How will they rule ??!

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In defense of Hillary Clinton, as a defense attorney, she was obliged to do her best to help her client. She didn't actually get him off, but she did manage to work the case to the extent that she got him a deal that, on its face, was a very favorable deal. That's impressive work, especially for someone who allegedly failed the bar exam on her first try. She deserves no criticism whatsoever for defending her client, no matter what her client allegedly did, and for getting that client a good result. Kudos to her. I respect that.

However, she allegedly is caught on audiotape making fun of the whole situation. That's absolutely unprofessional, and it wouldn't matter if it was done in a sexual assault case involving a young victim (which this was) or a case involving a bad check or a stolen automobile. Either way, it's unprofessional, but, since the case did involve a young victim in a sex case, it goes beyond that. It's disgusting. It's reprehensible. It Trump had defended that case, if he was an attorney, and had acted like that, the media would have crucified him.
I don't care if it was her job or not. If you are going to pine for women's rights or that Trump degrades women, then she too should be held accountable for her past regarding what could be considered infringing on that woman's rights. She could have refused that particular case.
Donald Trump Is Seen as Helping Push Asian-Americans Into Democratic Arms

On paper at least, Asian-Americans seem like perfect Republicans. Many are small-business owners. Their communities tend to be more culturally conservative. And a lot of them, having fled oppressive Communist governments, found comfort in the Republican Party’s aggressive anti-Communist policies.

But in what could be a significant realignment of political allegiance, Asian-Americans are identifying as Democrats at a quicker pace than any other racial group. And many Republicans worry this election will only accelerate that trend, damaging their party for years to come with what is now the fastest-growing minority in the country.

The Republican presidential nominee, Donald J Trump, is not helping. His attacks on the Chinese — which he has sometimes delivered in a crude-mocking accent — are a feature of his populist campaign. He has suggested cutting off immigration from the Philippines, citing fears that the longtime American ally poses the same national security threat as countries like Syria and Afghanistan.
Hillary trying to hit for the political cycle.

So according to what I have read on just this page, anyone who is voting for Hillary is not really a man, wants the country overran with muslims and illegal aliens, doesn't support people defending themselves, and should be forcibly removed to a third world country.

I am not sure that you could better stereotype yourselves than you have done here. Well done my friends.

I actually have no rebuttal. I believe that this type of ridiculous rhetoric clearly speaks for itself. It will certainly also be the downfall for the Trumpster as well. When you are a demagouge, this is the type of response you get.

The other 90% of us who practice rational thought and want what is truly best for our country will vote for the candidate who will provide that. Not the Oompa Loompa carnival barker who is laughing at your ignorance behind the wizard of oz curtain.

Just FTR, I can't stand HRC. She is a smug and secretive career politician. But, she is light years better than the absolute embarrassment of a joke that Trump is. And everyone, including the last 2 republican presidents, can clearly see that.
So, that crazy bitch is blaming a homeowner for protecting her property and her life, while stating he had to rob other people to get his clothes and shoes? This country is SOOO screwed up. Caught on camera breaking the law, but yet she thinks he is a good kid?? WTF kind of bullshit is that?
I guess they need to have a class in school, "If you rob someone, you might get shot and die cryin' with a rag chunked up in your ass. And if you think we gonna bury you with those diamonds and shit on.... You got that shit wrong."
Atrain, You think Trump supporters don't want what's best for the country as well?

We see the ultra wealthy growing in power, while the middle class is shrinking. We've seen what has happened to our communities after plants leave.
We've watched our Govt let Russia, China and Iran manhandle it time and time again.

We have a nominee that abused public power, ignored security protocols to protect herself then lied about it in congressional and FBI hearings. The kicker is the FBI knew she was lying, but apparently now certain folks are above the law.
This Country has a crisis of hope right now, we are more divided than we have been possibly since the civil war.
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Atrain, You think Trump supporters don't want what's best for the country as well?

We see the ultra wealthy growing in power, while the middle class is shrinking. We've seen what has happened to our communities after plants leave.
We've watched our Govt let Russia, China and Iran manhandle it time and time again.

