How will they rule ??!

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26% of them have their heads in there asses. Like the 53% of
Americans (and 80+% of Dems) that believed that Obama was some transformative figure. Lots of idiots in this country.

Break down your party, getting these disingenuous GOP reviews is tiresome.
I haven't paid much attention to Bernie and H. I will probably vote for GJ again if he runs.

And I enjoy watching the GOP race too much to stay silent. The Trump dynamic fascinating.
In '84 during the second Raegan campaign, I remember a news story reporting that the USSR favored whoever was running againse RR. That's all I needed to hear; confirming that RR was the man. The best way to determine who is and who is not a good candidate would be to find out who our enemies and detractors fear. Right now, I don't believe Trump will end up being a viable candidate, but if he was I' d predict arab countries would not be in favor of him (good), China, N Korea, Iran, etc... would not favor him (good), immigrants would not favor him (good), muslims would not favor him (better than good), many minority/self interest groups would not favor him (good), welfare dependents would not favor him (good).

I hope we get a president that has the balls to let the rest of the world know we will not tolerate anything that negatively impacts our nation. I'd especially like to see him recognize there will never be peace in the m e and bluntly tell everyone that we're with Israel no matter what. Tell iran that if they ever threaten Israel again, we will begin construction of Lake Iran.

Give me a candidate the rest of the world (with the exception of Canada, Israel, GB, and a few more countries) fears or hates. I'll vote for him or her.

So all but one percent of the US would not be in favor of Trump. [banana]

Really some these quotes seem like 1939 Fascist Germany diplomacy.

Iran was never the problem, it was Britain and Israel that has destroyed any chance to have good relations with them.
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In '84 during the second Raegan campaign, I remember a news story reporting that the USSR favored whoever was running againse RR. That's all I needed to hear; confirming that RR was the man. The best way to determine who is and who is not a good candidate would be to find out who our enemies and detractors fear. Right now, I don't believe Trump will end up being a viable candidate, but if he was I' d predict arab countries would not be in favor of him (good), China, N Korea, Iran, etc... would not favor him (good), immigrants would not favor him (good), muslims would not favor him (better than good), many minority/self interest groups would not favor him (good), welfare dependents would not favor him (good).

I hope we get a president that has the balls to let the rest of the world know we will not tolerate anything that negatively impacts our nation. I'd especially like to see him recognize there will never be peace in the m e and bluntly tell everyone that we're with Israel no matter what. Tell iran that if they ever threaten Israel again, we will begin construction of Lake Iran.

Give me a candidate the rest of the world (with the exception of Canada, Israel, GB, and a few more countries) fears or hates. I'll vote for him or her.
So basically you go out on a limb with armed threats, meaning that either (1) you drag the U.S. into another massive, protracted, and destabilizing war, or (2) you chicken out and look feckless in front of the entire world.

Talk is cheap, so don't write checks you're not willing to cash.
Give me a candidate the rest of the world (with the exception of Canada, Israel, GB, and a few more countries) fears or hates. I'll vote for him or her.

Taking this a step further, if Trump comes out and says "Folks, I'm only running for one term. I'm going to fix all the things that the career politicians wont fix" he can win easily.

Then he lets the voters know he will hammer Congress for: term limits, immigration reform, tax reform, welfare reform, health care reform, tort reform, etc.

Wins by a landslide across party lines, demographics, etc. Only liberals would vote against him because they dont care about this country anyway.
I haven't paid much attention to Bernie and H. I will probably vote for GJ again if he runs.

And I enjoy watching the GOP race too much to stay silent. The Trump dynamic fascinating. you pledged your support to HRC but you haven't paid much attention to her campaign? Perfect really.

An avowed socialist and someone who kept their own server as SOS (dozens of other topics) are not fascinating enough for you to pay attention to or comment on?

Okey dokey
Between our errors in Iraq and our feckless leadership, the whole world knows the U.S. is toothless. It is what it is. you pledged your support to HRC but you haven't paid much attention to her campaign? Perfect really.

An avowed socialist and someone who kept their own server as SOS (dozens of other topics) are not fascinating enough for you to pay attention to or comment on?

Okey dokey
Show me where I pledged my support for Hillary? I once predicted she would win if she faced a hard right candidate, but a lot of pundits are saying that.
Show me where I pledged my support for Hillary? I once predicted she would win if she faced a hard right candidate, but a lot of pundits are saying that.
Good grief, you are entering deeeee level of ridiculousness. You have said you are voting for her several tines, others can attest. Just stop. I'm not subjecting myself to researching your posts.
Gave it a minute it two for giggles, here you are imploring BC to read about her positions and why you chose her. Also bragging on page 15 of how she was going to trounce any stop

So what are Hilary's positions on the issues? The ones that you define as mainstream.

Edit: And if you're going to let us know her positions, please cite sources. Or, just say, "I'm talking out of my ass. I don't know what Hilary's positions are because she's never committed to anything, and I'm going to vote for the criminal anyway." -BC

You don't have to trust me to tell you what her positions are. Go to
You'll find her voting record and direct quotes on all the major issues.
I invite you to use the site to search other candidates positions as well. Put some time into this and you can be well informed. -FTS
Gave it a minute it two for giggles, here you are imploring BC to read about her positions and why you chose her. Also bragging on page 15 of how she was going to trounce any stop

So what are Hilary's positions on the issues? The ones that you define as mainstream.

