How will they rule ??!

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*pulls lever for Ben Carson*
*pulls lever for Ben Carson*
Doesn't that work the other way?

Why not vote for Ben Carson: we've already elected (twice) the most unqualified candidate in history... resulting in the worst POTUS in history... it can't get any worse... thus Carson is bound to be better?
They're pushing the Carbon tax because Americans are going to have electricity. Unless we start building a ton of Nuke plants, coal and gas are going to be the backbone of the load, or we're going to have rolling black outs.
It's a sure fire stream of money for the govt, and customers are going to pay it.

Wind just won't cut it during periods of high demand. I work at a gas turbine plant. Last week the wind power we get was at 12% capacity, 150 mega watts. That seems like a lot, but the demand was 29000 megawatts. That's literally a drop in the bucket.

If we really want to cut carbon the key is efficiency in everything we use it for. It's already making a difference. 10 years ago with the temps we had last week the power load would've been pushing 33000 mega watts. 4000 megawatts in coal power is roughly 48000 tons of coal a day.

The amount of energy consumption in this nation is nothing short of staggering. Theres a great need to be more efficient, but noones interested. California is especially ridiculous, yet theyre often the first to scream about conservation.

The Hill ‏@thehill 2h2 hours ago
Uproar after two illegal immigrants appointed to city commissions in California:

Speaking of CA, the (shopped) judge in NoCal that granted the stay on the PP videos bundled $250k for, rascals.

I saw the story about the 2 illegals. Just ridiculous. And the judge who stopped release of additional PP videos should be ashamed of himself.
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The amount of energy consumption in this nation is nothing short of staggering. Theres a great need to be more efficient, but noones interested. California is especially ridiculous, yet theyre often the first to scream about conservation.

Your point about efficiency/conservation is correct, but a quick search shows that Californians consume the the 49th most energy per capita (out of 51 b/c D.C.). Not sure if this study factors in/accounts for weather (A/C and heating) and how/if it accounts for food consumption (NY resident eating California almonds counts as?), but interesting stuff. Of high population states, it's Texas that is the worst.
Your point about efficiency/conservation is correct, but a quick search shows that Californians consume the the 49th most energy per capita (out of 51 b/c D.C.). Not sure if this study factors in/accounts for weather (A/C and heating) and how/if it accounts for food consumption (NY resident eating California almonds counts as?), but interesting stuff. Of high population states, it's Texas that is the worst.

Interesting stat if true. I wonder if the desert regions of Cali drag down the numbers? Because we know LA and SF are energy gluttons.
I think large cities tend to be more efficient on a per capita basis, but I haven't seen anything conclusive. San Diego probably brings down the average b/c the weather is almost perfect all year. Same for Orange County (at least until you get inland a ways).
UCA was passed on cliches and fake narratives, NYT today:

WASHINGTON — Hoping to avoid another political uproar over theAffordable Care Act, the Obama administration is trying to persuade states to cut back big rate increases requested by many health insurance companies for 2016.

In calling for aggressive regulation of rates, federal officials are setting up a potential clash with insurers. Some carriers said they paid out more in claims than they collected in premiums last year, so they lost money on policies sold in the new public marketplaces. After finding that new customers were sicker than expected, some health plans have sought increases of 10 percent to 40 percent or more.

Administration officials have political and financial reasons for wanting to hold down premiums. Big rate increases could undermine public support for the health care law, provide ammunition to Republican critics of the measure and increase costs for some consumers and the federal government.
GOP has a very few...a party of all bark and no bite.
A checkbook (lol... I guess credit card statement and bank account statement) is a better indicator of what people care about than social media posts.

The govt writing a check and John Q. Public writing a check are entirely differ
The amount of energy consumption in this nation is nothing short of staggering. Theres a great need to be more efficient, but noones interested. California is especially ridiculous, yet theyre often the first to scream about conservation.

