How will they rule ??!

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1) Don't mind the balance in SC

2) Eh, the sweeping statement that hurt businesses is inaccurate. Some are good. Some cause even more issues than the regulation itself. Some maybe solve an issue but create a new one. The manner in which this was done was reckless. So I assume you think its good coal mines in eastern KY can now dump waste into streams.... smh. What Trump did was try to erase Obama. Obama made is mistakes but to act as if anything with Obama tied to it was "bad". is simply not factual or reasonable in any capacity.


4) Yeah, hell with doing due diligence---- OIL AT ALL AN ANY COST!

5) The boarders are no more secure than under Obama. Literally very little has changed. Obama deported more illegals than any other president and administration in the history of this country.... and Trump has equaled that in a matter of months, you seriously cannot be this stupid.

6) The tax cut will do nothing. If we are lucky, it will make some things cheaper. It wont create jobs. Tax plans don't create jobs. It places a larger burden on the middle class and rids exemptions and write offs for individuals and solely caters to big business and the elite. Your republicans have had 8 years to come up with an alternative to Obamacare and solutions to the issues. You still have jack shit. You'll never convince me repeal and replace is more cost effective or better. Just fix the issues it has....many which wouldn't be present in the first place if Republicans didn't keep sending it back and would have adopted the original bill. And again for the Artic --- Oil at all costs....

This is the brainwashing of dumbass conservatism at its best. Now go turn on Faux News and give Sean Hannity and handjob...

How is the tax cut going to burden the middle class? You really don't think it will help create jobs, really?

You're doing nothing but rehashing leftist talking points.

Illegal immigration is down 70%. You know why Obama's deportation numbers were so high? He changed what is considered deportation. Immigrants turned around at the border were considered deported, more were coming because if they made it across they were good.
Less are trying now, which is great, you know why less are trying now? TRUMP

You're the perfect example of todays democrat, everything you think is based on emotion.

This details texts between two agents Mueller assigned to the Trump/Russia collusion case. These 2 were banging by the way and married to other people I'm pretty sure. . Not that that matters I don't guess. And dems wonder why lots of rational people can't take this investigation seriously. Story is from Politico.
Stronger pacts with China? Has China reigned in N.Korea? Have they stopped stealing US patents and technology? Stopped manipulating their currency?
Dude, we've been making pacts with China since Nixon traveled there in the early '70s... claiming any accomplishments from those pacts takes decades to evaluate.

Tax reform...has anything happened other than proposals and how do you know that reform will be good for you? It's kind of like Repeal and Replace Obamacare... sounds great, what's the replacement? At this point you're cheering for vaporware.

The economy has been "booming" since 2009. I invite you to look at the market the last 10 years... You will notice from March 2009 through today the trend is pretty close to a straight line. I will also inform you that Presidents have very little control over the economy and the market. Today's market is international. A war, a natural disaster, a political turn in another part of the world could cause the economy to turn on its head.

Being 22 I'll give you a pass on not understanding the world women have lived in up to this point. You'll learn this at some point in your life but there is a reason that so many women are coming out now and didn't 10-20-30-40+ years ago. Your boss call you into his office and makes his move or suggest you do something for a would you prove it? It would be his word against yours and he held all the power. If you ever have a daughter, or a child that is gay, or a child with special needs that child will grow up in a completely different world than did my generation (Baby Boomers) or even the Gen Xers.

As I said, with age you'll acquire some wisdom. I'm not slamming you too hard because when we are all 12-13 yrs old up through our 20's we think we know everything. When you get to be 50, 60 yrs old you'll realize how little you really knew.
I'm not completely disagreeing with you. But If you compare how hard people slam Trump compared to other presidents it's gonna be hard for anything to pass. His ways may be outlandish but I truly believe he cares about the country more so than the other presidents did because they were more worried about how they were perceived by their political party and the media than actually trying to help. And I grew up around women, living with my grandma, aunts, etc. They wouldn't ever wait to make late allegations they stood up for what was right, proof or no proof.
Hard to pass legislation when you have your own Party standing in the way.
Perhaps they are "standing in the way" because they see the problems with what has been proposed.
Also, Trump has done little to own any legislation put forth. "It will be great" is not a plan. "Repeal and Replace" is not a plan. He spews out one sentence tag lines and then wants congress to fill in all the detail. He claims the House bill "is great", then the Senate comes up with a completely different bill and "It's great!" while the two plans are completely different.
I'm not completely disagreeing with you. But If you compare how hard people slam Trump compared to other presidents it's gonna be hard for anything to pass. His ways may be outlandish but I truly believe he cares about the country more so than the other presidents did because they were more worried about how they were perceived by their political party and the media than actually trying to help. And I grew up around women, living with my grandma, aunts, etc. They wouldn't ever wait to make late allegations they stood up for what was right, proof or no proof.

