Add Bill Maher to the list of hated. Dude is an uninformed douchebag.
But but but, he gave a classic handshake to Snoop Dog on live camera tv
Add Bill Maher to the list of hated. Dude is an uninformed douchebag.
As soon as they threw their hat in for Hillary they outed themselves. You can be against Trump w/o being for Hillary. Any so called conservative that votes for her is a fake.
As soon as they threw their hat in for Hillary they outed themselves. You can be against Trump w/o being for Hillary. Any so called conservative that votes for her is a fake.
Lol, AP is running a story that says Trump might not have paid taxes for 19 years. What horse shit. If that was true the IRS would have thrown Trump in prison by now.
The media is beyond desperate.
Doesnt matter. Any loophole used was on the books & is perfectly legal. They should hate the game, not the player.
Besides, like no one from the NYT has ever done the same exact thing as Trump & used tax loopholes to pay in less. That's the American way.
Every single person I have ever met tries to pay as little tax as possible within the law.
Yet you openly support Hillary & her true character. You do realize the same exact things are being said about her.Believe it or not, those of us who see The Donald for who he is are not all opposed to him for political reasons. Many of us just see him for his true character, or lack thereof.
And you want to elect one to the most powerful position in the world.
Lol, AP is running a story that says Trump might not have paid taxes for 19 years. What horse shit. If that was true the IRS would have thrown Trump in prison by now.
The media is beyond desperate.
TBH, I always thought he didn't release the taxes bc he was worth less than what he claims. Or he has not given an adequate amount of his money to charities (politically speaking).
Yet you openly support Hillary & her true character. You do realize the same exact things are being said about her.
Her politics aren't why most people hate her. To act as if Trump's character flaws are far, far worse than saint Hillary's is disingenuous & dishonest.
Bill Maher is awful. Libertarians should be mad that he calls himself that. I always felt he is a closet lib, just too ashamed to admit it.But but but, he gave a classic handshake to Snoop Dog on live camera tv
He isn't releasing them mainly b/c he knows the msm will spend weeks only focusing on them, drumming up any & every kind of faux outrage & scandal, regardless of if every i is dotted & t crossed.
Take today's NYT piece for example. They're already celebrating a gotcha moment, when the headline of their story reads "could have avoided."
Not did avoid, just could have. They're not even sure about what the hell they're accusing him of. Plus, no mention of if "could have avoided" was done so legally, within the laws on the books or not.
If he released his taxes, hundreds of "could have" opinated, bull shit, slanderous articles would overwhelm the rest of the election even if everything was on the up & up. He'd be dumb to fall for that trap.
If he didn't follow the IRS rules he would have been rotting in a jail cell a long time ago. Its not illegal to use loopholes. The MSM and left will try to attack him as not paying taxes, but it won't work because he did nothing illegal.I agree with you here. I don't understand why him not paying taxes is such a terrible thing. He is by all accounts a businessman. And a businessman who has a majority of his interests in real estate, which allows for huge tax reductions and credits.
I find much to dislike about Trump. But if he followed the IRS rules and was able to avoid paying taxes, I applaud him for that.
TBH, I always thought he didn't release the taxes bc he was worth less than what he claims. Or he has not given an adequate amount of his money to charities (politically speaking).
Bill Maher is awful. Libertarians should be mad that he calls himself that. I always felt he is a closet lib, just too ashamed to admit it.
Not sure wiki leaks can compete with NYT, TBO.Just hope Julian Assange drops some info. Oh man, we need something to crucify this bitch.
Not sure wiki leaks can compete with NYT, TBO.
If he didn't follow the IRS rules he would have been rotting in a jail cell a long time ago. Its not illegal to use loopholes. The MSM and left will try to attack him as not paying taxes, but it won't work because he did nothing illegal.
Hell if I were a super wealthy guy I'd be using every loophole too. Who wouldn't? Nothing wrong with wanting to keep as much money as possible.
Honestly, you don't really believe this do you? You are just repeating this Trump surrogate line of BS bc you support him, right?
He isn't releasing his taxes bc it will not benefit him and his campaign. That is number one and the biggest reason. Possibly, he isn't releasing them bc they would be personally embarrassing to him. If he isn't worth near the bazillion dollars he claims, that's kinda a nut shot. ESP for a megalomaniac. Or, he hasn't contributed what would be politically considered an adequate amount of his income to charity. Anyone running for higher office is expected to contribute a certain percentage. Especially someone with as much wealth as Trump.
The fact that you are even excusing Trumps decision not to release his taxes, as has been done by ALL OF THE PAST 30 YEARS PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES, is laughable. That you then go on to actually blame the media for not doing so, is equally ridiculous. I really hope you don't believe what you are saying and are simply backing your guy in an inexcusable situation.
And yet only 59 refugees admitted to this Country have been Christan. No religious test? The stats don't back up what you or the President say.Actually, quite the opposite. I think that a great many, if not all, of Trump supporters do want what's best for the country and i never said otherwise. I think many of them are hard working and honest people. My parents being 2 of them. I will withstand the urge to go into what I think about his smaller minority of supporters and what their true motives are. But, I think that is probably understood by everyone at this point.
Where I think they went wrong is placing that faith in Trump. I understand why they do so. I just happen to see him in a very different light. I don't think he gives two shits about the average joe working man. I think he only cares about himself. And no one has ever shown me evidence otherwise.
