SEC lifts alcohol ban

It was done by some private college... think it was called haaaavaahhd or something like that...

Cnn, msnbc, nbc, etc etc all use doctored videos all the time.. trump feeding koi fish with the japanese pm, trump not holding the door for the obamas... hell, cnn was even caught staging their "news"

They were also outed in the wikileaks as colluding with the Democrats and feeding debate questions, writing biased articles and squashing damaging information.

You can argue all you want.. but the proof is literally proven by 48%positive/52% negative vs 7/93
Jon Stewart reported on his November 11, 2009, broadcast of The Daily Show that Fox News pundit Sean Hannity misrepresented video footage purportedly showing large crowds on a health-care protest orchestrated by Rep. Michele Bachmann. Stewart showed inconsistencies in alternating shots according to the color of the sky and tree leaves, showing that footage from Glenn Beck's much larger 9/12 rally, which had occurred two months earlier, and been spliced in with the other shots. Hannity estimated 20,000 protesters were in attendance, the Washington Post estimated 10,000, and Luke Russert reported that three Capitol Hill police officers guessed "about 4,000."[110][111] Sean Hannity apologized to his viewers for the error during his November 11, 2009 broadcast.[112] Stewart periodically accused Fox of playing video footage out of context, such as when Hannity played footage of Obama stating the DREAM Act could not be passed by executive order to make the president seem hypocritical although when the footage is continued Obama goes on to clarify that the president does have the authority to halt deportations.[113]

On November 18, 2009, Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett told viewers that a Sarah Palin book signing in Grand Rapids, Michigan, had a massive turnout while showing footage of Palin with a large crowd. Jarrett noted that the former Republican vice-presidential candidate is "continuing to draw huge crowds while she's promoting her brand-new book", adding that the images being shown were "some of the pictures just coming in to us ... The lines earlier had formed this morning."[114] The video was actually taken from a 2008 McCain/Palin campaign rally. Fox senior vice-president of news Michael Clemente issued an initial statement saying, "This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video."[114] Fox offered an on-air apology the following day during the same "Happening Now" segment citing regrets for what they described as a "video error" with no intent to mislead.[115]

In September 2010, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity was criticized notably by Stewart and CNN anchor Howard Kurtz, for selectively editing a video of an Obama speech on his program. Before playing the clip, Hannity remarked that there was a "rare moment of honesty" in Obama's speech, playing a video of Obama saying:

Taxes are scheduled to go up substantially next year, for everybody.

It quickly cuts back to Hannity, with Hannity saying, "I know the anointed one will make sure that happens."[116] But upon further inspection, what President Obama fully said was:

Under the tax plan passed by the last administration, taxes are scheduled to go up substantially next year, for everybody.

On September 18, 2009, Fox News Channel took out full-page ads in The Washington Post, the New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal with a prominent caption reading, "How did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN miss this story?" with pictures of a Tea Party movement protest on the United States Capitol lawn. A still picture in the ad was in fact taken from a CNN broadcast covering the event. The veracity of this ad was called into question on the air by then-CNN commentator Rick Sanchez, along with others pointing to various coverage of the event.[96][97][98] CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CBS Radio News provided various forms of live coverage of the rally in Washington throughout the day on Saturday, including the lead story on CBS Evening News.[96][98][99][100]
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And also @BlueintheBrew

May want to recheck your knowledge on the pelosi video.

From ultra liberal rag "Even Fox News issued an on-air fact checkdebunking the video after pro-Trump online pundits Diamond and Silk cited the video to smear Pelosi as a “non-functioning alcoholic” who “slurs her words.”"

See... fair and balanced. Cnn never owned up to doctoring any videos.. nor to colluding with the dIms
The video, which was first aired by the Fox Business Network and
appeared to have been cleverly edited to make Pelosi's speech seem impaired, came after several doctored videos purporting to show a “drunk” Pelosi slurring her words spread like wildfire on social media, all while Trump tried to convince the public that Pelosi was not to be taken seriously because she is “crazy” and “a mess.”

Frequent Fox Business guest Ed Rollins on Thursday backed up the president’s earlier assertion that Pelosi is a “mess,” citing the edited video as evidence that the speaker is inarticulate and therefore unwell. Prior to Rollins’ remarks, guest host Gregg Jarrett had played a highly edited and manipulated clip of Pelosi speaking earlier in the day that made it appear that she stammered and struggled through a press conference.

Notably, the clip repeatedly replays Pelosi saying the number three while holding up two fingers, something Jarrett mocked immediately afterward.