I know the guy cares. Who the hell would go through this unless he did? He didn't need the money. Unlike politicians, he got rich outside of politics. He's not a puppet for anyone unlike our past presidents. He takes no salary. He and his family deal with the most insane people in media and in this country.

He was in the public eye for decades. Mingled with celebs and everyone who now calls him a monster. Weird how he's just suddenly a monster after taking on Obama, Clinton and Democrats.
I'm not completely disagreeing with you. But If you compare how hard people slam Trump compared to other presidents it's gonna be hard for anything to pass. His ways may be outlandish but I truly believe he cares about the country more so than the other presidents did because they were more worried about how they were perceived by their political party and the media than actually trying to help. And I grew up around women, living with my grandma, aunts, etc. They wouldn't ever wait to make late allegations they stood up for what was right, proof or no proof.
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I know the guy cares. Who the hell would go through this unless he did? He didn't need the money. Unlike politicians, he got rich outside of politics. He's not a puppet for anyone unlike our past presidents. He takes no salary. He and his family deal with the most insane people in media and in this country.

He was in the public eye for decades. Mingled with celebs and everyone who now calls him a monster. Weird how he's just suddenly a monster after taking on Obama, Clinton and Democrats.
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I like Donald Trump b/c he loves the United States. It is painfully obvious you and your ilk do not like this country the way it was founded. I don't know if you suffer from self esteem self hate guilt whatever but clearly you have a chip on your shoulder and do not believe in individuals determining their fate. You are probably an atheist too. If not just love one another the way Jesus loves us. It's really not difficult.
Please do tell us what positive things Trump has done.... list them... I'll wait----
I wrote this up some days back. It overlaps some with DSmith 21.

In just over a year from election, 10 months from inauguration, Trump has…

- Saved the Senate from being overrun with Libs who would have created government gridlock - at best. Only he as the Pub Prez candidate could have brought as many votes to the Pub side down the ticket. Saving Senators Ron Johnson, Pat Toomey, & Richard Burr are the cases in point.

- Nominated conservative judges across the board and continues to do so. Their approval by the Pub Senate is saving us from not knowing what the plain meaning of the Constitution is versus having unwritten rights like privacy made up.

- Appointed cabinet secretaries who are in the processing of deregulating the economy, freeing people to live & improve their lives. Examples follow.

- Got the XL pipeline approved - after years of bogus delays under Obama - for future lower fuel prices.

- Stopped Title IX abuse of accused men thru Sec. Betsy DeVos by increasing evidence/burden of proof requirement to that of true courts.

- Sec. DeVos is also loosening rules on charter schools to stop poor kids from being trapped in lousy schools.

- Deregulating the internet again so that government doesn’t force internet providers do what Amazon & Facebook want. Let them buy their own internet provider companies. Meanwhile, the ISP’s regain the incentive to improve their services instead being a tool of band width hogs.

- Enforcing immigration laws vigorously. How dare Obama decide not to enforce those laws for dreamers. Let Congress pass a law, not a Prez – Obama, decide unilaterally as a dictator.

- Stopped illegal payments to health insurance companies that Obama had been making.

- Trying to pass a tax law that reduces income taxes on the overwhelming majority of those who pay them and reduces them on businesses to spur growth so that there is more income to tax and more jobs to be had. Libs don’t understand that the objective is to grow the pie, not slice & dice the current sized one & dish out to their favored groups. Hello, Elon Musk!

- Got a new IRS Director who apologized for the IRS’s unlawful targeting groups’ tax-exempt status due strictly to their perceived political views.

- Has assured fast defeat of the ISIS Caliphate that Obama brought into being by removing all USA troops from Iraq. Trump let his military leaders accomplish their assignments w/o micromanagement & constraints. BTW, Trump opposed the GW Bush’s Iraq invasion. Hillary supported it.

- Has racheted up pressure on North Korea & China to stop NK’s nuclear weapons & ICBM development.

- Unemployment has dropped from 4.7% in Jan ’17 to 4.1% in Nov ’17 or – 15%. Is that Trump? If not, who?