I saw the story about the 2 illegals. Just ridiculous. And the judge who stopped release of additional PP videos should be ashamed of himself.

Something as simple as converting street lights to LED would be a major drop in electricity usage. Its roughly a 500-600 Megawatt jump each evening simply for street lights in the area the company I work for covers. On a nationwide level how much Co2 would that remove?
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I would vote for him in the primary to ensure he gets the red team nod (I can't vote in either primary).

Because conservatives are already turnt up to 15 over them thurr gays, the rebel flag, the poors and the browns. I wanna see them get really f'n crazy and angry to the point the enraged caucasian can no longer be contained. (When whitey turns red)

The angry conservative is about the most entertaining thing on the planet if you're apolitical like me. The libs are too whiny and smarmy for my entertainment tastes. (It's like listening to your little brother whine over not getting a turn on the slide) They don't get frothing-at-the-mouth mad over every thing. The blue-teamers just blog about it with a typewriter ... ironically.

I like my pissed off rants with a heaping helping of poor spelling and grammar with a dash of religion thrown on top for good measure.
IMO The support for Trump is coming from a group of disenfranchised voters who do not like the direction either party has taken and are using Trump as a outlet to vent their frustration. By telling pollsters that their choice is Trump, they are essentially taking an opportunity to flash their middle finger at both parties.

But when push comes to shove are most of these people actually going to select Trump as the guy to set in the Oval office and make tough decisions? I mean other than "build the damn wall" and "I'll kick China's ass in trade" what serious policy positions has he put on the table? You can't manage the highest office in the land with sound bits. That won't get you much beyond the first day.
HOPE AND CHANGE BABY!!!... That's what we need more of. Fundamentally changing America...
*pulls lever for Ben Carson*
Viewed solely as a matter of qualifications to hold that office, as historically understood - that's really a who's the shortest midget in the room contest.......Obama might be a hair taller, he was a sitting Senator for all of about 12 hours before he began campaining for the Presidency. So we'll call it 3'9 vs 3'7........
Obama was in elected office for a decade - Illinois from 1997 to 2004 and the US Senate from 2005 until 2008. Not saying he was the most qualified candidate, but it's a quite a bit more government experience than Ben Carson. Personally, I think one term as governor (or even mayor of certain large cities) is better prep than almost any amount of time in a legislature, but legislative experience is more relevant than surgery.
In other words, would be a huge story if it were a Republican:

"The FBI has begun looking into the security of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail setup, contacting in the past week a Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system, according to two government officials."

I see the Washington Post, at least in its online edition, has this down the page. They do give the Clintons' above the fold treatment, however - a nice, big Valentine to Chelsea on her growth.....
Interesting stat if true. I wonder if the desert regions of Cali drag down the numbers? Because we know LA and SF are energy gluttons.
Dunno about LA, but SF is probably way more efficient because (1) people live in multi-unit homes, (2) air conditioning isn't common. Those maritime climates on the west coast keep homes comfortable almost year-round.

As Mark Twain (I think) said: "The coldest winter I ever survived was summer in San Francisco"
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Viewed solely as a matter of qualifications to hold that office, as historically understood - that's really a who's the shortest midget in the room contest.......Obama might be a hair taller, he was a sitting Senator for all of about 12 hours before he began campaining for the Presidency. So we'll call it 3'9 vs 3'7........
The point is the hypocrisy and blind loyalty, not "Omg this means Obama was experienced".

