldn’t give you one shred of data. You deserve what is coming to you. Smoke up.
Smokers said they could cook the tobacco into foods, teas, candy, wax and so forth?

Smokers said it had extraordinary health benefits?

Smokers said lives had been saved from using it?

How does one get a higher risk from any of those by consuming marijuana via food, liquid, pill? You aren't making any sense at all. Marijuana actually aids cancer patients and is even believed to aid in the cure of certain types. You should really consider actually reaearching it and not letting Fox News think and speak for you.

How do you get that marijuana or smoking causes Parkison's? It's actually believed that smoking preserves dopamine in the brain because of nicotine. The lack or depletion of dopamine in the brain is what causes Parkinson's. "The good news for people with Parkinson's, says Boyd, is that pre-clinical studies have shown that nicotine could protect dopamine-producing neurons in the brain from dying."

Again, who is smoking? Do you know anything you are talking about? Have you ever smoked or consumed weed?
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Smokers said they could cook the tobacco into foods, teas, candy, wax and so forth?

Smokers said it had extraordinary health benefits?

Smokers said lives had been saved from using it?

How does one get a higher risk from any of those by consuming marijuana via food, liquid, pill? You aren't making any sense at all.

How do you get that marijuana or smoking causes Parkison's? It's actually believed that smoking preserves dopamine in the brain because of nicotine. The lack or depletion of dopamine in the brain is what causes Parkinson's. "The good news for people with Parkinson's, says Boyd, is that pre-clinical studies have shown that nicotine could protect dopamine-producing neurons in the brain from dying."

Again, who is smoking? Do you know anything you are talking about?

I think you need more. Double your consumption. Get some major high going there DB. Maybe you’ll convince the world to smoke
I think you need more. Double your consumption. Get some major high going there DB. Maybe you’ll convince the world to smoke
So do you always fallacy?

Who smokes? You only get 30% of THC from smoking. You get over 50% from eating and close to 90% THC from vaping it. Why would anyone want to do the method that produces the least THC? Shows what you know.

Have you ever consumed marijuana?

Do you tell women what it is like to give birth, too?
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So do you always fallacy?

Who smokes? You only get 30% of THC from smoking. You get over 50% from eating and close to 90% THC from vaping it. Why would anyone want to do the method that produces the least THC? Shows what you know.

Have you ever consumed marijuana?

Do you tell women what it is like to give birth, too?

Dude, stop typing. Smoke!! You will be Superman by end of the week. Just don’t drive. I don’t the roads are designed to the MJ superhero.

Do you have a costume? Maybe a DB on the front? Like a bong backpack? Papers on the utility belt along with little pill packs?
You are describing an addict who is pre-disposed to addictive behavior. Those people will become addicted to chemicals regardless. It is very hard to prevent because they are wired that way.

Less than 7% of people who use pot ever meet the criteria to be classified as addicted. Even then there is no physical dependence, it's strictly psychological.

Many successful people have admitted to being pot users. Jobs, Gates, Musk, Winfrey, Ted Tuner, Richard Branson, Gary Johnson, sergey brin, Jay Z, Clarence Thomas, Clinton, Bush, Obama and many many more. That has far more to do with the person than the drug.

Many people have to take pills daily to live. Pills that have serious side effects and potential allergic reactions. Why shouldn't they have access to marijuana if it is a better option?

Any negative habit you pick up at a younger age is harder to kick. You csn say the same thing about people who bite their nails, play with their gum, don't wash their hands regularly and so forth.

I’m in the middle of the debate. I’m aware that it has medical purposes. I’m also aware that some people use that as cover to push the industry and make it an accepted culture.

I don’t know all of the answers. But I’m well educated on the topic through education (I work in the field it pertains to) and personal experience.

My advice to younger kids and adults is to stay away from it. There have been some successful people who use bud, sure. But you won’t find many people who had to climb the mountain who also stayed high daily. Daily weed use is contradictory to daily success in the average sense. That’s all I’m saying. And many people who start to enjoy it regularly become every day smokers.

I know a few people who manage just fine while getting high daily but their families own business.

I’m not talking about those. If you’ve got the advantage of an easier life because of other people I get it. They don’t have to care.

If you’re someone who is going to earn every inch and wants success, keep all substances away.

