SEC lifts alcohol ban

Son is a heroin addict and started with pot...also know SEVERAL folks who must have pot every day to function , so you folks that believe that line of BS about are full of shit!!
No one needs pot to function. If you take the pot from them they will still function just the same. Probably more coherently if anything. There are no physically dependent chemicals associated with THC.

Your son didn't choose to use heroine because of pot. Your son chose herione because he is an addict with a disease. He would have found his way to heroine regardless or marijuana. It's easy for some to point to that as an excuse, but in reality the outcome would be the same even if pot never existed in the equation.

If pot was a gateway drug, why do the vast majority of it's users never use any other non prescription drugs or leap to heroin use?
No one needs pot to function. If you take the pot from them they will still function just the same. Probably more coherently if anything. There are no physically dependent chemicals associated with THC.

Your son didn't choose to use heroine because of pot. Your son chose herione because he is an addict with a disease. He would have found his way to heroine regardless or marijuana. It's easy for some to point to that as an excuse, but in reality the outcome would be the same even if pot never existed in the equation.

If pot was a gateway drug, why do the vast majority of it's users never use any other non prescription drugs or leap to heroin use?

Actually, I think you are overlooking the role MJ plays as a social attractor for using other substances. There is a powerful influence to get higher, use more, etc. from the peer group that uses MJ. You take a susceptible personality that becomes an MJ user, put them in a social setting where other substances are available and boom. Take away the MJ, no social setting and the likelihood of escalation is diminished. Does MF play a direct role? Oh, hell no. Is it a key driver in harder drug use? Oh, Hell Yes.

Small percentage? Yes. But as I state previously, small percentages in massive populations result in very large numbers. The costs are staggering. This issue is costing you PERSONALLY a significant sum of money when you consider your tax dollar and what part of that goes into law enforcement, jails, courts, etc. I'm a stingy SOB. I would like to keep that money in my pocket.
Actually, I think you are overlooking the role MJ plays as a social attractor for using other substances. There is a powerful influence to get higher, use more, etc. from the peer group that uses MJ. You take a susceptible personality that becomes an MJ user, put them in a social setting where other substances are available and boom. Take away the MJ, no social setting and the likelihood of escalation is diminished. Does MF play a direct role? Oh, hell no. Is it a key driver in harder drug use? Oh, Hell Yes.

Small percentage? Yes. But as I state previously, small percentages in massive populations result in very large numbers. The costs are staggering. This issue is costing you PERSONALLY a significant sum of money when you consider your tax dollar and what part of that goes into law enforcement, jails, courts, etc. I'm a stingy SOB. I would like to keep that money in my pocket.
They can get that same impulse from alcohol, prescription drugs, and so forth. I has nothing to do with smoking weed in a social setting. An addict will become addicted to anything because they have a disease. Billions of people have smoked weed in their lives and never felt a need to progress to anything else. That's because they weren't addicts.

If you research a bit, you will find most heroine addicts report starting out on prescription pills and cocain, not marijuana.

Lol, do you honestly believe social settings require marijuana to be present for other drugs to be present? Most people don't smoke weed in a big social setting as people don't tend to be that social when they are stoned on marijuana. However, raves, clubs, pill parties and so forth all are very social events or places where people are more likely to be introduced to chemicals like meth and heroin. You won't find much pot there.
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They can get that same impulse from alcohol, prescription drugs, and so forth. I has nothing to do with smoking weed in a social setting. An addict will become addicted to anything because they have a disease. Billions of people have smoked weed in their lives and never felt a need to progress to anything else. That's because they weren't addicts.

If you research a bit, you will find most heroine addicts report starting out on prescription pills and cocain, not marijuana.

I never said MJ was the only driver. To say it is not a key driver flies in the face of data and common sense. Again the costs here are staggering.

I would also note your frivolous use of Billions. The vast majority of users tried it and dropped it. The results are much different if you consider chronic users. There are not billions of chronic users. This dilution of data is a common technique in politics to diminish impact of risky decisions in the eyes of the public. You really should be more astute.
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They can get that same impulse from alcohol, prescription drugs, and so forth. I has nothing to do with smoking weed in a social setting. An addict will become addicted to anything because they have a disease. Billions of people have smoked weed in their lives and never felt a need to progress to anything else. That's because they weren't addicts.

If you research a bit, you will find most heroine addicts report starting out on prescription pills and cocain, not marijuana.

