Deliberately trying to divide the nation by attacking everyone and everything that doesn’t bow to his every whim, deliberately sewing mistrust in our established institutions because they don’t act as his propaganda arm, deliberately floating unproven allegations, acting like a spoiled 8 yr old who thinks the only way he can lose is if the other guy cheats...
By simply acting like a responsible adult Joe Biden will greatly improve the country.
Sadly, just as Obama had to fix the shit show left him by W, Joe has to try and put a nation back together and on a solid track.
Being President isn’t being a dictator. People are going to disagree, people will criticize you and people expect you to take responsibility for what happens, good or bad. Playing the blame game doesn’t solve problems. It doesn’t matter from where a virus that has killed 260K Americans and is spreading to a million people a week came. It’s here.
When you point fingers, fingers get pointed back. Trump should have learned that lesson long ago, he never has.
You want to get away from China? When you need them to buy our debt it’s kind of hard to do. Trump will have accumulated more debt in 4 years than Obama did in 8. Regardless of why you think, Trump has made us more, not less dependent on China.
There will be tax hikes. There has to be. Current rates with the economy going full blast still came up over 1 trillion in the red. We had massive tax hikes after WWII to pay off the debt from the war. We survived and became a stronger nation.