How will they rule ??!

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Honestly, I don't think conservatives are necessarily against BO popped.. I'm SURE there are some out there. But they wouldn't dare be vocal about it. Wishing death on a Liberal AND Black president? Next thing after that is the ol "You're a bigot " argument that's an ever lasting sinkhole of debating.
I've yet to hear any Conservative wish death on BO (Not including internet trolls), despite the fact that they (and I) have heard plenty of Liberals hope Bush would get assassinated. To each his own I guess, but every few weeks of GW's last term I would hear someone wish ill upon him.

I didn't mention Obama. Sorry if my post misled you.

I meant, I've heard conservatives threaten to fight/maim/kill the person they were arguing with face-to-face at that moment. (And I've heard people wish ill on Obama. They're usually "that" portion of society that doesn't like anything that looks different than them, meaning it isn't just him they don't like. It's all not white, non straight people. In other words, that's not a conservative/liberal thing. It's a matter of ignorance.)

The GWB and Obama things are similar. We can argue over who got treated worse for days, and they're both largely piles of poo, so it's a close race. I maintain that anyone who takes politics so seriously they wish harm on another human based on political ideology is a certified crazy bastard.
Honestly though, I wished somehow people could get past the left right bs and come to grip that both parties are
screwing we the people over.

That's why I bowed out of the politics game. Too much "Red team good, blue team bad," "Blue team awesome, red team suck." for me.

They're all crooked bastards who are nothing but puppets for special interest groups on both sides. I think most people just go with what they believe to be the lesser of the two evils based on personal ideology, whichever way that may be.
Well, that's kind of what I mean. We live in VERY different areas. You mention 1 in 25 are are Liberal, for me it's the opposite. So that might explain our experiences.

I've never heard Conservatives flip out like that. For me it's the Liberals. They seem to be the ones to become enraged, take it way too personally, and almost use it as some form of grudge. And if they were actually able to do something, they probably would do it (The 120lb coffee barista or the free-spirit hippie leading a protest aren't exactly in a position to back up threats, even though they make them).

Maybe if you're one political view, and everyone around you is another, different viewpoints aren't as jarring. So you kind of just shrug off the fact that someone is the opposing view. Like "Oh well, Gays are apparently an abomination, what is else new" kind of thing.
I can only say one thing at this moment, I'm sure of about having Trump as President. IMO, we would then have the hottest first-lady in our history.
Well, that's kind of what I mean. We live in VERY different areas. You mention 1 in 25 are are Liberal, for me it's the opposite. So that might explain our experiences.

I've never heard Conservatives flip out like that. For me it's the Liberals. They seem to be the ones to become enraged, take it way too personally, and almost use it as some form of grudge. And if they were actually able to do something, they probably would do it (The 120lb coffee barista or the free-spirit hippie leading a protest aren't exactly in a position to back up threats, even though they make them).

Maybe if you're one political view, and everyone around you is another, different viewpoints aren't as jarring. So you kind of just shrug off the fact that someone is the opposing view. Like "Oh well, Gays are apparently an abomination, what is else new" kind of thing.

You are absolutely correct. Surroundings and perspective help shape broad opinions of others.

For example, I hate redneck culture, but can't escape it here. And, those people tend to largely be conservative so it has shaped my view of conservatives as being angry rednecks who hate everything, when I know that's actually not the case. I have several great friends who are non-redneck conservatives whose opinions I value greatly. I also know plenty of f-tarded liberals who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Being fiscally conservative like I am is no big deal in Kentucky, but when I mention I'm also socially liberal, it becomes a problem. So, I get labeled as a "lih-bruhl" when I hate Dems as much as Repubs. In other words, I'm probably called a conservative in Oregon but liberal in Kentucky.
Well, that's kind of what I mean. We live in VERY different areas. You mention 1 in 25 are are Liberal, for me it's the opposite. So that might explain our experiences.

I've never heard Conservatives flip out like that. For me it's the Liberals. They seem to be the ones to become enraged, take it way too personally, and almost use it as some form of grudge. And if they were actually able to do something, they probably would do it (The 120lb coffee barista or the free-spirit hippie leading a protest aren't exactly in a position to back up threats, even though they make them).

Maybe if you're one political view, and everyone around you is another, different viewpoints aren't as jarring. So you kind of just shrug off the fact that someone is the opposing view. Like "Oh well, Gays are apparently an abomination, what is else new" kind of thing.


These look like some Conservatives with a personal grudge.
That's why I bowed out of the politics game. Too much "Red team good, blue team bad," "Blue team awesome, red team suck." for me.

They're all crooked bastards who are nothing but puppets for special interest groups on both sides. I think most people just go with what they believe to be the lesser of the two evils based on personal ideology, whichever way that may be.
It's strange cause I've heard alot of conservatives talk bout the lesser of 2 evils, but I've yet to hear a liberal speak
about the lesser of 2 evils. That's seems kind of odd
At least he pretty much admits he's a socialist, and doesn't try to hide it. You have to admire the honesty I suppose.
There are a few on here that need to come clean about it. Especially the prophet, perhaps he could tell us when this country will be totally controlled by socialism/communism so I can get out before it happens.
It's strange cause I've heard alot of conservatives talk bout the lesser of 2 evils, but I've yet to hear a liberal speak
about the lesser of 2 evils. That's seems kind of odd

Both sides talk that way constantly. I'm guessing you don't know a lot of liberals? A majority of my conservative friends hate the GOP and most of my liberal friends hate the Democratic party. It's kind of funny.

It's basically some conservatives think the GOP isn't conservative enough just like some liberals think the Dems are too conservative. Worldviews are a crazy thing.
[QUITE="TransyCat09, post: 2058258, member: 8170"]Ben Carson wants to base the tax system on tithing.[/QUOTE]
He is talking about a flat tax with no loop holes. I like that idea.
Rubio, Kasich, and Walker are so milquetoast and wishy washy it's embarrassing.

Rand and Bush are the only legitimate candidates. One is philosophical (no Goldwater, but more so than 99% of candidates), the other is political. We will see which one is the candidate. My guess is same ol same ol Bush v Clinton with everyone bitching about how crooked politics are while they march to the polls and vote for the same bullshit.

You get what you subsidize/vote for
Trump wont say he wont run as an independant If he doesnt get the Rep nomination. If hes a true Republican and truelly believes the Democrats in power are "stupid" why do something he knows is going to hand the election to Clinton and keep the stupid Democrats in power? Ross Perot part two? Has an independant ever won the election?
This god question is basically nothing but a death blow for these candidates. They have to say something religious to make it in the primaries. Then theyll be crushed for it in the general.

Nice going...
Winners: Bush, Kasich, Carson (only because expectations were so low), and Trump
Losers: Rubio, Walker, and Huckabee
Push: Rand, Christie, and Cruz

Tempted to move Christie to "win" column, but this was a Republican primary, not a general.
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Disagree on Rubio, think he really helped himself.

Also doubt that the religion question is toxic in a nation where close to 80% self identify as Christian....
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Have no idea where this idea that Carson and Rubio did well started and why it is catching on. They were both awful. Kasich was pandering and centrist, but I get why that is appealing. Rubio and Carson either looked incompetent or like a platitude spewing robot