Edit: And if you're going to let us know her positions, please cite sources. Or, just say, "I'm talking out of my ass. I don't know what Hilary's positions are because she's never committed to anything, and I'm going to vote for the criminal anyway." -BC

You don't have to trust me to tell you what her positions are. Go to
You'll find her voting record and direct quotes on all the major issues.
I invite you to use the site to search other candidates positions as well. Put some time into this and you can be well informed. -FTS
Good grief, you are entering deeeee level of ridiculousness. You have said you are voting for her several tines, others can attest. Just stop. I'm not subjecting myself to researching your posts.
I never said I was voting for her. Show me where I said I was voting for her. You are making stuff up again. I only predicted she would beat a far right candidate because her positions are more mainstream.
Your official support goes back before the board change, but take that approach now....what a coward.

Yeah, you were lecturing BC in that post to really look at her positions for giggles. Keep digging coward.
Trump is in it because Americans are looking for a leader more than anything else; his positions on issues don't even matter.

Nature abhors a vacuum and we've a damn big one in terms of leadership for 6+ years... on both sides.
The best thing I can say about Trump is the fact that the Koch Brothers hate him, in fact they are scared to death of him. He is the only candidate on the Republican side that they can't purchase. That means Trump would have the freedom and autonomy to carry out policy and make decisions without the undue influence of powerful special interests. The big question of course is, are those policies and decisions ones we really want?
One of my favorite parts of the political board is reading how upset "libs" make some of you. Look at qwes, he's so obsessed with it that literally every post is about a lib. We are going to witness him explode from anger in this board. the agony this causes him is epic. He might drop dead from an aneurism if Hilary wins.

Now , pb post are great too. Look at his last one where he says positions don't matter. Yes folks, that is your voting public.
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Trump is serious. His position on issues don't even matter.

Didn't he file bankruptcy twice? No shit on that? But 50 Cent goes bankrupt and everybody complains about his "wasting of black rapper money". GD Americans. F***** hate'em.

Trump can lick my ass. Bankrupting Piece of Shit. Cuban over Trump.
His company, not him personally. Only the worlds biggest dumbasses wil be voting for Trump Kardashean.

So wait. Romney. Who was a successful guy and had seemingly good morals couldn't get elected, but a shitty businessman with shoddy morals who donated to the Clintons and is media whore can win?

After 8 GD years of Obama, I just can't believe we would vote for more awfulness. And all I see is shit garbage candidates. And people actually like these shit garbage candidates. That's what's scary.
Your official support goes back before the board change, but take that approach now....what a coward.

Yeah, you were lecturing BC in that post to really look at her positions for giggles. Keep digging coward.
Again, you LIE and and then get frustrated when you have no way to back up your pitiful attacks.
So wait. Romney. Who was a successful guy and had seemingly good morals couldn't get elected, but a shitty businessman with shoddy morals who donated to the Clintons and is media whore can win?

After 8 GD years of Obama, I just can't believe we would vote for more awfulness. And all I see is shit garbage candidates. And people actually like these shit garbage candidates. That's what's scary.
I took a "what candidate are you test." Told me after answering questions I tied with Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz.
Trump or Hilary, they are both the same. Both of them would sell their soul and this country to make a $. I don't trust either of them. Trump and the Clintons are all about themselves and making money. I would take Bush, Kasich, or Webb. Hell, even Joe Biden would be better than Trump or Cankles.
Hell with it. I'm writing in

"President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!!!! A great man, a great american. He will serve up a can of whoop ass if you cross him."
For some crazy-ass reason, I just can't connect with Cruz at all. He's a senator from TX, but something about the dude is unsettling.
It's the whiny voice and beadie eyes. If you met him in real life you wouldn't believe a word he said.
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One of my favorite parts of the political board is reading how upset "libs" make some of you. Look at qwes, he's so obsessed with it that literally every post is about a lib. We are going to witness him explode from anger in this board. the agony this causes him is epic. He might drop dead from an aneurism if Hilary wins.

Now , pb post are great too. Look at his last one where he says positions don't matter. Yes folks, that is your voting public.
Well they do control a lot of shit and a lot of shit is hosed up. My main enjoyment is trolling grown ass men like deee and fts that can't even keep their stories straight. I also like trolling guys like you that scream about the climate but won't address the massive taxations that you want to pass to "fix" it. No apologies for being more anti-liberal than pro-conservative.
Hell with it. I'm writing in

"President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!!!! A great man, a great american. He will serve up a can of whoop ass if you cross him."

And his positions on the issues don't really matter
The only candidate I would feel comfortable voting for right now is John Kasich.

He's the only one in the race that acknowledges the two biggest problems we face The mounting federal debt and global climate change. All other candidates on both sides either ignore one of the issues or claim it isn't an issue.

He also has experience at both the federal level as a congressman and state level as a governor of a large state. One with a successful record and a high approval rating as well.

I'm still not sold on him but he makes more sense then any of these other turds right now.