How will they rule ??!

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Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he could win a third term in office if he ran again but that he is barred by the Constitution.

"I actually think I'm a pretty good President. I think if I ran, I could win. But I can't," Obama ad-libbed during a speech in Ethiopia. "There's a lot that I'd like to do to keep America moving. But the law is the law, and no person is above the law, not even the president."

This says it all about our Dictator want to be in Chief. This guy is truly delusional and has no clue about how he has divided this country.
Being a good President or leader isn't necessarily about being popular. Obama probably could win (I said could, not would). National elections are about image much more than they are about substance. And the GOP isn't helping matters by trying to force a party loyaltist onto their ticket like they did in 2012 (when they changed the electoral vote rules to silence Ron Paul). And I'm not so sure Trump isn't a DNC plant attempting to split GOP votes much like Perot did in 1992.
I know everyone likes to pooh pooh the idea of a third party candidate, but I think they have ultimately been very influential. Perot in 1992 and 1996. Nader (Green Party, but whatever) in 2000. That's 12 years where a non-R/D candidate pretty much swung the election, and you can add in another 4 years for Bush's second term which would have been different. Trump might have that potential, although my belief is that he's a complete non-story (election wise) in 6 months.
Where are we as a society? The death of a lion is universally condemned. The selling of fetal human tissue is shrugged off.

This is pathetic and absolutely ridiculous.

Another example of the fine upstanding moral backbone of the liberal.

In fact, this is the first question I'd ask every single lib candidate: "How do you and your party justify this?".
Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he could win a third term in office if he ran again but that he is barred by the Constitution.

"I actually think I'm a pretty good President. I think if I ran, I could win. But I can't," Obama ad-libbed during a speech in Ethiopia. "There's a lot that I'd like to do to keep America moving. But the law is the law, and no person is above the law, not even the president."

This says it all about our Dictator want to be in Chief. This guy is truly delusional and has no clue about how he has divided this country.
It takes two to divide anything.

WC, you know and I know that regardless of who is the President that the "loyal opposition" would be fighting it tooth and nail. Of course the difference being that there isn't an equivalent to Fox News and conservative talk radio to cheer-lead and rabble-rouse on the left.

The amount of faux outrage has gotten to the near comical level and is only tempered by the sad fact that there are so many who buy the outrage hook, line and sinker.
How many times have we heard about all of Obama's vacations??? Yet he would have to take off the next 6 months to catch up with W. I don't recall ever hearing anyone complaining about W's vacations. He's playing too much golf...186 rounds through August of last year. Yet Dwight Eisenhower played nearly 800 rounds during his presidency. Camp David, the presidential retreat that isn't even counted as vacation time...Obama has been there 33 times for a total of 84 days...W went 108 times for 341 days.
Most people, at least people with a brain understand that being POTUS adds new meaning to having a full time job. Just look at before and after pictures of any POTUS in the last 50 years and see how much they age during their time in office. And is a POTUS ever really on vacation? Hell, I travel all over the country and my job follows me everywhere. It doesn't matter if I'm on the beach or in the mountains because as long as there is cell service work is just a call, just an internet connection away. The POTUS is even better connected. He's got a sat phone and encrypted wireless.
So tell me...why are some making such a big deal over Obama's vacations when they actually compare very favorably with other presidents? Is that an effort to try and split the country? Who is responsible for that "outrage"?
This is pathetic and absolutely ridiculous.

Another example of the fine upstanding moral backbone of the liberal.

In fact, this is the first question I'd ask every single lib candidate: "How do you and your party justify this?".
I've not seen a single politician make a comment on this matter nor have I seen anyone make any political comments. Beyond that, this "outrage" is international in nature.

Add the fact that this dentist has already admitted that he has broken laws in order to fill his trophy case.
Of course you won't see any GOP candidates comment on the matter in fear that they may upset some NRA member...

Pathetic is taking up for someone who knowing tried to skirt the law. First, they lure the lion off of the game reserve and then being close enough to shoot it with a bow they could surely see the GPS collar that lion wore. Then to try and remove the collar and dispose of it before they got caught... Yeah, you've got a real winner there who only goes to give other hunters who do it right a bad name. Then trying to politicize it. Yep, that's pathetic.
I've not seen a single politician make a comment on this matter nor have I seen anyone make any political comments. Beyond that, this "outrage" is international in nature.