I guess I’m just not a fan of pushing mind altering substances on the public and settling the debate when we really don’t know where it leads, and there’s evidence to support it leads in a negative direction.

Now that’s not to say it doesn’t have uses.

What I’m not a fan of is using bad behavior to justify bad behavior. “If alcohol is legal then why not” type of thought. That’s not acceptable.

I’m not gonna get into the mud on the topic because minds cannot be changed within this topic. But that’s just my personal experience and what I’ve seen working inside of the system itself. Just stay the f away from it all.
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Dude, stop typing. Smoke!! You will be Superman by end of the week. Just don’t drive. I don’t the roads are designed to the MJ superhero.

Do you have a costume? Maybe a DB on the front? Like a bong backpack? Papers on the utility belt along with little pill packs?
Do you always fallacy?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana.
Do you tell women what it's like to give birth?
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So do you always fallacy?

Who smokes? You only get 30% of THC from smoking. You get over 50% from eating and close to 90% THC from vaping it. Why would anyone want to do the method that produces the least THC? Shows what you know.

Have you ever consumed marijuana?

Do you tell women what it is like to give birth, too?

Dude It’s not just about the THC.

I’m a flower child, give me flower over edibles, oil, vape, dab, all day.

There’s a reason shops are filled with flower even when extracts have become so popular.

You don’t smoke do you? Weird we’re on opposite sides but that’s how it works I guess.
I’m in the middle of the debate. I’m aware that it has medical purposes. I’m also aware that some people use that as cover to push the industry and make it an accepted culture.

I don’t know all of the answers. But I’m well educated on the topic through education (I work in the field it pertains to) and personal experience.

My advice to younger kids and adults is to stay away from it. There have been some successful people who use bud, sure. But you won’t find many people who had to climb the mountain who also stayed high daily. Daily weed use is contradictory to daily success in the average sense. That’s all I’m saying. And many people who start to enjoy it regularly become every day smokers.

I know a few people who manage just fine while getting high daily but their families own business.

I’m not talking about those. If you’ve got the advantage of an easier life because of other people I get it. They don’t have to care.

If you’re someone who is going to earn every inch and wants success, keep all substances away.

I guess I’m just not a fan of pushing mind altering substances on the public and settling the debate when we really don’t know where it leads, and there’s evidence to support it leads in a negative direction.

Now that’s not to say it doesn’t have uses.

What I’m not a fan of is using bad behavior to justify bad behavior. “If alcohol is legal then why not” type of thought. That’s not acceptable.

I’m not gonna get into the mud on the topic because minds cannot be changed within this topic. But that’s just my personal experience and what I’ve seen working inside of the system itself. Just stay the f away from it all.
It's a pretty accepted culture. A majority in this country agree it should be legalized. 33 states and DC have laws legalizing it in some form with several more in the process. People just want it federally legalized instead of state by state.

I work in an industry that deal a great deal with it as well. There are far more benefits than risk.

Using marijuana recreationally and being dependend on it are two very different things. Very very few are ever dependent on marijuana and even then it is a psychological dependency, not physical. Those people are also addicts. They will become addicted to anything they derive pleasure from. We have gambling addicts, sex addicts, people addicted to eating, fitness and body inage, workaholics and so forth. Do we limit peoplea ability to do those things because some go excessive on it? Why should marijuana be different?

Look at this site for instance. I am not trying to bash or judge anyone, but you obviosuly post here quite excessively, as do several others. If I broke down those peoples or your own daily post avg, it could be argued many of them appear to have an addiction to this site. You've even admitted to having at least 1 other handle in the event you get a temp ban on this one. That again could support an addiction to this site. Should everyone else be limited in posting because of that?

Where do you think it is going to lead though? That is what I am not getting? What is the fear?
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Trump voting, fox news watching, pot smoking independent here to moderate this debate.

Factual evidence? LOL!!! You are so funny when you are stoned.

Listen, your mind is made up. You are right no matter how wrong you are. I can show you case study after case study. You would scoff at how few the numbers are. You are a drug lobbyist dream.

Don’t sweat it, own it. Smoke it. Get high. Rejoice. That is your goal.

By the way, all the things you said you want to legalize it for can be handled through controled substance laws. It doesn’t need legalization recreationally to accomplish a single one of those things. Further there are better pharmacological options which is why medicinal THC has never been widely supported in the medical community. Oh, wait, that goes against the talking points.

