How will they rule ??!

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I have friends that hunt - deer, pheasant, grouse, rabbit etc. I think its fine, however I despise dick heads like this that kill magnificent animals just for the hell of it. I think they are all mental.
So hunting is fine, so long as the animals being hunted are on your OK list?
Defense once claimed to have prophecies in a thread about ESP or the paranormal. He now lies and says he didn't, but many posters remember it.

I quoted your post because Kopi was ranting at me for using the term "an event", which was the same term you had used and I had quoted/responded to.

"Prophet" refers to only one person on this board.

While both of you were incorrectly alluding to "Shrug" events in singular form, it was clear among only the one of you who had never bothered to read the 1100 page, fine print novel being referenced. And maybe after more than twenty-five thousand posts you can just go ahead and concede that you're not as easily understood as you would like, or has Insanity (great irony there, je pense) done that well enough for you? Maybe . . . try reading a few books before writing them?
Again, this isn't his first time taking big game under questionable circumstances. You don't think his past plays a part...I do. What certainly plays a part is the lion. The lion had celebrity which made him a known entity to several thousand people. That celebrity gave wings to the notoriety for the act.
As I said earlier, this isn't his first or second time taking big game under questionable's just the second time he's been caught...karma caught up with him and bit him in the ass.

So in your mind him receiving death threats and having to go into hiding is a perfectly reasonable reaction to him possibly being mislead on a hunting
And it's not similar to the bear he killed, he was familiar with the area, he knew he wasn't supposed to be there hunting. Do you think he is familiar with Zimvabwe, and your just assuming he goes around poaching animals?
I swear the things people get up in arms about and then the things they are perfectly fine with just bewilder me.

Not accusing you Fuzz, but priorities in this country seem a little unbalanced and dysfunctional.
WH points out "strong personal consumption" for the rebound in the Q2 GDP. Also "windfall gains from lower oil prices."

Who said you can't take credit for for stuff you oppose and certainly did not contribute? And bring on those carbon taxes!
Defense once claimed to have prophecies in a thread about ESP or the paranormal. He now lies and says he didn't, but many posters remember it.

"Nostradefense"- when I first saw that I almost spit on my keyboard.

Just thinking about that thread makes me laugh.
So in your mind him receiving death threats and having to go into hiding is a perfectly reasonable reaction to him possibly being mislead on a hunting
And it's not similar to the bear he killed, he was familiar with the area, he knew he wasn't supposed to be there hunting. Do you think he is familiar with Zimvabwe, and your just assuming he goes around poaching animals?
I swear the things people get up in arms about and then the things they are perfectly fine with just bewilder me.

Not accusing you Fuzz, but priorities in this country seem a little unbalanced and dysfunctional.
I'm not sure who has made this a's the topic of the day and people have expressed their opinions. I do think that we humans have evolved enough to have and express opinions on multiple topics. Of course no sain person thinks the guy should die for his actions. I don't take the talk of death threats seriously.

Here is my opinion on poaching... It's like getting a speeding ticket...rarely do you get caught. If you've received two speeding tickets then you've probably been guilty of speeding many times. To have been caught poaching twice, you've probably done it many other times. That or you're the most unlucky SOB on the face of the earth.

I also don't think he's hiding because of death threats...he's hiding to not face the criticism he's receiving and probably trying to figure out how he will earn a living since his dental practice is now in shambles.
and probably trying to figure out how he will earn a living since his dental practice is now in shambles.
dude has enough assets to have gone on several 50K hunting expeditions....I think he is gonna be alright even if noone will ever say "AAHH" and show him their broken dirty chick-lets again
It's still absolutely ridiculous that any of us have even heard of this, it's astonishing how much air play this has gotten. I guarantee it doesn't stop with this either.
Liberals taking up for PP = scum
People more outraged over a damn dead animal versus selling baby parts = scum

The Dentist is an idiot that needs to be fined, jailed or whatever the punishment is for what he did. Dry up and blow away forever for all I care.

The inhuman ghouls at PP that sift through baby parts or discuss prices over wine and cheese need to burn in hell. Would rather see them burn on earth first though.
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So now they're reporting that PP researchers are making the fetal harvesting look like 'research' to avoid backlash?

