Russia - Ukraine WAR Warning: Political Discussions

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It's early but in the very off chance Ukraine can hold them off, force a retreat, etc.. what then? Have to imagine this warmongering tactic by Putin won't be taken lightly by the free world. I'd think to think we say "enough is enough" and ensure something like this never happens again.. either by strengthening military bases nearby, heavy sanctions, etc.

If Russia botches this, even just in part, I'd hope we take this opportunity to knock them down a few pegs.
All we have to do is open the oil and natural gas spickets and become an exporter to Europe, which would cripple Russia. Maybe in three years….
Rubio is tweeting like none other. Politics aside , yes I know laughable, but I think the good ole country has some tricks up is sleeve.
However this does not take away from the potential hit that citizens will take.
Russians are within two miles of capital building
actually we had Russia down 2016-2020 until we illegally got the diaper shittin’ demented potato

Withholding my opinion on the situation and just addressing your “hold on” comment -

NATO has announced their entry into the conflict - depending on their actions and effectiveness — this could become item 1 that tips the scales away fm Russia

There are US forces deploying tonight and some have preceded them into the Baltics , Poland and other locations near Ukraine — i suspect ALL the conventional forces we deploy will do so as part of a NATO contingent - they could become another reason why Russia loses momentum

Indirect pressure and economic sanctions - other. nations working as a confederacy to undermine Russia economically & diplomatically could erode Russia’s position and momentum as well

Just some thoughts on your point there and how a major (even catastrophic) momentum shift could occur as you suggested
Withholding my opinion on the situation and just addressing your “hold on” comment -

NATO has announced their entry into the conflict - depending on their actions and effectiveness — this could become item 1 that tips the scales away fm Russia

There are US forces deploying tonight and some have preceded them into the Baltics , Poland and other locations near Ukraine — i suspect ALL the conventional forces we deploy will do so as part of a NATO contingent - they could become another reason why Russia loses momentum

Indirect pressure and economic sanctions - other. nations working as a confederacy to undermine Russia economically & diplomatically could erode Russia’s position and momentum as well

Just some thoughts on your point there and how a major (even catastrophic) momentum shift could occur as you suggested

Withholding my opinion on the situation and just addressing your “hold on” comment -

NATO has announced their entry into the conflict - depending on their actions and effectiveness — this could become item 1 that tips the scales away fm Russia

There are US forces deploying tonight and some have preceded them into the Baltics , Poland and other locations near Ukraine — i suspect ALL the conventional forces we deploy will do so as part of a NATO contingent - they could become another reason why Russia loses momentum

Indirect pressure and economic sanctions - other. nations working as a confederacy to undermine Russia economically & diplomatically could erode Russia’s position and momentum as well

Just some thoughts on your point there and how a major (even catastrophic) momentum shift could occur as you suggested

btw, man. Have you seen the U.S exemptions to the Russian “sanctions “? It’s almost like Putin and Joe worked together on this. Remember the $3.5 million paid to the Biden crime family from the Moscow mayor
btw, man. Have you seen the U.S exemptions to the Russian “sanctions “? It’s almost like Putin and Joe worked together on this. Remember the $3.5 million paid to the Biden crime family from the Moscow mayor

This was NOT on my radar -

And paying attention to what the money does - and where it goes IS important -

i believe the Biden admin just pinged congress with the preliminary assessment that $6.5 billion would be needed to support. — “the response” to Russia fighting in Ukraine

THINK i got that # right -
i need to look into the items you mentioned as well - thanks for the direction
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All we have to do is open the oil and natural gas spickets and become an exporter to Europe, which would cripple Russia. Maybe in three years….
We have the natural gas production now in the Marcellus Shale region of the Appalachians to be a net exporter of LNG to Europe. Just a few years ago local producers stopped producing natural gas in Marcellus for a while because the supply far outweighed the demand to the point that prices bottomed out and made production economically unviable. There's enough gas in North America to meet all of this continent's demands with enough left over for Europe.

The issue is that with the infrastructure and costs to ship LNG overseas, it's much cheaper for Europe to get energy from Russia. Putin is counting on that to continue, but hopefully he is wrong and Europe sees this as a chance to invest more heavily in nuclear and renewables while supplementing supply with US LNG.