Lol, do you honestly believe social settings require marijuana to be present for other drugs to be present? Most people don't smoke weed in a big social setting as people don't tend to be that social when they are stoned on marijuana. However, raves, clubs, pill parties and so forth all are very social events or places where people are more likely to be introduced to chemicals like meth and heroin. You won't find much pot there.
Wrong again...MY son started out with heavy pot use and "graduated" to where he is today...I have made arrangements for his funeral. Hope none of you "pro user" guys ever have to go thru this...ALL drugs are bad and I'm including alcohol in that. My last reply hear because some don't give a damn or are to stupid.
Wrong again...MY son started out with heavy pot use and "graduated" to where he is today...I have made arrangements for his funeral. Hope none of you "pro user" guys ever have to go thru this...ALL drugs are bad and I'm including alcohol in that. My last reply hear because some don't give a damn or are to stupid.
Sorry to hear that about your son. Unfortunately, some people can drink or smoke mj throughout their lives and never have addiction issues while others are hooked from day one. The problem is that you don't know until it's already too late for those that do have addiction issues. Tough to restrict the majority that don't have issues and even tougher getting those that do to recognize it before it's too late like your son. Hope you find peace and comfort somewhere down the line.
I never said MJ was the only driver. To say it is not a key driver flies in the face of data and common sense. Again the costs here are staggering.

I would also note your frivolous use of Billions. The vast majority of users tried it and dropped it. The results are much different if you consider chronic users. There are not billions of chronic users. This dilution of data is a common technique in politics to diminish impact of risky decisions in the eyes of the public. You really should be more astute.
Show us your data then. I am interested to see

No on is diluting data. All the scirntific data shows pot is not a gateway drug. Just look at the places it is legal. They have the some of the lowest rates of opiod users. Addicts will become addicts regardless of marijuana. People who watch too many movies and read online memes for the news are the ones creating this ignorant narrative.

Again, please show your data.
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Wrong again...MY son started out with heavy pot use and "graduated" to where he is today...I have made arrangements for his funeral. Hope none of you "pro user" guys ever have to go thru this...ALL drugs are bad and I'm including alcohol in that. My last reply hear because some don't give a damn or are to stupid.
Your son is a drug addict! Key word being addict. If marijuana never existed he would have still become addicted to drugs. Was he never going to take a perscription drug in his life? Never going to drink alcohol? You think he was never going to be in a social situation to be exposed and try other drugs?

We care! I feel bad for your son. That could have been me at one point, but luckily I got the help I needed and was actually saved by cannabis use.

Cannibas has no addictive qualities and had hundreds of medical benefits. If your son is still with us, I would strongly encourage you to look into the ways they are using medical marijuana to alleviate and end addicitions to opioids. Ther may still be time to save him.

Also, it's too stupid, not to stupid. If you are going to result to ad hominem attacks at least spell them correctly.
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Your son is a drug addict! Key word being addict. If marijuana never existed he would have still become addicted to drugs. Was he never going to take a perscription drug in his life? Never going to drink alcohol? You think he was never going to be in a social situation to be exposed and try other drugs?

We care! I feel bad for your son. That could have been me at one point, but luckily I got the help I needed and was actually saved by cannabis use.

Cannibas has no addictive qualities and had hundreds of medical benefits. If your son is still with us, I would strongly encourage you to look into the ways they are using medical marijuana to alleviate and end addicitions to opioids. Ther may still be time to save him.

Also, it's too stupid, not to stupid. If you are going to result to ad hominem attacks at least spell them correctly.
Kiss my fu#$ing ass!! Guess you have never done something like that before. I know the difference . I'm done
Show us your data then. I am interested to see

No on is diluting data. All the scirntific data shows pot is not a gateway drug. Just look at the places it is legal. They have the some of the lowest rates of opiod users. Addicts will become addicts regardless of marijuana. People who watch too many movies and read online memes for the news are the ones creating this ignorant narrative.

Again, please show your data.

I think you have been reading to much legalize pot propaganda. I never claimed it was a gateway drug, meaning there is a physiological mechanism resulting in progress from one drug to the next. I said it was a driver in the process of drug use progression. There are a certain percentage of susceptible individuals in the population. Most never become addicts. They must be placed into a situation where the addictive drugs are available and acceptable. MJ is one of the drivers that leads to those environmental conditions. Numerically the occurrence admittedly small. You drop the mechanism into a large population like the US, it appears negligible. Foolish people or people with an agenda like legalization would choose to ignore it.

