SEC lifts alcohol ban

Son is a heroin addict and started with pot...also know SEVERAL folks who must have pot every day to function , so you folks that believe that line of BS about are full of shit!!

So because SOME people get addicted to harsher drugs and SOME people can’t handle their weed means it’s bad all around?

That’s a silly way to think and completely misguided.
Your posts show your voting commitments. You are firmly in the drug voting block. No one here doubts that. The jails are filled with your success. Rejoice. Have another hit.
The drug voting block? Wtf, lol.

I want to legalize pot to aid in people getting off drugs and to aid cancer patients, seizure sufferers, Parkinson's patients, MS sufferers, anxiety, PTSD, arthritis, IBS, Crohns. All of these and even more have proven medical benefits from THC.

It's legalization has made state and local governments over a billions dollars to be put into education, law enforcement and other underfunded programs. It's created thousands of jobs and caused crime rates to lower to historic lows in legalized states. Less money iand resources are being wasted pursuing pot users and dealers and instead is being focused on meth, heroin, crack and fentanyl dealers that are actually causing an epidemic. An epidemic that happens to be proven to be lowering thanks to THC and its extracts. Particularly in the detoxification and withdraw process.

You have no clue what you are talking about and refuse to provide any evidence to support yourself because you can't. When you try you keep finding everythin supports me. Learn to research
You might learn to think for yourself.
The drug voting block? Wtf, lol.

I want to legalize pot to aid in people getting off drugs and to aid cancer patients, seizure sufferers, Parkinson's patients, MS sufferers, anxiety, PTSD, arthritis, IBS, Crohns. All of these and even more have proven medical benefits from THC.

It's legalization has made state and local governments over a billions dollars to be put into education, law enforcement and other underfunded programs. It's created thousands of jobs and caused crime rates to lower to historic lows in legalized states. Less money iand resources are being wasted pursuing pot users and dealers and instead is being focused on meth, heroin, crack and fentanyl dealers that are actually causing an epidemic. An epidemic that happens to be proven to be lowering thanks to THC and its extracts.

You have no clue what you are talking about and refuse to provide any evidence to support yourself because you can't. When you try you keep finding everythin supports me. Learn to research
You might learn to think for yourself.

/thread, again
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We have people from some of poorest and worst educated parts of the state and the entire country making laws for the entire state. We will be one of the last states to legalize marijuana and gambling because they're the one with the answers. Some people are so weak that they rely on the government to step up and save themselves from themselves.
We have people from some of poorest and worst educated parts of the state and the entire country making laws for the entire state. We will be one of the last states to legalize marijuana and gambling because they're the one with the answers. Some people are so weak that they rely on the government to step up and save themselves from themselves.

Weed is amazing with a slew of benefits and should have been made legal years ago.

MJ can be a HUGE catalyst for people coming off harsh opiates. HUGE. Or for recovering alcoholics. Huge catalyst for those with benzodiazepine addictions. HUGE

That being said Bullit County in Kentucky is quite close to approving medical MJ.
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Individual counties can approve it in KY?

“Here in Bullitt County, and in my administration, we are very supportive of medical marijuana,” said Bullitt County Judge Executive Melanie Roberts.

Following Judge Roberts lead Bullitt County is drafting a resolution supporting medicinal marijuana.

“Why wouldn’t a person such as myself be in favor of helping people who are suffering with such horrible diseases or illnesses,” said Judge Roberrs.
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“Here in Bullitt County, and in my administration, we are very supportive of medical marijuana,” said Bullitt County Judge Executive Melanie Roberts.

Following Judge Roberts lead Bullitt County is drafting a resolution supporting medicinal marijuana.

“Why wouldn’t a person such as myself be in favor of helping people who are suffering with such horrible diseases or illnesses,” said Judge Roberrs.
Hmm, I thought it had to be approved by the state. I wonder why Jefferson and Fayette haven't drafted or passed similar by now.

