How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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@sambowieshin "the stock market isn't the economy, who cares how well wealthy ppl ate doing in a rigged system"

Sam now: "omg, copy paste"

Sam, you never told me your thoughts on Nvidia, considering the biggest change in shares was through AI stocks
When did I ever say the stock market didn't matter?? That is the basis for many Americans life savings. It's taking a beating like anything Trump touches.
He is a loser.

@sambowieshin "the stock market isn't the economy, who cares how well wealthy ppl ate doing in a rigged system"

Sam now: "omg, copy paste"

Sam, you never told me your thoughts on Nvidia, considering the biggest change in shares was through AI stocks
Have you ordered your "Welfare EV" yet?
Trump says so.

GAWD I hated the M60. Dumbest gun the Army ever bought. Jammed all the time. Impossible to get the cover down. Should have stuck with Ma Deuce.

I'm saying that and I only trained with the M60 like twice and it still messed up a lot. That's how bad it is.
Most of it was H and I fire out of nice dry guard towers, but I must have put at least 100,000 rounds through M-60's without a problem. My "fun" gun was the M-79 grenade launcher..
Cut 1 - halfway down the sidewall of the cake, all the way through. That turns it into 2 equal pieces: top and bottom

Cut 2 - from the top of the cake make a cut that bisects the circle, all the way to the bottom. Now it's 4 equal pieces.

Cut 3 - Rotate the cake 90 degress and do another cut from the top, straight down the middle. Now it's 8 equal pieces. 4 on top, 4 on bottom
If it's a double layer cake you only need two cuts.
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I wanted to expand a little on my NGAD 6th gen fighter post with respect to the "drones" because I don't think I did what they're designing proper justice.

Each fighter will have some unmanned "loyal wingman combat drones" that accompany/fly along side of it, which will be controlled through a combination of the "mother's" pilot and an AI mission management system. They and the NGAD fighter will work in unison as one, with each drone capable of performing multiple mission and combat roles and the ability to modify those roles "on the fly" 😵‍💫 😵‍💫

Can you imagine that? The pilot can assign one drone to target acquisition and missile guidance up to the point of impact, when the fighter launches one. Another drone can "mislead" an enemy missile if the fighter has been locked on/launched at. While another can aid in air to air combat, essentially turning it into a 2 on one situation, Then another one can break off and do ground attack. It's ridiculous...

But that isn't even the best part, another NGAD fighter or fighter(s) can "borrow" a forward fighters missile guidance drone, which means he can fire a missile from even FARTHER away.

IOW, a fighter "section" of let's say 3 or 4, can all communicate with each other and each other's drones autonomously and the AI can maximize the best use of the drones. It will be the biggest leap in air superiority since the jet engine.
Do they even need pilots?
Bonus pay is typically handled differently from base pay on a tax basis. Either way the potential “harm” of hundreds of executives that are already significantly tax sheltered benefiting would be far outweighed by the positive of hundreds of thousands of hard working common Americans benefiting, I would think. But there are appears to be no common ground anymore. Like where the f*ck is the common ground? Like republicans don’t agree with ANYTHING democrats want and vice versa? I mean it just makes both sides look ridiculous.
I'd like to know how cash bonuses are handled different than ordinary wages/salary. I've never seen that they are.
Anytime a poster claims they’re “independent”, your bullshit detector should be fully pegged out. I was never a big fan of Dion, but at least he was intellectually honest about who he was and what he stood for.
This, They are too ashamed to admit to being a true liberal because of the insanely idiotic views most have, but they reveal themselves rather quickly.
He doesn't need to waste his time w/ Massie. If Massie wants to grandof stand on his own island, then so be it. He's either on board or he isn't. Him taking the dickhead approach doesn't sit well in the overall scheme of Trump's plans for the economy.
I agree with you on a lot of things but I disgree totally with this. Is Massie "grandstanding" as you say? Maybe. Maybe not. Neither of us truly know the answer to that. One thing I do know is that I agree with what Massie is saying and been saying on this issue. If Trump doesn't need to waste his time with Massie as you say, then ignore him and don't worry about his one vote. I may be wrong but I would venture to guess that most consevatives and libertarians would agree with what Massie is saying. If Massie's vote does matter then yes Trump would not be wasting his time by attempting to explain his wanting to contiue the absurd spending.
If I were the Representative he would have to convince me as well. I would be open to the conversation, but I would not go against my princples without that conversation.