Fox issued a statement after the segment defending the video.

“The FOX Business segment featuring clips from Speaker Pelosi’s speech today did not slow down any aspect of her address,” the network said.

Meanwhile, Rollins and Jarrett weren’t the only ones implying that Pelosi didn’t have all her mental faculties during Thursday’s Lou Dobbs Tonight broadcast. Pugnacious former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski seemingly referenced the doctored videos while criticizing Pelosi’s remarks about Trump’s current mental fitness.

“Can you imagine, for one second if that was a Republican questioning Nancy Pelosi's mental fitness?” Lewandowski exclaimed. “The way she slurs and repeats herself. They would be called racist, misogynist, xenophobic and every other word possible.”

Trump quickly fed Fox's claims back out to the Twitterverse, seizing on the network's coverage to lend some legitimacy to the whole thing. “Nancy Pelosi should not be out there doing the kinds of things she is doing,” the president tweeted, quoting Rollins. “She will diminish herself and her membership. She cannot put a subject with a predicate in the same sentence. What’s going on?”

Trump captioned the tweeted video: “PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE.”


They put the video up Thursday and kept it posted all day and referenced it multiple times on their shows. Even after it was proven fake. Then they tried to defend it. They didn't even publicly apologize or admit error until Friday. So what did I have wrong again?

If you can't see Fox is biased as hell and is very dishonest as a news organization, I don't know what else to tell you. I all agree all day the the others suck and have a liberal bias, but you can at least get a much more accurate picture as to the truth from them. If not, they just don't cover it at all.
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You have to be CRAZIER THAN HELL if you think FOX isn't a 1k times more "balanced" than all the liberal rags out there that claim to be "news" channels!! IF you (not you...he knows whi he is) don't watch FOX , how do you know every anchor/contributor on the network and what their view points are?
I think if you try reading slower and maybe actually comprehending at the same time, you will see I said it never said I did not watch it or read news from them. In fact, I said I watch all the news outlets for a complete picture and I get most of my news from international outlets that have less reason for bias.
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Jon Stewart reported on his November 11, 2009, broadcast of The Daily Show that Fox News pundit Sean Hannity misrepresented video footage purportedly showing large crowds on a health-care protest orchestrated by Rep. Michele Bachmann. Stewart showed inconsistencies in alternating shots according to the color of the sky and tree leaves, showing that footage from Glenn Beck's much larger 9/12 rally, which had occurred two months earlier, and been spliced in with the other shots. Hannity estimated 20,000 protesters were in attendance, the Washington Post estimated 10,000, and Luke Russert reported that three Capitol Hill police officers guessed "about 4,000."[110][111] Sean Hannity apologized to his viewers for the error during his November 11, 2009 broadcast.[112] Stewart periodically accused Fox of playing video footage out of context, such as when Hannity played footage of Obama stating the DREAM Act could not be passed by executive order to make the president seem hypocritical although when the footage is continued Obama goes on to clarify that the president does have the authority to halt deportations.[113]

On November 18, 2009, Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett told viewers that a Sarah Palin book signing in Grand Rapids, Michigan, had a massive turnout while showing footage of Palin with a large crowd. Jarrett noted that the former Republican vice-presidential candidate is "continuing to draw huge crowds while she's promoting her brand-new book", adding that the images being shown were "some of the pictures just coming in to us ... The lines earlier had formed this morning."[114] The video was actually taken from a 2008 McCain/Palin campaign rally. Fox senior vice-president of news Michael Clemente issued an initial statement saying, "This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video."[114] Fox offered an on-air apology the following day during the same "Happening Now" segment citing regrets for what they described as a "video error" with no intent to mislead.[115]

In September 2010, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity was criticized notably by Stewart and CNN anchor Howard Kurtz, for selectively editing a video of an Obama speech on his program. Before playing the clip, Hannity remarked that there was a "rare moment of honesty" in Obama's speech, playing a video of Obama saying:

Taxes are scheduled to go up substantially next year, for everybody.

It quickly cuts back to Hannity, with Hannity saying, "I know the anointed one will make sure that happens."[116] But upon further inspection, what President Obama fully said was:

Under the tax plan passed by the last administration, taxes are scheduled to go up substantially next year, for everybody.