We have a nominee that abused public power, ignored security protocols to protect herself then lied about it in congressional and FBI hearings. The kicker is the FBI knew she was lying, but apparently now certain folks are above the law.
This Country has a crisis of hope right now, we are more divided than we have been possibly since the civil war.

And you want to elect one to the most powerful position in the world.
Just FTR, I can't stand HRC. She is a smug and secretive career politician. But, she is light years better than the absolute embarrassment of a joke that Trump is. And everyone, including the last 2 republican presidents, can clearly see that.
Define everyone b/c last I checked +40% of the electorate was voting for Trump.

Besides, how have you not yet figured it out? Elitist, fake republican, war mongering ex-presidents not backing Trump is a good thing & does zero harm to his candidacy.

Matter of fact, I'd argue that it has only helped him to further prove the fact that he is an outsider, who stands against the elite political establishment.
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And you want to elect one to the most powerful position in the world.

Which candidate has the backing of the wealthy?
Which candidates spouse put a trade deal in place that has adversely affected the middle class?
Which candidate tried to protect them self from a law their spouse signed, while SOS?

Trump says things that people dont like, Hillary DOES things people don't like.
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So now you guys like W? 8 years ago he was Hitler, guilty of war crimes. Seems Reps aren't the only ones changing.
"You guys"?

GHWB has always been on of my favorite POTUSes and I've said that before. GWB is a good guy but his administration had a couple vipers in it; I don't think GWB himself ever did anything with malevolent intent while he was in office, but he made some awful decisions based on the recommendations of some of those with which he had surrounded himself.
"You guys"?

GHWB has always been on of my favorite POTUSes and I've said that before. GWB is a good guy but his administration had a couple vipers in it; I don't think GWB himself ever did anything with malevolent intent while he was in office, but he made some awful decisions based on the recommendations of some of those with which he had surrounded himself.

The dumbassery of the Fox/Drudge/Rush types is hilarious but also kind of sickening. You're categorized by professional pollsters as 'low information' voters, but ignorant sheep just sounds better to me.
The dumbassery of the Fox/Drudge/Rush types is hilarious but also kind of sickening. You're categorized by professional pollsters as 'low information' voters, but ignorant sheep just sounds better to me.

Funny, you come across as a real deep, thoughtful person.
That wasn't the point. Don't think for one second this guy has the interest of the middle class in mind. We have let our politics become the playground of the ultra rich and now the corporations. The corporations tread more lightly so as not to offend too many customers.

The jobs that have moved overseas, for the most part, are not coming back no matter who is the prez, even Donald. And companies most assuredly are not going to ignore 1.3 billion possible customers in china by moving their facilities out of there. Companies don't answer to the prez they answer to their shareholders.

And if leaders of other countries talked like Donald then you would not have the foreign car manufacturers in the U.S with their 16 manufacturing plants and all those jobs.
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"You guys"?

GHWB has always been on of my favorite POTUSes and I've said that before. GWB is a good guy but his administration had a couple vipers in it; I don't think GWB himself ever did anything with malevolent intent while he was in office, but he made some awful decisions based on the recommendations of some of those with which he had surrounded himself.
W came into office weak, naive, and lazy. He let Cheney and Rummy impose their will on him because it was the easy thing to do. Later on he sort of stood up to them, but it was too late for his ruined presidency.
NYT has released Trumps tax returns.

I'm sure the media will find anything in it to pick apart, when most people don't really give a damn whats in his tax returns.

NYTs would never release info on Hillarys emails though.
Lol, AP is running a story that says Trump might not have paid taxes for 19 years. What horse shit. If that was true the IRS would have thrown Trump in prison by now.

The media is beyond desperate.
NYT has released Trumps tax returns.

I'm sure the media will find anything in it to pick apart, when most people don't really give a damn whats in his tax returns.

NYTs would never release info on Hillarys emails though.
Nah, they just broke the story about the server.
Lol, AP is running a story that says Trump might not have paid taxes for 19 years. What horse shit. If that was true the IRS would have thrown Trump in prison by now.

The media is beyond desperate.