If this is correct then PP is doomed.
who on the Red team would beat him? The guy leading the pack, Trump has a net approval rating of minus 32, and has a disapproval rating by 57 of Republicans.
Actually I was talking about him saying he was a good president. However, I believe a few of them could beat him. Once the field is cleared with one left against him it would be easy because, he has been a terrible president. One of the worst in my lifetime. I know you don't think that way but, understanding you as I do, it was expected.
I would first have to accept your premise that abortion = murder. I don't, my church does not nor do many other religious denominations.
Secondly, regardless of what you think, I think, or anyone else...abortions have been performed for 1000+ years for a myriad of reasons. So until you can resolve all of the many reasons women seek abortions, your opinion about them is rather moot and they will continue to occur.
Third, if they will occur regardless of being legal or illegal, if women who seek abortions are willing to risk their lives, subjecting themselves to coat hangers, blunt force, poisons and other life threatening options then why risks two lives because a woman wishes not to carry a fetus to term?
If the abortion will happen regardless, why dispose of the tissue that may save other lives?

Nobody has an abortion to supply fetal tissue, or "body part" as you suggest. That tissue is the result of a decision a woman has made for whatever reason. Reasons frankly that are none of your business and only between the woman and her God. Perhaps whenever you think you've obtained god status, you can have a say.
Terrible take. Just because something has been going on for a thousand plus years does not make it right.
I never really cared about the abortion debate, but if you've had kids and you hear how they're talking and it doesn't bother you then you are a heartless pos.
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Obama should just say it: "If you have no morals or ethics whatsoever, fine, we dont judge (as long as you agree with us). Join the Democratic Party and we'll give you all the free stuff you need!"
I'm getting my popcorn and beer ready for the Republcian debate next week. The Trump man will literally be at center stage likely flanked by Bush on one side and Walker on the other. What do you think will happen? will it be civil exchanges or will they candidates call each other out? Who will have the guts to attack Trump?
Will a fist fight break out? Who wins who losses?

This is going to be almost as good as the Superbowl :)
I've tried to give the Iran deal the benefit of the doubt, then I read that Iran will not allow U.S. or Canadian inspectors in the country....only allowing those countries they have diplomatic ties with. Also, Iranians will take their "own" soil samples to be inspected.

There is no way we can support this "deal" with those stipulations.
It's still absolutely ridiculous that any of us have even heard of this, it's astonishing how much air play this has gotten. I guarantee it doesn't stop with this either.

It is kind of amusing that you've spent all this time arguing that this very issue shouldn't even be an issue. Obviously the story has some allure if you're going to spend all of this time discussing it, and to find the alluring story... isn't that the job of those working in the news?

That being said, I agree and do wish people would turn their feelings towards bigger things. I think what happened to the lion in terms of it being lured off of a preserve was disgusting, but I think our world has much bigger problems that I would like to see us all turn our attention to.
I've tried to give the Iran deal the benefit of the doubt, then I read that Iran will not allow U.S. or Canadian inspectors in the country....only allowing those countries they have diplomatic ties with. Also, Iranians will take their "own" soil samples to be inspected.

There is no way we can support this "deal" with those stipulations.

What's the alternative? They are 3 months away from making about 10 nuclear warheads right now if we walk. If they do that, then what?
That being said, I agree and do wish people would turn their feelings towards bigger things.

I think the Lion has become an iconic symbol for the careless and cavalier raping of the environment that continues world wide, which is a big issue that concerns a lot of people. Half the global population of wildlife has been wiped out just in the last 40 year, and it's increasing as more and more habitats are destroyed. The oceans are becoming fished out, the air quality worse, global warming increases causing loss of usable agricultural land etc.

Maybe some are not concerned about a world full of pollutants, very little wild life, dead oceans and everything asphalted over so long as they have their HDTV, a six pack in the frig, and a Toco Bells down the street, but that's not my world view.
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John Kerry's son in law's best man at the wedding was the son of the lead negotiator for Iran in the arms deal.
I'm getting my popcorn and beer ready for the Republcian debate next week. The Trump man will literally be at center stage likely flanked by Bush on one side and Walker on the other. What do you think will happen? will it be civil exchanges or will they candidates call each other out? Who will have the guts to attack Trump?
Will a fist fight break out? Who wins who losses?

