SEC lifts alcohol ban

They grow enough in Kentucky. They need the revenue for the state and its ludacris weed is illegal. I’ve smoked a ton of pot and stopped on a dime. I’ve been addicted to a real drug. Pot isn’t a real drug to me a least.
Look what happen to Scratch's cousin..

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Please not at basketball games. We don’t need drunks there . If you can’t go an hour and a half without a drink stay at home .
Football ok I Guess but not basketball . We don’t need the distraction and the time of the game is half of the marathon football has become to feed the TVGods.
Damn it this is America!
There is alcohol already being sold at Kroger Field.. just have to be in the Paddock to get it..
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I just don't know how this will turn out. How will people act if they are able to drink at games? Oh yeah....It happens all over the country every Saturday and Sunday at football games and it's just as normal as any other game.

Not selling at games now just causes people to get hammered in the parking lot knowing they have no access to it inside the stadium. Now they will just get slightly hammered outside and go buy a couple of $8 beers while inside the stadium. Will be the same amount of drunks as before, with the only difference being that they will spend more money inside.
No problem with this, but....

Take car keys and license at the gate. Be given a daily ID card. Limit 4 beers. Blow less than .03 on a breathalyzer, get back your keys and license for $25 handling fee. Tax at 100%. All net proceeds go to scholarship funds for victims of convicted drunk drivers. Any attempt at circumventing controls to result in loss of license and vehicle confiscation.
No problem with this, but....

Take car keys and license at the gate. Be given a daily ID card. Limit 4 beers. Blow less than .03 on a breathalyzer, get back your keys and license for $25 handling fee. Tax at 100%. All net proceeds go to scholarship funds for victims of convicted drunk drivers. Any attempt at circumventing controls to result in loss of license and vehicle confiscation.

How about last call is just after halftime and we don’t run sporting events like a vacation bible school in nazi Germany?
How about last call is just after halftime and we don’t run sporting events like a vacation bible school in nazi Germany?

Poor baby. Wants his beer cheap. I drink beer like it was water. No prob getting my keys backwith those rules.

What about manning up without all the teeny bopper melodrama and vacuous hyperbole and own the problem. Drunk driving kills people. That’s an irrefutable fact. Maybe you need to lose someone to a drunk driver so you can understand.

I’m the same way about texting. I’m in favor of loss of license and vehicle for that too as documented by the cell phone itself.

Own the problem instead of crying about your inability to manage your drinking.
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Poor baby. Wants his beer cheap. I drink beer like it was water. No prob getting my keys backwith those rules.

What about manning up without all the teeny bopper melodrama and vacuous hyperbole and own the problem. Drunk driving kills people. That’s an irrefutable fact. Maybe you need to lose someone to a drunk driver so you can understand.

I’m the same way about texting. I’m in favor of loss of license and vehicle for that too as documented by the cell phone itself.

Own the problem instead of crying about your inability to manage your drinking.

Serious question- do you campaign for these rules at the thousands of other events that sell alcohol? What about bars? Just start taking licenses everywhere?

His was hyperbole but so was yours. Come on.
Poor baby. Wants his beer cheap. I drink beer like it was water. No prob getting my keys backwith those rules.

What about manning up without all the teeny bopper melodrama and vacuous hyperbole and own the problem. Drunk driving kills people. That’s an irrefutable fact. Maybe you need to lose someone to a drunk driver so you can understand.

I’m the same way about texting. I’m in favor of loss of license and vehicle for that too as documented by the cell phone itself.

Own the problem instead of crying about your inability to manage your drinking.

I don’t drink, personally. I’m also not all hot and bothered by other adults drinking. I’ve been to countless sporting events with alcohol sold, and have never felt like it was an atmosphere where a man couldn’t bring his family, or you couldn’t safely get home because a drunk driver would mow you down. People in this thread, yourself included, are talking like you haven’t been out of the house ever.

It’s been pointed out, but there are well over 100 professional sports teams that don’t have any of these issues, and they don’t make people turn in their keys and take breathalyzers.
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Hard to get drunk on $8 light beer/wine. Those that want to be drunk already are.

But if you think marijuana is a gateway drug then I’m not convincing you of anything.
Son is a heroin addict and started with pot...also know SEVERAL folks who must have pot every day to function , so you folks that believe that line of BS about are full of shit!!
No problem with this, but....

Take car keys and license at the gate. Be given a daily ID card. Limit 4 beers. Blow less than .03 on a breathalyzer, get back your keys and license for $25 handling fee. Tax at 100%. All net proceeds go to scholarship funds for victims of convicted drunk drivers. Any attempt at circumventing controls to result in loss of license and vehicle confiscation.
I like this!! NEVER seen a drunk that thought he couldn't drive.
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I don’t drink, personally. I’m also not all hot and bothered by other adults drinking. I’ve been to countless sporting events with alcohol sold, and have never felt like it was an atmosphere where a man couldn’t bring his family, or you couldn’t safely get home because a drunk driver would mow you down. People in this thread, yourself included, are talking like you have been out of the house ever.

It’s been pointed out, but there are well over 100 professional sports teams that don’t have any of these issues, and they don’t make people turn in their keys and take breathalyzers.

So, people die like dogs. Dude I drink like a fish. I just don’t when I have to drive. One person dead cause some stupid ass can’t hold his booze is enough to justify the controls.

I go to sporting events by the dozens. Eat out way more than my financial advisor would like. I drink when I get home. So what if 10000 sports teams serve drinks. That make it ok for your kid to die?

I’m no teetotaler or religious zealot, nazi or any of the other emotional childish tags you or others care to toss about. If you aren’t willing to give up your kid to the next one in 10000, then you lack courage.
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Son is a heroin addict and started with pot...also know SEVERAL folks who must have pot every day to function , so you folks that believe that line of BS about are full of shit!!

Sorry about your son, hope he kicks it. Heroin is a horrible drug that is a real danger. Lot of people get hooked after being on prescription pain killers etc. However, your argument is anecdotal. Half of America has smoked, a small fraction turns to more harmful stuff.
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Sorry about your son, hope he kicks it. Heroin is a horrible drug that is a real danger. Lot of people get hooked after being on prescription pain killers etc. However, your argument is anecdotal. Half of America has smoked, a small fraction turns to more harmful stuff.

Its a big ass country. Diminishing percentages result in massive numbers. The jails are stuff with drug and alcohol related purps doing time for drug related crimes. The financial costs are staggering. The humanitarian cost are incalculable. All because that small fraction turns out to be an extremely large number in a massive population. All because that small fraction creates a product demand worth more than many small countries. You really need to get your facts straight.
Sorry about your son, hope he kicks it. Heroin is a horrible drug that is a real danger. Lot of people get hooked after being on prescription pain killers etc. However, your argument is anecdotal. Half of America has smoked, a small fraction turns to more harmful stuff.
So it's ok for only one child to get killed by a drunk driver , but if only a "small fraction " graduates to harder stuff it's fine because of those that want to be pot heads and zombies...yea, right!