Russia - Ukraine WAR Warning: Political Discussions

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No trump talks about himself more than anyone. He needs to shut up and play golf before he goes full senile.
Poor deflection. You can’t answer a single tough political question without referencing Trump, it’s pretty sad. It’s kind of like Qanon, NO ONE comes close to a lib when it comes to talking about the Q group. I don’t have a single conservative friend that knows a single thing about that other than what they’ve heard in the news. On the contrary, my lib friends are intimately familiar with every aspect of it. They’ve convinced themselves that the right is all Qanon, when the reality is almost all conservatives know absolutely nothing about it.

It’s all just a way for you morons to make yourself feel like you’re the good guy and we are bad. Another is the KKK and it’s 12 members. You think all white conservatives are white supremacists, when in reality, that group and any other extreme white supremacy group barely have enough members to put together a decent poker game.

That was just a semi long winded way of saying you don’t live in reality with how you see those on the right and you really don’t live in reality with how you see yourselves.
You all do know that in 6 generations since Trumps emigrated here from Germany there has not been a single Trump in that family who served in the military. Let that sink in. And I'm talking WWI and especially WW II when everyone served, like my Dad. He's no Biden in regards to family service for his country.

... because everyone who served and whose family members served (especially those who get soft gigs instead of seeing real duty because of connecfions) just gets a pass afterward? Lol

You don't have to serve to respect those who served nor earn the respect of those who served. You don't have to approve of the war to fight in it or respect those who fought in it. It also doesn't take much disrespect towards those who serve or have served to lose any respect from a great many other people who didn't.

Always seeing things through politicaly tinted glasses is a bad way to pursue wisdom, and exactly the lens the most powerful want you to be dependent upon.
Poor deflection. You can’t answer a single tough political question without referencing Trump, it’s pretty sad. It’s kind of like Qanon, NO ONE comes close to a lib when it comes to talking about the Q group. I don’t have a single conservative friend that knows a single thing about that other than what they’ve heard in the news. On the contrary, my lib friends are intimately familiar with every aspect of it. They’ve convinced themselves that the right is all Qanon, when the reality is almost all conservatives know absolutely nothing about it.

It’s all just a way for you morons to make yourself feel like you’re the good guy and we are bad. Another is the KKK and it’s 12 members. You think all white conservatives are white supremacists, when in reality, that group and any other extreme white supremacy group barely have enough members to put together a decent poker game.

That was just a semi long winded way of saying you don’t live in reality with how you see those on the right and you really don’t live in reality with how you see yourselves.
Everything you just said could cover conservatives too. Every poster on here calls libs baby killers, BLM thugs, ect. You lump all libs in one group. You couldn’t be more wrong.
NOW we’re on the same team. A year ago Nazi white supremacist toxic Jussie beaters, but now that Joe is a disaster that can’t be hidden anymore from the world, same team.

Makes perfect sense.

It does when someone is part of a tantrum throwing toddler of a party, and their candidate got "elected" this time.

If Joe hadn't, imagine the riots. Imagine how much press the horrific murder rate nationwide would be getting right now. Imagine the 30 fake hate crimes that would have been reported and debunked already without any correction by the media. It's the new Lennon cover don't ya know...

"...Imagine there's no murder, it's easy if you try,
You're no longer deplorable, if you support our guy...

Imagine all the "pronouns" bowing to the DNC, woohoo-oooo..."
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It does when someone is part of a tantrum throwing toddler of a party, and their candidate got "elected" this time.

If Joe hadn't, imagine the riots. Imagine how much press the horrific murder rate nationwide would be getting right now. Imagine the 30 fake hate crimes that would have been reported and debunked already without any correction by the media. It's the new Lennon cover don't ya know...

"...Imagine there's no murder, it's easy if you try,
You're no longer deplorable, if you support our guy...

