Add sources to your news rotation that stem from large organizations that (are supposed to) carry. something of a politically neutral charter / mission - examples could be :
WHO - World Health
OSCE - Org Secuy/Coop in EU
WTO - World Trade
UN & their various sub-orgs (UNHCR, UNESCO etc)
Also try scanning the press release tabs on multiple USG Dept Level Entities like :
HUD - Housing
DHS/CDC - public health
VA - veterans
DoD. - Defense
This is what I do but w/e I use sources familiar to these people in the political thread call it "fake news" just because the person posting it happens to have a different perspective.
As an example, can be a godsend when it comes to researching potential investment opportunities but when I mentioned using this as a source, people say "you hate America."
I'm glad you posted this to give others an idea of what actual sources look like. Primary sources are where it's at, not secondary sources.