How will they rule ??!

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I do coal testing. BTU, moisture, sulfur, that jazz. Not always coal obviously, but in KY mostly coal. Family been in and around mining for generations. Some hard workers make it out, many more don't. We all have more in common than we do differences, even when we're arguing over drag queens. Elon Musk doesn't give a shit about you or me or our fellow workers. Neither do any other billionaires. We are tools to them. Numbers on a spreadsheet.
Merica 🇺🇲 :cool:

Of course Trump should not be able to imprison Joe Biden unless Joe Biden broke the law and was found guilty of breaking the law by a jury.

However, with this ruling, now both actions are codified as being able to take place legally and lawfully as long as deemed an official decision. Not even via jury decision but by direct action from the executive at the behest of the judicial branch. So, if Joe Biden is in fact targeting political rivals, now it's fully with in his power to do so if deemed official.

And this applies both now and to every future President.

You merely celebrate it because as Trump supporter, it potentially absconds him from criminal proceedings involving his recorded phone calls to the Georgia prosecutor to "find votes". Essentially, any potential action for accountability is rolled into executive privilege (all because Donald Trump could potentially be found guilty by a jury of peers). No one should celebrate this and the only reason it is celebrated is because it may help the Trump campaign.
The only reason it was ever attempted is because it was meant to HURT the Trump campaign.

Where were your concerns about all this when it started?

But the real question is why you think this is the worst thing going on when you can’t even name the person running the country, or why the media supported the lie that Biden was competent, or why the DNC would contemplate bypassing their voters to simply install someone in truly autocratic fashion?


And you want to talk about what if Trump orders a hit? WAKE UP.
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It is just pathetic and sad that so many on the left are clearly demonstrating they have no capacity to comprehend the SCOTUS ruling today. It just pulls the curtains back and actually shows us what we are dealing with on the left. There is little/no hope for many of them, and it will ultimately be why this country will crumble some day… hopefully not in my lifetime.
The only reason it was ever attempted is because it was meant to HURT the Trump campaign.

Where were your concerns about all this when it started?

But the real question is why you think this is the worst thing going on when you can’t even name the person running the country, or why the media supported the lie that Biden was competent, or why the DNC would contemplate bypassing their voters to simply install someone in truly autocratic fashion?


And you want to talk about what if Trump orders a hit? WAKE UP.

Trump wasn't found guilty by a jury of his peers?
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Have you read the transcript of the call? You sound outrageously ignorant.

You are probably one of the people who was surprised by Biden’s cognitive decline he showed in the debate, yet still refuses to reevaluate everything else the media has lied to you about.

You’d be much better off if you looked at source data, not media or left wing Twitter analysis.
lol @ reading the transcript. You all act like this is complicated. Why read the transcript when I can post the actual conversation?

First clip: Trump asks for 11,00 plus votes and provides the media spin to justify it
Second clip: Trump claims he won Georgia, despite literally all evidence showing he lost in Georgia. Continues the Dominion conspiracy theory that was repudiated in court.

Hard pill for most of the wingers to swallow is that the biggest perpetrator of election fraud in 2020 was Donald Trump himself.
lol @ reading the transcript. You all act like this is complicated. Why read the transcript when I can post the actual conversation?

First clip: Trump asks for 11,00 plus votes and provides the media spin to justify it
Second clip: Trump claims he won Georgia, despite literally all evidence showing he lost in Georgia. Continues the Dominion conspiracy theory that was repudiated in court.

Hard pill for most of the wingers to swallow is that the biggest perpetrator of election fraud in 2020 was Donald Trump himself.

OK, post the video. If you think that is more valuable than a transcription of the video, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Biden admin refusing to release the recordings of the depositions for which they’ve already released the transcripts.

Regardless, he was saying there was fraud and they needed to investigate and just finding 11,000 fraudulent votes out of the hundreds of thousands would be enough.

There’s nothing criminal about telling election officials they need to investigate election fraud.
You know what’s not within the official acts of a president? Being a mentally incompetent figure head for the people actually running the country.

Obviously one prosecutor has already stated Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial. But every single person in the White House knowingly participating in this charade should be charged with treason.

Needs a repost. Freakin nailed it
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Trump wasn't found guilty by a jury of his peers?
OJ wasn't.

The constitution calls for an IMPARTIAL jury of his peers.

Peers who voted 90% against him in the district and who voted in a prosecutor who ran on getting Trump.

Lets not even discuss the Judge whose daughter was raising millions off of it.

So HIS peers? Nope. Not at all.
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At best you can barely understand Joe when he talks, many times you have zero idea what he was just mumbling about. Despite that, the bad debate wasn't his fault according to many Dems. First they blamed the moderators, the cameraman, CNN's makeup it's time to throw his staff under the bus.

So they’re mad at Tapper and Bash? How dare they actually be fair and balanced and ask good questions.

They’re actually mad the moderators didn’t mollycoddle Biden.
This is an admission of a disgusting worldview. We are all Trump's peers.
You are either naïve, stupid or both. TDS has you in its grips. Google the phrase IMPARTIAL jury of his peers. Kind of a big word to omit.

In the south in the 50's did your disgusting worldview include jury nullification of Klansmen and others who lynched black folks? Oh...I see....not all juries are of peers and all juries are pure...when its in a super blue district where they actually RAN on getting Trump. Show me the man and I will show you the crime. I believe that is how your folks do it.
Except that’s what happened with Lot so what’s the point? Again who is good enough to teach the Bible in public schools. Again, we’re talking public schools.

Yeah lots of wrong things have been done by people thats taught in history, so what?

Yes, was exactly my point about public school teachers or people like Sam “teaching” the Bible. Not sure what you’re arguing here?
Except that’s what happened with Lot so what’s the point? Again who is good enough to teach the Bible in public schools. Again, we’re talking public schools.
Nobody wants G-School groomers teaching the Bible or religious teachings. PLEASE have them stick to STEAM. Have G-School get out of the Social Justice BS and stick to what makes for an educated and not indoctrinated student. Certainly there will be a lot of Marxists who will need to be cleaned out of the G-School administration and DOE. Until that happens, parents should Home School or pay for private schools.

A free G-School "education/indoctrination" is your biggest tax break that you take.