Would be interested to know the board issue as I'm sure that's been infiltrated as well. They're the only ones who do investigative journalism.
Would be interested to know the board issue as I'm sure that's been infiltrated as well. They're the only ones who do investigative journalism.
The Mayor might want to back off. There are lots of "asylum seekers" down here and the state set aside millions of $$$ to use to send them to sanctuary cities. I think New York might get a shipment soon. Be Happy Mayor, stay Happy Mayor."Don't use asylum seekers as props." HAHAHA. Oh, you don't? You just use them for BS media cover photos and bring them here for votes? Literally sending some your way and you cry like a little B.
New York can't lecture anyone on anything. They're a disgusting city filled with crime, high cost of living. Your rats are bigger than most of your city's paychecks.
FIFY.Finally an admission that what the GOP really needs is more HARVESTED BALLOTS. Because that’s how you win elections. Now that you’ve finally joined us in reality can we just see who can cheat the best?
Sounds a lot like the 2020 election deniers. A multitude of court cases thrown out but the righties still squawking about a stolen election. The GOPQ’ers still believe it, throw it out as fact, and think it happened. Pot meet kettle . . .The problem is when accusations like these are made the left believes and never forgets. They will continue to throw this out as fact and unfortunately half of America will still believe it happened.
The Mayor might want to back off. There are lots of "asylum seekers" down here and the state set aside millions of $$$ to use to send them to sanctuary cities. I think New York might get a shipment soon. Be Happy Mayor, stay Happy Mayor.
Not necessarily, we just need more ballots marked for the GOP candidate. At this point, whatever it takes. GOP operatives need to work the nursing homes and other senior facilities to get those ballots filled out. Need to beat the Dims at that own game. The GOP also needs to embrace early voting and unsupervised drop boxes to do everything they can within the bounds of the law to maximize the number of ballots for their candidates.Finally an admission that what the GOP really needs is more votes. Because that’s how you win elections. Now that you’ve finally joined us in reality can we cut all the ‘fraud!’ crap?
Fetterman hears voices like the teachers in 'Peanuts' after stroke, struggles to adjust to Senate life: report
Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman's stroke caused severe auditory processing issues that are affecting him as he adjusts to life in the Senate,www.foxnews.com
I posted about 6 months ago or so of an article that I read where the California GOP started doing exactly this in '22. Credited with some of the successes they had. Went to nursing homes, churches, small private and christian colleges.Not necessarily, we just need more ballots marked for the GOP candidate. At this point, whatever it takes. GOP operatives need to work the nursing homes and other senior facilities to get those ballots filled out. Need to beat the Dims at that own game. The GOP also needs to embrace early voting and unsupervised drop boxes to do everything they can within the bounds of the law to maximize the number of ballots for their candidates.
Copying from sawnee and blubo...I can't comprehend these two things just 20 years ago.
Uh, there’s no legal existence being erased. That’s the spin (or lie, as it’s more appropriately known). Our legal rights aren’t based on self identified categories.How is a quotation, media spin?
So this is supposedly a hand written note Biden wrote in the guest book while in Ukraine. Think that Biden's handwriting is this legible?
While you guys keep wishing conspiracy theories come true, as predicted trump is on track to tear the Republican party in half, guaranteeing Dems stay in power another 6-10 years.
He is the gift that keeps on giving.
But please by all means keep going on about Hunter, or Mitch, or rigged elections, UFO and aliens, whatever silly stuff you want. Real Americans are moving way way, way pass that garbage.
OMG. Hillary is Nurse RatchetI hope Fetterman's group sessions are going well...
One of the Jan 6 shitbags just got sentenced to 7 years. Law and Order! maybe MAGA morons will get the hint and stop listening to the fatass cheeto con.
The 2024 election slogan needs to be "FAFO"Eff around and find out - people in the burbs aren't as forgiving
I don't know what else I can see that I haven't seen already about that day. I saw guards move barriers out of the way, I saw guards along with visitors and both were very cordial towards each other. There were a few idiots in the crowd, but walking calmly through the Capitol should not result in years in prison. Especially with the nonchalant way we treat actual criminals.Maybe. Maybe not. That's McCarthy passing the buck to get Carlson in trouble. He's still a d-b.
I would have suggested using the bones for a boat after we'd finished eating them. Easier than chopping down a tree. They wouldn't be nearly as pesky to clean since the penis is already gone. Downside? Probably eat a few and then start to grow tits and get a fat ass. They would find 10 skeletons and the remains of 3 crates of bon bons that had washed ashore.Or ... 100 male skeletons who clearly cannibalize each other in one cluster, and on the other side of the island, evidence that someone chopped down trees, made a raft for 10 people and gtfo there.
Is that your takeaway from that factual statement? Life has been difficult for you, hasn't it? Things just never seem to work out the way you think they will, do they?Why do we need more people? I think we have enough and there are plenty of heterosexuals to insure the species doesn’t die off.
Saw a story on Britney Griner being exchanged and the thumbs down was in the 6000's and thumbs up were in the 30's. No comments were allowed.The trans issue is one that the left pro trans movement is overwhelmingly a minority on this issue. You ever look at the ratios of these articles? On Microsoft, they're routine in the thousands of down buttons compared to like 46 likes on these BS trans articles.
This is something that's not remotely a popular view yet is amplified by the left's activists and media.
Saw a story on Britney Griner being exchanged and the thumbs down was in the 6000's and thumbs up were in the 30's. No comments were allowed.
Act of treason if you ask me. Setup to 2024’s next pandemic and culling.
What's Republican evidence of a stolen election? Multiple accusations. I remember one person who said that the Democrats were so evil (or clever or something) that they didn't leave any evidence. Now, there's all the emails of Fox talking heads coming out about how insane the Trump accusations were. But they kept on joining in. The Fox talking heads knew the accusations were phony and a lie but kept right on repeating them. There's even a tape of Trump conceding. Think of Sidney Powell. What was her evidence? She experienced something like time travel in a semi-conscious state. On and on and on.Sounds a lot like the 2020 election deniers. A multitude of court cases thrown out but the righties still squawking about a stolen election. The GOPQ’ers still believe it, throw it out as fact, and think it happened. Pot meet kettle . . .
Your view then is that he shouldn't go anywhere until after he goes to EP, right? I mean he was already going to Poland before he decided to stop in Ukraine. So going to Poland was wrong too? BTW, how many people have died at EP? Lots of folks dies in US mass shootings. Shouldn't those locations be higher priority than EP? Or is EP #1 above all other Biden travel locations? Thanks.