So let’s hear the next platitude. Let me guess. All the money the state could have from a the sin tax. Go on. I have heard them all.

I just have one question. How do we get the full cost of the drug trade transferred to the actual users? I want my damn money back.

Youre maybe one of, if not the most narcissistic assholes ive seen a long argument from.

Not only are you completely unwilling to have a well mannered, GROWN UP, debate.. but youre a huge hypocrite who either cant or wont add any substance. Youre also dead wrong on a lot of things. You call him a dope propaganda boy.. but you very much seem like a big pharma bro.

It doesn't piss me off at all. In fact, it does to the opposite. It enlightens me to know you are scared to admit you have no actual knowledge of what you are even talking about. It's like a man telling a women about the pains of childbirth. Quite laughable really. I keep asking because it is enjoyable watching you dodge.

Says every person who never actually has any supporting data. If you could, we both know you would. You couldn't resist.

That's because I don't get my news from Fox News talking points. The only thing that was laughable was that you further confirmed it by using one of their agenda pushing terminology.

Again you are showing you have no clue what you are talking about. There is essentially no difference in medical vs recreational marijuana legalization. For medical you just need an approved card to visit a dispensary. Anyone can get one by just a simple and quick medical evaluation. All you have to do is claim any symptom from an essentially infinite list and they will prescribe it for you. It generally has to be renewed annually. In many states it even allows you to grow certain amounts for yourself and others. The only thing medical legalization does is prevent lower prices through competition and limits potential revenues generation. Medical legalization will not work, just look at class 2 drugs and how easily they are acquired and abused. The best legalization method for marijuana is recreational. There is not a single reason not to other than the few morons who have no idea what they are talking about claiming it is going to ruin the world. We can point to multiple states and countries with legalization that show the opposite. Do you know of any that are showing a rise in addictions, crime, fatalities?

How are you paying for someones marijuana use? Care to explain?

You do realize legalizing weed would generate tax revenue to alleviate the expense we see by combating the epidemic surrounding heroin, meth and prescription drugs?

Youve made some good points and you get bonus points for dealing with an enormous douche bag without getting too hostile.

You lose points for acting like a typical libetal fox news basher. Fox news while having some negatives, i mean they are MSM so of course, is proven to be the most neutral station on the tele.

Dont belittle your debate skills by becoming the typical grungy portland antifa liberal idiot.

And to @sluggercatfan dont give up.. i drove my parents to the same lows you are going though. They didnt give up and ive beaten the beast. Mine started before it was mainstream, but im now years and yeads past it and have a family with 3 kids. Fo whatever you gotta do and dont give up.
Dude It’s not just about the THC.

I’m a flower child, give me flower over edibles, oil, vape, dab, all day.

There’s a reason shops are filled with flower even when extracts have become so popular.

You don’t smoke do you? Weird we’re on opposite sides but that’s how it works I guess.
I consume on occassion, rarely by smoke. You get far more THC from edibles and vaping.

Smoking it is their right. Do you think we should limit tobacco and clove smokers as well.

A lot of people don't like the smell of smoking it. That is all curbed with edibles and vapor.
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Trump voting, fox news watching, pot smoking independent here to moderate this debate.

Youre maybe one of, if not the most narcissistic assholes ive seen a long argument from.

Not only are you completely unwilling to have a well mannered, GROWN UP, debate.. but youre a huge hypocrite who either cant or wont add any substance. Youre also dead wrong on a lot of things. You call him a dope propaganda boy.. but you very much seem like a big pharma bro.

Youve made some good points and you get bonus points for dealing with an enormous douche bag without getting too hostile.

You lose points for acting like a typical libetal fox news basher. Fox news while having some negatives, i mean they are MSM so of course, is proven to be the most neutral station on the tele.

Dont belittle your debate skills by becoming the typical grungy portland antifa liberal idiot.

And to @sluggercatfan dont give up.. i drove my parents to the same lows you are going though. They didnt give up and ive beaten the beast. Mine started before it was mainstream, but im now years and yeads past it and have a family with 3 kids. Fo whatever you gotta do and dont give up.
I appreciate the rest of your points, but can you please provide some prood of Fox News being the most neutral site on tv? Shep Smith and Chris Wallace are pretty neutral, aside from that they are all pushing a conservative agenda.
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Trump voting, fox news watching, pot smoking independent here to moderate this debate.