Very similar to how the left was so opposed to neocon meddling overseas, then re-elects the King of Drones.
All the Democrats care about is getting another Democrat elected. To Hell with America!!!!! As long as the Democrat wins they don't care if their President gets BJs in the White House, or hides e-mails, or increases the cost of Healthcare 100%, or lies about terrorists attacks, or makes bad nuke deals with a country who says DEATH TO AMERICA,or allow millions of Illegal Aliens cross the border. Democrats do not care about any of this. Its all about getting their guy elected!! Sad!!!!
All the Democrats care about is getting another Democrat elected. To Hell with America!!!!! As long as the Democrat wins they don't care if their President gets BJs in the White House, or hides e-mails, or increases the cost of Healthcare 100%, or lies about terrorists attacks, or makes bad nuke deals with a country who says DEATH TO AMERICA,or allow millions of Illegal Aliens cross the border. Democrats do not care about any of this. Its all about getting their guy elected!! Sad!!!!
But the Republicans care right? They want the best for America. It's always been America first for them right?
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You're not serious, are you?
I get your point... and you are correct... but... common sense no longer prevails or even matters in elections. We elect complete boobs based on skin color/white guilt/free stuff so why cant we act hypocritically and elect Ben Carson?

I mean, DONALD TRUMP is leading the Repub polls.

HILLARY CLINTON, with more baggage than any candidate EVER, is leading the Dems polls.

We are WAY past things like worrying about the hypocrisy of supporting an inexperienced candidate like Ben Carson while hating on Obama.
I get your point... and you are correct... but... common sense no longer prevails or even matters in elections. We elect complete boobs based on skin color/white guilt/free stuff so why cant we act hypocritically and elect Ben Carson?

I mean, DONALD TRUMP is leading the Repub polls.

HILLARY CLINTON, with more baggage than any candidate EVER, is leading the Dems polls.

We are WAY past things like worrying about the hypocrisy of supporting an inexperienced candidate like Ben Carson while hating on Obama.
His stance on issues doesn't even matter
So maybe all that talk about Trump being a plant by the Dems is true! ha - just saw this in USAToday:

Report: Bill Clinton encouraged Trump to play bigger role in GOP
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Dunno about LA, but SF is probably way more efficient because (1) people live in multi-unit homes, (2) air conditioning isn't common. Those maritime climates on the west coast keep homes comfortable almost year-round.

As Mark Twain (I think) said: "The coldest winter I ever survived was summer in San Francisco"

But the cost of rental housing is higher there than any place in America. So all that energy savings goes righ out the door to housing costs.
Yeah, but you can't recoup energy prices via home appreciation.

No, but with people spending 50%+ of their pay on rent, you'd imagine SF folks would find nifty ways of being more earth friendly, which includes saving energy. Maybe they have to be more earth conservative.

And I don't know what to think about Donald Trump because I can't ever think of him as a serious person. The fact that he was involved with them and now is trying to get the GOP ticket makes me think he's in this whole thing for the Show.
No, but with people spending 50%+ of their pay on rent, you'd imagine SF folks would find nifty ways of being more earth friendly, which includes saving energy. Maybe they have to be more earth conservative.

And I don't know what to think about Donald Trump because I can't ever think of him as a serious person. The fact that he was involved with them and now is trying to get the GOP ticket makes me think he's in this whole thing for the Show.

I can see Trump pulling a WWE-like heel turn and once he gets in, hits some Cons with a chair and laughs, "Hahaha. I was a Dem the whole time" and buddies up with the Clintons as Fox News fades to black.
I can see Trump pulling a WWE-like heel turn and once he gets in, hits some Cons with a chair and laughs, "Hahaha. I was a Dem the whole time" and buddies up with the Clintons as Fox News fades to black.

Just curious, but do you not find angry left wingers just as entertaining?

Not really. They whine more and are kind of wimpy. As I said earlier, lefties piss and moan but eventually just kind of go away like the kid whose parents ignore their cries.

I prefer my angry political rants to be filled with full-on rage, a pinch of poor spelling and a dash of Jesus.

For example, I've seen a political argument or 20 in my day. Lefties go into pout mode and storm off like girls. Righties, get so mad they turn red, spit when they talk and in extreme circumstances threaten to fight and/ormake threats to shoot/kill their political adversaries. <---- That's the passion I'm looking for.
The Paddock was on the national news tonight as the only legit poll in the USA the Donald was losing. Trump was told of the results and called us losers.