Once some bordering states start legalizing it and lawmakers realize they are missing out on more potential money in their pockets with raises generated by increased tax revenue, it will be legalized. 10 - 12 yrs tops I think. That's if federal law doesn't beat them to it.
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The drug voting block? Wtf, lol.

I want to legalize pot to aid in people getting off drugs and to aid cancer patients, seizure sufferers, Parkinson's patients, MS sufferers, anxiety, PTSD, arthritis, IBS, Crohns. All of these and even more have proven medical benefits from THC.

It's legalization has made state and local governments over a billions dollars to be put into education, law enforcement and other underfunded programs. It's created thousands of jobs and caused crime rates to lower to historic lows in legalized states. Less money iand resources are being wasted pursuing pot users and dealers and instead is being focused on meth, heroin, crack and fentanyl dealers that are actually causing an epidemic. An epidemic that happens to be proven to be lowering thanks to THC and its extracts. Particularly in the detoxification and withdraw process.

You have no clue what you are talking about and refuse to provide any evidence to support yourself because you can't. When you try you keep finding everythin supports me. Learn to research
You might learn to think for yourself.

You should get a job in the illicit drug lobby. You have the rhetoric down perfectly.
Thank you! It comes from knowing, understanding and accepting the factual evidence. All the things you are void of. [winking]

Factual evidence? LOL!!! You are so funny when you are stoned.

Listen, your mind is made up. You are right no matter how wrong you are. I can show you case study after case study. You would scoff at how few the numbers are. You are a drug lobbyist dream.

Don’t sweat it, own it. Smoke it. Get high. Rejoice. That is your goal.

By the way, all the things you said you want to legalize it for can be handled through controled substance laws. It doesn’t need legalization recreationally to accomplish a single one of those things. Further there are better pharmacological options which is why medicinal THC has never been widely supported in the medical community. Oh, wait, that goes against the talking points.

So let’s hear the next platitude. Let me guess. All the money the state could have from a the sin tax. Go on. I have heard them all.

I just have one question. How do we get the full cost of the drug trade transferred to the actual users? I want my damn money back.
I kinda hope USCjr stays dry. I go every time the Cat's come to town and those people are barely tolerable when they're sober, It'll be a different place when filled with drunken Gamecocks.

I went to South Carolina for two years everyone’s hammered for football games regardless
In general I tend to favor more freedom, fewer restrictions. Let adults have an adult beverage, and let the sports venue earn some extra dollars. But I’m going to agree with you here.

One of the wonderful things about visiting Rupp for a game is that 99.9% of the folks in there are friendly, gracious and well behaved. Would be a shame to deminish that by adding in some drunken loudmouths acting all foolish.

Lmao. I favor freedom but actually I don’t favor freedom for adults to consume a legal product for their enjoyment
Half the worlds economy is made through illicit means. 100% of that money is not taxed. Criminals receive 100% of the profit. Legalize and regulate it.
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Factual evidence? LOL!!! You are so funny when you are stoned.

Listen, your mind is made up. You are right no matter how wrong you are. I can show you case study after case study. You would scoff at how few the numbers are. You are a drug lobbyist dream.

Don’t sweat it, own it. Smoke it. Get high. Rejoice. That is your goal.

By the way, all the things you said you want to legalize it for can be handled through controled substance laws. It doesn’t need legalization recreationally to accomplish a single one of those things. Further there are better pharmacological options which is why medicinal THC has never been widely supported in the medical community. Oh, wait, that goes against the talking points.

So let’s hear the next platitude. Let me guess. All the money the state could have from a the sin tax. Go on. I have heard them all.

I just have one question. How do we get the full cost of the drug trade transferred to the actual users? I want my damn money back.
So show us. I have asked multiple times for these or proof of your argument. You're too busy going all ad hominem attacks and strawman fallacies. Let's see your proof.

If you're worried about the numbers proving that low, that should tell you it's not factual that marijuana causes someone to seek out harder drugs. People on drugs are getting addicted by use of pain pills and opioids, not marijuana. Again, please show your proof to the contrary.