Youre maybe one of, if not the most narcissistic assholes ive seen a long argument from.

Not only are you completely unwilling to have a well mannered, GROWN UP, debate.. but youre a huge hypocrite who either cant or wont add any substance. Youre also dead wrong on a lot of things. You call him a dope propaganda boy.. but you very much seem like a big pharma bro.

Youve made some good points and you get bonus points for dealing with an enormous douche bag without getting too hostile.

You lose points for acting like a typical libetal fox news basher. Fox news while having some negatives, i mean they are MSM so of course, is proven to be the most neutral station on the tele.

Dont belittle your debate skills by becoming the typical grungy portland antifa liberal idiot.

And to @sluggercatfan dont give up.. i drove my parents to the same lows you are going though. They didnt give up and ive beaten the beast. Mine started before it was mainstream, but im now years and yeads past it and have a family with 3 kids. Fo whatever you gotta do and dont give up.

Adult debate with a stoned out of his mind dope head? That’s funny.
Adult debate with a stoned out of his mind dope head? That’s funny.
We already know to you "dope head" means well educated and able to provide factual data you can't refute.

Have you even noticed no one here agress with you? Not a single one so far. Yet, somehow in your mind you conclude you are the the only correct one.

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell women what it is like to be pregnant or give birth?
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I appreciate the rest of your points, but can you please provide some prood of Fox News being the most neutral site on tv? Shep Smith and Chris Wallace are pretty neutral, aside from that they are all pushing a conservative agenda.

52% negative
48% positive

First 100 days of trump presidency compared to all the others being 90% negative. The other main stream news outlets are pure unadulterated liberal propaganda.

Thats literally all anyone needs to look at. Yes, their "talk show hosts" lean right but At least the network ovetall tries to give both sides. At least they will employ lefties and righties.
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52% negative
48% positive

First 100 days of trump presidency compared to all the others being 90% negative. The other main stream news outlets are pure unadulterated liberal propaganda.

Thats literally all anyone needs to look at. Yes, their "talk show hosts" lean right but At least the network ovetall tries to give both sides. At least they will employ lefties and righties.
All the mainstream news agencies an America suck and have for a while.

Where are you getting these numbers? Is there an article or something.

Last week Fox news was airing a doctored video of the Pelosi and passing it off as authentic. Even after proven as altered. I don't like Pelosi much, but nothing about that is unbiased. The 2 I named are more unbiased, I have seen nothing from the rest to suggest it. Hannity, Shapiro, Carlson, Ingrahm, Fox and Friends, The 5 are the highest viewed shows on their network and are all incredibly biased and talk shows.

CNN and MSNBC employee people both sides and put them on panels; however, just like FOX and liberal commentary, they cut them off, limit their time and sound bite their segments. They are all unbiased. I would need to see in unbiased support that Fox ranks higher in being unbiased. I would say they are honestly all about the same. I don't get my national news from any of them. Sadly you have to look at news outlets or publications outside of the country to get the most unbiased and accurate news about the country.
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I consume on occassion, rarely by smoke. You get far more THC from edibles and vaping.

Smoking it is their right. Do you think we should limit tobacco and clove smokers as well.

A lot of people don't like the smell of smoking it. That is all curbed with edibles and vapor.

Don’t like the smell of bud? That’s the best part lol.

But yea the convenience of vapor plus the smell (mainly good for evading law enforcement) makes it popular. But flower is still the choice of many and personally I wouldn’t even care about it at all without the flower.

As far as the law as it pertains to cigs, it’s irrelevant to me honestly. “But you can freely get cancer though” is not an argument.

I’m mixed on the topic. I don’t believe anyone has the defining answer at this point. What I do know is all substances need to be left behind and everyone is capable of living without any of it. Just because I’ve had issues with abuse doesn’t mean I condone it.

That’s just my viewpoint and I’m well aware that changing minds on the issue is nearly impossible.
We already know to you "dope head" means well educated and able to provide factual data you can't refute.

Have you even noticed no one here agress with you? Not a single one so far. Yet, somehow in your mind you conclude you are the the only correct one.

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell women what it is like to be pregnant or give birth?