But as you said, that won't happen overnight.
Damnit vanhalen —

You need to speak to economic angles and issues more then ....

That’s a strong and important angle to everything happening -

How well do you understand the forces and issues related to like hyperinflation?

Cause i don’t even get it from a conceptual level

You should share some of what you’re reading maybe 1/week and see what happens

ANNNND if you HAVE been doing that and i’ve missed it — then disregard this post cause i am an idiot
Ha. vh = Villa Hills. I post articles from the WSJ on the political thread most every day. Many of my thoughts are formed from their writings.
Ha. vh = Villa Hills. I post articles from the WSJ on the political thread most every day. Many of my thoughts are formed from their writings.

damnit, me

i’ll make it a point to watch for your next one

and - yes — i’ve read your screen name as VanHalen for as long as i can remember seeing you pop up

Villa Hills will have to grow on me :(
Everything with Trump fans is directly related to Trump/Biden. Reality: not everything is related to us. If Putin wanted Trump as President (he did), I wonder why that is.

best con job ever. Putin agrees to let Trump weaken Russia’s economy and energy to get the Democrats. Hahaha so Putin is America first and Russia second? That sounds like something Putin would do

Kinda like McCain and Obama hooking up together for a heist for the Hope Diamond ala Ocean 11
btw, man. Have you seen the U.S exemptions to the Russian “sanctions “? It’s almost like Putin and Joe worked together on this. Remember the $3.5 million paid to the Biden crime family from the Moscow mayor

Putin, Hilarius, and O'RomKerrybamanik probably worked on this

Joe doesn't "work" on anything. He was tops in his law school class, graduated with 2 degrees, and had a full scholarship. He's so good he was able to be plagiarized by 2 or 3 people months or years before he even wrote his own speeches.
I don't know, some think that once he has the Ukraine he will continue once he has put pressure on Germany and a few other NATO countries with energy supply restraints (could take a couple of years) to disban NATO so he could take the Baltic states next. Far-fetched? Maybe.
I can see that happening, but I think Putin's goal here might really just be about Ukraine. He wants to bring them back into the Russian fold for their natural resources and to be able to control their oil and gas pipelines to western Europe.

He also doesn't want any chance of them joining the EU where Russian citizens might see some of the benefits Ukraine would enjoy thereby weakening his regime. He wants to install a pro-Russia puppet to lead Ukraine so that they will be too unstable for the EU or NATO to consider them for membership.
There simply is no way to control 41.5 million people with 200k troops. If just a few Ukrainians decide to kill a couple Russians every day then it quickly becomes a quagmire, yet there will be thousands of Ukrainians more than happy to kill Russians as soon as the initial smoke clears. Putin has to know this. Even being "successful" and killing/replacing the current Ukrainian Govt will be illegitimate and just infuriate the locals even more. This is like UL invading Lexington, it makes the people even madder to have their close neighbor the ones doing the occupying.

So, again, what is Putin really up to? He can't be this naive or this desperate. What is the end game?
There simply is no way to control 41.5 million people with 200k troops. If just a few Ukrainians decide to kill a couple Russians every day then it quickly becomes a quagmire, yet there will be thousands of Ukrainians more than happy to kill Russians as soon as the initial smoke clears. Putin has to know this. Even being "successful" and killing/replacing the current Ukrainian Govt will be illegitimate and just infuriate the locals even more. This is like UL invading Lexington, it makes the people even madder to have their close neighbor the ones doing the occupying.

So, again, what is Putin really up to? He can't be this naive or this desperate. What is the end game?

Z, finally asking the question.
Why didn’t Russia take out their internet. Why didn’t they take out their air strategy first. Putin isn’t stupid, he’s a tyrant.
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Putin doesn't have the troops to control Kiev's 3 million people, let alone the entire country. Going to be lots of opportunities for the Ukrainians to open up a window, kill a Russian, then go back to watching TV.