The problem is they can't and it shouldn't have to be. Legalization will drive down the cost making it affordable for those who lack access to healthcare. You don't need a perscription for advil, tylenol, aspirin and so forth, why should marijuana be different. Alcohol isn't perscription based only, why should marijuana be? Drinking has more negative impacts on the body, is addicitive and causes more psychological effects than marijuana. Why should marijuana be regulated to a higher degree?

There aren't though. Marijuana has proven to alleviate seizure symtoms that other medicines are failing. Same with parkisons patients, MS, cancer patients, PTSD, Anxiety, crohns, IBS, and countless others. It also has far less side effects and long term damage than perscription meds. There is also no risk of overdosing or allerigic reactions that exist with perscription meds. You have zero clue what you are talking about. Tons of docotors are supportive of legalization and promoting marijuana use. Why are you so against a better quality of life for chronic and terminal sufferers that marijuana has proven to benefit?

Lol, "sin tax"? :joy::joy::joy: So it's a religious issue now. Where in the bible does it saw not to smoke marijuana? Lol. It's a plant, wouldn't god have put it here in the first place? :popcorn:

Lol, how are you paying for people's marijuana or "drug trade" as you call it?

The only people that don't want pot legalized are the pharmaceutical companies because they will lose billions; the law makers who are backed by the pharma lobbies; and Fox News who is also funded in large part by the same big pharma to promote their talking points and propoganda. People like you who are void of any fact, evidence or ability to think for yourselves fall for it time and again.

Have you ever smoked marijuana?
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So show us. I have asked multiple times for these or proof of your argument. You're too busy going all ad hominem attacks and strawman fallacies. Let's see your proof.

If you're worried about the numbers proving that low, that should tell you it's not factual that marijuana causes someone to seek out harder drugs. People on drugs are getting addicted by use of pain pills and opioids, not marijuana. Again, please show your proof to the contrary.

The problem is they can't and it shouldn't have to be. Legalization will drive down the cost making it affordable for those who lack access to healthcare. You don't need a perscription for advil, tylenol, aspirin and so forth, why should marijuana be different. Alcohol isn't perscription based only, why should marijuana be? Drinking has more negative impacts on the body, is addicitive and causes more psychological effects than marijuana. Why should marijuana be regulated to a higher degree?

There aren't though. Marijuana has proven to alleviate seizure symtoms that other medicines are failing. Same with parkisons patients, MS, cancer patients, PTSD, Anxiety, crohns, IBS, and countless others. It also has far less side effects and long term damage than perscription meds. There is also no risk of overdosing or allerigic reactions that exist with perscription meds. You have zero clue what you are talking about. Tons of docotors are supportive of legalization and promoting marijuana use. Why are you so against a better quality of life for chronic and terminal sufferers that marijuana has proven to benefit?

Lol, "sin tax"? :joy::joy::joy: So it's a religious issue now. Where in the bible does it saw not to smoke marijuana? Lol. It's a plant, wouldn't god have put it here in the first place? :popcorn:

Lol, how are you paying for people's marijuana or "drug trade" as you call it?

The only people that don't want pot legalized are the pharmaceutical companies because they will lose billions; the law makers who are backed by the pharma lobbies; and Fox News who is also funded in large part by the same big pharma to promote their talking points and propoganda. People like you who are void of any fact, evidence or ability to think for yourselves fall for it time and again.

Have you ever smoked marijuana?

Name one mainstream doctor that supports recreational use of THC via inhalation for medical benefit. Just a single one. You can’t. It is not listed as a gold standard of care in any widely accepted treatment guide that I am aware of save maybe nausea in cancer patients. And there are better pharmacological options.

You just showed your profound ignorance though I knew it already. A Sin Tax is the very common name for taxes on products like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. it has nothing to do with religion. This is a very very simplistic term that is pedestrian in politics. It is amazing you didn’t know such elementary terminology. You are ignorant and full of nothing but propaganda. Shocking you didn’t know this.

