How will they rule ??!

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Where does illegal immigration show up on the Kasich list Deeefense?

He hasn't said a whole lot about it but I found this from a recent NYT piece:

Mr. Kasich says he would consider granting legal status to those in the United States illegally if they registered and paid a fine. He has also generated criticism from fellow Republicans for saying he was open to considering Mr. Obama’s plans for an immigration overhaul. “We’ve got to look at broader immigration reform, because some people are waiting in line 25 years” to come to the United States, he said this month.
One of my favorite parts of the political board is reading how upset "libs" make some of you. Look at qwes, he's so obsessed with it that literally every post is about a lib. We are going to witness him explode from anger in this board. the agony this causes him is epic. He might drop dead from an aneurism if Hilary wins.
So the terrorists who attempted to shoot up the Mohammed cartoon contest bought guns from the Obama administration through fast an furious.

Just shocking incompetence. And some of you still refuse to have the administration answer for its failures.
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So the terrorists who attempted to shoot up the Mohammed cartoon contest bought guns from the Obama administration through fast an furious.

Just shocking incompetence. And some of you still refuse to have the administration answer for its failures.
Yeah, that's almost as bad as when we lost 190,000 assault rifles in Iraq between 2004 and 2007.

Oh, that was so long ago it doesn't matter.
Joe Biden, laughably, may be the final nail for Hillary. Not that he'd win but he'll force her to go against the admin and he's betting she's too big a puss....errrr wussy to do so. Hell its not a bad road for him, albeit the complete clown he is.

Really would damage her going into the general where I'm more convinced she's going dow....errr not going to win.
Yeah, that's almost as bad as when we lost 190,000 assault rifles in Iraq between 2004 and 2007.

Oh, that was so long ago it doesn't matter.

And how is that in any way the same as an undercover operation actually giving weapons to known criminals and members of the drug cartel?
And those same weapons have been used repeatedly against US civilians.
Yeah...that's exactly the same thing.
And how is that in any way the same as an undercover operation actually giving weapons to known criminals and members of the drug cartel?
And those same weapons have been used repeatedly against US civilians.
Yeah...that's exactly the same thing.
Bill, my response was more to Cosby's comment "some of you still refuse to have the administration answer for its failures", because, it seems, he expects me, or people like me, to denounce this failure of the Obama administration when his side never seemed to have denounced any failure by the previous administration. At least not when things were going down back in 2004-2008.
Bill, my response was more to Cosby's comment "some of you still refuse to have the administration answer for its failures", because, it seems, he expects me, or people like me, to denounce this failure of the Obama administration when his side never seemed to have denounced any failure by the previous administration. At least not when things were going down back in 2004-2008.

I understand FTS, but it's not the same comparison. And it's a dangerous precedent to set to say well your guy effed up so its ok if my guy does.
We're all in this boat together, and right now weapons that our govt gave to Mexican drug cartels are showing up at an alarming rate in criminals hands here in the states, yet no one is being taken to task on it.
I'm not calling you out, it's just frustrating to see people apparently above the law.
Maybe just stick to trolling re: Donald Trump, FTS.

I'm sorry "my side" never seemed to denounce things before I was even posting on catspause. I'm not sure there's anyone on here that criticizes the right as much as I do. Even radicals like Defense and trolls like you.

There have been multiple criminal acts from the Obama administration and you side (I guess we're assigning sides) refuse to even allow investigations into those criminal acts.

I happen to find the incompetence of big government a decade ago a little less relevant than the incompetence of big government today. Especially when the administration who committed the criminal acts is still in office, and the leading candidate for your side is still actively trying to cover up her criminal acts.
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Bill, my response was more to Cosby's comment "some of you still refuse to have the administration answer for its failures", because, it seems, he expects me, or people like me, to denounce this failure of the Obama administration when his side never seemed to have denounced any failure by the previous administration. At least not when things were going down back in 2004-2008.

Good ole "BUT BUSH SUCKED, SO ITS OK FOR OBAMA TO SUCK" argument we see time and time again.

News flash: one person sucking isnt a valid defense for another person sucking.
Bill, my response was more to Cosby's comment "some of you still refuse to have the administration answer for its failures", because, it seems, he expects me, or people like me, to denounce this failure of the Obama administration when his side never seemed to have denounced any failure by the previous administration. At least not when things were going down back in 2004-2008.

Obama was elected to move the country forward.

Bush hasn't been POTUS for 6 1/2 years.
Good ole "BUT BUSH SUCKED, SO ITS OK FOR OBAMA TO SUCK" argument we see time and time again.

