How will they rule ??!

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"Buyers aren't going to pay more for apartment buildings because rents are up due to more taxes because they are smart enough to know those taxes come out of their rent collections such that there is no added net value to them. I've been there. It ain't hard."


Yes, they are, and it happens all the time... UNLESS you're a slum lord who doesn't take care of the properties so that they are needing a lot of repairs and updates just to approach market value.

The value of a rental (property) is based on the rent and the occupancy, as well as market value of similar properties.

If your property is updated and has a great occupancy rate at the rent being charged, it ABSOLUTELY has a market value based on the greater of that rent or the market value of comps. You could be an idiot and in a sale take less than market value for said property, but if you are not an idiot, you wait for the right buyer or market to come along. If you NEED to sell, you're always at a disadvantage in the market. If you don't need to sell, you can set your price until the market improves for your property.

If your property tax goes up for any reason, and you don't pass that added cost+ along to your tenants through rent, your for profit business model is not sustainable (just like any other business).

It's absolutely that simple and not "hard" at all.

*highlighted for those who don't read so well
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This all changed once I started writing about the pandemic. Soon people started talking about me the way I once thought about conservatives. This led to a complete identity collapse as I came to understand that my old worldview was hateful and ignorant, that I hadn't understood what I had been judging.I cannot forget the hearing that led to my dismissal from medical school a year after I started writing. During the hearing, people talked about me as if I wasn't human. My behavior was interpreted in the worst possible light. Complete fabrications were created. Nobody was concerned with the truth, only horrified at my apparent "unprofessional behavior", which was really a mirror of their unprofessional behavior directed at me. They structured the hearing to make it virtually impossible for me to speak and explain that what was being said was a lie. And nobody seemed to have any problem with this. Why? Because I was bad. If I am bad, then every mistreatment and every violation of the school's own policies became justified. A person who is bad does not deserve any rights. They only deserve punishment.But the thing I remember most was the allusions to my social media activity. They said, "Kevin is driven by resentment from his childhood." I wasn't. I was on good terms with my parents. They alleged that I needed psychotherapy to deal with this trauma. It was a completely fake story that they had constructed about me, to demean me, to marginalize me, to try to explain the views I had expressed: that something terribly wrong had happened during the pandemic. They couldn't imagine that I might have legitimate points. So they reduced me to the same kinds of psychological caricatures that I once reduced conservatives to in my own mind.
At the end of his tweet/x.... 'One thing I know is that whatever this thing is that is driving people crazy needs to be destroyed. It is hostile to civilization and to our humanity. It causes us to dehumanize each other and try to destroy each other. It is the very same monstrous thing that I once attributed to conservatives. But it had been inside me, and I could now see it inside others '

Many people, including me, think that it's spiritual warfare. Not Republican vs. Democrat.
LEAVITT: "Absolutely not. My advice to that unnamed low level French politician would be to remind them that it's only because of the United States Of America that the French are not speaking German right now. So, they should be very grateful, to our great country."

If your property tax goes up for any reason, and you don't pass that added cost+ along to your tenants through rent, your for profit business model is not sustainable (just like any other business).

It's absolutely that simple and not "hard" at all.
I've got a renter in a commercial property that is in the process of moving out. I've done even more is on a state route....taxes/insurance has gone better believe the rent is going up with the next renter.
It's common knowledge that practically every university in the country went full "woke" and discriminated against whites and asians alike in favor of lesser qualified applicants.

We voted to end DEI, because at it's core it's nothing more than reverse discrimination. The applicant who has the most experience and knowledge should get the job, regardless of race, but DEI discriminates against whites and asians, even if they ARE the best candidate.

I seriously doubt the people doing actual research will be affected; they will find waste in other areas to cope with the loss of funding.

DEI is bigotry given license. There's no other way to put it. Diversity for diversity's sake=racism for appearances sake. It doesn't change anything except appearances. It EXCHANGES a perceived "racism" for an actual racism, AT THE EXPENSE of those who earn value through merit.

