switched my registration to Independent in 2008
You couldn't stomach McCain or Mittens.
Which moderate Republican were you rooting for in 2008 or 2012?
I had to hold my nose, followed through and voted for those in-name-only while you resigned that they weren't left enough.
When the last tax cuts were implemented, did revenues increase or decrease? In what world was a Paul Ryan or Pelosi congress going to hold the reins on spending?
Also, Trump had three deficits measured in the billions. $580 Billion, $665 Billion, $983 Billion and $3.13 Trillion
Biden had $2.78 Trillion, $1.38 Trillion, $1.78 Trillion and $1.83 Trillion
In what world did Trump add more to the debt than any other president?
Biden's last year had a $1 Trillion more in revenue than Trumps last year and was still pushing a $2 Trillion deficit.
Kamala lost because people think inflation only happened in the US
Do you think US dollars are only used/spent/traded within the borders of the usa? If we were the only country dumping that much currency in that short of time, it would have resulted in world wide inflation.
But, we weren't the only ones. Every western country ruled by our modern socialist did the same thing. Do you remember when they all had the same
ad propaganda campaign,
"Build Back Better!!" ? Just set the whole world on fire.
It's the same bullshit you guys spouted with covid.
"Do you think just the US has covid/ lockdowns/mandates/passports/misinformation police?" "Do you think the whole world is in on it?"