- Got rid of self-promoting FBI Director James Comey.

- Is getting us out of the bogus Paris Climate Accord that punishes the USA but not the biggest polluter of them all, China, unless USA gets more favorable terms. BTW, clean energy Angela Merkel’s Germany gets 40% of its power from coal vs. 30% & dropping under Trump thanks to gas fracking that he supports. Electric rates in Germany are 39 cents/KWH vs. 13 in US & 9-10 in the Cincy area. 39 cents is where Libs want us to go.

- Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It’s been called for by U.S. law since 1995, called for in both parties’ platforms since 1996, campaign promise of all nominees since 1996, yet none till Trump enforced this U.S. law.

Trump has a jerk of a personality. He’s crude at times. So what? I want results, don’t care if he isn’t smooth talking, doesn’t have a cool personality. Those traits are just slight of hand trickery that the emotion-dominated folks fall for.
Reading Sean's post and the posts from Libs online, it is very clear they're delusional and indoctrinated. They have no idea of the stuff Trump has done because all they ever hear is Russia, tweets, typos, Diet Coke, Melania's shoes and Christmas decorations, etc.

They're so insane and hysterical, they just feed themselves their leftist propaganda garbage to fulfill their fantasy. They seriously know nothing that isn't featured by leftist media.
Ah, the typical when confronted with facts, lets focus on one word and add an overplayed joke lol. Chalk this up as a W.... leave meaningful dialogue to us real intellects... which are few and far between on this forum.

Lol.. buddy, you're not one, you're THE MOST ridiculed, laughed at dweeb on this forum. Congrats. Not a single person takes you seriously. In fact, evanyone takes you as a joke. You're just unlikable.
Lol oh how you are so wrong:

Open Boarders - Open Boarders or Closed, it still doesn't address the illegal immigration already existing in the country and a mass deportation force isnt cost effective either. Now an expedited citizenship process might be a good idea but conservatives flip their shit over that when the vast majority couldn't pass a citizenship test themselves.

Free Everything - Many liberals don't necessarily want free everything, we just want our tax money to work for us, not subsidize the rich and go to gross military spending and the "war on drugs". Our military budget approached 800 billion. The next highest worldwide is China at about 215 billion. You mean to tell me we couldn't free up 300 billion to invest in creating jobs, education reform, addressing our infrastructure and still maintain the worlds most powerful military that still is over double the budget size of China? In the 1970's this nation had over 60 tuition free public universities.

2nd Amendment - Many arent against people owning guns, many just want SOMETHING... ANYTHING done to address these mass shootings that are particular to the US... Because doing absolutely nothing isnt working and viewing these acts as essentially the cost of freedom for some to maintain ownership of guns is something we as a developed nation are better than.

Country over Feels? - What? Coming from the people more outraged by a knee being taken during the anthem than unjust deaths via the hands of cops? Also, there is a vast difference between patriotism and nationalism... and the line between America First and America Alone is very thin and comes at massive detrimental costs... under the current leadership, we are closer to the later...

Everything they touch gets worse ---- This simply isnt factual at all. Our best economy was under the leadership of a Democratic Socialist in FDR....

Inner City issues - Attributing this to a political party is hilarious and would be like me attributing the status of people in Appalachia to Republicans. Just shows a very shallow knowledge of the actual issues at play in inner cities.... Far more to do with poverty and population density in concentrated areas with little to no resources than a political party.

Minimum Wage - Wages since 1970 have increased barely over 100% while advanced education cost has increase at a rate of 890% and overall cost of living has increased at 733%. If you dont see the issue there then we have nothing to talk about...

Unlimited Taxes - not about taxing more, just more about having taxes work for the public more effectively than what they are.

Antifa- this doesnt even elicit a response. No one knew who Antifa was prior to Charlottesville...

Cant admit single flaw or mis-step - This applies to both liberals and conservatives...

Colleges as indoctrination - Nope, this is a crock of bullshit. In college one meets people who are different. People of different ideologies, religions, races, etc... and college itself teaches one more how to critically think about issues at hand.... this idea that colleges are liberal is a joke. Colleges expose people to things and ideas and develops reasoning skills of individuals. Thats it.

But nice try tho.... A for eff..... eh, more like a D for effort.

Bahaha. The post before you were whining and getting all up in your emotions because you were called a leftist. Lets face don't even know what you care about or what you are.. you need politicians to decide for you.

