How will they rule ??!

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Pretty sure he just said he wasn't releasing anything b/c of what time it is here in the states.

At this point it's pretty clear Assange doesn't have a goddam thing worthwhile.

Yeah, he just said the release is still upcoming. So he's sticking to the story he still has something on Hillary, just not releasing at this moment. I agree with you, though, if it was worthwhile he'd release it already.
Although, he did say starting this week, leaks are coming every week for the next 10 weeks.

Said they'd cover everything from the war, oil, arms deals, Google & the election.

Then went on to say the stuff regarding the election will definitely be released before Nov. 8th.

I say if he's bullshittin', he deserves to be drone striked.
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Federal Appeals Court ruled yesterday that any state refusing to accept Syrian refugees is acting unconstitutional & is guilty of illegal discrimination (like I said, Isis is taking advantage of our own laws & using them to infiltrate us), & all US states are hereby ordered to accept them.

My only question is, isn't this something the people should vote on? Seriously, shouldn't, we, the people have a say so in who we allow into our country? Such madness.
It is just going to get worse, the skittles.

The left seems to only care when it happens in a gay night club, and even then only for a week or two before they sweep it back under the rug... outta sight, outta mind.
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I'm glad I have today off. I might say eff it and try to pull an all nighter for the first time in years just to see what this announcement will be. This could and probably will be very important.


I hope you did, man.

I hope Assange was like "ok guys here it is, the truth you've all been waiting for...."



Federal Appeals Court ruled yesterday that any state refusing to accept Syrian refugees is acting unconstitutional & is guilty of illegal discrimination (like I said, Isis is taking advantage of our own laws & using them to infiltrate us), & all US states are hereby ordered to accept them.

My only question is, isn't this something the people should vote on? Seriously, shouldn't, we, the people have a say so in who we allow into our country? Such madness.

The worst, imo( and this ain't have nothing to do with the refugees directly, it's just not a good the suppression of crime stats. My town for example can't pay cops, all kinds of crime is on the rise, we have population/housing problem, but to hear the govt talk, our biggest problem is getting a successful damn farmers market downtown :/ We don't have leaders we need to tackle the issues we need. We have hoes that want to talk about unnecessary bullshit, and I feel it's like that on the national level, everywhere. Head in sand.

Another funny example of this stuff is around campuses. There are monthly examples from UL, UK, and EKU. Something bad will happen on campus, or around student housing, and campus will rush to point out "this wasn't on campus, nothing to see here". It's hilarious. There have been a couple times where the newspaper called UK on it, and EKU. UL is on a whole nother level on crime. You can't keep up with that shit. Maybe it's better they don't talk about it.

You see that same attitude with all the PC Muslim stuff. It's not progressive at all.
It bothers me that people don't appreciate the established Hillary Clinton email thing. When you get a security clearance, they take you in a room with too many locks on it, and tell you what's up. You cannot manipulate or remove the security markings. You cannot take classified material outside of a secure area. Ignorance of classification is no excuse. If you are aware of someone breaching security protocol, you are just as responsible. They claim all of these things are punishable by jail time and more, then you sign your life away on the dotted line. It's supposed to be a serious thing.

People literally roll their eyes at the email thing, but a normal person would be in jail. Sure Trump says some dumb shit, but politicians / cops / military / rich people being above the law is the single biggest problem in this country.
You cannot take classified material outside of a secure area.

& this is how you know for a fact know the FBI dicked around. They gave immunity to two people just to be able to gain access to their laptops.

Problem is, once US classified info was circulated among those laptops, they automatically became US government property.

The FBI didn't need to cut any deals to gain access to the laptops, & where well within their rights to confiscate them.
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MO on Trump and his taxes are that I applaud him as a businessman if he was able to avoid paying taxes. Wish I could do it. But anyone who thinks that the other camp isn't gonna jump on it and hammer him is nuts.