No man, your superior dope fueled intellect convinced me. I bow to your drug induced genius and the vast wealth of drug industry data. You should smoke and eat more! You might live forever.

Just don’t drive. The roads can’t handle your lightning quick drug enhanced reflexes. I heard lays is dedicating a potato chip factory just to you
Don’t like the smell of bud? That’s the best part lol.

But yea the convenience of vapor plus the smell (mainly good for evading law enforcement) makes it popular. But flower is still the choice of many and personally I wouldn’t even care about it at all without the flower.

As far as the law as it pertains to cigs, it’s irrelevant to me honestly. “But you can freely get cancer though” is not an argument.

I’m mixed on the topic. I don’t believe anyone has the defining answer at this point. What I do know is all substances need to be left behind and everyone is capable of living without any of it. Just because I’ve had issues with abuse doesn’t mean I condone it.

That’s just my viewpoint and I’m well aware that changing minds on the issue is nearly impossible.
The smell I use to like, but as I got older and bought a home I got tired of it being skunky smelling. Also, having to keep a bowl or papers around was a headache. That is the really harmful part of smoking. If you hit a water pipe or bong, you are filtering a decent amount of toxins. Particularly the ones with all the cylinders and percolators they put on them today. Bongs nowadays look like hamster houses with water. It's crazy. Plus I enjoy maximizing my THC content via edibles and vape, not to mention healthier and less detectable as you said.

Yea, but people can essentially get cancer from anything these days. And marijuana posses easy alternatives to smoking for those who prefer that. It also has shown to potentially cure or at least aid in curing types cancer as well as possibly helping lower the risk of getting certain types such as brain cancer.

But sadly, some people really aren't. I posted some videos a page or 2 back of some kids with seizures that would literally die without it. No medicine was working and the parents were suggested marijuana. It stopped the seizures within seconds and greatly reduced the number they were having daily. To a point they were able to funtion normally. These kids were having to take 1000's of pills a year that caused other side effects and still weren't working. One drop of THC under their tongue was all it took to stop. They also alleviate symptoms of parkinsons and ms, anxiety, cancer treatment, ptsd and countless others.

I am not saying a negative effect may not arise, but currently the postives far outweigh any negative.
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No man, your superior dope fueled intellect convinced me. I bow to your drug induced genius and the vast wealth of drug industry data. You should smoke and eat more! You might live forever.

Just don’t drive. The roads can’t handle your lightning quick drug enhanced reflexes. I heard lays is dedicating a potato chip factory just to you
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?
Last edited:
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Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Yup, you are a stoner. Always enjoyed messing with pot heads. Funniest part is the think they are making perfect sense.

Smoke up DB. Get that that supa-buzz going. Give us more of that dope head propaganda.

What’s your obsession with pregnant women? That s good comparison to doping? Or is that some dope fogged logic?
Yup, you are a stoner. Always enjoyed messing with pot heads. Funniest part is the think they are making perfect sense.

Smoke up DB. Get that that supa-buzz going. Give us more of that dope head propaganda.

What’s your obsession with pregnant women? That s good comparison to doping? Or is that some dope fogged logic?
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?
  • Like
Reactions: BlueCatNation
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

I’m sure you are a mindless stoner. What other sort of moron would drag pregnant women into a spewing of drug propaganda like you have being doing. Kinda perverse. You think about pregnant women a lot when you puffin that J?
I’m sure you are a mindless stoner. What other sort of moron would drag pregnant women into a spewing of drug propaganda like you have being doing. Kinda perverse. You think about pregnant women a lot when you puffin that J?
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?
  • Like
Reactions: BlueCatNation
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

You got a good high going. Repeating yourself 3 or four times now. Don’t think you can manage it again. Bet that old bong is burning big time. You got some preggo gal on Skype, talkin about laid back you are. That MJ makin you see the light. How the dope dealers been savin the world all this time.

Can he repeat himself again?
You got a good high going. Repeating yourself 3 or four times now. Don’t think you can manage it again. Bet that old bong is burning big time. You got some preggo gal on Skype, talkin about laid back you are. That MJ makin you see the light. How the dope dealers been savin the world all this time.

Can he repeat himself again?
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?
  • Like
Reactions: BlueCatNation
Do you always use fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

He did! Go Dope Boy! Such superior cut and paste skills. Repeat yourself one more time ignorant stoner.