I have no more time for discussion with someone that has such a pathetic command of the subject. Distribute you pot leaflets to someone else.
So show us. I have asked multiple times for these or proof of your argument. You're too busy going all ad hominem attacks and strawman fallacies. Let's see your proof.

If you're worried about the numbers proving that low, that should tell you it's not factual that marijuana causes someone to seek out harder drugs. People on drugs are getting addicted by use of pain pills and opioids, not marijuana. Again, please show your proof to the contrary.

The problem is they can't and it shouldn't have to be. Legalization will drive down the cost making it affordable for those who lack access to healthcare. You don't need a perscription for advil, tylenol, aspirin and so forth, why should marijuana be different. Alcohol isn't perscription based only, why should marijuana be? Drinking has more negative impacts on the body, is addicitive and causes more psychological effects than marijuana. Why should marijuana be regulated to a higher degree?

There aren't though. Marijuana has proven to alleviate seizure symtoms that other medicines are failing. Same with parkisons patients, MS, cancer patients, PTSD, Anxiety, crohns, IBS, and countless others. It also has far less side effects and long term damage than perscription meds. There is also no risk of overdosing or allerigic reactions that exist with perscription meds. You have zero clue what you are talking about. Tons of docotors are supportive of legalization and promoting marijuana use. Why are you so against a better quality of life for chronic and terminal sufferers that marijuana has proven to benefit?

Lol, "sin tax"? :joy::joy::joy: So it's a religious issue now. Where in the bible does it saw not to smoke marijuana? Lol. It's a plant, wouldn't god have put it here in the first place? :popcorn:

Lol, how are you paying for people's marijuana or "drug trade" as you call it?

The only people that don't want pot legalized are the pharmaceutical companies because they will lose billions; the law makers who are backed by the pharma lobbies; and Fox News who is also funded in large part by the same big pharma to promote their talking points and propoganda. People like you who are void of any fact, evidence or ability to think for yourselves fall for it time and again.

Have you ever smoked marijuana?

I love pot and it probably should be decriminalized but stop blaming Fox News for everything you sound like an idiot
I love pot and it probably should be decriminalized but stop blaming Fox News for everything you sound like an idiot

He doesn’t have much choice. He reached the end of his talking points bulletin. What’s laughable is he doesn’t know the best reasons for legalizing it. The ones that actually got it passed in some states.
Name one mainstream doctor that supports recreational use of THC via inhalation for medical benefit. Just a single one. You can’t. It is not listed as a gold standard of care in any widely accepted treatment guide that I am aware of save maybe nausea in cancer patients. And there are better pharmacological options.

You just showed your profound ignorance though I knew it already. A Sin Tax is the very common name for taxes on products like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. it has nothing to do with religion. This is a very very simplistic term that is pedestrian in politics. It is amazing you didn’t know such elementary terminology. You are ignorant and full of nothing but propaganda. Shocking you didn’t know this.

I have no more time for discussion with someone that has such a pathetic command of the subject. Distribute you pot leaflets to


There are several doctors in these videos in support as well as patients of various diseases discussing how pot has aided them more than any other drug.

You do know you don't have to smoke or inhale marijuana, right? It was be eaten, drinken and even produced in pill form. It can also be made into a wax to absorbed on the tongue.

A majority of physicians are in favor of legalizing marijuana nationwide, according to a newly published review and an even bigger supermajority back allowing medical cannabis.

The results of a poll, which was conducted by Medscape Medical Review, also show strong support for marijuana reforms from other medical professionals like nurses, pharmacists and psychologists, as well as those working in health business and administration.

