Words have meaning; pretending otherwise is disingenuous. In person voter fraud is about 1) showing up to vote, 2) claiming to be person X, but really being person Y, and 3) casting a vote as person X. Here we have a campus organization registering 19 dead people to vote. Whatever the reason (investigation is ongoing), even if you assume the worst (registered nefariously) there still has not been in person voter fraud because steps 1, 2, and 3 have not happened. In fact, it could have even been something innocent, like when Florida in 2000 unregistered significant numbers (thousands, IIRC) of people that had names similar to felons, and those people were actually unable to vote. Was that fraud? Not necessarily - it could easily have been a mistake, or within the acceptable range of outcomes for doing something on a large scale.
That's not to say in person voter fraud is impossible or not occurring, but only that there is scant evidence of it happening despite many states (at least Texas, Indiana, and Wisconsin) combing for instances of it. The problem with voter ID laws is things like North Carolina, where there was pretty solid evidence that changes to voting were designed to disenfranchise minority and Democratic voters (including other measures). We have a charged racial history, and when stuff like that comes out, people become skeptical of any attempts. Like most good things in life, a few assholes ruin it for everyone. Frankly, in 30 years we'll probably have near universal voter ID laws, and there's a good chance that affirmative action is gone as well. And those are good things.
How about enacting voter ID along with measures expanding the number of voting centers in poor communities instead of restricting them? Or increasing early voting? Why are voter ID laws often accompanied by other measures that will have the net effect of restricting voting access? I would love voter ID laws in conjunction with making election day a federal holiday (get rid of Columbus Day, what a crock), and making it easier for all legitimate citizens to vote. Don't package a good idea (voter ID), with shitty ones.