Now when someone talks about liberals you use "we" to argue it

And yeah every single one of those bullet points is correct and your rebuttals were a huge load of mental gymnastics.

You idiots screw it all up. All of it
I think it is quite a leap to say we aren't controlling our own boarders.

And the conservatives are the party of trickle down economics and big businesses running the country via corporate welfare. That's the system we are going to and continuing to foster. Businesses and corporations have figured a way to shift the burden of providing for their workers from themselves to the taxpayers. We have more people than ever working full time jobs and receiving government assistance. Then, we subsidize these corporations via our taxes which instead of being reinvested to provide more jobs and resources goes to the pockets of shareholders. Trickle down economics doesn't work. This tax plan wont work....and it was something similar that caused the economic collapse of 2008.... Who wants to honestly be the beneficiary of ANYTHING that "trickles down"?

I agree with you on FDR. WWII helped, but long before WWII and after there was substantial growth due to policies implemented by FDR. WWII wasn't solely responsible for that economy but it did definitely play its part .

Also, to say the top 5% is definitively paying that 60% is a mis-characterization. Many of that top 5% income doesn't lie in income as it pertains to jobs like me and you work. Much income is coming from inherited money stashed in offshore accounts or money that is in the gray pages to avoid having to pay any taxes on it that is being hoarded and not recirculated.....

Drone pilot, until you can learn that it is border and not a boarder line of flowers ..maybe just leave this up to the real intellects.
I think it is quite a leap to say we aren't controlling our own boarders.

And the conservatives are the party of trickle down economics and big businesses running the country via corporate welfare. That's the system we are going to and continuing to foster. Businesses and corporations have figured a way to shift the burden of providing for their workers from themselves to the taxpayers. We have more people than ever working full time jobs and receiving government assistance. Then, we subsidize these corporations via our taxes which instead of being reinvested to provide more jobs and resources goes to the pockets of shareholders. Trickle down economics doesn't work. This tax plan wont work....and it was something similar that caused the economic collapse of 2008.... Who wants to honestly be the beneficiary of ANYTHING that "trickles down"?

I agree with you on FDR. WWII helped, but long before WWII and after there was substantial growth due to policies implemented by FDR. WWII wasn't solely responsible for that economy but it did definitely play its part .

Also, to say the top 5% is definitively paying that 60% is a mis-characterization. Many of that top 5% income doesn't lie in income as it pertains to jobs like me and you work. Much income is coming from inherited money stashed in offshore accounts or money that is in the gray pages to avoid having to pay any taxes on it that is being hoarded and not recirculated.....

that kinda talk doesn't work.....some folks just believe whatever jives with their prejudices. And the amount of fury and rancor produced by those confronted by this proves the point. Kinda like how those who love throwing the word snowflake around are usually the biggest crybabies by far.
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The left doesn’t like the USA. They don’t want the poor to rise up, they want to bring everybody down, except for the elites.
that kinda talk doesn't work.....some folks just believe whatever jives with their prejudices. And the amount of fury and rancor produced by those confronted by this proves the point. Kinda like how those who love throwing the word snowflake around are usually the biggest crybabies by far.

What prejudice?

It produces rancor because its wrong! Instead of reading headlines take a look around you.

It must be awful feeling inadequate all the damn time about everything.

I don’t care what color or religion you are, no one on here cares. All we want is the Govt to stay as much out of our lives as possible, follow the Constitution, and for our children to have better lives than us. That’s it, honest to god their is no grand white conspiracy to hold women and minorities down. We have the greatest Nation and Govt ever formed by man, and the people on the left want to f*ck it up, why?
As I said, with age you'll acquire some wisdom. I'm not slamming you too hard because when we are all 12-13 yrs old up through our 20's we think we know everything. When you get to be 50, 60 yrs old you'll realize how little you really knew.

hmm, so you are saying the views espoused and votes by older Americans carry more weight. Your party would get slaughtered if the minimum voting age was 25...and required a hs diploma for that matter.
What prejudice?

It produces rancor because its wrong! Instead of reading headlines take a look around you.

It must be awful feeling inadequate all the damn time about everything.