Here’s how the healthcare professionals responded to the question, “Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized Nationally?”
Physicians: 53% support

Health Business/Administration: 72% support

Nurses: 57% support

Pharmacists: 54% support

Psychologists: 61% support

And when asked, “Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized Nationally?” they replied as follows:
Physicians: 67% support

Health Business/Administration: 88% support

Nurses: 82% support

Pharmacists: 71% support

Psychologists: 82% support

In no category did less than a majority of medical professionals support legalizing recreational or medical marijuana.

The study, which MedScape launched in May and published on Wednesday, also asked respondents in states with legal medical cannabis whether they recommend it to patients.

Fifty-nine percent of physicians said they have recommended medical marijuana, while 59 percent of nurses and 52 percent of pharmacists said the same.

The study, which included responses from 417 physicians, 1,054 nurses, 171 people in health business or administration, 79 pharmacists and 79 psychologists, found that minorities of each category personally engage in cannabis consumption.

You used sin tax because you picked it up as a political talking point from Fox News.

So where are your sources and journals were claimed to have earlier. So far you have just provided an opinion based on conservative talking points and facebook memes. Still waiting on you evidence supporting your claims.
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He doesn’t have much choice. He reached the end of his talking points bulletin. What’s laughable is he doesn’t know the best reasons for legalizing it. The ones that actually got it passed in some states.
What are the best reasons then? Enlighten us.

Have you ever smoked marijuana? Why do you keep dodging the question?

Are you ever going to provide any of your supporting data for why it should stay illegal? You seem sure there is an abundance of it. Why can't you provide any?
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“Here in Bullitt County, and in my administration, we are very supportive of medical marijuana,” said Bullitt County Judge Executive Melanie Roberts.

Following Judge Roberts lead Bullitt County is drafting a resolution supporting medicinal marijuana.

“Why wouldn’t a person such as myself be in favor of helping people who are suffering with such horrible diseases or illnesses,” said Judge Roberrs.
Supporting and being able to legalize are two very different things. If state law prohibits it, counties cant override it.
Name one mainstream doctor that supports recreational use of THC via inhalation for medical benefit. Just a single one. You can’t. It is not listed as a gold standard of care in any widely accepted treatment guide that I am aware of save maybe nausea in cancer patients. And there are better pharmacological options.

You just showed your profound ignorance though I knew it already. A Sin Tax is the very common name for taxes on products like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. it has nothing to do with religion. This is a very very simplistic term that is pedestrian in politics. It is amazing you didn’t know such elementary terminology. You are ignorant and full of nothing but propaganda. Shocking you didn’t know this.

I have no more time for discussion with someone that has such a pathetic command of the subject. Distribute you pot leaflets to someone else.

I don't have a dog in this fight but you're such an arrogant jerk I'll help the other side.

I don't have a dog in this fight but you're such an arrogant jerk I'll help the other side.
You're wasting your time. Dude has no clue what he is talking about and has zero experience with the matter. He keeps saying he could cite sourced material but won't because we are too dumb to understand why the numbers won't actually support what he wants us to believe but it's true anyway according to him. He thinks that because a tiny fraction of marijuana users go on to use hardcore drugs that marijuna is responsible. He fails to understand those same users report using tobacco, alcohol and pills prior to using crack, meth, heroin and so forth. Yet I don't see him promoting banning those substances as gateway drugs.
What are the best reasons then? Enlighten us.

Have you ever smoked marijuana? Why do you keep dodging the question?

Are you ever going to provide any of your supporting data for why it should stay illegal? You seem sure there is an abundance of it. Why can't you provide any?

I’m not dodging your question. I’m just not answering because it pisses you off. Just gonna have to cry and moan because I think it’s funny.

I told you why I haven’t provided data. You lack the mental acuity or the training to understand it. You have devoted yourself to the drug trade propaganda. Additionally, you have demonstrated you ignorance by not knowing a tax on products with an inelastic demand in called a sin tax. That last was laughable.

I get it. Your are a doper who wants to buy in a store front without worrying about the narcs. You are riding logic for medicinal use hoping recreational use rides it’s coattails. There isn’t a single person in this thread that doesn’t see what motivates you. Dude, go smoke your stuff.