Truthfully, when your entire mantra thru out the campaign has been elect me bc I am the best businessman in the history of the world and I am worth a gazillion dollars then it comes out you lost almost a billion in one year, it is fair game. And it is effective fair game.
This is why I'm so frustrated with how this is being reported. Folks who don't understand tax law and business cycles are swallowing this misrepresentation. Most businesses are cyclical in nature with ups and downs. Farming, real estate, construction, and manufacturing are prime examples. Over the past 30 years, many companies in these industries have experienced losses and profits. The larger a business is, the bigger the numbers are. A billion dollar loss sounds like a insurmountable loss to overcome to most of us. However, for some large companies this is something that can be recovered in a relatively short time. It is common for many successful companies to have loss periods in their past and probably expect some losses to occur at some point in their future.

Those who wrote the tax law understands this reality. It you lose a billion dollars in year 1 and make a billion dollars in year 2, you haven't gained anything over the two year period. Tax law allows you to use the loss from year 1 to offset the profit in year 2 in order to reduce your tax liability. There's nothing sinister about this. NBC is acting like Trump has hired a bunch of slick accountants to pull this off.

No disrespect towards you, Atrian. Many of my friends have been deceived by how this is being portrayed.
No getting around the fact that Assange trolled Americans to insure eyeballs for the Wikileaks 10th Anniversary celebration. Otherwise, all of 6 people would have attended.

And the production values and communication skills of those delivering the presentation, including Assange, would have warranted all of 6 people attending.

At least we will know better next time. Excellent example of how you destroy your credibility and trust in a flash.
This is why I'm so frustrated with how this is being reported.
This is also why Trump perhaps should have released his tax records long ago. In this day and age, it's almost a foregone conclusion that the information is available to your opponent. Now, the Democrats get to cherry-pick the years they want the public to view, and therefore control the information and the message.
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Maybe that is right, I do not disagree but Trump is t a politician he is a business man. He see's releasing them as possibly giving his competitors a leg up on seeing his financials.

Look, it's really simple people see that big number and hear the spin cycle on it and believe it. That is what politicians do. The better politicians counter, but his counter punch attacks Hiliary in a way that only his supporters like.

No one wants to hear some of the shit he spews, certainly not me. So it makes him look really stupid.

People want a reason to not trust her and it should t be hard to convince them to not trust her yet here we are talking about her cheating on Bill.

It's a damn shame that I'd rather vote for Wikileaks than either of these dipshits.
Odd that you mention this. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm in Oregon at the moment, Eugene to be exact, b/c the old hag is a traveling lung doctor.

Anyways, just a couple weeks ago she mentioned that she's noticing cases of crimes requiring hospitalization that were reported to have happened on UO's campus are being immediately downplayed as very uncommon even though they're not.

Kind of like a college kids will be college kids type of attitude. Said it seemed almost as if they were purposely going out of their way to protect the University & not bring any negative attention.

UK's president tried to sweep sexual assaults under the rug, got caught, dug himself a hole, got caught even worse, dug a bigger hole, sued the Herald Leader, caught again, called the campus newspaper a "rag" and a "joke", then sued them, too. All sitting in the courts, all because he didn't do the right thing. in fact, he protected the sexual predator and released the names of the victims. All the while he just played that PC "Campus safety is the most important thing blablbalblablb we cannot release information". Well, the people who worked for him did release the information - detailing UK's lack of response to the sexual predator - and he was skewered by every newspaper in the city. Now the university is suing every newspaper in the city. Just throw some money at the problem, bully them, sue them some more, and drag your feet till it goes away - the PC and progressive way.

Thing is, newspapers wont be around much longer. Campus newspapers maybe, though, I would say the UK paper will be operating much differently once they lose this lawsuit and get put back in their place. Anyway, these assholes will have nobody to answer to when newspapers are gone. It won't be good for whatever little bit of transparency is left.
Interesting tidbit. Today is the 10 yr anniversary of Wikileaks. 10-4-2006 is when it was launched by Assange.
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But seriously, this "everybody act and do the same shit" is for the birds. It's pussy. EVEYBODY is scared of being blamed, being held accountable, and being fired.

My favorite example is the third party committee Mitch hired to draw up that damn H logo. I mean, something as little and silly as that. You're fn telling me nobody on that campus could have done that?

