How will they rule ??!

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Yes...but the press let too many horses out of the barn. The Obama tweet was a signal this is the narrative they've gotta run with bc, while they don't care, they'll be some hang up with some ballot laws, etc

Next week we'll be hearing more about how it was just a bad debate, he's actually still doing cartwheels around aides
If anything I think Obama’s presence after the debate in the media clarifies who’s pulling the strings.
No, those are just sensationalist rightwing headlines. Which you’re a moron so you don’t read beyond. All they did was lay them out for photos. Which is what I said at the time. Because it was obvious.
Respectfully, you've been parroting this for years and don't what the f you are talking about. We literally study this in undergraduate economics classes. It all depends on relative price elasticity of supply and demand. When demand is more elastic than supply, the corporations most definitely pay more of the cost of the tax. So if you tax food and fuel (inelastic demand), most of those taxes will be passed on to consumers. However, if you place a tax on, say, iPhones and Mercedes Benz's, the producers will pay a larger portion of the tax (it comes out of their profits).
I much favor taxes on things than people.
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There was never a time where illegals weren't being paid less to do a job. It started as slaves doing it for free and then illegal & legal immigrants doing it for dirt cheap. Americans don't work agriculture and they don't like cleaning dishes and toilets. get over it already. Every time America has tried a hardcore crackdown on immigration it has backfired and forced us to mass migrate in workers. 9/11 has turned republicans into a bunch of scared babies. the GoP doesn't even pretend to push policy anymore. They just fear monger on mexicans and muslims and their base loves it.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...

Thanks, Joe!
As they are in the overall economy....

'A huge influx of foreign-born workers, a large portion coming through illegal immigration across the southern border under Biden, has been a key force bolstering top-line economic growth numbers, like gross domestic product, in recent quarters. The result of the influx is that the economy appears to be growing, but to the benefit of foreign-born workers rather than native-born Americans.'

Assuming this is accurate, one possible way to cut into the wealthy's wealth could be to include gifts to foundations as estate taxable above a certain amount, say $1B.

Most of Trump’s “lies” are simply him defending himself from the liberal attacks on him (Russia, J6, Fine People, Porn Star, Bleach, suckers and losers, election interference), with some hyperbole mixed in.

People fall into the trap of believing these are lies because they have been both lied to and had the truth shielded from them on these issues.

Biden lies all the time about almost everything (Beau, golf, taxes, healthcare, civil rights, Ukraine, etc) and it is dismissed as “cognitive impairment.”

Such a sweet man.
Look, unfortunately where we are ... if more of that had happened in 2020 (REAL consequences for illegally assaulting and harassing random people) then this wouldn't be necessary. But no doubt this Dept of (In)Justice will prosecute the driver...sad state of affairs.

To the protesters ... play stupid games, win stupid prizes ... FAFO, right??

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE ... YOU should not have gotten in FRONT of a several thousand pound vehicle! DARWIN winner...
Look, unfortunately where we are ... if more of that had happened in 2020 (REAL consequences for illegally assaulting and harassing random people) then this wouldn't be necessary. But no doubt this Dept of (In)Justice will prosecute the driver...sad state of affairs.

To the protesters ... play stupid games, win stupid prizes ... FAFO, right??

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE ... YOU should not have gotten in FRONT of a several thousand pound vehicle! DARWIN winner...
When will this country ever get back to treating criminals like criminals?

If we don't...I can't imagine how bad it will be in the future. (And it's bad now)
He needs to consult someone that knows what theyre doing and then listen to them. So far its obvious he is awful at choosing anyone on his own. Imo reince was the one forced on him but the others were his choice and all awful except bill barr who was decent but still playing by the rules.

He really needs youngkin on the ticket imo because with him Virginia is a state they can win.

Imo noone else even moves the needle. Vivek is good but doesn't give you a state. Plus it would floor me if trump picked anyone that could appear better than he. Trump already has Florida. Im not aware of anyone in other battle ground states that would be decent.

Wouldn't shock me at all to see him pick oz or Hershel hoping theyd give him a state. Would be a major mistake because they wouldn't bring a single voter with them. Any vote they got were already trump votes.
Did you see what happened in Virginia last November? Youngkin pushed hard for candidates and they were throttled in State elections, he isn’t the answer.
There is no not voting. No matter what you do, someone will still be in that office. Not voting is just voting for the candidate that benefits from lower turnout. In this election, that's Trump. Vote for Trump if you want to, but don't let yourself off the hook about it.
I'm just disgusted with my current options.
Trump is a terrible human being. He is completely unfit in temperment to ever hold that office again.
Biden is not cognitively or physically fit for office.
Right now I am pissed that the Democratic Party is insulting my intelligence by propping up Joe Biden on the ticket in his current state and asking me to support someone who is so obviously impaired by his age.
I'm holding out hope the Dem convention corrects this mess.
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Respectfully, you've been parroting this for years and don't what the f you are talking about. We literally study this in undergraduate economics classes. It all depends on relative price elasticity of supply and demand. When demand is more elastic than supply, the corporations most definitely pay more of the cost of the tax. So if you tax food and fuel (inelastic demand), most of those taxes will be passed on to consumers. However, if you place a tax on, say, iPhones and Mercedes Benz's, the producers will pay a larger portion of the tax (it comes out of their profits).

Considering the source, I'll take this as absolute confirmation of my point.

Kick rocks dimwit.
I much favor taxes on things than people.
Taxes on THINGS are, you know, ultimately paid by people. (shareholders/investment funds/workers etc.) One way or another, it's going to be the middle class (and lower) that pay that money, not corporate bigwigs. It's incomprehensible to me that this even needs to be explained. Corporate taxes will not punish the people that they're intended to. They're probably one of the MOST regressive forms of taxation. (I ALSO took ECON-101 Wayne... LOL)
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We've been living in a Democrat-made hoaxocracy for at least 7 years. Fine People Hoax, Drinking Bleach Hoax, J6 insurrection hoax, "Suckers and losers" hoax, and so much more.Trump is a "salesman." His hyperbole is designed to be productive, as in getting to a deal. Democrat persuasion is a different animal. Gaslighting is pure evil. We need to stop comparing "fact checks" by counting the NUMBER of them. Instead, compare the TYPE.Trump might say his economy was better than you remember. But Biden tells you Hitler is rising.Those are not equivalents. One is selling. The other is gaslighting.

I'm just disgusted with my current options.
Trump is a terrible human being. He is completely unfit in temperment to ever hold that office again.
Biden is not cognitively or physically fit for office.
Right now I am pissed that the Democratic Party is insulting my intelligence by propping up Joe Biden on the ticket in his current state and asking me to support someone who is so obviously impaired by his age.
I'm holding out hope the Dem convention corrects this mess.
Completely agree on all fronts. We still have to choose between these abysmal options though(insert obligatory Ranked Choice Voting mention).