On September 18, 2009, Fox News Channel took out full-page ads in The Washington Post, the New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal with a prominent caption reading, "How did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN miss this story?" with pictures of a Tea Party movement protest on the United States Capitol lawn. A still picture in the ad was in fact taken from a CNN broadcast covering the event. The veracity of this ad was called into question on the air by then-CNN commentator Rick Sanchez, along with others pointing to various coverage of the event.[96][97][98] CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CBS Radio News provided various forms of live coverage of the rally in Washington throughout the day on Saturday, including the lead story on CBS Evening News.[96][98][99][100]

TL;DR any of the 3 copy and pasted enourmously long posts.

you can try your best to deflect from 93% negative. but its not defendable.

and you can cite 5 instances from 10 years ago about fox, but thousands can be cited from this year alone from the commie news network.

NINETY THREE PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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TL;DR any of the 3 copy and pasted enourmously long posts.

you can try your best to deflect from 93% negative. but its not defendable.

and you can cite 5 instances from 10 years ago about fox, but thousands can be cited from this year alone from the commie news network.

NINETY THREE PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course you read it, you just can't refute it with any facts so like Fox News teaches, ignore it all cost and keep that positive outlook based on lies and falsehoods.

You seem really confused as to the differences in positive and honest or accurate reporting. And also ignoring the details of the report you cited. The funniest part it, why is the Conservative news channel who has demonstrated a clear positive bias towards Trump, still left with a majority of negative stories about him? You mean even the mother ship can't make him appear positive more even half the time, let alone more?

You keep watching the news that makes you feel good. I'll take the news that is proven far more honest and accurate.

Fox news rates as less than 10% honest in news reporting and facts. :joy:

Positive and negative have nothing to do with accuracy. 3 busty blondes on a sofa giggling continuously does come across as positive, but is what they are saying accurate? Can you provide a poll showing the accuracy and non bias of Fox News? All of the organizations are bias to their leaderships ideologies, but which ones most accurately report the news?

Also, from your sourced article. "For the sake of comparison, Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center earlier this year found thatnegative Trump coverage swamped positive Trump coverage over his first 100 days in office. See the chart below, but beware: Those red and green bars don’t include a significant portion of the coverage that Shorenstein categorized as “neutral.”

Meanwhile, his administration has proceeded to undercut the existing system. Just what would positive coverage look like? And on the mid-August Charlottesville rallying with neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan groups: One day, Trump was citing problems with “both sides”; then, in prepared remarks, he called out neo-Nazis; then he returned to his both-sides line of analysis. How do you engineer a positive spin on that progression?

Another finding in the MRC analysis relates to volume. Whereas the networks devoted just 10 percent of their airtime to President Barack Obama in 2015 and 2016, according to the MRC, they’re bingeing on Trump. More than a third of their airtime over the summer hovered over Trump, and more in the preceding months. Again, there’s a reality-based explanation here. Trump appears to relish creating news, which he frequently does on his Twitter account and elsewhere. Remember his explanation as to why he announced the pardoning of former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff Joe Arpaio just as Hurricane Harvey bore down on Texas? “In the middle of a hurricane, even though it was a Friday evening, I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they were normally,” said the president.
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Let's see Benghazi, Hillary's 30k emails, Avanati was a God and going to take down Trump, Jussie Smollett, RUSSIAN COLLISION, 150 billion to Iran, totally lying about the crisis at the border and hundreds of others TOO numerous to mention... But I think you get the drift. Unless the dems write their talking points, which they eat up and regurgitate over and over, all the other channels wouldn't have a clue as to what to report because it's only about taking down Trump. Thank GOD for AG Barr! Some people are going to jail for what's been done in the last 4-5 years.
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Let's see Benghazi, Hillary's 30k emails, Avanati was a God and going to take down Trump, Jussie Smollett, RUSSIAN COLLISION, 150 billion to Iran, totally lying about the crisis at the border and hundreds of others TOO numerous to mention... But I think you get the drift. Unless the dems write their talking points, which they eat up and regurgitate over and over, all the other channels wouldn't have a clue as to what to report because it's only about taking down Trump. Thank GOD for AG Barr! Some people are going to jail for what's been done in the last 4-5 years.

I'll take Facts and Data to prove any of this for 500, Alex!
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Lol, like you know Stanford is a public school of CA, in need of revenue and validation? :joy:

Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?

You mean like you were too stupid to know much of their research is publicly funded? And too ignorant to know a sin tax is a tax on an inelastic high demand good or service? You don’t know crap if it’s not in your little druggie web site talking points. You don’t know who knocked up your girl. You hate gays. And you are too stoned to stop repeating yourself with irrelevant questions that make me laugh. Forest Gump on pot.
You mean like you were too stupid to know much of their research is publicly funded? And too ignorant to know a sin tax is a tax on an inelastic high demand good or service? You don’t know crap if it’s not in your little druggie web site talking points. You don’t know who knocked up your girl. You hate gays. And you are too stoned to stop repeating yourself with irrelevant questions that make me laugh. Forest Gump on pot.