...another hilarious example in yesterday's paper, this time from the city. City wants to add a water fountain splash thing for kids to play in. Ok. Cool. They hired some company from San Fran to head the thing. It's a tiny project, first of all. Something a team of Dad's could put together in a weekend. Anyway, they paid this company 160k to plan it. Local Lexington fountain guy went to look at it, and then wrote an editorial about it. According to him it's total junk, won't last long at all, awful materials, seems made by people with no clue what they were doing, and he believes the city got screwed very badly.

This practice of hiring outside advisors to make decisions you should be making is a damn joke, but *everybody* does it. One, it takes blame off the decision maker. "HEY WE PAID THIS COMPANY 1 million TO MAKE THIS DECISION FOR US!! WE DID OUR JOB! NOW WE'RE GONNA SUE THEM!!! HA!!". Just a tremendous waste of money, time, and resources.
Federal Appeals Court ruled yesterday that any state refusing to accept Syrian refugees is acting unconstitutional & is guilty of illegal discrimination (like I said, Isis is taking advantage of our own laws & using them to infiltrate us), & all US states are hereby ordered to accept them.

My only question is, isn't this something the people should vote on? Seriously, shouldn't, we, the people have a say so in who we allow into our country? Such madness.

Where does it say in our constitution that we must allow Syrians and Muslim psychopaths into our country?

This is total insanity. Europe has shown us what happens when you let these people in. It's suicide.
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meh, shame on anyone hoping Wikileaks would take out Hillary, when the way to do so is goddamn on positions & principles the American People want on the important issues of the day, because she is on the wrong side of EVERYTHING

kind of a sad repeat of those hoping medical problems would be her undoing. freaking BEAT HER by talking about the economy....Obamacare...national security....crime......spending.....regulations
Where does it say in our constitution that we must allow Syrians and Muslim psychopaths into our country?

This is total insanity. Europe has shown us what happens when you let these people in. It's suicide.

And even dumber show of legal acrobatics is granting constitutional protections to people who are neither a citizen nor ever set foot on our soil.
meh, shame on anyone hoping Wikileaks would take out Hillary, when the way to do so is goddamn on positions & principles the American People want on the important issues of the day, because she is on the wrong side of EVERYTHING

kind of a sad repeat of those hoping medical problems would be her undoing. freaking BEAT HER by talking about the economy....Obamacare...national security....crime......spending.....regulations

It's quite startling. Millennials hate Assange for telling the truth. They want to see him go away because he is trying hurt poor ol innocent Hillary.
meh, shame on anyone hoping Wikileaks would take out Hillary, when the way to do so is goddamn on positions & principles the American People want on the important issues of the day, because she is on the wrong side of EVERYTHING

kind of a sad repeat of those hoping medical problems would be her undoing. freaking BEAT HER by talking about the economy....Obamacare...national security....crime......spending.....regulations
Which is why this was such a spectacularly awful idea.

Here we are in October and the best hope is a cryptic Roger Stone tweet.
It bothers me that people don't appreciate the established Hillary Clinton email thing. When you get a security clearance, they take you in a room with too many locks on it, and tell you what's up. You cannot manipulate or remove the security markings. You cannot take classified material outside of a secure area. Ignorance of classification is no excuse. If you are aware of someone breaching security protocol, you are just as responsible. They claim all of these things are punishable by jail time and more, then you sign your life away on the dotted line. It's supposed to be a serious thing.

People literally roll their eyes at the email thing, but a normal person would be in jail. Sure Trump says some dumb shit, but politicians / cops / military / rich people being above the law is the single biggest problem in this country.
Quoted for truth.

This is why I keeping stating - the mishandling of classified material. The public is worn out of the word email, "eh, no big deal."

This is NOT about emails. The email server was just one medium that Hillary used for the unauthorized storage and transmission of classified material.

She also gave a person without the proper security clearance/Need-to-Know access to classified material in the form of a USB drive. This is a fact as stated by FBI Director Comey.

I think people have a basic understanding of Confidential, Secret and Top Secret. Some are even starting to understand SCI, SAP, etc. but, I have never seen Need-to-Know mentioned in this fiasco.

Is it a prosecutor criminal offense? According to the DOJ/FBI - "It would be a tall order"

Did she violate her NDA? That is a proven fact.
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