News flash: one person sucking isnt a valid defense for another person sucking.
True, but if you complain then you should at least have a better solution to offer. The GOP track record at providing better solutions is poor at best.
True, but if you complain then you should at least have a better solution to offer. The GOP track record at providing better solutions is poor at best.

You realize you just agreed with me, then made the same argument you just denounced?

Instead of "Its ok for OBAMA to suck, because Bush sucked"; you said "Its ok for Obama to suck, because the GOP sucks".

Once again, someone else sucking isnt a valid defense for someone sucking.
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You would like a better solution than providing Mexican drug cartels with weapons and squashing any investigation into that ridiculous program? You're asking for one of us to come up with a better solution than filling the hands of murderers with guns so they can use those guns to murder US citizens?

What the hell is wrong with you. Jesus Christ.
You would like a better solution than providing Mexican drug cartels with weapons and squashing any investigation into that ridiculous program? You're asking for one of us to come up with a better solution than filling the hands of murderers with guns so they can use those guns to murder US citizens?

What the hell is wrong with you. Jesus Christ.
I guess you missed the point were Operation Fast and Furious was a part of Project Gunrunner that started in 2006. Who was President then???
...let's add "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to the mix...Iran-Contra
Point being...neither side has a monopoly on f^ck ups.
Again, when you have a BETTER option then we might listen.
You realize you just agreed with me, then made the same argument you just denounced?

Instead of "Its ok for OBAMA to suck, because Bush sucked"; you said "Its ok for Obama to suck, because the GOP sucks".

Once again, someone else sucking isnt a valid defense for someone sucking.
I'm not defending Obama over Fast and Furious, it is pretty much universally acknowledged to have been a failed program. My issue was the expectation that I am obligated to "answer for its failures", when no one on the right ever seemed to be answering for the failures on the previous administration. The only criticism of the GOP from the right that I hear relates to them caving against Obama, or God forbid, reaching across the aisle to compromise on something. Again, F&F was a mistake, but don't expect me to jump in line with your Obama bashing conga dance.
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"Hey Bill Cosby, we're going to provide some Mexican drug cartels with a bunch of weapons. Then we aren't going to pay attention to what they do with them. They might bring them back across the border to murder American. Do you have any better options?"

Um yeah. Don't you touching retards.

What the hell could you possibly be looking for as a "better option" than providing Mexican drug cartels with weapons?

Honestly, should all future POTUS administrations be free from any criticism and allowed to commit criminal acts as much as they please? I really don't get you idiots.

When Hilary is POTUS, we aren't going to be able to criticize her because Obama would have gotten away with the same criminal acts and Constitutional overreach. "Welp, can't criticize Hilary because Obama did it first and Bush probably did too."

Some accountability would be nice.
but don't expect me to jump in line with your Obama bashing conga dance.

No one expected you to do anything. In fact, I'd expect a Gary Johnson voter to not fall in line with the Obama circle jerk.

Alas, you decide to pick a random post that wasn't even directed at you and start defending Obama like the other radical left jackasses on here.
No one expected you to do anything. In fact, I'd expect a Gary Johnson voter to not fall in line with the Obama circle jerk.

Alas, you decide to pick a random post that wasn't even directed at you and start defending Obama like the other radical left jackasses on here.
I voted for him in '08, and despite his mistakes he still scares me less than Bush and Walker. Luckily, here in red state Texas, I can vote libertarian and not worry about my vote affecting the electoral tally. I believe we'll be in another middle east war if the gop gets the white house back.
An inspector general report suggests that Hillary's office "may have" done favors for friends of Hillary. Is anyone surprised? Surely by now both left and right would readily agree that's par for the course, just part of the sausage making?

So I see this Trump quote in the WSJ today: “I wish good luck to all the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers,” said Mr. Trump, who wasn’t invited to the Koch meeting, in a Sunday tweet. “Puppets?”

I won't go so far as to say his position on issues doesn't matter - but can there be any confusion about his appeal? People are sick of politicians. That's been true for generations, I suppose, but right now it's probably more true than it's been maybe ever. Someone outside that world, powerful enough to not play the game, to speak truth to power as the leftists love to say.....He's still a clown, he still has no chance of winning, it's still about ego and brand. But there's no mystery. A lot of people will overlook stupid comments about immigrants or John McCain if part of the deal is you get something different....

