Let’s get confirmation first (from our totally trustworthy media!) but escalation should surprise nobody.
The Russian equivalent of Purple Heart Boxes….I just don’t understand why they get caught in tightly packed groups as sitting ducks, over and over, again.
If I were in the Russian military and offered a seat in a T-72, T-80, or T-90, I’d say “no tanks!”
You would link Chomsky.
If you read the 2014 time magazine article with Putin he says directly that when mitt Romney in the 2012 election labeled them as our greatest geopolitical foe that’s when the Russian attitude towards the USA took a nose dive. And if you look at the timeline it seems like he was being forthright.And you would make such a comment thinking it means something.
Chomsky is one of the most prolific vehemently anti-Trump voices out there, yet still stands staunchly anti-war. One of the most impressive psychological manipulations ever seen by mankind is how the neo-cons managed to get the leftists and so-called liberals thirsting for war against Russia.
One can be left or right of center and be pro-peace. Domestically, politics is not the crux of the issue here.
Liberals love him as do most university professors which is why he is quoted and cited so often. Glad you like him so much. I don't care for him at all. He's really an oddball anarchist so it's little wonder he acts much like a libertarian when it comes to foreign policy. 99.99999% of the sane people on the planet are against war. Sometimes, however, things must be done. For now we're doing the right things by providing weapons assistance to Ukraine to at least even the playing field a bit. If Russia has a problem with that, tough. They won't do a thing about it other than rattle their ever ready sabre because they know they can't. It's Russian 101.And you would make such a comment thinking it means something.
Chomsky is one of the most prolific vehemently anti-Trump voices out there, yet still stands staunchly anti-war. One of the most impressive psychological manipulations ever seen by mankind is how the neo-cons managed to get the leftists and so-called liberals thirsting for war against Russia.
One can be left or right of center and be pro-peace. Domestically, politics is not the crux of the issue here.
Were his lips moving? He's a pathological liar. I don't know why anyone would trust anything he said, ever.If you read the 2014 time magazine article with Putin he says directly that when mitt Romney in the 2012 election labeled them as our greatest geopolitical foe that’s when the Russian attitude towards the USA took a nose dive. And if you look at the timeline it seems like he was being forthright.
Magyars and Bulgars are two entirely distinct peoples, different ethnicity and language.
Ukrainians and Russians are the same people, speaking a dialect of the same language. They have a shared history and culture.
Our media and politicians left/right/center all want war. It's not our war. It's just not our problem to fix militarily; has nothing to do with whether or not the invasion was just or not. It obviously wasn't.
And then this is another thing - 3 months ago you people couldn't name 3 Ukrainian cities if your lives depended on it. Now you're suddenly experts on Eastern European history and all things Russia/NATO after spending time on your google machines and watching TV talking-heads tell you what you wanted to hear, quick to call anyone who disagrees with what you've "concluded" over the last few weeks dumb.
The logic is very simple, if Russia's current goal was to take the whole of Ukraine, and they are struggling to do so against an inferior and less equipped opposition, then they would find actual NATO forces in Poland/Romania/Baltics inconceivably difficult to contend with, entirely insurmountable after expending so many troops and resources in Ukraine.
If the purpose of NATO was to defend Europe from Russian imperialism, but it's own expansion and dealings with a nonmember in Ukraine unnecessarily brings the US into direct conflict with Russia through the bumbling actions of our exceedingly incompetent politicians, then yes, it has not only outlived its usefulness, but become completely counterproductive, achieving nothing but the exact opposite of what it was designed.
If you read the 2014 time magazine article with Putin he says directly that when mitt Romney in the 2012 election labeled them as our greatest geopolitical foe that’s when the Russian attitude towards the USA took a nose dive. And if you look at the timeline it seems like he was being forthright.
Yeah. Didn’t Russia take Georgia in 2008? Yeah, people knew Putin was bad news, even though he got along with W. Who knows? He may have indirectly been in cahoots with bin Laden. Dude reached out to ask if there was anything he could do; I just don’t trust him. He’s evil.Were his lips moving? He's a pathological liar. I don't know why anyone would trust anything he said, ever.
Dude, did you just call me an international relations Benny? 😂 That's funny. That was my field of study and what I've been doing for work for the past 20+ years.
