How will they rule ??!

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Had boys in scouting. Was a cubmaster, asst. Scoutmaster in my day and I'm ashamed that the powers that be are caving, but it's been happening for years now. When the LDS church disbanded from it you knew it was getting bad. Once was a great organization for young men and boys.
Could a boy join the girl scouts? you know, if he identified as one and such? or not, hell girls can be as girly as they want and still join the Boy Scouts, but not vice versa.
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Those at CNN are so dumb. That they didn't have enough brains to know that Donald Trump was the only thing that was keeping them afloat. If anybody there had an ounce of business sense they would have said we've got to keep Trump in office. Instead their hate won out, they helped to beat Trump & now they're paying a heavy price for it. Don Lemon getting only 700,000 viewers compared to Tucker Carlson on Fox News getting 3.2 million viewers in the same time slot. Their liberal hate has ruined them. They will soon go the way of the dinosaur & good riddance.
There's a real simple solution to the problem Fauci is talking about. Let black people get in their cars & drive to the doctor's office or a drug store & get themselves a COVID shot. The fact that black's aren't doing this, how is this racist?
Because they need an ID for the shot and everyone knows they are incapable of obtaining one.
On May 16, 1997, in the East Room of the White House, President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology for the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, the "longest nontherapeutic experiment on human beings" in the history of medicine and public health. That study, conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) at Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University) in Tuskegee, Alabama, was originally projected to last six months but spanned 40 years—from 1932 to 1972. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of untreated syphilis in black men. The men in the study were never told that they had syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease. Instead, government doctors told the men they had "bad blood," a term that was commonly used to describe a wide range of unspecified maladies.

The study included 600 black men, 399 with syphilis and a control group of 201 who did not have the disease. The men in the study were the sons and grandsons of slaves. Most had never been seen by a doctor. When announcements were made in churches and in the cotton fields about a way to receive free medical care, the men showed up in droves, unaware of the high price that would be paid over the next four decades. In the mid-1940s, when penicillin became the standard cure for syphilis, the Tuskegee subjects were not given the drug. Even as some men went blind and insane from advanced (tertiary) syphilis, the government doctors withheld treatment, remaining committed to observing their subjects through to the study’s predetermined "end point"—autopsy. To ensure that the families would agree to this final procedure, the government offered them burial insurance—at most, $50—to cover the cost of a casket and grave.

The research project was finally stopped after Peter Buxtun, a former venereal disease investigator with the PHS, shared the truth about the study’s unethical methods with a reporter from the Associated Press. On July 25, 1972, news accounts sparked a public outcry that ultimately brought the notorious experimentation to an end. Congressional hearings were conducted, which led to federal legislation strengthening guidelines for protection of human subjects in research. Fred Gray, a civil rights attorney, filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the men that resulted in a $10 million out-of-court settlement for the victims, their families, and their heirs. The study engendered among many African Americans a legacy of deep mistrust that hampered efforts to promote health and prevent disease in this population group.
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Exactly why he should be the next candidate.
Yeah...but it also highlights the point that it doesn’t matter who runs on the R ticket. The left and their cohorts in the media will absolutely crucify them. Trump...Desantis...whoever. Doesn’t matter on that particular issue.

Your contention that Trump can’t win because they will show a bunch of videos of the Capitol riot, complete horseshit. It also shows a lack of complete understanding of how the left & media operate in modern times. Look at John McCain, Mitt Romney, George Bush, etc...They absolutely crucify them to get the election results they want. Yet they hug their nuts when they aren’t a threat.

Trump may not be the right guy to run in 2024...we will see when that time comes. But if he isn’t the won’t be because of that lame ass excuse that you keep trotting out.

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear arguments in a major abortion case from Mississippi that could roll back limits on abortion laws cemented by the landmark reproductive rights case Roe v. Wade.

The case will be the first major abortion dispute to test all three of former President Donald Trump’s appointees to the top court, including its newest member, Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

The top court announced in an order that it will hear the dispute, Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 19-1392. The court will hear the case in its term beginning in October and a decision is likely to come by June 2022.

The case concerns a Mississippi abortion law passed in 2018 that bars abortions after 15 weeks with limited exceptions. The law was blocked by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Under existing Supreme Court precedent, states may not ban abortions that occur prior to fetal viability, generally around 22 weeks or later.
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CDC director Walensky admits covid deaths WAY overcounted
How many times have we been told by the members of the faux science religion that deaths were vastly UNDER reported?