"A capital loss carryover is the net amount of capital losses that aren't deductible for the current tax year but can be carried over into future tax years. "
Maybe I will get it one day. I hate democrats more than I hate religion. I really really hate democrats.

Just thankful we have true Americans on here. Ones that can critique their own party. Democrats have zero self insight and are appear to be above reproach.

Every time I hear the name "Hillary Clinton" I wish I could kill as many people as she has. She truly has a license to kill.
Maybe I will get it one day. I hate democrats more than I hate religion. I really really hate democrats.

Just thankful we have true Americans on here. Ones that can critique their own party. Democrats have zero self insight and are appear to be above reproach.

Every time I hear the name "Hillary Clinton" I wish I could kill as many people as she has. She truly has a license to kill.
Add Bill Maher to the list of hated. Dude is an uninformed douchebag.
Atrain, You think Trump supporters don't want what's best for the country as well?

We see the ultra wealthy growing in power, while the middle class is shrinking. We've seen what has happened to our communities after plants leave.
We've watched our Govt let Russia, China and Iran manhandle it time and time again.

We have a nominee that abused public power, ignored security protocols to protect herself then lied about it in congressional and FBI hearings. The kicker is the FBI knew she was lying, but apparently now certain folks are above the law.
This Country has a crisis of hope right now, we are more divided than we have been possibly since the civil war.

Actually, quite the opposite. I think that a great many, if not all, of Trump supporters do want what's best for the country and i never said otherwise. I think many of them are hard working and honest people. My parents being 2 of them. I will withstand the urge to go into what I think about his smaller minority of supporters and what their true motives are. But, I think that is probably understood by everyone at this point.

Where I think they went wrong is placing that faith in Trump. I understand why they do so. I just happen to see him in a very different light. I don't think he gives two shits about the average joe working man. I think he only cares about himself. And no one has ever shown me evidence otherwise.

And I tried hard initially to give him a fair shot. But if I am being completely honest, he embarrasses me. He embarrasses me bc he has done nothing but show his ass since he declared his candidacy on day one by preying on people's fears, weaknesses and prejudices.

I happen to think that America is a wonderful place. The best place on Earth. We are that way bc we take in Syrians and immigrants whose homeland is ravaged by war. We have always done this. We have no religious tests to get into this country. WE NEVER WILL EITHER. That's why we are the greatest country the world has ever known. That is also why we will not ever be anything like France or Germany. Immigrants are welcomed here and become AMERICANS. Not Syrians living in Germany or France. Because of people like Trump, that very basic part of Americas DNA is being lost, forgotten, or intentionally misrepresented. However it is happening, it embarrasses me.

You can say a lot about Hillary, and I wouldn't correct hardly any of it, but IMO she will do what she thinks is best for the US if she were president. Donald Trump will always do what's best for Donald Trump, President or not. Call me crazy, but I don't want a President who can't even control his own twitter account. The Presidency is a lofty position. While Hillary would not prolly even be in my top 10 list if it were up to me, I would not vote for Trump if he were the last person on Earth.
I love the idea of the two most recent republican POTUSes being "fake republicans".

As soon as they threw their hat in for Hillary they outed themselves. You can be against Trump w/o being for Hillary. Any so called conservative that votes for her is a fake.
Define everyone b/c last I checked +40% of the electorate was voting for Trump.

Besides, how have you not yet figured it out? Elitist, fake republican, war mongering ex-presidents not backing Trump is a good thing & does zero harm to his candidacy.

Matter of fact, I'd argue that it has only helped him to further prove the fact that he is an outsider, who stands against the elite political establishment.

Oh I don't doubt for a minute he wears it as a badge of honor. I watched the debate when he blamed W for 9/11. Real class there. Prolly thinking up a new nickname for the Bush as we speak. Or maybe on a twitter rant.

And u are right about the 40%. I like to remain optimistic that 20-30% of them will regain their composure and pull the trigger for someone who is not an uncomposed and classless media starved hypocrite.

We will both just have to wait it out and ultimately see what happens.

And you can call anyone you want a fake republican or democrat. Believe it or not, those of us who see The Donald for who he is are not all opposed to him for political reasons. Many of us just see him for his true character, or lack thereof.