Will you apply the same analysis to Virginia, Colorado, and NH as you're applying to Ohio? Sure, Ohio has been a bellwether in the post-Reagan era, but so has Colorado; Virginia in the post-Clinton era.
If anything, Trump is riding the coattails of the RINO cuck of all RINO cucks, Rob Portman...which is an incredible turn of fortunes. Trump's benefiting from Portman's incredibly well-funded and well-executed campaign (who has absolutely DESTROYED a strong and previously-popular challenger) while Trump's also benefiting from arguably the best state GOP machine in the country: they have a PHENOMENAL data operation, they have a phenomenal GOTV operation, and they keep their target demographics registered. A lot of the things that are killing Trump in VA, CO, PA and threatening to hamstring him in Florida aren't happening in Ohio due to the confluence of the factors above + favorable demographics (the latter of which are very similar to PA and MI...odd how the polling is so different from those other two states, no?)