Imagine all the "pronouns" bowing to the DNC, woohoo-oooo..."
No riots to speak of
Then Joeko Bideno ruins the effing thing
I think he was referring to using Capitol police to murder, in cold blood, a unarmed American female protester. Or, imprison hundreds of American protesters for over a year without ever formally charging them of a crime because they dared trespass in "the people's house".
Or convening a completely phony baloney commission to investigate ONE riot while ignoring nearly 600 that did billions of dollars worth of damage and took numerous lives all across this country in the summer of 2020.
All of that stuff is designed to bully and intimidate anyone who dared to vote for Donald Trump and might think about voting for him again. You know it and so does everyone else.
The single most ignorant post I have ever seen on this site.....YOU sir embarrass MORONS everywhere
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Putin calling for Ukraine military to conduct a coup, repeating that he is attacking Nazis. The Ukraine president is Jewish. Putin evidently imprisoned Russian protestors in Moscow. Egomaniac.

So "is" Soros, but he had no problem working for the nazis against other Jewish people. "Best years of his life" according to him. You can be any religion, any ethnicity/nationality and still be a murderer or a tyrant (not saying anything one way or another about zelensky).

Did you ever think Putin might be talking about the international corporations that are in Ukraine? Maybe those are the ones he calls "nazis"... Lots of companies that supported the national socialist party before, during, and after WW2. Ford Motor, the Bush family, as well as chemical/medical companies of the time all participated in the German war effort. No idea if that's what Putin is talking about, but no one's asking him about it either, because journalism is as dead there as it is at the white house under this administration.
Do you think it’s kind of weird you’re responding for me? You don’t even know what I actually think. You think you do, but have no idea. I’ll let you flail though

I think it’s weird that you have nothing to say about the absurd notion, repeated in this thread since the start, that being anti-Biden is the same as being pro-Putin.

Again: where was the “same team” from 2016-2020?
Not the extent at which it is described or how it is used. You aren’t appropriating a culture when you adopt music or food or art. I don’t think it’s a great look to dress up as another culture for fun though.
Why should anyone care how you dress up? Do you care whether or not a man dresses as a woman or vice versa? Should not everyone have the right to dress any way they want? See this whole line of thinking is part of the problem today. People seem to be just looking for a reason to bitch and complain and control certain elements of our country. While I agree that cancel culture cannot cancel you as a person but, it does not mean it is not a thing per say. The attempt is there, i.e. removal of statues and names of historical people of certain groups, can't wear a MAGA hat (don't have one) without someone trying to take it from you physically, etc... Below is the Google definition which is the excepted definition of today's radical fringe SJW types. So, it is a thing per say, we just have to decide whether we allow them to get away with it.

"The Cancel Culture is a collective attempt to harm the reputation, livelihood, and social presence of people, products, TV shows, celebrities, employees, etc., for violating a particular ideological standard. Cancel Culture warriors will use ridicule, dox (publishing personal info about someone), attempt to have their bank accounts removed, get people fired from jobs, and get others not to support a person, product, or company socially and financially."
While I hope something like that pans out, I don't think there's any way this doesn't end without Putin installing his own puppet regime in Ukraine, at the very minimum.

The only real question is how many lives are lost and ruined, and whether or not this sets WW3 dominoes in motion.
I agree, and it’s gonna be a God damn shame. I hope our leaders are taking a lesson from President Zekensky. That dude is a dead man walking, and he could flee, and he might yet,but if he gets killed the West will pay a huge price for letting his Country down.
I agree, and it’s gonna be a God damn shame. I hope our leaders are taking a lesson from President Zekensky. That dude is a dead man walking, and he could flee, and he might yet,but if he gets killed the West will pay a huge price for letting his Country down.
If my country was under attack, that dude is emulating the type of leadership I would want.
Speaking of vodka, and directly relevant to this thread: Khor Platinum, a wheat- and corn-based vodka distilled in Ukraine, is available here in the USA. Bargain-priced with decent reviews. Couple months ago, I purchased a bottle. Not bad. Plan on buying another bottle soon.

If some here feel so inclined to support Ukraine, I can think of few better ways for expressing such support. Cheers!

