First, you MISQUOTED me. Then, you confused "earners" with "Americans." "Earners" means "WAGE EARNERS." I clearly took his statement, "wealthiest AMERICANS" to mean ANYONE, not just wage earners. The wealthiest AMERICANS don't earn wages. Does Elon Musk pay income tax? Warren Buffett? Donald Trump? There is no such thing as "tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans." You don't understand the difference. You're all over the place.Not sure where you're getting 'the wealthiest Americans don't pay taxes'. In fact, the top 1% of earners pay approximately 40% of income taxes ( top 1 percent's income,45.8 percent to 40.4 percent). Sure sounds to me like they pay taxes.
If you meant to say they don't pay AT THE SAME RATE (presumably because of some legal tax law/rule), then you may be correct. But, it's patently incorrect to state the wealthiest Americans don't pay income taxes. If they have earned income, they most assuredly do pay taxes. If they do NOT have earned income, they would not owe any income tax in the same way that any other person doesn't pay income tax if all of their income comes from, let's say, capital gains (it's not EARNED income and is taxed differently). Your not suggesting 'wealthy' people pay income tax even if they don't have any ordinary income, are you? That would be a wealth tax - the same wealth tax trumpeted by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and others.
And, of course the wealthiest collect SS as long as they've got 40 quarters and have paid into it. Why wouldn't they? Warren Buffet has talked about his SS check numerous times. I hate to take up for the loony Libs on this board but, man, you have to at least have some of your facts straight before calling someone an idiot (even if they have proven beyond any doubt that they are, in fact, an idiot).
You really should learn to read more closely. You missed the details in your zeal to be right, and ended up wrong.