You never mentioned how we get the costs of drug use transferred to the users. I want my damn money back. You, as a user, pay the total cost for drug use. After that I don’t give a damn what you do to yourself. I’d think it was funny. It’s kinda like drunk drivers. If they only killed themselves, who would care? Smoke up dude, just stay off the damn roads.
The drug voting block? Wtf, lol.

I want to legalize pot to aid in people getting off drugs and to aid cancer patients, seizure sufferers, Parkinson's patients, MS sufferers, anxiety, PTSD, arthritis, IBS, Crohns. All of these and even more have proven medical benefits from THC.

It's legalization has made state and local governments over a billions dollars to be put into education, law enforcement and other underfunded programs. It's created thousands of jobs and caused crime rates to lower to historic lows in legalized states. Less money iand resources are being wasted pursuing pot users and dealers and instead is being focused on meth, heroin, crack and fentanyl dealers that are actually causing an epidemic. An epidemic that happens to be proven to be lowering thanks to THC and its extracts. Particularly in the detoxification and withdraw process.

You have no clue what you are talking about and refuse to provide any evidence to support yourself because you can't. When you try you keep finding everythin supports me. Learn to research
You might learn to think for yourself.

Better for it to be decriminalized then. Legalization allows it to be monopolized by big tobacco.
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I’m not dodging your question. I’m just not answering because it pisses you off. Just gonna have to cry and moan because I think it’s funny.

I told you why I haven’t provided data. You lack the mental acuity or the training to understand it. You have devoted yourself to the drug trade propaganda. Additionally, you have demonstrated you ignorance by not knowing a tax on products with an inelastic demand in called a sin tax. That last was laughable.

I get it. Your are a doper who wants to buy in a store front without worrying about the narcs. You are riding logic for medicinal use hoping recreational use rides it’s coattails. There isn’t a single person in this thread that doesn’t see what motivates you. Dude, go smoke your stuff.

You never mentioned how we get the costs of drug use transferred to the users. I want my damn money back. You, as a user, pay the total cost for drug use. After that I don’t give a damn what you do to yourself. I’d think it was funny. It’s kinda like drunk drivers. If they only killed themselves, who would care? Smoke up dude, just stay off the damn roads.
Bwahahahaha, right on que. What an arrogant buffoon.
I’m not dodging your question. I’m just not answering because it pisses you off. Just gonna have to cry and moan because I think it’s funny.

I told you why I haven’t provided data. You lack the mental acuity or the training to understand it. You have devoted yourself to the drug trade propaganda. Additionally, you have demonstrated you ignorance by not knowing a tax on products with an inelastic demand in called a sin tax. That last was laughable.

I get it. Your are a doper who wants to buy in a store front without worrying about the narcs. You are riding logic for medicinal use hoping recreational use rides it’s coattails. There isn’t a single person in this thread that doesn’t see what motivates you. Dude, go smoke your stuff.

You never mentioned how we get the costs of drug use transferred to the users. I want my damn money back. You, as a user, pay the total cost for drug use. After that I don’t give a damn what you do to yourself. I’d think it was funny. It’s kinda like drunk drivers. If they only killed themselves, who would care? Smoke up dude, just stay off the damn roads.
It doesn't piss me off at all. In fact, it does to the opposite. It enlightens me to know you are scared to admit you have no actual knowledge of what you are even talking about. It's like a man telling a women about the pains of childbirth. Quite laughable really. I keep asking because it is enjoyable watching you dodge.

Says every person who never actually has any supporting data. If you could, we both know you would. You couldn't resist.

That's because I don't get my news from Fox News talking points. The only thing that was laughable was that you further confirmed it by using one of their agenda pushing terminology.