Anyway, I think you misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I'm well aware that Magyars and Bulgars are completely separate people; I was using each as a separate illustrative example of two peoples/nations who had origins or had lived for long periods in what is now Russia. I then meandered into some other (probably better suited) examples as a counterpoint to the post to which I was originally replying. I'm also half-Hungarian and have studied and read a great deal about European history and geography with a particular emphasis on the Eastern part.
Anyway, no one really thought Russia would struggle this badly. That's 20/20 hindsight. I'm also not hankering for the U.S./NATO to get boots on the ground or establish a no-fly zone (which would essentially mean an air war), and I agree with you that too many of our politicians are bumbling incompetents. I would, however, like you to go to Kiev and proclaim loudly in a bar that Russians and Ukrainians are the same people and see what kind of reaction you get. People can be quite similar in terms of the languages they speak, the way they worship, and have some shared history. That doesn't mean they're the same or that one will be happy with the other's attempt to assert suzerainty at gunpoint. In fact, sometimes the more similar folks are, the more they emphasize the ways in which they're distinct in order to form an identity. Hell, even the commies treated Ukraine as a separate entity from Russia when they were in charge. Your line about how "Ukrainians and Russians are the same people, speaking a dialect of the same language. They have a shared history and culture" essentially parrots Putin's flawed, overly reductive thinking, and we're all too well aware of how that ended up.
Liberals love him as do most university professors which is why he is quoted and cited so often. Glad you like him so much. I don't care for him at all. He's really an oddball anarchist so it's little wonder he acts much like a libertarian when it comes to foreign policy. 99.99999% of the sane people on the planet are against war. Sometimes, however, things must be done. For now we're doing the right things by providing weapons assistance to Ukraine to at least even the playing field a bit. If Russia has a problem with that, tough. They won't do a thing about it other than rattle their ever ready sabre because they know they can't. It's Russian 101.
And then do what? Walk back to Donbas?If I were in the Russian military and offered a seat in a T-72, T-80, or T-90, I’d say “no tanks!”
Careful, entroy13, you’ll be labeled a part of the swamp.Dude, did you just call me an international relations Benny? 😂 That's funny. That was my field of study and what I've been doing for work for the past 20+ years.
I’m not so sure 44 million people with 200,000 defense forces can be defeated and occupied by 200,000 invaders . . . .
The Russians have many advantages, obviously, but how many advantages would be needed for Fayette County to conquer Texas?
Ultimately the fate of Ukraine is in their own hands, and if enough resist, this will be a defeat for Putin.
Neither of you have a clue. You're a pompous ass and laughably think you're smarter than other people. There is no negotiating with Putin until he has no choice. Sanctions will eventually do that.They are genetically the same and speak the same language (dialects of one another), that doesn't happen without them being essentially the same people. And part of that shared culture is particularly ugly, which can be exploited here and will be made worse. Before the invasion, the prevailing Ukrainian sentiment from the average Ivan was that their Russian brothers wouldn't invade. They were wrong. Before this thread, there was locked one polling the Catpaw if Russia would invade. Only a handful of us knew enough to say the threat was real and imminent and should not be taken lightly.
"Parroting " Putin would mean I heard it from Putin first and am just repeating it. I knew that was true before Putin said it, as most all people who pay attention diid; him saying it doesn't preclude it from being true just as if he said the sky was blue.
And I would have no qualms whatsoever telling that to them to their face. Hell, I'd say it to Klitchko if I had to. It's the truth, one should never be afraid to speak it.
But I have no desire to go there to either country, and that has nothing to do with the current state of affairs, I simply don't care for either of them. Hungary is alright, but they sold themselves out to European investors and are poorer than they otherwise would be just like Ukraine will be, but that's neither here nor there really. You missed the point I made and I'm not going to expound upon it. The only reason I took umbrage with your (plural) posts is that you are arrogantly calling others dumb simply for having a different opinion, meanwhile you yourselves are obviously ignorant to anyone who is better read or of sufficient experience, no offense. Not that I care, and I'm not here to persuade you, but in the immortal worlds of that great neocon Donald Rumsfeld who is no doubt smiling down (or UP) at you, You Don't know what YOu don't know.
While you're pointing fingers, someone else is judging you.