Have to make a run to the Class VI this upcoming week as my stash is getting thin. Vodka is on the list so I will see if they have it. You know since they moved the Class VI to the shoppetts they have been downsized and the variety they used to have is small unless you are around DC at Ft. Belvoir. I went there the week of Trumps Inauguration to re-certify my passport agent status for Ft. Sill and again 2 years later and those shoppetts on post were bigger than Sill's and about 75% of their merchandize was booze.
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Why should anyone care how you dress up? Do you care whether or not a man dresses as a woman or vice versa? Should not everyone have the right to dress any way they want? See this whole line of thinking is part of the problem today. People seem to be just looking for a reason to bitch and complain and control certain elements of our country. While I agree that cancel culture cannot cancel you as a person but, it does not mean it is not a thing per say. The attempt is there, i.e. removal of statues and names of historical people of certain groups, can't wear a MAGA hat (don't have one) without someone trying to take it from you physically, etc... Below is the Google definition which is the excepted definition of today's radical fringe SJW types. So, it is a thing per say, we just have to decide whether we allow them to get away with it.

"The Cancel Culture is a collective attempt to harm the reputation, livelihood, and social presence of people, products, TV shows, celebrities, employees, etc., for violating a particular ideological standard. Cancel Culture warriors will use ridicule, dox (publishing personal info about someone), attempt to have their bank accounts removed, get people fired from jobs, and get others not to support a person, product, or company socially and financially."
People can do and say what they want it isn’t my job to stop someone from doing something. Cancel culture isn’t real. It’s made up. It’s a myth. People have been receiving backlash for their actions and people have been censored for centuries. That’s not cancel culture. That’s life.
Poor deflection. You can’t answer a single tough political question without referencing Trump, it’s pretty sad. It’s kind of like Qanon, NO ONE comes close to a lib when it comes to talking about the Q group. I don’t have a single conservative friend that knows a single thing about that other than what they’ve heard in the news. On the contrary, my lib friends are intimately familiar with every aspect of it. They’ve convinced themselves that the right is all Qanon, when the reality is almost all conservatives know absolutely nothing about it.

It’s all just a way for you morons to make yourself feel like you’re the good guy and we are bad. Another is the KKK and it’s 12 members. You think all white conservatives are white supremacists, when in reality, that group and any other extreme white supremacy group barely have enough members to put together a decent poker game.

That was just a semi long winded way of saying you don’t live in reality with how you see those on the right and you really don’t live in reality with how you see yourselves.
I had never heard of it until it was referenced in the Political Thread.
Can't we all agree that Joe and Trump are two of the worst presidents we've ever had and move on? Oh, right, we can't because we're all part of a fake team bullshit run by parties that want nothing more than to drain your pocket then call you lazy.

Ya'll are all blinded.
People can do and say what they want it isn’t my job to stop someone from doing something. Cancel culture isn’t real. It’s made up. It’s a myth. People have been receiving backlash for their actions and people have been censored for centuries. That’s not cancel culture. That’s life.
We can call it whatever you want, but I don’t recall people getting punished for offhand comments that are a decade old 5-10 years ago. Maybe I missed that, but it seems relatively new to me.
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We can call it whatever you want, but I don’t recall people getting punished for offhand comments that are a decade old 5-10 years ago. Maybe I missed that, but it seems relatively new to me.
The presence of social media allows all of your comments and beliefs to be archived forever. That’s the internet. Now we can get rid of the internet sure but no one really wants that.
Prof. Mychailo in Ukraine just said 2,800 Russian Soldiers have died "today". He said "they are getting clobbered".

"I'm watching Russian paratroopers get shot as they attempt to land".

"I watched Russian soldiers get lost in a neighborhood and when they asked for directions, they were surrounded and taken as POW's.”

"Nobody is taking over this country."
I loved this comment but feel for the Russian soldiers who most likely want jack to do with this.

Also, just heard Russians can’t fight at night? For real?
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Where you from brother?
Born and raised in Louisville originally. Spent last three years of high school outside of E-Town in Vertrees Ky before joining the Army. My finances for many years had me buying cheap. I still buy pretty cheap unless I am going to have guest at the house which is rare.
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