I don’t care what color or religion you are, no one on here cares. All we want is the Govt to stay as much out of our lives as possible, follow the Constitution, and for our children to have better lives than us. That’s it, honest to god their is no grand white conspiracy to hold women and minorities down. We have the greatest Nation and Govt ever formed by man, and the people on the left want to f*ck it up, why?
Give the left an inch, they try to take over the country.
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1) Don't mind the balance in SC

2) Eh, the sweeping statement that hurt businesses is inaccurate. Some are good. Some cause even more issues than the regulation itself. Some maybe solve an issue but create a new one. The manner in which this was done was reckless. So I assume you think its good coal mines in eastern KY can now dump waste into streams.... smh. What Trump did was try to erase Obama. Obama made is mistakes but to act as if anything with Obama tied to it was "bad". is simply not factual or reasonable in any capacity.


4) Yeah, hell with doing due diligence---- OIL AT ALL AN ANY COST!

5) The boarders are no more secure than under Obama. Literally very little has changed. Obama deported more illegals than any other president and administration in the history of this country.... and Trump has equaled that in a matter of months, you seriously cannot be this stupid.

6) The tax cut will do nothing. If we are lucky, it will make some things cheaper. It wont create jobs. Tax plans don't create jobs. It places a larger burden on the middle class and rids exemptions and write offs for individuals and solely caters to big business and the elite. Your republicans have had 8 years to come up with an alternative to Obamacare and solutions to the issues. You still have jack shit. You'll never convince me repeal and replace is more cost effective or better. Just fix the issues it has....many which wouldn't be present in the first place if Republicans didn't keep sending it back and would have adopted the original bill. And again for the Artic --- Oil at all costs....

This is the brainwashing of dumbass conservatism at its best. Now go turn on Faux News and give Sean Hannity and handjob...

My god. So much mental gymnastics I feel like I'm watching the Olympics.

2. Regulations were killing business. It's a simple fact.
3. Hmm. Presidents have very little to do with the economy is such a lazy argument. See 2 above. Also, see consumer confidence. That's literally the biggest factor in the economy. Under Trump, it is surging. Not so under your buddy Obama.

4. Sounds like the way y'all were bringing refugees in by the boat load. Screw protecting our citizens, let's speed up the application process.

5.'s borders you effing idiot. And before you argue it can be either no it can't. 2 words exist but boarders usually means an ornamental edge. Like a row of flowers.

Obama didn't deport more. They changed what was ruled a deportation. He wasn't rounding illegals up and kicking them out, They were simply being turned away at the BOrder.

Our BOrder is more secure today because we aren't advertising free everything to illegals, they know they risk getting kicked the hell out, and cbp is being allowed to do their job.

Have you not seen the numbers?

6. Sure the tax cut will do nothing. You're just so dumb and partisan that you can't even admit simple things. It's sad. Go fly your drone.

Taking the corporate rate down to a level that is competitive with the rest of the world will do wonders. We are already seeing businesses investing in America. Also, unless you live in a high taxed state..or are single without kids, you will probably be seeing more money in your pocket.

Yep, won't do anything.
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22000 write in votes. that many people cared enough to take time out of their lives to vote but a write in instead

I'm assuming most were conservative who couldn't vote for Moore and also refused to vote for a Democrat. The took that time to show that their support was still there for the party/Trump.
I would also like to see people start taking suing the shit out of the people making up the false claims and those publishing the claims. We see the MO going forward.

We'll see how real the claims are very soon. Alabama doesn't have a statute of limitations on sex crimes against minors. There's nothing stopping Moore from being charged.
Good look at one of the elements of the tax plan, and what I've been saying all along about the AMT.

The "middle class" taxpayers in these states who are losing the deduction probably don't get any benefit anyway due to AMT. The state politicians just want their state budgets subsidized by the federal government.
Actually they don't want mandates and services that have been paid at the federal level pushed down to the states requiring them to either raise state taxes or reduce services.

I can't believe the Executive branch hasn't written and passed better legislation. Almost like that dumbass executive thinks it's the legislative branch's job to write and pass legislation. What a dumbass.
I don't know...most executives have an idea of what they want. They can produce outlines and sell ideas with bullet pointed particulars.

Again I ask... Repeal and Replace with what? Did or did not Trump say; "We've got to cover everyone"? what is his replacement idea? Do you know?

Truth, he wants his name on something...doesn't really care what it is, what it does.
[laughing] Omarosa was fired by Kelly, at which point she cursed Kelly out and asked if Trump knew. After being told that Trump signed off on it she flipped out and tried to barge into the White House residence, demanding to see Trump. Kelly had to have Secret Service remove her from the premises.
I actually agree with your idea of abolishing political parties...