Mandating that 15% of the country should have 15% or more of the jobs in any one field is either BIAS or bigotry, if there is NO MANDATE that that 15% is forced to provide equally qualified candidates for that field. There is no such qualification mandate.

You don't see 59% of the country protesting because they are underrepresented in the NFL, NBA, or WNBA. Even more importantly, you DON'T SEE the asholes pledging allegiance to DEI all up in arms over the lack of DEI for the 59% in those leagues, which TELLS YOU that they are ALL FULL OF SHT.
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At the end of his tweet/x.... 'One thing I know is that whatever this thing is that is driving people crazy needs to be destroyed. It is hostile to civilization and to our humanity. It causes us to dehumanize each other and try to destroy each other. It is the very same monstrous thing that I once attributed to conservatives. But it had been inside me, and I could now see it inside others '

Many people, including me, think that it's spiritual warfare. Not Republican vs. Democrat.

Exactly. There is no way to understand all of these spiritual battles unless you are putting God first and foremost. It's a conscious and constant choice you have to make, rather than a one time convenience or passive choice.
All these Federal Judge's orders are infuriating and basically unlawful.
But the sad thing about them.....they have made the Judicial system of this country a total joke. And without an effective, unbiased Judicial system this country is toast.

The Bible emphasizes that a country without justice experiences instability and decline, while justice brings stability and prosperity, as seen in verses like Proverbs 29:4, which states, "A king establishes a land by justice, but one who receives bribes tears it down."
Stephen Miller with a great statement:

"If we get into a place in this country where district court judges could interfere and direct specific targeting or non-targeting, and say who to control territory? Could direct which general on the battlefield is gonna be in charge of making which decisions? Could direct where we can send this military asset to this country, but not this country? Could direct what intelligence we could share with Israel versus with Saudi Arabia?"

"I mean, you know, not to get too philosophical, but the for a long time in this country, its power has been concentrated principally in, in two areas, the unelected bureaucracy and the unelected judiciary."

"And power has been increasingly concentrated in these two areas. And in the case of, the hard left, the the judiciary takes steps to protect the bureaucracy, and that further shrinks the circle in which democracy is occurring."

"This is really fundamentally about democracy. The American people said to get these terrorist gangs the H*LL out of our country, the president has plenary authority under the constitution, under the Alien Enemies Act, under core Article 2 powers to achieve that."

"And no district court judge who presides over some small, like, little geography of the whole country could possibly presume to have the authority to direct the expulsion of terrorists from our soil, who, by the way, are also here illegally."
Some people choose to not have money but rather spend every last penny. How do you fix that stupidity, genius? You could give that 33% to the bottom 50% & within 10 years the top 1% would have it back. You really think that if you gave $100K or $500K to every adult on welfare that they'd have any of it in 3 years? Absurd thought. The only way to fix this is to assure everyone has nothing.
You make a very valid point, as we all know of people who blow through every dollar they have, then whine and cry about not having the money for rent, car pmt, etc.

I can provide an excellent example. My ex wife had an uncle and aunt who were financially well off, although you'd never really know it to look at their home, car, etc. Anyway, her aunt passed away and I attended the funeral. (Her family thought more of me than they did her) While there I spoke with her uncle, who confided in me that he and his wife had saved almost 3 million over their time together, and since they had no children, most of the money would go to my ex and her brother. Some would go to charity.

He passed away a year later, and I learned from my son that he had left his mom, my ex, $900,000. My son even said at the time that she and her husband would go through it in 5 years time. I said two. It lasted less than two. The things they just blew the money on was just unbelievable. Now they live in a trailer park, and had to sell his new truck they had bought.

A more selfish person I have never met. At the time, our son was going to turn 16 soon and I had promised him that I would buy him a gently used car. Did she ever offer to help, or even buy one for him herself? NO. Did she put any back, in any form, for our son's future? NO. Vacations, new cars, ordering through Doordash EVERY DAY for EVERY MEAL, jewelry, etc, etc, etc. That's where her money went. So yes, people like her CHOOSE to spend every dime they have, you are correct. You simply cannot reason with such people, you just can't. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix selfishness.
You make a very valid point, as we all know of people who blow through every dollar they have, then whine and cry about not having the money for rent, car pmt, etc.