Lol, you thought Stanford was a public institution of CA who was in needed of revenue while have a 27 billion dollar endowment and needed validation as already of the premier universities globally.

I knew what I sin tax was, I also know why it was given it's name. Nice try though.

Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?
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Just as long as it’s in your stoner brochures

Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?
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Just as long as it’s in your stoner brochures
It's all true and they know it. Folks are going to jail. Did you see her giving a commencement speech at a college the other day and still spouting off how the election was stolen from her... What kind of a freaking idiot gives a speach like that to college graduates? Several on stage kept rolling their eyes like what the hell is wrong with this woman... can you imagine what kind of shape this country would be in right now if this idiot had become president. She and her ilk are doing enough damage just obstructing things that Trump is trying to fix
It's all true and they know it. Folks are going to jail. Did you see her giving a commencement speech at a college the other day and still spouting off how the election was stolen from her... What kind of a freaking idiot gives a speach like that to college graduates? Several on stage kept rolling their eyes like what the hell is wrong with this woman... can you imagine what kind of shape this country would be in right now if this idiot had become president. She and her ilk are doing enough damage just obstructing things that Trump is trying to fix
Lol, I will take facts and supporting data for $500, Alex!

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It's all true and they know it. Folks are going to jail. Did you see her giving a commencement speech at a college the other day and still spouting off how the election was stolen from her... What kind of a freaking idiot gives a speach like that to college graduates? Several on stage kept rolling their eyes like what the hell is wrong with this woman... can you imagine what kind of shape this country would be in right now if this idiot had become president. She and her ilk are doing enough damage just obstructing things that Trump is trying to fix

You talking about H? Dude, she is a piece of work

Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?

Says druggie boy. Got his pot propaganda pissed on so he needs a joint. You are so easy to mess with and you are so stoned you don’t know it’s happening. Think twice before insulting a grieving man over his son. Sick twisted pothead.

By the way, you have the statistical prowess of s garden slug. Your dopey laws got approved simply because the jails were too full and the states can’t manage their budgets. You are doping yourself to a miserable death. You too dumb to see it, but I shall enjoy it.
Says druggie boy. Got his pot propaganda pissed on so he needs a joint. You are so easy to mess with and you are so stoned you don’t know it’s happening. Think twice before insulting a grieving man over his son. Sick twisted pothead.

By the way, you have the statistical prowess of s garden slug. Your dopey laws got approved simply because the jails were too full and the states can’t manage their budgets. You are doping yourself to a miserable death. You too dumb to see it, but I shall enjoy it.
Who's son did I insult and how so?


Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?
  • Like
Reactions: BlueCatNation
Who's son did I insult and how so?


Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?

Dude you are so messed up, you don’t even remember. If all the foul disgusting insensitive crap.

You are just sick dude. Pathetic. Damn that is nauseating. Dogs have more compassion.
Dude you are so messed up, you don’t even remember. If all the foul disgusting insensitive crap.

You are just sick dude. Pathetic. Damn that is nauseating. Dogs have more compassion.
Who's son did I insult and how so?


Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?
  • Like
Reactions: BlueCatNation
Lol, so what was the issue? She game a commencement speech they asked her to come give and never once mentioned Trumps name. Your Fox News commentators even had to admit in the video the graduates liked it and were very receptive. The chubby white bald guy called them brainwashed and insulted and tried to talk over the black Fox News host who was defending it.

How is this any different than the Trump commencement speeches at the military institutes where he bashes the news media, talks up his policy failures while blaming the opposition and criticizes John McCain, lies to the graduates and officers and says they are getting raises like last year at the Naval Academy graduation and often rambles about upcoming election?

Who's son did I insult and how so?


Do you always use lies and fallacies when you can't argue substance?

Have you ever smoked or consumed marijuana?
Do you tell pregnant women what it's like to be pregnant and give birth?

If you really think I am some ignorant stoner, what does it say about for arguing with me for 2 days now?

Why are you so worried about me sexually?
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Reactions: BlueCatNation
Hillary Clinton . . . bemoaning political leaders not being held accountable . . . THAT is a perverted combination of gross hypocrisy and ironic twist that simply cannot be exceeded by either imagination or will.

AND let us not forget the IRS SCANDAL!
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