Add the fact that this dentist has already admitted that he has broken laws in order to fill his trophy case.
Of course you won't see any GOP candidates comment on the matter in fear that they may upset some NRA member...

Pathetic is taking up for someone who knowing tried to skirt the law. First, they lure the lion off of the game reserve and then being close enough to shoot it with a bow they could surely see the GPS collar that lion wore. Then to try and remove the collar and dispose of it before they got caught... Yeah, you've got a real winner there who only goes to give other hunters who do it right a bad name. Then trying to politicize it. Yep, that's pathetic.

I noticed you dodged the Planned Parenthood issue.

Humor us and justify Planned Parenthood.
Re: presidential vacations. They are never on vacation the way most use that term. Great friend of mine worked in White House Communications (and another former co-worker at Camp David) following around the president (W and Obama) everywhere he went. Literally, the president is always seconds away from any and all types of communications, and they are constantly "interrupted" during any relaxation time they have. It's a 24/7, 365 job.

Incidentally, GW was apparently an avid bicycler, and my friend has some funny stories about following him around on trails.
The crap the dentist is taking seems to be a little much to me. Yeah, its a shame that the lion he killed was popular, but damn is it tragic enough to be a front page story?

Seems like some priorities are a little out of whack. Is it worth ruining this man's life over?
I noticed you dodged the Planned Parenthood issue.

Humor us and justify Planned Parenthood.
I personally don't have any more of an issue of using fetal tissue for whatever purpose that can further other lives than I do with organ and other tissues that are donated upon ones death. Yeah, there's a smarmy business side... Nobody wants to watch sausage being made but many want to eat it. I'd much prefer fetal tissue be used for good than being disposed of as medical waste.
The crap the dentist is taking seems to be a little much to me. Yeah, its a shame that the lion he killed was popular, but damn is it tragic enough to be a front page story?

Seems like some priorities are a little out of whack. Is it worth ruining this man's life over?

Probably not, but it's not like each person "attacking" (via Yelp reviews, or comments on Facebook, or whatever) is ruining his life on his own. Rather, it's the nature of celebrity/fame that death comes by 1,000,000 paper cuts. So Joe Blow posting something angry on Facebook, or clicking on a news article, is not destroying the dentist. But the cumulative effect might be. That doesn't scream lack of priorities to me when they do something relatively small. That's like saying each person that throws out edible food (in whatever tiny amounts) is responsible for calorie deficiencies in the third world. There's a lack of intent to connect the two in a way that screams priorities.
The crap the dentist is taking seems to be a little much to me. Yeah, its a shame that the lion he killed was popular, but damn is it tragic enough to be a front page story?

Seems like some priorities are a little out of whack. Is it worth ruining this man's life over?
If you research a little into this dentist's background you'd see that he is only reaping what he has sewed. There's little doubt that they ( he and his guide) knew what they were doing. ...and it isn't his first such incident.

As for it being front page news...slow news day.
I personally don't have any more of an issue of using fetal tissue for whatever purpose that can further other lives than I do with organ and other tissues that are donated upon ones death. Yeah, there's a smarmy business side... Nobody wants to watch sausage being made but many want to eat it. I'd much prefer fetal tissue be used for good than being disposed of as medical waste.
Nice dodge.

You liberals have no moral fiber at all. Disgusting.
No, it's just that unlike yours, my moral fiber isn't moved by the attempts to make political hay.

This has nothing to do with politics, but you're clearly not smart enough to understand that some things are more important than politics.
I personally don't have any more of an issue of using fetal tissue for whatever purpose that can further other lives than I do with organ and other tissues that are donated upon ones death. Yeah, there's a smarmy business side... Nobody wants to watch sausage being made but many want to eat it. I'd much prefer fetal tissue be used for good than being disposed of as medical waste.

How about not murdering babies for body parts.
This has nothing to do with politics, but you're clearly not smart enough to understand that some things are more important than politics.
Nice dodge.

You liberals have no moral fiber at all. Disgusting.