And I tried hard initially to give him a fair shot. But if I am being completely honest, he embarrasses me. He embarrasses me bc he has done nothing but show his ass since he declared his candidacy on day one by preying on people's fears, weaknesses and prejudices.
I happen to think that America is a wonderful place. The best place on Earth. We are that way bc we take in Syrians and immigrants whose homeland is ravaged by war. We have always done this. We have no religious tests to get into this country. WE NEVER WILL EITHER. That's why we are the greatest country the world has ever known. That is also why we will not ever be anything like France or Germany. Immigrants are welcomed here and become AMERICANS. Not Syrians living in Germany or France. Because of people like Trump, that very basic part of Americas DNA is being lost, forgotten, or intentionally misrepresented. However it is happening, it embarrasses me.
You can say a lot about Hillary, and I wouldn't correct hardly any of it, but IMO she will do what she thinks is best for the US if she were president. Donald Trump will always do what's best for Donald Trump, President or not. Call me crazy, but I don't want a President who can't even control his own twitter account. The Presidency is a lofty position. While Hillary would not prolly even be in my top 10 list if it were up to me, I would not vote for Trump if he were the last person on Earth.
Yep, just like the msm didn't turn some fat chick's feelings -- that were hurt by "mean" comments decades ago -- into a national outrage for five days & counting.
He isn't releasing his taxes bc it will not benefit him and his campaign. That is number one and the biggest reason. Possibly, he isn't releasing them bc they would be personally embarrassing to him. If he isn't worth near the bazillion dollars he claims, that's kinda a nut shot. ESP for a megalomaniac. Or, he hasn't contributed what would be politically considered an adequate amount of his income to charity. Anyone running for higher office is expected to contribute a certain percentage. Especially someone with as much wealth as Trump.
As opposed to that pauper hildawg?And you want to elect one to the most powerful position in the world.
Don't think for one second this guy has the interest of the middle class in mind.
And the bottom line to me is that Hillary, and her myriad of flaws, will do what she thinks is best for the US.
Don't you know that only democrats can do this? They have that socialistic and communistic mentality. We are in charge and we say what you can think and not think. PC anyone?And then proceeds to name call and stereotype. Awesome.
Says the MSNBC, NBC, CNN, CBS, NY TIMES, ABC, nut hanger. Continue to lockstep to those who tell you how to think, eat, sleep, talk (PC). You guys could not be more ignorant.The dumbassery of the Fox/Drudge/Rush types is hilarious but also kind of sickening. You're categorized by professional pollsters as 'low information' voters, but ignorant sheep just sounds better to me.
You are truly duped. Poor boy, I pity you. How have you made it in life? Never mind, sucking off the teet is the norm for people like you.Oh I don't doubt for a minute he wears it as a badge of honor. I watched the debate when he blamed W for 9/11. Real class there. Prolly thinking up a new nickname for the Bush as we speak. Or maybe on a twitter rant.
And u are right about the 40%. I like to remain optimistic that 20-30% of them will regain their composure and pull the trigger for someone who is not an uncomposed and classless media starved hypocrite.
We will both just have to wait it out and ultimately see what happens.
And you can call anyone you want a fake republican or democrat. Believe it or not, those of us who see The Donald for who he is are not all opposed to him for political reasons. Many of us just see him for his true character, or lack thereof.
NOTHING TO SEA HERE PLEASE MOVE ALONG THANKS ANS GOD BLESS VOTE HILLARYHow much tax has Trump's 3728833 businesses generated?
It's understandable that some people dislike Trump as he is certainly a narcissist and lacks sophistication for a man that has lived the high life. But for his flaws his name calling and views on the Iraq War and even his unwillingness to release tax returns are simply trivial matters in the grand scheme.I understand everything about Hillary and why people dislike her. I have openly stated in his thread that I do not like her. She is a secretive, smug and elitist snob.
Supporting Hillary and voting for her are two very different things my friend. I am much more of a Never Trump than Pro-Hillary. I will hold my nose and vote for her bc the alternative, for me, is abhorrent. As much as I dislike Hillary, it pales in comparison to my feelings about Trump. And the bottom line to me is that Hillary, and her myriad of flaws, will do what she thinks is best for the US. I don't believe Trump will do anything other than what's best for him.
The fact that you are even excusing Trumps decision not to release his taxes, as has been done by ALL OF THE PAST 30 YEARS PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES, is laughable. That you then go on to actually blame the media for not doing so, is equally ridiculous. I really hope you don't believe what you are saying and are simply backing your guy in an inexcusable situation.
Honestly, you don't really believe this do you? You are just repeating this Trump surrogate line of BS bc you support him, right?
He isn't releasing his taxes bc it will not benefit him and his campaign. That is number one and the biggest reason. Possibly, he isn't releasing them bc they would be personally embarrassing to him. If he isn't worth near the bazillion dollars he claims, that's kinda a nut shot. ESP for a megalomaniac. Or, he hasn't contributed what would be politically considered an adequate amount of his income to charity. Anyone running for higher office is expected to contribute a certain percentage. Especially someone with as much wealth as Trump.
The fact that you are even excusing Trumps decision not to release his taxes, as has been done by ALL OF THE PAST 30 YEARS PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES, is laughable. That you then go on to actually blame the media for not doing so, is equally ridiculous. I really hope you don't believe what you are saying and are simply backing your guy in an inexcusable situation.
All of this hubub about Trumps taxes when in the past many politicians avoided paying taxes and not a peep from the left about it. Charlie Rangel anyone?