How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Ew. Actor sandwich on pedo-white bread.
It’s free exercise of religion.

If you deny God are you erasing my legal existence? That’s the logic you’re defending.

You have some profound misunderstandings of a lot of things.
Your legal protections for belonging to a religion are directly due to your self identification as part of that religion. This statement I took issue with was not true:
Our legal rights aren’t based on self identified categories.
Yes, some of them are. Like religion.
1. Are you saying you've been to all these countries?
2. Or are you saying these countries are "better" than US?
3. Or are you saying they provide more opportunities for the people? (which was the original point)

1. If yes, good for you. That is a start. Was that a college grad gift for your fraternity from your parents?
2. I remember going to Britain in the 90s. I was surprised by how 3rd world it was back then. I'm sure it's better now. Riighht.
3. If you truly believed those nations provided more opportunity, then you'd be there. Or, people would be DYING to get there. And neither one of those are happening. I call bullshit.

The more he opens his mouth, the more we realize it's coming out the same at both ends. He's FOS and keeps proving it, but is too ignorant to see it. It's either a bot or it eats turds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Pretty much. I know Dems are typically uniformed but amazes me how they are all on board with it. Do you really hate this country that bad that you’d rather foreign powers run it with China being the model? Again, ignorance aside, I just don’t get that global attraction from the leftists. We’re all going to suffer and lose freedoms, left and the right.

Again, they think they will be the rulers hand-picked to run things and not culled along with the rest that don't contribute anything.
Not sure why you are tagging me without listing just one country. But I guess your statement at the end about Canada comes the closest to answering my is that your choice? Canada?

However, I did notice that amongst the multiple countries you listed...the majority of them have predominantly higher white populations than the US which is interesting. Most of them with black populations hovering around 4%. The Scandinavian countries far, far less. It’s also difficult to compare the US on demographics on some of those countries given their current immigration policies (see my earlier comment when you posted the list with Denmark at the top).

Also, it doesn’t make me (or anyone else) a racist for pointing out statistical data especially given the nature of this topic...providing the best opportunities for every race, creed, etc...It also doesn’t make you a racist for choosing those countries over the much more diverse US...but they are intriguingly interesting choices given the topic of discussion.

A couple of those countries don’t even keep statistical data on racial makeup...Germany for they don’t divide stats into racial categories at all...therefore they don’t have racial quotas, diversity departments in schools & companies, don’t have an EEOC equivalent, etc...I find that interesting as well. Don’t know enough about them to know if that has lead to better racial harmony than what we have in the US...but it sure would make a great case study. Since you chose those countries maybe you could elaborate? Is not keeping racial statistics/racial quotas part of your Utopian plan?

BTW...I’ve been to all of those countries except for the Scandinavian countries & the Alps region. All beautiful countries with a lot of unique qualities. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I would prefer living in any of them over the US...but they are wonderful places to visit for sure. Glad you have had the means and opportunity to visit ALL of them. That’s pretty awesome.

Remind me again...which country were you working in/living in when you were able to afford to freely travel to so many wonderful countries?
Why does race matter at all? First of all you picked out Canada and then didn’t mention it at all. It’s around ten percent more white than we are. Not really a sizable difference. As for Europe it’s a mixed bag where ethnicity means as much as skin color. Serbians and Albanians, for instance, have beef and are both white. Or Irish and English. Just different cultural dynamics at play. It’s still diverse and somewhat compassionate. Germany has been taking in refugees from the Middle East for decades. Thanks in no small part to our wars of destabilization. The only reason race would matter enough to bring it up in this context is if you attribute all of those countries’ success to their racial makeup. Which is, as @Bridgeman Owns TruBlu acknowledged, insanely racist.
You said "they have a lot less brown people" a lot more eloquently than i did. Well said and 100% correct. Also nice catch pointing out that Dion would much rather live in a place where almost everyone is white.
Doesn’t matter how eloquently you phrase your racism, it’s still racism.
Promises 500 million in aid to Ukraine and yet had to be dragged kicking and screaming just to do something about arguably the worst ecological disaster in American history in Ohio.

Just a Democrat being a Democrat. It's what gives hope to the community leaders/ organizers that they, too, will be able to fleece and abuse those who worship them at as high a level as those at the top ranks of the party.
Doesn't make any sense really. A tiny number of people on each side are actually passionate about crazy shit, yet those are the issues that get forced down our throats every single day.
Over 6000 people felt passionate enough to vote on how they felt. Only about 30 of them were in favor of the trade. I'm not fluent in poll math, but it would seem that only about 1 out of every 200 people were in favor. Was that an act of a government of, by, and for the people?
Does anybody give a flying fig about how many countries someone has visited? Impressed? Does that make them an expert in foreign affairs? Kind of like actors who think they know everything about a subject because they played a role in a movie.
If you're asking me, then no it does not make someone an expert in foreign affairs. Agree with you completely on that. My point is coming from the other end; MOST people that bitch about this country have never been outside this country and have no fing clue what they are talking about. For example ... the fact that "greenpeace" doesn't protest Djibouti (which is the anus of the earth) says all that is needed about that sham org.
Dems always fight against transparency that hurts them and then run propaganda attacks on those who expose them. Commie tactic.