"Nothing to do with politics" yet you find it impossible to respond without bringing politics, or a perceived political position into the discussion.
If you research a little into this dentist's background you'd see that he is only reaping what he has sewed. There's little doubt that they ( he and his guide) knew what they were doing. ...and it isn't his first such incident.

As for it being front page news...slow news day.

Is it really worthy of national news? Or ruining this guys life? He killed a Lion, if he broke the law in whatever nation he was in, so be it, he should face repurcussions there. But the ridiculous outrage by some is a little much. Please explain to me why Cecil the Lion is so important to the people upset here in the States.
Probably not, but it's not like each person "attacking" (via Yelp reviews, or comments on Facebook, or whatever) is ruining his life on his own. Rather, it's the nature of celebrity/fame that death comes by 1,000,000 paper cuts. So Joe Blow posting something angry on Facebook, or clicking on a news article, is not destroying the dentist. But the cumulative effect might be. That doesn't scream lack of priorities to me when they do something relatively small. That's like saying each person that throws out edible food (in whatever tiny amounts) is responsible for calorie deficiencies in the third world. There's a lack of intent to connect the two in a way that screams priorities.

The guy is receiving death threats. By making this a National headline story the guys life will undoubtedly be affected.
Do we even know the whole story here, or is the media just running with what they've heard.
It seems to me it's more of a lets be mad because a rich guy paid 50k to kill a lion. The Lion killed was popular to tourists, which I'm sure Dentist Hunter like 99.9% of Americans had never heard of Cecil the Lion.
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How about not murdering babies for body parts.
I would first have to accept your premise that abortion = murder. I don't, my church does not nor do many other religious denominations.
Secondly, regardless of what you think, I think, or anyone else...abortions have been performed for 1000+ years for a myriad of reasons. So until you can resolve all of the many reasons women seek abortions, your opinion about them is rather moot and they will continue to occur.
Third, if they will occur regardless of being legal or illegal, if women who seek abortions are willing to risk their lives, subjecting themselves to coat hangers, blunt force, poisons and other life threatening options then why risks two lives because a woman wishes not to carry a fetus to term?
If the abortion will happen regardless, why dispose of the tissue that may save other lives?

Nobody has an abortion to supply fetal tissue, or "body part" as you suggest. That tissue is the result of a decision a woman has made for whatever reason. Reasons frankly that are none of your business and only between the woman and her God. Perhaps whenever you think you've obtained god status, you can have a say.
The guy is receiving death threats. By making this a National headline story the guys life will undoubtedly be affected.
Do we even know the whole story here, or is the media just running with what they've heard.
It seems to me it's more of a lets be mad because a rich guy paid 50k to kill a lion. The Lion killed was popular to tourists, which I'm sure Dentist Hunter like 99.9% of Americans had never heard of Cecil the Lion.
The guide surely knew this lion, they baited the lion to get him off of the game preserve...and the hunter could surely see the GPS collar seeing he had to get close enough to hit it with a bow. ...then they tried to remove and dispose of the GPS collar before being caught.
This wasn't his first go around. In 2006 he was charged with illegally hunting and killing a black bear 40 miles outside of the permitted area. He did everything to try and make the kill appear legal knowing that what he had done was a felony.

He says now he regrets killing the lion. What he regrets is the backlash.
There are always nut jobs on the Internet, but they're hardly representative of people as a whole. People receive death threats for posts about tropes in video games, ffs. I'm not going to defend the idiots, and no one will. But should we not run stories anymore because of rage-a-holics? Do we just ignore things because a$$holes ruin them? Hold in your opinions because it might rile up Johnny Death Threat? I'd like to think we can actually have the news, prosecute the people sending death threats (and probably fapping about it) for sending death threats (not for the fapping). Or we can chicken-sh!t out and just pretend nothing remotely controversial happens so idiots don't lose their minds.

I think (rational) people are upset by two things. 1) people paying money to sport kill animals, and in particular popular animals like lions; and 2) the fact that it was a popular lion that was illegally lured out to be shot. The money (and the dentist's past) lead people to believe that he knew the lion had a collar or was not legal to shoot; that doesn't help 1 or 2. People are also upset about poachers killing elephants for tusks for their impotence potions or piano keys or whatever, but there is not a singular point of interest around which people coalesced their anger like there is here.