Exactly what has Trump done? (other than embarrass himself over and over)

As for the sexual you would feel differently if it was your daughter making those allegations.
And here's our rabid fanatic again proving himself to be a blind ideologue, absolutely incapable at objectively considering a situation on its own merits.

Case in point- the thread regarding the Kate Steinle killing. On that thread, Fuzz purports to be something of a law professor, or at least a 9th grade civics teacher, wisely reminding all of us rubes about concepts such as the purpose of the jury system, the difficulty of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, etc, etc.

When it comes to Moore allegations, Fuzz turns on a dime, and suddenly such legal concepts are irrelevant. Suddenly, the relevant standard of proof, is far from "proof beyond a reasonable doubt", but, instead, is whether "how would you feel if it was daughter making those allegations". Hey, Fuzz, what if it was daughter who was shot down while standing on a San Francisco pier? How would you feel?
This is the issue today - you got soooo many people that simply just cling to party partisanship.

Its about effective policy. I could give two shits who institutes it. HAd Republicans put someone reasonable like Kasich up I would've voted for him.
The same "moderates" who would have voted for Kasich are the same votes who "considered" voting for Romney and "might" have voted for Romney in 2016. Uh huh. Yeah, well, if the Dems would put up someone reasonable like Jim Webb, I would vote for him.
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What is up with the sudden infusion of moonbats on this thread? I haven't seen them this excited since that shitshow in Charlottesville. That was the last occasion, up until now, that they came crawling out of the woodwork like they are now.
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I'm not completely disagreeing with you. But If you compare how hard people slam Trump compared to other presidents it's gonna be hard for anything to pass. His ways may be outlandish but I truly believe he cares about the country more so than the other presidents did because they were more worried about how they were perceived by their political party and the media than actually trying to help. And I grew up around women, living with my grandma, aunts, etc. They wouldn't ever wait to make late allegations they stood up for what was right, proof or no proof.
Nice 180.

First you claimed he had done so much...then you admit that he hasn't been able to do anything because he's been slammed so much. He is slammed for good reason. He has the tack of a spoiled 12 year old. Color me shocked that decent people want to disassociate themselves from that clown.

Sorry you believe such bullshit like "he cares about the country more...". I'm not here to say he doesn't care because nobody takes that job without caring about the country. Trump might not care about his political party but he does care about HIMSELF more than any living human being. He wants HIS name on things. He wants credit for all good things and zero blame for any failures. He wants people to be grateful and thank him publicly for doing his phucking job so he can gloat on himself. It is quite sad and pathetic when a POTUS goes out on Twitter and literally begs for some 18 year old kids to thank him. Only Trump can make LaVar Ball look like a sympathetic figure.

Lastly, you have no idea what your grandma and aunts would have done. Talking the game and doing it are two completely different animals. There have been many women who's lives were ruined by powerful men who they tried to challenge. Maybe your grandma and aunts have/had nothing to lose. They didn't need their jobs and/or reputations. But if they did, they would have thought long and hard about fighting a battle they had little chance of winning.
By the way, for those who consider Moore's loss a "referendum" on Trump, better hope not. Moore is nuts and is. at the best of times, only marginally electable in Alabama. Look at his electoral history. He has a history of winning with 52 percent type numbers. This time, instead of winning by about 2 or 3 points, he lost by that same margin.

So, what was the difference?

Was it Donald Trump?

Or, instead, was it the set of allegations of sexual abuse against teenagers, including a 14 year old- which were unknown in his previous races? Think that might have had a bit to do with things?

But for Trump, and his huge base of support in Alabama, and Trump's support, Moore might have lost this race by a 20 point differential. Face the facts, lefties. Trump won Alabama in 16 by 28 points. Now? He'd probably win it by 38. Also, don't expect this trick against Moore to work again. It worked. Once. The next time the Washington Post "uncovers" 40 year old sex allegations, expect diminishing returns at best, and a boomerang effect at worst.
What prejudice?

It produces rancor because its wrong! Instead of reading headlines take a look around you.

It must be awful feeling inadequate all the damn time about everything.

I don’t care what color or religion you are, no one on here cares. All we want is the Govt to stay as much out of our lives as possible, follow the Constitution, and for our children to have better lives than us. That’s it, honest to god their is no grand white conspiracy to hold women and minorities down. We have the greatest Nation and Govt ever formed by man, and the people on the left want to f*ck it up, why?

A great watch and it was from 2002.