I can provide an excellent example. My ex wife had an uncle and aunt who were financially well off, although you'd never really know it to look at their home, car, etc. Anyway, her aunt passed away and I attended the funeral. (Her family thought more of me than they did her) While there I spoke with her uncle, who confided in me that he and his wife had saved almost 3 million over their time together, and since they had no children, most of the money would go to my ex and her brother. Some would go to charity.

He passed away a year later, and I learned from my son that he had left his mom, my ex, $900,000. My son even said at the time that she and her husband would go through it in 5 years time. I said two. It lasted less than two. The things they just blew the money on was just unbelievable. Now they live in a trailer park, and had to sell his new truck they had bought.

A more selfish person I have never met. At the time, our son was going to turn 16 soon and I had promised him that I would buy him a gently used car. Did she ever offer to help, or even buy one for him herself? NO. Did she put any back, in any form, for our son's future? NO. Vacations, new cars, ordering through Doordash EVERY DAY for EVERY MEAL, jewelry, etc, etc, etc. That's where her money went. So yes, people like her CHOOSE to spend every dime they have, you are correct. You simply cannot reason with such people, you just can't. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix selfishness.

What was I thinking. This anecdote has TOTALLY made me change my mind that people who earn less than $120K should be able to keep more of their paycheck. Those hicks will just waste it whereas the rich will do much more valuable stuff with it like take trips to Europe.
Covid, and Covid related "stuff" was, and continues to be, the stupidest sh*t I've ever witnessed in my life.

Dumbphuks with masks on in their cars even though they were ALONE.

Wrecking what was, at the time, one of the most prosperous economies in post war America.

Making public education, which was already the dregs, even WORSE.

People constantly removing their virtue signaling but utterly useless masks so that they could yell at you for not wearing a mask (ironically, people constantly F***ING around with those stupid GD masks exponentially increased hand to face contact, which is just about the quickest way to catch/spread a virus.

And then the ultimate stupidity; making the illogical argument that people that were not vaccinated were selfish and "putting all of US AT RISK!!!" I never was able to get an explanation for that one; IOW if YOU'RE vaxxed/protected, then how am I a danger to you if I am not?

Those two things/states cannot logically both be true.

And all for what amounted to nothing more than, for the VAST majority of people on earth, A F***ING COLD.

Like I said, it was the dumbest sh*t I"ve ever witnessed. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

But, oh boy, were the Sam's screaming about it!


Someone posted that approximately a fee thousand times.

We all know which one I refer to.

The dumbest one here.
At the end of his tweet/x.... 'One thing I know is that whatever this thing is that is driving people crazy needs to be destroyed. It is hostile to civilization and to our humanity. It causes us to dehumanize each other and try to destroy each other. It is the very same monstrous thing that I once attributed to conservatives. But it had been inside me, and I could now see it inside others '

Many people, including me, think that it's spiritual warfare. Not Republican vs. Democrat.
It just seems that evil has settled more with the dem positions than with the right. More in line with their beliefs and practices.
"Buyers aren't going to pay more for apartment buildings because rents are up due to more taxes because they are smart enough to know those taxes come out of their rent collections such that there is no added net value to them. I've been there. It ain't hard."


Yes, they are, and it happens all the time... UNLESS you're a slum lord who doesn't take care of the properties so that they are needing a lot of repairs and updates just to approach market value.

The value of a rental (property) is based on the rent and the occupancy, as well as market value of similar properties.

If your property is updated and has a great occupancy rate at the rent being charged, it ABSOLUTELY has a market value based on the greater of that rent or the market value of comps. You could be an idiot and in a sale take less than market value for said property, but if you are not an idiot, you wait for the right buyer or market to come along. If you NEED to sell, you're always at a disadvantage in the market. If you don't need to sell, you can set your price until the market improves for your property.