Personally, I don't understand the thrill of tying meat to your vehicle to lure an animal to kill it, nor do I understand the thrill of the game parks where you're guaranteed a kill. But hey, if it's legal, have at it. Or shoot a bear 50 miles outside your hunting area, move the body, lie about it, get caught, and pay a fine. Or kill a lion illegally in another country and, if the evidence warrants it, face whatever charges you are liable for (while the guides are almost certainly liable and have been charged, dentist not charged and might not be liable).
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You quoted my post. If you did so by mistake, thats fine.
I quoted your post because Kopi was ranting at me for using the term "an event", which was the same term you had used and I had quoted/responded to.

"Prophet" refers to only one person on this board.
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There are always nut jobs on the Internet, but they're hardly representative of people as a whole. People receive death threats for posts about tropes in video games, ffs. I'm not going to defend the idiots, and no one will. But should we not run stories anymore because of rage-a-holics? Do we just ignore things because a$$holes ruin them? Hold in your opinions because it might rile up Johnny Death Threat? I'd like to think we can actually have the news, prosecute the people sending death threats (and probably fapping about it) for sending death threats (not for the fapping). Or we can chicken-sh!t out and just pretend nothing remotely controversial happens so idiots don't lose their minds.

I think (rational) people are upset by two things. 1) people paying money to sport kill animals, and in particular popular animals like lions; and 2) the fact that it was a popular lion that was illegally lured out to be shot. The money (and the dentist's past) lead people to believe that he knew the lion had a collar or was not legal to shoot; that doesn't help 1 or 2. People are also upset about poachers killing elephants for tusks for their impotence potions or piano keys or whatever, but there is not a singular point of interest around which people coalesced their anger like there is here.

Personally, I don't understand the thrill of tying meat to your vehicle to lure an animal to kill it, nor do I understand the thrill of the game parks where you're guaranteed a kill. But hey, if it's legal, have at it. Or shoot a bear 50 miles outside your hunting area, move the body, lie about it, get caught, and pay a fine. Or kill a lion illegally in another country and, if the evidence warrants it, face whatever charges you are liable for (while the guides are almost certainly liable and have been charged, dentist not charged and might not be liable).

I hunt, but I don't trophy hunt if I kill something I am going to eat it. We don't know for a fact they tied up meat to a vehicle, maybe they did maybe they didn't.

Why is this national news? Why in some peoples mind is this worthy of death threats to where this guy has to go into hiding? In the end he killed a Lion, an animal. I get being upset, hell I'm disgusted that people would pay 50k to kill an animal he was killing solely to inflate his ego. But it's his money, and apparently it's a legal practice in this African Country, as long as it's not in a park.

More than likely what happened was this guy was promised an oppurtunity to kill a Lion in return for 50k, the guides knew where this Lion was and lured, maybe the dentist knew, maybe he didn't. The radio collar plays no part in it, unless killing a radio collared animal is illegal. It's no different than killing a banded duck or goose.
We don't know for a fact they tied up meat to a vehicle, maybe they did maybe they didn't.

Why in some peoples mind is this worthy of death threats to where this guy has to go into hiding?

First, the accounts I've read have mentioned that the hunters used an animal carcass on the vehicle to lure the animal out of the sanctuary. Maybe the dentist disputed this, I don't know, but he also has a felony for lying about a previous hunt, and the hunters in this instance tried to hide/ditch the radio collar.

Second, the death threats thing is a red herring. What rational person is saying, "You know what? This guy deserves death threats." It's the fringe, the extremists. People get death and rape threats for being feminists on social media. There's lunatics everywhere. You say you get being upset, which is what 99% of people are - upset. I'm upset (mildly, but still), but I'm not advocating death threats.
I hunt, but I don't trophy hunt if I kill something I am going to eat it. We don't know for a fact they tied up meat to a vehicle, maybe they did maybe they didn't.

Why is this national news? Why in some peoples mind is this worthy of death threats to where this guy has to go into hiding? In the end he killed a Lion, an animal. I get being upset, hell I'm disgusted that people would pay 50k to kill an animal he was killing solely to inflate his ego. But it's his money, and apparently it's a legal practice in this African Country, as long as it's not in a park.