Was Russia near collapse and Putin's hand was forced? What made Putin gamble like this with little prospect for a long range victory? Did he cut a deal with Zelenkski or what exactly is afoot here?
The sad part is this and the fact that many probably have families and some young children. If you have ever been around deploying or redeploying troops and see some of these children saying goodbye to their parent, it is heart wrenching. Much of my military contractor time and civil service time at Sill was deploying troops after 9/11. I helped units prepare their equipment for movement, load their equipment on trains, plains, and ships out of several ports around the US. Also, I would lead buses that were picking up soldiers to go to the local airports to fly out to the middle east. The hardest part for me was when spouses and children (especially the children) would start crying and trying to get to their mother or father. I had to turn away on several occasions and just get in my government truck (lead vehicle) and wait until the buses were loaded and then we would take them to the airport, manifest the unit for the contracted flight, load the plane, and then send them out.

I was divorced when I deployed during the Gulf War, but my sons (twins) were there when I left and when I returned. It is one of the hardest things to do of all military life.

That sounds extraordinarily difficult. Thanks for your service. Saw some videos of Ukraine citizens saying goodbye to family today, deciding to stay back and fight. Can't imagine.

Reports coming out that Ukraine has shot down a 2nd Russian paratrooper plane tonight.
Z, finally asking the question.
Why didn’t Russia take out their internet. Why didn’t they take out their air strategy first. Putin isn’t stupid, he’s a tyrant.

Yep. Any number of rich people or organizations could've paid him to do what he's doing the way he's doing it. How would anyone find out and who's going to say it if he did? If only people could understand that these things don't happen if very wealthy people don't want them to happen, we'd be better off.

What is this really about or distracting from? Could it be to take your mind off of the tyrannical behavior of Comrade Trudeau in Canada or some legislation about to be passed here that further restricts your rights and sets you on the path of subverting our constitution? Y'all keep watching the show, while the pickpockets in DC rob you blind
Putin's public statements have been cringeworthy. Does he really believe anyone is going to find him calling the Ukrainian Govt Nazis to be credible? Even his own Russian population won't believe that, let alone the entire world.

I am starting to seriously consider that Putin has had a mental breakdown? Just as I type this I heard somebody on television echo exactly my thoughts on Putin. He seems irrational at best. His threats of nukes have serious downrange consequences. I predict he will be dead in less than 2 years and maybe he's hearing the footsteps.
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Putin's public statements have been cringeworthy. Does he really believe anyone is going to find him calling the Ukrainian Govt Nazis to be credible? Even his own Russian population won't believe that, let alone the entire world.

I am starting to seriously consider that Putin has had a mental breakdown? Just as I type this I heard somebody on television echo exactly my thoughts on Putin. He seems irrational at best. His threats of nukes have serious downrange consequences. I predict he will be dead in less than 2 years and maybe he's hearing the footsteps.
You’re probably right. Dude is off his rocker. Isn’t Zelensky Jewish? Pretty sure he wouldn’t be Nazi.
My theory is Putin has cracked under the strain of paranoia. His power slipping away at home. His yes men would have heard the whispers and warned him. This is Putin operating at the end of his string. Grasping for his dream of putting the big fat Russian Humpty Dumpty back together again.

It's all going to come to no good end. Russia will be outlasted by a vicious insurgency in Ukraine and they'll get fed up with the body bags coming home. Putin will be ousted from within and probably killed. He's crossed too many lines. His Russian unification dreams will die along with him. Those Ukrainians have tasted freedom and there is no way on earth those folks are going to go along with returning to Russian subjugation and certainly not with Putin's ludicrous ham fisted attempts at lame Trump-esque propaganda.
You’re probably right. Dude is off his rocker. Isn’t Zelensky Jewish? Pretty sure he wouldn’t be Nazi.
Zelensky definitely isn't a nazi but the coalition government he put together contains a nazi org that had something like 26% of seats. Ukraine has like 14 parties and some make absolutely no sense. They have a couple communist parties and 4+ socialist parties. 2 parties seem to just be a front to get paid off by other parties needing votes.
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And apparently "how to make a molotov cocktail" was the #1 google search in Ukraine today. You gotta give those guys and gals credit. They are already doing better than anyone predicted. Putin has agreed to meet with Ukraine. I don't think he expected this much opposition.
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