I also don't care for him, but again, that doesn't preclude him from being right on something. He knows the risk we are taking by pursuing this war instead of peace negotiations, and that it's not worth it. The future will bear that out, just watch.
You'll then just hem and haw, speculate the alternative would've been worse. It would'nt have, and this war was as preventable as it was necessary.
Hope I'm wrong, but more war will not lead to peace, certainly not a better result. Many more lives and more destruction in store, especially downstream effects like famine and instability elsewhere. Be thankful you live in Georgia, United States where life is on easy mode not some shithole country like those warring in Europe or those even unluckier to be born under an even worse sign like Lebanon where they're as of yesterday struggling to figure out where they gonna get wheat from.
But take care U2, i'mma just go back to skimming your posts; there's no value in it for me and I won't get drawn in to some exceedingly ignorant back and forth like Wildcats1st (who has a clue) had with vhcat (hwo doesn't)
I’d rather walk 100 miles back to Donbas than be touted in a body bag for a mile.And then do what? Walk back to Donbas?
Neither of you have a clue. You're a pompous ass and laughably think you're smarter than other people. There is no negotiating with Putin until he has no choice. Sanctions will eventually do that.
Look, it's simply not a coincidence that you can't make your argument without hurling insults or strawman accusations
Anyone wiht sufficient discernment should see right through you. You're pro-war - you want to see Ukraine win no matter what the cost. I get it.
But they won't win. And if they do, which I sincerely hope they do, the cost is going to be much higher than letting go of Donbas, or recognizing Crimea, or formally declaring and adjusting their constitution to not explicitly not join NATO.
This all could have been avoided.
Lol, sure thing chief.Yeah I know... I read the NYT daily.
But you're a midwit who isn't even smart enough to realize how dumb he is. That's being honest, not pompous.
Thanks. Once more illustrates that Putin et al aren't about just a part of Ukraine.
Thanks for the compliment of association. Historical truthful information doesn't mean dick sh!t as to what is happening now.SDC, Wildcats1st, Hmt, Girthang give historical truthful information
The Hack, VhCat70, BigBlueFanGa “nuh uh, you dumb” is one hell of a convincing platform.
Could you give me your password please? I don't have access.Yeah I know... I read the NYT daily.
So all those Euro clucks still aren't protecting themselves. Thanks.
Look who's talking chief. Pretty sure you love disparaging remarks. As for your contention, you're dead wrong. Russia can't win. I'm no pro war chief, I'm pro bad guys losing. We should provide enough military aid, along with Europe, to fully even the playing field.Look, it's simply not a coincidence that you can't make your argument without hurling insults or strawman accusations
Anyone wiht sufficient discernment should see right through you. You're pro-war - you want to see Ukraine win no matter what the cost. I get it.
- A cost you don't have to pay.
But they won't win. And if they do, which I sincerely hope they do, the cost is going to be much higher than letting go of Donbas, or recognizing Crimea, or formally declaring and adjusting their constitution to unambiguously and explicitly not join NATO.
This all could have been avoided.
Thanks for the compliment of association. Historical truthful information doesn't mean dick sh!t as to what is happening now.
So all those Euro clucks still aren't protecting themselves. Thanks.
Could you give me your password please? I don't have access.
Look who's talking chief. Pretty sure you love disparaging remarks. As for your contention, you're dead wrong. Russia can't win. I'm no pro war chief, I'm pro bad guys losing. We should provide enough military aid, along with Europe, to fully even the playing field.
The relatively few men Russia is using along with their obsolete equipment and tactics won't stand over the long term. Im very pro Ukraine killing every Russian soldier they can, regardless of circumstances.
It isn't up to you or I. It is up to the Ukrainians themselves just how far they are willing to go in their fight. I suspect they'd rather die than let Putin take a foot of their land. They deserve our admiration and assistance.
If course you won't. You hate being challenged because in your mind you're always right. Guess what, you arent and apparently you're weak too.I'm sure your Boss Chinaman would give you one if you told them you needed it complete your mission.
But yeah, I look forward to you continuing to troll this thread like you did the virus one. You really got under the skin of some posters way back then, poor guys just trying to stay one step ahead of the misinformation never stood a chance at not getting annoyed by your idiocy.
Didn't read this post, nor most of the others fully either- won't read your posts going forward as it's pointless for me, detrimental to you. Goodluck.