More than likely what happened was this guy was promised an oppurtunity to kill a Lion in return for 50k, the guides knew where this Lion was and lured, maybe the dentist knew, maybe he didn't. The radio collar plays no part in it, unless killing a radio collared animal is illegal. It's no different than killing a banded duck or goose.
Then why did they try to destroy the collar?
You can't see a band on a duck or goose, plus you are supposed to report when and where the duck/goose was taken... This guy's track record plays against him as well. He was already known to have taken game illegally and the tried to conspire to cover it up.
Karma has a way of catching up with you. No doubt these aren't the only times he has done something similar.
Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he could win a third term in office if he ran again but that he is barred by the Constitution.

"I actually think I'm a pretty good President. I think if I ran, I could win. But I can't," Obama ad-libbed during a speech in Ethiopia. "There's a lot that I'd like to do to keep America moving. But the law is the law, and no person is above the law, not even the president."

This says it all about our Dictator want to be in Chief. This guy is truly delusional and has no clue about how he has divided this country.

who on the Red team would beat him? The guy leading the pack, Trump has a net approval rating of minus 32, and has a disapproval rating by 57 of Republicans.
I have friends that hunt - deer, pheasant, grouse, rabbit etc. I think its fine, however I despise dick heads like this that kill magnificent animals just for the hell of it. I think they are all mental.
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Then why did they try to destroy the collar?
You can't see a band on a duck or goose, plus you are supposed to report when and where the duck/goose was taken... This guy's track record plays against him as well. He was already known to have taken game illegally and the tried to conspire to cover it up.
Karma has a way of catching up with you. No doubt these aren't the only times he has done something similar.

We don't know he saw the Collar either, but again, is it illegal to kill a collared lion, idk it very well might be. Still, a guy killing a lion in Africa isn't headline news stuff, the reason it's headline news IS because there's a mass over reaction. What no one is seeing is that by this Lion getting killed it's probably going to cause a flood of money and resources in to stopping poaching and protecting habitat for Lions. Which in the end is a good thing.
I quoted your post because Kopi was ranting at me for using the term "an event", which was the same term you had used and I had quoted/responded to.

"Prophet" refers to only one person on this board.

Ok fair enough. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I have friends that hunt - deer, pheasant, grouse, rabbit etc. I think its fine, however I despise dick heads like this that kill magnificent animals just for the hell of it. I think they are all mental.
I hunted quite a bit as a youngster...ducks, geese, doves, squirrels mostly. Then hunted and killed a deer and with it killed my desire to hunt any longer.
We don't know he saw the Collar either, but again, is it illegal to kill a collared lion, idk it very well might be. Still, a guy killing a lion in Africa isn't headline news stuff, the reason it's headline news IS because there's a mass over reaction. What no one is seeing is that by this Lion getting killed it's probably going to cause a flood of money and resources in to stopping poaching and protecting habitat for Lions. Which in the end is a good thing.
The guy's history plays into it as well. If he didn't have a prior record of similar acts it would have likely gone largely unnoticed and unreported.
I am sure that lions and other wildlife are poached all the time. This guy with this lion made it a news story.
Whatever, Its not because it's this guy, his past actions have no part in this. It's because alot of people are against hunting and trophy hunting imparticular. This just gives them a rallying cry. They don't care about the people in Zimbabwe struggling to live, or the 80% unemployment. The guy killed a lion for crying out loud, while he should be punished if he broke the law, he shouldn't be ruined. In a week this will all be forgotten and we'll be on to the next thing to grab our short attention spans.
Whatever, Its not because it's this guy, his past actions have no part in this. It's because alot of people are against hunting and trophy hunting imparticular. This just gives them a rallying cry. They don't care about the people in Zimbabwe struggling to live, or the 80% unemployment. The guy killed a lion for crying out loud, while he should be punished if he broke the law, he shouldn't be ruined. In a week this will all be forgotten and we'll be on to the next thing to grab our short attention spans.
Again, this isn't his first time taking big game under questionable circumstances. You don't think his past plays a part...I do. What certainly plays a part is the lion. The lion had celebrity which made him a known entity to several thousand people. That celebrity gave wings to the notoriety for the act.
As I said earlier, this isn't his first or second time taking big game under questionable's just the second time he's been caught...karma caught up with him and bit him in the ass.