One blog I read shows these results, purely from his own readers. Leans toward libertarians, my guess, but still interesting:


Numbers are close to 11,000 now, percentages still holding......A group paying enough attention to give Fiorina that kind of love, would've thought Kasich, one example, would be doing better....
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I'm not defending Obama over Fast and Furious, it is pretty much universally acknowledged to have been a failed program. My issue was the expectation that I am obligated to "answer for its failures", when no one on the right ever seemed to be answering for the failures on the previous administration. The only criticism of the GOP from the right that I hear relates to them caving against Obama, or God forbid, reaching across the aisle to compromise on something. Again, F&F was a mistake, but don't expect me to jump in line with your Obama bashing conga dance.

You and other libs act like there was some dire need for action, and Obama tried his best but the idea just didnt work out. You give guns to mexican cartels, bad stuff happens. I dont think theres necessarily any advice other than "dont"; and Im not sure why such common sense would even need to be voiced.

Dont give weapons to drug cartels. Dont leave americans to die in benghazi. Dont drone kill american citizens. Dont stand idly by while Iran develops nuclear weapons. Etc, etc.

And I love the allegation the right wont work with Obama, and this is somehow their fault. The GOP sucks. But who can blame a party for not being so ready to reach across the aisle when the president completely ignored your existence when he had the numbers. Thats not how it works.

Oh and youre "Its ok to suck, because someone else sucks too" argument is still a failure.
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You and other libs act like there was some dire need for action, and Obama tried his best but the idea just didnt work out. You give guns to mexican cartels, bad stuff happens. I dont think theres necessarily any advice other than "dont"; and Im not sure why such common sense would even need to be voiced.

Dont give weapons to drug cartels. Dont leave americans to die in benghazi. Dont drone kill american citizens. Dont stand idly by while Iran develops nuclear weapons. Etc, etc.

And I love the allegation the right wont work with Obama, and this is somehow their fault. The GOP sucks. But who can blame a party for not being so ready to reach across the aisle when the president completely ignored your existence when he had the numbers. Thats not how it works.

Oh and youre "Its ok to suck, because someone else sucks too" argument is still a failure.
You talking about Reagan?

That conclusion makes zero sense.

Reading the article after reading the text of the link, I thought yep, these social justice warriors are basically a generation of fascists oppressing opposing viewpoints in favor of one central acceptable line of thought.

Ha, but no. It's the right wing that's going to become radical extreme fascists in response to the SJWs.
That conclusion makes zero sense.

Reading the article after reading the text of the link, I thought yep, these social justice warriors are basically a generation of fascists oppressing opposing viewpoints in favor of one central acceptable line of thought.

Ha, but no. It's the right wing that's going to become radical extreme fascists in response to the SJWs.
Maybe I read it wrong. I thought it was saying the SJW were fascists. What it seemed like to me.

It was saying, "With that said, never have I encountered anyone who was so giddy about their hatred than the people who make up the SJW community. These are people who, on a regular basis, call for violence and genocide against “oppressors”

EDIT: Yeah, his conclusion was that its right wing. Yeah, take that garbage out. He made a good point about the SJW being fascists.
Reading the reaction to that girl's poem, limerick,, the internet is a crazy, hostile place. How much longer we got before immolation? Few years, I figure......
I know I'm late to the party on this but I had to laugh at DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz; her response trying to explain the difference between socialism and Democrats is hilarious.

“What’s the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?” Mr. Matthews asked again. “You’re chairman of the Democratic Party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.”

Chris Matthews grilling a liberal; if only he'd been this aggressive 7 years ago.
You and other libs act like there was some dire need for action, and Obama tried his best but the idea just didnt work out. You give guns to mexican cartels, bad stuff happens. I dont think theres necessarily any advice other than "dont"; and Im not sure why such common sense would even need to be voiced.

Dont give weapons to drug cartels. Dont leave americans to die in benghazi. Dont drone kill american citizens. Dont stand idly by while Iran develops nuclear weapons. Etc, etc.

And I love the allegation the right wont work with Obama, and this is somehow their fault. The GOP sucks. But who can blame a party for not being so ready to reach across the aisle when the president completely ignored your existence when he had the numbers. Thats not how it works.

Oh and youre "Its ok to suck, because someone else sucks too" argument is still a failure.
I thought 2nd Amendment hawks have said that bad folks will get guns anyway?
The idea was to know where they were getting them so that they could be tracked and caught. They overestimated their capabilities. In practice it was no different than other baiting schemes that police employ all the time. Instead of them aquirring weapons the old fashioned way...theft, gun shows and other underground weapons dealers, bait them into getting them "here" and they'd who to start following.

You're right...they all suck so stop with liberal this, Obama that, bullshit. Personally I'll take a Fast and Furious and Benghazi over an ill gotten war 7 days out of 7.