Fair.Difference between being conservative and Republican. I never say Republican; I say conservative. I despise GOP so does that make one an independent?
I just don’t know how an independent who claims to be middle of the road would ever side with the left with their vote.
Yep. Black Rock is backed by the Fed. They’re outbidding people by ridiculous amounts to grab land and homes.
He should have defected to another country.With the Biden administration....this will all just conveniently disappear.
Of course, if the Palestinians take the vax, then Israel will be rid of all of them in 2-5years.Uh oh, more apartheid behavior. Unfortunately hamas will throw them away and kill civilians and that will be Israel's fault tho, somehow
McPaper with some more hard hitting journalism. Their readers are so well informed!Damn it.
Fact check: Hillary Clinton was not hanged at Guantanamo Bay
A conspiracy theory suggests that Navy SEALs arrested Hillary Clinton under Trump's direction, and that she was later hanged. This is false.www.usatoday.com
Probably feared retribution from the "protestors" and cancel culture if they didn't go along with this.Wow. mccloskey seems perfectly ok with the outcome—pleads guilty to a lesser charge, $750 fine, wife also fined, their weapons seized and to be destroyed? then he says “it’s what the 2d amendment is all about.”
Private citizen on his private property, which is posted and gated, defending himself and property, and he’s the criminal? and he’s ok with it? what kind of lawyer is he? headscratcher.
Bet there’ll be no no accounting of where those funds go, likely in Dem pockets. But why not? They’re the racists.
If they had been a straight couple he would have sold them a wedding cake. Since they're a gay couple he refused. Simple as that. You know it and everyone on this board knows it. It's straight from Phillips's own mouth.Dion Dong. You said they were reused service strictly because they were gay. I said that’s not true and gave you a scenario in which shows their being gay wasn’t the reason, but their particular opinion on a matter was.
I think that is because they are a subsidiary branch of the liberal democrat who know those people are wacko's and don't want the stigma that goes with that title.Interesting the "independent/apolitical" view matches liberal view. Of course we knew that to be the case on this board, but interesting to see it's nationwide that liberals either consider or portray themselves as independent.
Open your eyes and mind first and then read it again.Wow! What a description.
Now describe Bevin.
Some one explain to me why we should become a nation of renters. That is a socialist way of living is it not?
I think that is because they are a subsidiary branch of the liberal democrat who know those people are wacko's and don't want the stigma that goes with that title.
Another liberal idiot who would have been unknown had it not been for the media's obsession with the lie that is systemic or inherent racism. Baby's born are not racist and most children are not these days unless they are being raised that way and quite frankly, it is mostly non existent except in the minds of those who are of the victim mentality today. That mentality is solely based in the fact that they are too lazy to go out and actually make their own way through life. Instead, they have chosen the path of the entitlement lie that allows them to be lazy and reap the rewards others have worked so hard for.