Again you are showing you have no clue what you are talking about. There is essentially no difference in medical vs recreational marijuana legalization. For medical you just need an approved card to visit a dispensary. Anyone can get one by just a simple and quick medical evaluation. All you have to do is claim any symptom from an essentially infinite list and they will prescribe it for you. It generally has to be renewed annually. In many states it even allows you to grow certain amounts for yourself and others. The only thing medical legalization does is prevent lower prices through competition and limits potential revenues generation. Medical legalization will not work, just look at class 2 drugs and how easily they are acquired and abused. The best legalization method for marijuana is recreational. There is not a single reason not to other than the few morons who have no idea what they are talking about claiming it is going to ruin the world. We can point to multiple states and countries with legalization that show the opposite. Do you know of any that are showing a rise in addictions, crime, fatalities?

How are you paying for someones marijuana use? Care to explain?

You do realize legalizing weed would generate tax revenue to alleviate the expense we see by combating the epidemic surrounding heroin, meth and prescription drugs?
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I love the people who claim everyone else is just too stupid to understand their supporting data, so they just can't bother to show it. Yet we aren't too stupid for him to keep arguing with the replying to.
This is par for the course for him. His biggest fanboi is himself.

He has ne on ignore because I don't tolerate his crap.
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I keep forgetting it's the first of the month and all the crazies have gotten their checks to pay for some internet time on their cell phones. They are like Locust this time of the month.

You had some cell time after buying this weeks weed. You must have a Taco Bell managers slot.

By the way, that billion they made from weed sales, they paid many times that in law and justice costs for drug related criminal issues. Oops. I drifted off the talking points again.

By the way, did it make you feel like a big man insulting that poster about his son? Were you stoned or straight when you did that?

When do I get my tax money back?
It doesn't piss me off at all. In fact, it does to the opposite. It enlightens me to know you are scared to admit you have no actual knowledge of what you are even talking about. It's like a man telling a women about the pains of childbirth. Quite laughable really. I keep asking because it is enjoyable watching you dodge.

Says every person who never actually has any supporting data. If you could, we both know you would. You couldn't resist.

That's because I don't get my news from Fox News talking points. The only thing that was laughable was that you further confirmed it by using one of their agenda pushing terminology.

Again you are showing you have no clue what you are talking about. There is essentially no difference in medical vs recreational marijuana legalization. For medical you just need an approved card to visit a dispensary. Anyone can get one by just a simple and quick medical evaluation. All you have to do is claim any symptom from an essentially infinite list and they will prescribe it for you. It generally has to be renewed annually. In many states it even allows you to grow certain amounts for yourself and others. The only thing medical legalization does is prevent lower prices through competition and limits potential revenues generation. Medical legalization will not work, just look at class 2 drugs and how easily they are acquired and abused. The best legalization method for marijuana is recreational. There is not a single reason not to other than the few morons who have no idea what they are talking about claiming it is going to ruin the world. We can point to multiple states and countries with legalization that show the opposite. Do you know of any that are showing a rise in addictions, crime, fatalities?

How are you paying for someones marijuana use? Care to explain?

You do realize legalizing weed would generate tax revenue to alleviate the expense we see by combating the epidemic surrounding heroin, meth and prescription drugs?

Fox News? I don’t watch them. Don’t watch the Communist News Network either.

Thanks for confirming you are hiding behind medicinal arguments.

Give those stats time in the pot head states. Legit statistics will lag 4 to 6 years. Anecdotally I’ve heard the the judicial folks report the only drop is possession and peddling because the charges are no longer valid for the heads. Ancillary crime, DUI, wreckless etc involving MJ is ramping. What hasn’t been seen is any dramatic drop in health care costs due to the miracle drug THC. Expect a few more years before the lung cancer toll is quantified.
You had some cell time after buying this weeks weed. You must have a Taco Bell managers slot.

By the way, that billion they made from weed sales, they paid many times that in law and justice costs for drug related criminal issues. Oops. I drifted off the talking points again.

By the way, did it make you feel like a big man insulting that poster about his son? Were you stoned or straight when you did that?

When do I get my tax money back?
Empty minded lies.