This minuscule problem is one of the fuel sources for a massive drug economy. This economy costs the US billions each year. The leaders of this economy have command and control structures, budgets the size of small nations, military infrastructure (gangs), lobbying mechanisms and most impressive marketing and distribution systems. This economy threatens the safety of your family and drains your personal income.

I’m not going to trade numbers with you because you do not appear to have any understanding of the dynamics of stochastic process. You would take the drop, put it in a swimming pool and gleefully claim that the problem doesn’t exist because you can no longer see it.

Enjoy your dope. Just wish you were also in my tax bracket. Your smoke is taking 1000’s out of my pocket and you lack the wisdom to even comprehend it.
Wrong again...MY son started out with heavy pot use and "graduated" to where he is today...I have made arrangements for his funeral. Hope none of you "pro user" guys ever have to go thru this...ALL drugs are bad and I'm including alcohol in that. My last reply hear because some don't give a damn or are to stupid.
First, my most sincere condolences to you and your family, I lived through that myself. My oldest son had a brilliant mind, one of his professors once told me he considered him a genius, he was that smart. He was very close to getting his degree, and had made solid plans to go all the way to getting his doctorate. However, he was also "dumb"; he was dumb because he eventually chose a couple of his friends unwisely, and it cost him his life. He died of a heroin overdose 4 years ago, and I'll never fully get over it. Such a tragedy to see someone with so much potential make such a horrible decision.

He rarely smoked pot, didn't care for it, as I understand it; his "gateway" was prescription pain pills he became addicted to following an injury.

I smoked MJ for YEARS, and still would if I could; I'm subject to random drug tests and would never dream of taking the chance, so I quit. As others have said, people will become addicts, and MJ itself is, IMHO, not a true gateway drug to the HARD stuff like heroin. I've known hundreds upon hundreds of people who smoke, still do, and some of those people would surprise the hell out of you if you knew, lol. Judges, doctors, lawyers, etc., etc, and none ever even considered taking a hit, or whatever they do, of heroin, meth, cocaine, etc. I know I never wanted to "graduate" as it were, to the hard stuff, I was perfectly content to smoke some good reefer and chill.

Again, I sincerely hope your son gets help, I wouldn't wish losing a child on any parent, it's a nightmare you live with each day. Do WHATEVER you have to do to get him help and get him sober my fellow Cat fan.
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I think you have been reading to much legalize pot propaganda. I never claimed it was a gateway drug, meaning there is a physiological mechanism resulting in progress from one drug to the next. I said it was a driver in the process of drug use progression. There are a certain percentage of susceptible individuals in the population. Most never become addicts. They must be placed into a situation where the addictive drugs are available and acceptable. MJ is one of the drivers that leads to those environmental conditions. Numerically the occurrence admittedly small. You drop the mechanism into a large population like the US, it appears negligible. Foolish people or people with an agenda like legalization would choose to ignore it.

This minuscule problem is one of the fuel sources for a massive drug economy. This economy costs the US billions each year. The leaders of this economy have command and control structures, budgets the size of small nations, military infrastructure (gangs), lobbying mechanisms and most impressive marketing and distribution systems. This economy threatens the safety of your family and drains your personal income.

I’m not going to trade numbers with you because you do not appear to have any understanding of the dynamics of stochastic process. You would take the drop, put it in a swimming pool and gleefully claim that the problem doesn’t exist because you can no longer see it.

Enjoy your dope. Just wish you were also in my tax bracket. Your smoke is taking 1000’s out of my pocket and you lack the wisdom to even comprehend it.

The reason you won't produce any data to back your claims is because it doesn't exist.

If you take pot from the equation, drug addicts will still become addicted to drugs. No gateway is needed. They are addicts. Say it again real slow now,....THEY ARE ADDICTS. Yet, none of them are addicted to marijuana.

Using your logic, sex would be the gateway to rape, so we should all stop having sex.

Please explain to me how legalized marijuana is threatening the economy? I have to hear this. You think they have gangs? Dude, quite watching Narcos and go experience the real world. Marijuana is curing countless diseases and generating strong revenues for state and local governments everywhere it's been legalized. Crime rates have dropped in almost all of them. And that is crimes unrelated to marijuana possession.

A great deal of that money goes to public education systems and to law enforcement to target serious drug offenders. How does that hurt you or the economy? It has also created thousands of jobs and will only continue to grow? Again, how does that hurt the economy or you?

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The reason you won't produce any data to back your claims is because it doesn't exist.