Every time it has been brought up on this board that it has been over reported, you’ll have your usual suspects come running like a moth to a flame to make sure we all know we are the dumb science deniers and - if anything - covid deaths are much more than what we really know.

I hate these people. Wrong at every step and still turn their noses up no matter how many times they are proven wrong. Over and over and over and over and over and over again.

One day they’ll realize they are the sheep. You’d think anyway.
On May 16, 1997, in the East Room of the White House, President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology for the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, the "longest nontherapeutic experiment on human beings" in the history of medicine and public health. That study, conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) at Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University) in Tuskegee, Alabama, was originally projected to last six months but spanned 40 years—from 1932 to 1972. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of untreated syphilis in black men. The men in the study were never told that they had syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease. Instead, government doctors told the men they had "bad blood," a term that was commonly used to describe a wide range of unspecified maladies.

The study included 600 black men, 399 with syphilis and a control group of 201 who did not have the disease. The men in the study were the sons and grandsons of slaves. Most had never been seen by a doctor. When announcements were made in churches and in the cotton fields about a way to receive free medical care, the men showed up in droves, unaware of the high price that would be paid over the next four decades. In the mid-1940s, when penicillin became the standard cure for syphilis, the Tuskegee subjects were not given the drug. Even as some men went blind and insane from advanced (tertiary) syphilis, the government doctors withheld treatment, remaining committed to observing their subjects through to the study’s predetermined "end point"—autopsy. To ensure that the families would agree to this final procedure, the government offered them burial insurance—at most, $50—to cover the cost of a casket and grave.

The research project was finally stopped after Peter Buxtun, a former venereal disease investigator with the PHS, shared the truth about the study’s unethical methods with a reporter from the Associated Press. On July 25, 1972, news accounts sparked a public outcry that ultimately brought the notorious experimentation to an end. Congressional hearings were conducted, which led to federal legislation strengthening guidelines for protection of human subjects in research. Fred Gray, a civil rights attorney, filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the men that resulted in a $10 million out-of-court settlement for the victims, their families, and their heirs. The study engendered among many African Americans a legacy of deep mistrust that hampered efforts to promote health and prevent disease in this population group.
Yet blacks accept government benefits. Where's the mistrust of that dependency? Yet blacks work for the Fed Gov. If there's so much mistrust, how is that? So the mistrust is selective memory according to how some want to portray themselves as victims today. Net, I call total bs.
CDC director Walensky admits covid deaths WAY overcounted
How many times have we been told by the members of the faux science religion that deaths were vastly UNDER reported?

Every time it has been brought up on this board that it has been over reported, you’ll have your usual suspects come running like a moth to a flame to make sure we all know we are the dumb science deniers and - if anything - covid deaths are much more than what we really know.

I hate these people. Wrong at every step and still turn their noses up no matter how many times they are proven wrong. Over and over and over and over and over and over again.

One day they’ll realize they are the sheep. You’d think anyway.
Yeah...but it also highlights the point that it doesn’t matter who runs on the R ticket. The left and their cohorts in the media will absolutely crucify them. Trump...Desantis...whoever. Doesn’t matter on that particular issue.

Your contention that Trump can’t win because they will show a bunch of videos of the Capitol riot, complete horseshit. It also shows a lack of complete understanding of how the left & media operate in modern times. Look at John McCain, Mitt Romney, George Bush, etc...They absolutely crucify them to get the election results they want. Yet they hug their nuts when they aren’t a threat.

Trump may not be the right guy to run in 2024...we will see when that time comes. But if he isn’t the won’t be because of that lame ass excuse that you keep trotting out.
The riot videos are by far the worst videos that can be used against any Pub candidate. Plus Trump has many other statements/videos the others don't have. It the lack of self-control thing with Trump. Sure they'd go after DeSantis & all the others too, but he's smart enough to give them less to work with.

I'll stop trotting the lame excuse out when others stop suggesting Trump is the best 2024 candidate. I mean there's no reason to trot it out without the Trump for Prez promotions here.
Don't you believe the AP when it says it had no idea it was officing with Hamas?
Don't you believe CNN when it says it had no idea that for 10 years an employee/contractor had been tweeting things like "We need a new Hitler?" (Especially ironic since they claimed Trump had to go since he was like Hitler. And even more ironic now that Biden is beginning to act like Hitler.)

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