It's a huge story that Donald Trump is the leading contender for the GOP nomination for President going in to the first debate. He has had his share of missteps since announcing his candidacy, but he speaks of what he believes in and his message continues to resonate with more Republican voters than any other candidate. Right now Trump is the face of the GOP.
latest Rasmussen numbers:

26% Trump
14% Walker
10% Bush
7% Cruz
7% Huckabee
5% Rubio
5% Carson
5% Kasich
3% Rand
2% Christie
2% Perry
2% Santorum
2% Jindal
-- Fiorina
-- Graham
I think the Lion has become an iconic symbol for the careless and cavalier raping of the environment that continues world wide, which is a big issue that concerns a lot of people. Half the global population of wildlife has been wiped out just in the last 40 year, and it's increasing as more and more habitats are destroyed. The oceans are becoming fished out, the air quality worse, global warming increases causing loss of usable agricultural land etc.

Maybe some are not concerned about a world full of pollutants, very little wild life, dead oceans and everything asphalted over so long as they have their HDTV, a six pack in the frig, and a Toco Bells down the street, but that's not my world view.
Blah, blah, blah, blah... sky is falling... blah, blah, blah, blah... chicken little....
I think the Lion has become an iconic symbol for the careless and cavalier raping of the environment that continues world wide, which is a big issue that concerns a lot of people. Half the global population of wildlife has been wiped out just in the last 40 year, and it's increasing as more and more habitats are destroyed. The oceans are becoming fished out, the air quality worse, global warming increases causing loss of usable agricultural land etc.

Maybe some are not concerned about a world full of pollutants, very little wild life, dead oceans and everything asphalted over so long as they have their HDTV, a six pack in the frig, and a Toco Bells down the street, but that's not my world view.

Well, from that report the largest losses were in low income countries and high income countries actually increased their lets not blame it on us HDTV havin' folks.

This was also a questionable sentence in that report... "This is a much bigger decrease than has been reported previously, as a result of a new methodology which aims to be more representative of global biodiversity."
speaks of what he believes in and his message continues to resonate with more Republican voters than any other candidate. Right now Trump is the face of the GOP.

Ungodly erroneous. Numerous stories about how most do not even know his positions. He has no real "message". His immigration views are not even consistent and that is what drove his initial ascent.

When John Edwards led the Dems in 2007 for a while was he the face of the party?

Trump is an embarrassment but libs like you should focus on your own avowed socialist and one of the biggest lying scumbags in modern political history. You sound like a UL fan trying to gets digs in when a UK player gets a parking ticket.
Ungodly erroneous. Numerous stories about how most do not even know his positions. He has no real "message". His immigration views are not even consistent and that is what drove his initial ascent.

When John Edwards led the Dems in 2007 for a while was he the face of the party?

Trump is an embarrassment but libs like you should focus on your own avowed socialist and one of the biggest lying scumbags in modern political history. You sound like a UL fan trying to gets digs in when a UK player gets a parking ticket.
What does that say about your fellow Repubs if they support someone whose positions they don't understand?

Here's that link again

And yeah, you could say John Edwards was the face of the Dems before his scandal broke.
What does that say about your fellow Repubs if they support someone whose positions they don't understand?

Here's that link again

And yeah, you could say John Edwards was the face of the Dems before his scandal broke.

26% of them have their heads in there asses. Like the 53% of
Americans (and 80+% of Dems) that believed that Obama was some transformative figure. Lots of idiots in this country.

Break down your party, getting these disingenuous GOP reviews is tiresome.
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In '84 during the second Raegan campaign, I remember a news story reporting that the USSR favored whoever was running againse RR. That's all I needed to hear; confirming that RR was the man. The best way to determine who is and who is not a good candidate would be to find out who our enemies and detractors fear. Right now, I don't believe Trump will end up being a viable candidate, but if he was I' d predict arab countries would not be in favor of him (good), China, N Korea, Iran, etc... would not favor him (good), immigrants would not favor him (good), muslims would not favor him (better than good), many minority/self interest groups would not favor him (good), welfare dependents would not favor him (good).

I hope we get a president that has the balls to let the rest of the world know we will not tolerate anything that negatively impacts our nation. I'd especially like to see him recognize there will never be peace in the m e and bluntly tell everyone that we're with Israel no matter what. Tell iran that if they ever threaten Israel again, we will begin construction of Lake Iran.

Give me a candidate the rest of the world (with the exception of Canada, Israel, GB, and a few more countries) fears or hates. I'll vote for him or her.