I agree, I am just hopeful that no one is this broken.Many on the left are becoming totally unhinged.
I agree, I am just hopeful that no one is this broken.Many on the left are becoming totally unhinged.
Hopefully its a parody, but in today's America it's hard to say.It has to be parody right?
Please tell me it is parody.
Guess who the number one user of H1Bs is? If you said Microsoft then you win. I don't what is going on with this whole H1B thing but I'm thinking there is more going on here than we know about.
Have any of you guys seen or heard about this?
2020 election WAS STOLEN, PERIOD.
First of all that doesn't happen. Secondly you will be happy that there is a movie dropping soon.Never said I was for ANY of that. I'm just opposed to taking EVERY child from EVERY parent at the border.
People that riot, attack our Capitol, beat cops, break thru windows, and smear sh** on walls are your Peeps..... not Patriots.
If Sambortion had a kid that would be ze.This is a perfect example of the absolute lunacy, and EVIL, of the far left.
My God........
Another example of the society calling good, evil and evil, good.You being evil has little to do with that.
There are several other positions you own that make you evil.
So really, f off man.
** Wise Words Department **
"I am a conservative and proud of it."
-Carly Fiorina
I understand you lefty commies have never read the Bible, so you don't understand it.
Romans 12:9
Proverbs 26:5
Had to Steal this one and post it again... (Thanks brothers Wildcat Welder, and Girth...)
This dude was killed over a weed eater. Guess the police were just doing what they were trained to do.
Neighbors: Police killed man after serving warrant to wrong home
There are a lot of questions surrounding the deadly shooting of a 61-year-old Laurel County man this week, by London police officers who say they were there to serve a search warrant.www.lex18.com
What's the problem with most jobs paying $80-120K (As I read that)?Like everything else overseen by government, H-1B became a scam that hurts the middle class. Period.
If people didn't care for my posts they wouldn't respond. The rest you speak of is the MAGA domination of this thread. You respond & just dump on me personally. It's all you do. ICGAS.Wait. Hol up here. You think you are adding anything here? Hahaha Read the room. You are a pariah, son. You a leftist. America First is your enemy and we aren’t going away: stay in your globalist cult. We don’t care. Get bent
No one here thinks any of your posts mean anything. Sigh all you want: you’re a piece of garbage . At least Sam appreciates you. Lol.
The H-1B mainly does what he says they should be. So it's abused on the margins. What Gov programs aren't like that, or worse?
"The point of legal immigration processes isn’t to set up a “meritocracy” for global labor talent.
It’s not meant to be a diversity program to give opportunity to the globe.
U.S. immigration policy is meant to cater to the needs of the American people first, and should never be used as a method of driving down wages or used to deprive American families of opportunity.
Sometimes that means little to no migration into the United States, and sometimes that means some permissible levels of immigration.
But at the end of the day those determinations are based on whether it’s in the best interests of the American people, not whether it is in the best interests of the immigrant.
Programs that are being abused and are counter to the above principles should be eliminated or significantly reformed, and advocating for that is America First, it is MAGA, it is patriotic, it is educated, it is informed."
This country is nothing but immigrants from the rest of the world who come & compete with the citizens. Good for them.
Trump is shutting down the border. That ends future incentives. I disagree with your reasoning as to what to do with those already here for a long period. Legalizing them - those brought here as children & now adults - after all this time is a more productive way to go for the country. JMO.People are literally walking 100s of miles and risking their life, most of the time it's in hopes of giving their family a better life. If you let them stay, its reinforcing their primary incentive.
There should be zero incentive to come here illegally. Once all incentives are removed, that alone will take care of a chunk of illegal immigration.
Of course when a dem wins they will just undo everything. Thats why its important trump handle this term in a way that vance should win.
His thinking on that is just wrong imo as I don't think those people think that way.
Found in Fl@Lost In FL
She was 'lost' in Florida for 10 days, shows up Christmas Eve 2:30 AM ringing the doorbell haha
Did plat write that article?haha.. Funny reading libs defend Hoover in an attempt to sh-t on Patel.
From the article:
Since President-elect Donald Trump announced his intention of appointing his political loyalist Kash Patel as the director of the F.B.I., critics have warned that we’re heading back to the bad old days of J. Edgar Hoover. The F.B.I. should be so lucky.
Hoover, for all his many faults and abuses of power, was nevertheless an institution builder; he believed in the F.B.I.’s nonpartisan independence. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., he grew up imbued with the idea that career-long government service was one of life’s noblest aspirations. As a D.C. resident, Hoover could not vote, and though he was a staunch conservative, he never joined a political party. Patel’s chief goal, by contrast, is to weaponize the F.B.I. as a partisan force to protect Trump and wreak vengeance on his Administration’s enemies. If such naked politicization happens to undermine public faith in the F.B.I., so much the better.
The idea that people who work at the F.B.I. are closet leftists conspiring to bring down the Republic has to be one of the more bizarre takes in a political moment with no shortage of them.
However, the similarities mostly end there. Hoover used to describe the Bureau as the “one bulwark” against a hidden left-wing conspiracy that penetrated all corners of American life. In Patel’s world, the F.B.I. is the conspiracy.
Since the announcement of Patel’s nomination, most concern has centered on the idea that, under his leadership, Since the announcement of Patel’s nomination, most concern has centered on the idea that, under his leadership, the F.B.I. would launch criminal investigations of Trump’s political opponents and media critics. That may well happen, producing a chill on speech and a major headache for everyone involved.
(Below is the closing line to the article.) haha they are f-cking crazy
Patel will no doubt try to use the Bureau to serve “King Donald”; potential targets are right to be worried. Perhaps he’ll succeed in shutting down the F.B.I. headquarters and dispersing its thousands of employees to the winds. Even if none of that happens, though, Patel will be able to declare a victory of sorts. By his own logic, resistance to his ideas or his appointment will merely prove that the deep state is even more nefarious than he feared.
This was weird. Random account in the comments just said 'y'all really need some help' and the New Yorker had a bizarre response.
They can't find enough competent US workers regardless of their leftist bs. Those two things are unrelated.If the major H1B abusers weren’t also some of the companies directly responsible for promoting the woke bullshit that has infected the school systems, that’d be a good point.
Google et al can reap what they sowed. Not promote leftist bullshit every step of the way then complain they need foreign workers because they can’t find competent American workers given the lefty bullshit they promote.
Finished hell!
Is there a govt agency that we can rely on to grade it uniformly? Too many who claim to have Grade A USA prime should actually receive B or C.
Slavery is the policy of the left.Slavery, by definition, was a policy of the democrats.
So, there is that.
Polling numbers just went up with young black men.
Slavery is the policy of the left.
Who wants super cheap labor? Who wants to keep people in failing schools? I could go on and on, but the point stands. The delivery has changed, but the intention has remained.