If you take pot from the equation, drug addicts will still become addicted to drugs. No gateway is needed. They are addicts. Say it again real slow now,....THEY ARE ADDICTS. Yet, none of them are addicted to marijuana.

Using your logic, sex would be the gateway to rape, so we should all stop having sex.

Please explain to me how legalized marijuana is threatening the economy? I have to hear this. You think they have gangs? Dude, quite watching Narcos and go experience the real world. Marijuana is curing countless diseases and generating strong revenues for state and local governments everywhere it's been legalized. Crime rates have dropped in almost all of them. And that is crimes unrelated to marijuana possession.

A great deal of that money goes to public education systems and to law enforcement to target serious drug offenders. How does that hurt you or the economy? It has also created thousands of jobs and will only continue to grow? Again, how does that hurt the economy or you?

Like I said, you were incapable of understanding anything more than the drug industry propaganda. Your numbers and points are all diluted by a huge population. I can use your logic to say hepatitis and aids are too rare to be of interest. If course only an idiot would believe that, which turns out to be true in every context.

Don’t worry, you have company. The drug industry is exceedingly good at what they do. The weaker minded are very easily influenced by them. Enjoy your dope.
Like I said, you were incapable of understanding anything more than the drug industry propaganda. Your numbers and points are all diluted by a huge population. I can use your logic to say hepatitis and aids are too rare to be of interest. If course only an idiot would believe that, which turns out to be true in every context.

Don’t worry, you have company. The drug industry is exceedingly good at what they do. The weaker minded are very easily influenced by them. Enjoy your dope.
Hahaha, you seem to confused and unintelligible.
How am I pro drug industry? Cannibas is anti drug industry as they don't want it legalized. How do you not know this?

I'm giving you the chance to educate me on it. Where is your supporting data? Peer review Studies? Research? Medical journals? You seem so sure of your stance that surely you have supporting evidence that had helped you become so knowledgeable to be abke to reach your conclusions...why not cite them for us?

Uhh, what do aids and hep have to do with addicitons and addictive personality types?
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Wrong again...MY son started out with heavy pot use and "graduated" to where he is today...I have made arrangements for his funeral. Hope none of you "pro user" guys ever have to go thru this...ALL drugs are bad and I'm including alcohol in that. My last reply hear because some don't give a damn or are to stupid.

That guy is a sunk vote. No rationale will deprive him of his smoke. The drug propaganda machine is very well funded and extremely effective. Most do not realize they have been influenced.
Hahaha, you seem to confused and unintelligible.
How am I pro drug industry? Cannibas is anti drug industry as they don't want it legalized. How do you not know this?

I'm giving you the chance to educate me on it. Where is your supporting data? Peer review Studies? Research? Medical journals? You seem so sure of your stance that surely you have supporting evidence that had helped you become so knowledgeable to be abke to reach your conclusions...why not cite them for us?

Uhh, what do aids and hep have to do with addicitons and addictive personality types?
It's spelled ABLE not abke...strange how that works, right?
Not to derail the Mary Jane debate (pro-weed btw), but a friend of mine who works for UK Athletics said they expect the administration to allow alcohol sales. Said although MB isn’t a fan personally, the money is just too much to ignore and a more profitable athletic department outweighs his moral code. This person has given me pretty reliable info in the past (made our Citrus Bowl plans a week early thanks to them) so hopefully they’re right about this as well. Figured I’d pass it along to my fellow Cat fans.
In general I tend to favor more freedom, fewer restrictions. Let adults have an adult beverage, and let the sports venue earn some extra dollars. But I’m going to agree with you here.

One of the wonderful things about visiting Rupp for a game is that 99.9% of the folks in there are friendly, gracious and well behaved. Would be a shame to deminish that by adding in some drunken loudmouths acting all foolish.
NBA games seem to be just fine
Kentucky basketball is just too important to be interrupted by either drunks around u or people constantly wanting to get a brew or pee because of it.

No, no, no, no to alcohol sales at Rupp.
Hahaha, you seem to confused and unintelligible.
How am I pro drug industry? Cannibas is anti drug industry as they don't want it legalized. How do you not know this?

I'm giving you the chance to educate me on it. Where is your supporting data? Peer review Studies? Research? Medical journals? You seem so sure of your stance that surely you have supporting evidence that had helped you become so knowledgeable to be abke to reach your conclusions...why not cite them for us?

Uhh, what do aids and hep have to do with addicitons and addictive personality types?

Sorry. No time for brain washed morons. Go smoke your stuff like you are conditioned to do.
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