If your property tax goes up for any reason, and you don't pass that added cost+ along to your tenants through rent, your for profit business model is not sustainable (just like any other business).

It's absolutely that simple and not "hard" at all.
Two identical apartment buildings - same builder, same building drawings, built same year, both well-maintained & upgraded - in different jurisdictions each get $5000/mo total in rents. One has $500/mo. property taxes & $200/mo. in insurance. The other has $1000/mo. property taxes and $300/mo. in insurance. Since they both have the same rents and are identical, by your reasoning you'd pay the same for both. I sure as hell wouldn't. And I LMAO at you or anyone that would.
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It just seems that evil has settled more with the dem positions than with the right. More in line with their beliefs and practices.
I started saying/thinking this 30+ years ago. Started with being pro-abortion. Bible talks about how God will give you over to a reprobate mind. The Dem/libs started there....and have continued sliding downhill into more and more evil since.
You make a very valid point, as we all know of people who blow through every dollar they have, then whine and cry about not having the money for rent, car pmt, etc.

I can provide an excellent example. My ex wife had an uncle and aunt who were financially well off, although you'd never really know it to look at their home, car, etc. Anyway, her aunt passed away and I attended the funeral. (Her family thought more of me than they did her) While there I spoke with her uncle, who confided in me that he and his wife had saved almost 3 million over their time together, and since they had no children, most of the money would go to my ex and her brother. Some would go to charity.

He passed away a year later, and I learned from my son that he had left his mom, my ex, $900,000. My son even said at the time that she and her husband would go through it in 5 years time. I said two. It lasted less than two. The things they just blew the money on was just unbelievable. Now they live in a trailer park, and had to sell his new truck they had bought.

A more selfish person I have never met. At the time, our son was going to turn 16 soon and I had promised him that I would buy him a gently used car. Did she ever offer to help, or even buy one for him herself? NO. Did she put any back, in any form, for our son's future? NO. Vacations, new cars, ordering through Doordash EVERY DAY for EVERY MEAL, jewelry, etc, etc, etc. That's where her money went. So yes, people like her CHOOSE to spend every dime they have, you are correct. You simply cannot reason with such people, you just can't. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix selfishness.
Were we married to the same gal at different times? Blond? Very good looking? Southern Belle from Alabama?
Sure sounds familiar.
I've got a renter in a commercial property that is in the process of moving out. I've done even more is on a state route....taxes/insurance has gone better believe the rent is going up with the next renter.
Why wouldn't you ask for the same higher rent if the taxes/insurance hadn't gone up? It's worth the same to the renter regardless of your costs, right? I mean we raise rents because neighboring buildings/comps have, not just because we improve ours.

Right now we're out a tenant due to necessary upgrades - carpets, painting, cabinets, furnace, water line leak - when the last left. Three months rent loss, $7K costs. Think I can charge more than for our other units & neighboring building? I tell you it would sit empty for a while.
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I started saying/thinking this 30+ years ago. Started with being pro-abortion. Bible talks about how God will give you over to a reprobate mind. The Dem/libs started there....and have continued sliding downhill into more and more evil since.
It is also notable that a good deal of their debauchery is child related. Pedophilia, child mutilation, protecting child sex rings, poisoning the minds of children through drag shows, indoctrinating children into those lifestyles through academia, etc... Children of today are being bombarded with these evils by people they are supposed to be protected by.
What was I thinking. This anecdote has TOTALLY made me change my mind that people who earn less than $120K should be able to keep more of their paycheck. Those hicks will just waste it whereas the rich will do much more valuable stuff with it like take trips to Europe.
Actually the rich would invest it to create more jobs for those that will spend every last penny.
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Actually the rich would invest it to create more jobs for those that will spend every last penny.
or invest it in more real estate to buy up more multi-family housing, or into more farmland pushing out our family farmers.

TRICKle down economics has only resulted in more concentration at the top.

Elon mush "the richest man" in the world has now philanthropy arm, his own charity continues to not make the minimum distribution required for 3 straight years, hell they usually just give it to their buddies causes but he doesn't have enough friends to do even that.