You have the memos of the Fox people who didn't believe the lies they were telling on TV. At this point, what does "transparency" mean to you? It sounds like it just means not wanting to believe you've been had. I'm sure you've even seen the Trump video of him conceding the election. Is it simply vanity on your part? You've been had. All those people who believed have been conned. Some of them are in prison because of the con. Lots of them have continue to send the con man money. Is it Battered Wife Syndrome? Otherwise I don't get it.
As a counterpoint to yours, Lost in FL, people who live in those countries aren't trying to come here either. Hence the shithole countries comment from Trump (which was spot on TBH.)
Fair. counterpoint to your counterpoint: I have known many people in Europe and Canada that have always wanted to move here and BE an American. I can't recall anyone that says, "I want to BE a German" ... well, except for some on here, but they say they want to be a nazi.
You have the memos of the Fox people who didn't believe the lies they were telling on TV. At this point, what does "transparency" mean to you? It sounds like it just means not wanting to believe you've been had. I'm sure you've even seen the Trump video of him conceding the election. Is it simply vanity on your part? You've been had. All those people who believed have been conned. Some of them are in prison because of the con. Lots of them have continue to send the con man money. Is it Battered Wife Syndrome? Otherwise I don't get it.
What do the memos from FOX mean? That they thought Dominion vote changing was crazy?
Ok, but that doesn’t have anything to do with the absentee ballot free for all that was the basis of election fraud. Clearly from the link I posted earlier there is shenanigans with voter registration, which was the basis for Democrats going all in on easing absentee voting restrictions in 2020. The election was stolen, and we’re paying it for it now. On the verge of Workd war at worst, and a very diminished US at best.
I wonder how they're going to react when 2024 has 600 million votes, in a country of 350 million?
And here we see the endgame of all this. Y’all have slowly been worked to the point where you’re openly talking about cheating American elections. Somehow that’s the Democrats fault though, right?
The guy who couldn't get over 2 percent of the primary the first 2 times he ran. 81 million votes. Most ever. By far. Even crushed Obama numbers, when he was on the ticket. How does one do that? Racism? The 16 million dems who voted for Biden but not Obama/Biden.

Absolutely laughable.
Not sure why you are tagging me without listing just one country. But I guess your statement at the end about Canada comes the closest to answering my is that your choice? Canada?

However, I did notice that amongst the multiple countries you listed...the majority of them have predominantly higher white populations than the US which is interesting. Most of them with black populations hovering around 4%. The Scandinavian countries far, far less. It’s also difficult to compare the US on demographics on some of those countries given their current immigration policies (see my earlier comment when you posted the list with Denmark at the top).

Also, it doesn’t make me (or anyone else) a racist for pointing out statistical data especially given the nature of this topic...providing the best opportunities for every race, creed, etc...It also doesn’t make you a racist for choosing those countries over the much more diverse US...but they are intriguingly interesting choices given the topic of discussion.

A couple of those countries don’t even keep statistical data on racial makeup...Germany for they don’t divide stats into racial categories at all...therefore they don’t have racial quotas, diversity departments in schools & companies, don’t have an EEOC equivalent, etc...I find that interesting as well. Don’t know enough about them to know if that has lead to better racial harmony than what we have in the US...but it sure would make a great case study. Since you chose those countries maybe you could elaborate? Is not keeping racial statistics/racial quotas part of your Utopian plan?

BTW...I’ve been to all of those countries except for the Scandinavian countries & the Alps region. All beautiful countries with a lot of unique qualities. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I would prefer living in any of them over the US...but they are wonderful places to visit for sure. Glad you have had the means and opportunity to visit ALL of them. That’s pretty awesome.

Remind me again...which country were you working in/living in when you were able to afford to freely travel to so many wonderful countries?

I wouldn't have pegged Dion as so firmly anti-POC based on his professed leftist position, but it makes sense considering the history of the D party. He clearly would've hated MLK Jr, a man who wanted his children to be judged on the content of their character rather than pigmentation.

Now to see he'd rather live in a country without so many non-white people, well, that is something he and Gov Wallace and Hilary's mentor could have agreed on. I wonder if he based his decision on the US crime data. HOW MANY crimes (and riots) would not have been committed in the past decade if Dion had his way and the people he doesn't want to live with left this country?

I guess it could be considered comforting to some to know that it's not just some "white" people that hate people that look just like them. There's actually "non-white" guilt as well as "white guilt. Golly. Things is just getting complicateder and complicateder.
Oh. And also, Dion, why did every country you list be white countries? Are you really that racist?
The countries I listed are rich countries that are further down the economic industrial pathway of improving the quality of life for their citizenry. The only ones mentioning race are you racists attributing their success to their racial makeup.
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