Why does no one address the real elephant in the room. Why a CR anyway? The real problem is that the vast majority of Congress doesn't represent the interests of their constituents. Many will not even state that they are more concerned for their constituents than they are a foreign nation(Israel).
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Comfortable nuts are happy nuts. My nuts have been saggy sobbing for a while now. I have tried everything to have happy nuts again, including proper dosing with equal amounts of goldbond per nut. I thought tightie whities would give me happy nuts again, but to no avail. I also went the losey leg boxers, but that made my nuts very unhappy as one goes down on each side of the crotch creating that clacker effect, that made me unhappy as well, so with that being said, have any of you tried Happy Balls? On a five-star rating, how do you rate? Do your balls giggle again with happiness? Any info would be appreciated.

I have a tube. Not really impressed i give it two stars. says lotion to powder, but powder goes right back to lotion once rehydrated.
He doesn't need to waste his time w/ Massie. If Massie wants to grandstand on his own island, then so be it. He's either on board or he isn't. Him taking the dickhead approach doesn't sit well in the overall scheme of Trump's plans for the economy.
He's not taking a dickhead approach. He's tired of being had, every single time, by Mike Johnson.

We were heading for a recession no matter what we did. What Trump is doing is trying to make it quick with a solid rebound. Have you even heard about the investments companies are going to be doing here?

Warren Buffet sold 80% of his stock portfolio last year
False again. How times are you going to try to peddle that claim here?
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Deporting criminal aliens. And no.. we weren't already doing it or Homan wouldn't be sending 1000's a felons out the country in just a few months. Boston mayor is refusing to hand over 6 rapist to ICE just in the last week. Dems protect criminal aliens and Trump is stopping that and I very much support that.
I've understood from Club MAGA here that just being an illegal alien here was criminal such that Homan was going to deport 12M, no exceptions, no cherry-picking. What's changed?
If Trump doesn't need to waste his time with Massie as you say, then ignore him and don't worry about his one vote. I may be wrong but I would venture to guess that most consevatives and libertarians would agree with what Massie is saying.
I think I saw where the Freedom Caucus came out yesterday that they will vote for it. Could be wrong.
Agree, that if the Rs only lose his one vote...and one or two...and can still pass it.....why go after Massie? One of Trump's faults.
Dems on here want to argue... "she only had 100 days to run, people didn't get to know her"... LOL. every time she opened her mouth she lost votes. 3 elections in a row the dem party picked the candidate and not the people. They want to lecture us on democracy. LOL.
We all know that only having 100 days actually helped her. But for fun let's say it didn't. Then you know what? Maybe you dems shouldn't have lied and gaslit your asses off about Biden having dementia up until the last hour when even you had to admit it was obvious. If you had admitted it back when the rest of the sane world noticed it, you would have had plenty of time to get him replaced. But you didn't want the other side to get the "win," no matter what damage it caused the country. You reaped what you sowed idiots.
electric cars good now.
Go support your overlord
This is a left wing account.

Also, Trump has never said not to drive EV, he's said drive what you want. He did say there shouldn't be mandates to force ppl to drive EV or car manufacturers be forced to make them.

I know you and @sambowieshin live in this either option x or y and nothing else world but let me know where you're confused.

I’ll back Massie over any politician in this country. If we had a Congress of Massies, we wouldn’t have our current problems.
Same here. Massie is one of the good guys. Love Trump but he needs to learn a person doesn't have to agree with him on everything and can still be an ally and good for the country.
Absolutely! You'd "spur" someone, and then post in the 'lerts, "There's a new sheriff in town"

We used to rub carbon paper on peoples headphones if they were careless and left them laying around.

You'd see guys walking around, completely unaware that their ears were black as coal.
I once worked at a particular chemical plant, and one of the control rooms had a revered practice of "coning" people. Basically if you came into the control room and started talking to the board operator, looking at the control panel graphics etc., another operator would sneak up behind you and put a conical paper cup on your hard hat. You would then back out into the plant and everybody would know you had been "coned".

They actually got one of the higher-level managers at the plant one time. He walked all the way back to the front office before he realized what was done to him.

After about the second time, you learned to either take off your hard hat when you came into the control room or least run your hand over your hard hat before leaving the control room.
you could not write up a better self destruction path to date for Russia and Chinas benefit.

Destruction of alliances
Destruction of trade deals
Destruction of govt oversite
Destruction of foreign policy instruments

Trump is destabilizing the global order thinking he can strong arm everyone into line.

We're gonna see money investment move elsewhere in search of stability
Devaluing of the dollar globally
Loss of influence in developing countries in competition for resources
Proliferation of nuclear weapons into more countries throughout the world.

I know you boomers lived through the cuban missile crisis, i'm glad you want your grandchildren to have a higher risk of nuclear war.

Donald Trump is making the world more dangerous for Americans and their children.
Yeah yeah. We heard all this before when he was president the first time. Before covid hit Trump had this country and the world frankly in the best shape it's been in, in my lifetime. Your Jedi mind tricks have no power here. Unlike you we have a memory that lasts slightly longer than that of a gold fish.