This thread is great I spend more time on here now than listening to the Pravda media
Looking forward to the usual suspects coming along and letting us know that counties refuse to certify their election results all the time, and once the state elections board certifies it, that will be proof that nothing was wrong, except for maybe some racists who refused to let dead black people vote.
Jury is out still on Powell. But as for Rudy, I don’t know if he’s gotten crazier in his old age or not, but he was a hell of a Mayor and AG for New York. NY was as safe as it’s ever been under his watch. Now it’s a shit show.I don't trust powell for a second. She's a hannity hound and I know anyone that's a regular on that show is fos. Just like with the Russian collusion, she has nothing. She's there to preach to the choir.
What you have to do is parse through what she says and find nuggets of truth that hopefully make a difference. Hopefully those things are pursued by people more intent on getting evidence than appearing on tv
Rudy - I just don't know. He seems like a crazy old look and probably is. But somehow he came up with the hunter laptop. Maybe somehow he will find something here
At the end of the day I think trump has to concede. There's no way to gather all this info in time. What he should do, is concede the reported vote totals only. Proceed with the litigation and investigation because this fraud must stop here and now. No telling how many races were stolen up till now.
I speak only for myself. I wish we emininated all trade with China. They use what amounts to slave labor, steal our and others intellectual property, etc. I understand there is no chance of this happening. Just my wish.
I finally see the light! This is all a Clinton plot! She had Beau killed so Biden wouldn't run in 2016. All so she could run and lose and make Trump President. So they could set him up for colluding with Russia and Ukraine. So they could finally impeach that bastard. So Pence would be the horrible 2020 nominee. And ALL of this so Warren could be the 1st female President! GENIUS! 10D chess!
We shall see if it matters, but if you are a Republican working on oppo research...Warnock in Georgia is a dream come true:
Watching Sidney on she seems full of it. I think Trump won but she's full of it.
There’s tons of studies - I believe 80% of the studies have been positive. One large study that compiled many studies to get large sample size was very positive.
and yes - with all the properties HCQ has (anti-viral, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory) as well as potential prophylaxis, it would’ve saved lives if used in mass quantities.
Now, it’s not as good as E Lily or regeneron treatments...but it could’ve provided some benefit. It’s safety profile was excellent until mentioned by Trump. Was safe for newborn babies and pregnant women.
Here’s some more Warnock material:We shall see if it matters, but if you are a Republican working on oppo research...Warnock in Georgia is a dream come true:
I believe republicans won so overwhelmingly on Election Day that the scum on the other side could only focus on how to deny trump the presidency because the rampant cheating could only do so much
Watching Sidney on she seems full of it. I think Trump won but she's full of it.
It works!!
Look at all the morons in here drooling over the BS being pulled by Republicans in Detroit. What a broken, sick party. Will literally eat up any whackjob conspiracy theory.
Just a reflection of their fat, one term president, loser cult leader.
HCQ’s problem was that it was a widely used and very cheap drug. There was zero money to be made by big Pharma for its use to curb the pandemic. Was it a cure? No, but it certainly fended the virus off in a whole lot of people. Any Governor or state that banned its use were complicit in prolonging the virus and costing lives simply for political reasons. The course of treatment a doctor prescribes should be between those doctors and their patients.Man, you are way behind. The Arizona mans wife was/is being investigated for murder. Trials and meta analysis have shown HCQ to have a 25% reduction in cases, hospitalization and death dependent on the use (prophylactic or early stage infection).
If you are looking to dink Trump, hydroxychloroquine ain’t it.
HCQ is used by millions across the world with less side effects than Advil.
You a science denier?still going on about the HCQ nonsense
will literally believe anything Trump tells them
Still here trying to bite ankles, I see. Yap Yap little doggie!
Ahh yes the cultist who immediately responds to everything I say calling me an ankle biter. Sounds like MAGA logic.
You a science denier?
Only a deranged dumbass like yourself would believe Trump had any idea wth Hydroxychloroquine was scientists who knew HCQ showed effectiveness against SARS1 and also effectively worked against SARS2 in vitro.
Deny the science - but the medical prints are linked...and they are I believe 100% foreign works, with no worry about Trump. In the US, Michigan and NY had retrospective analysis that also showed reduced mortality with HCQ use.
Laugh about potential increase in deaths to own the orange man some more though!
You a science denier?
Only a deranged dumbass like yourself would believe Trump had any idea wth Hydroxychloroquine was scientists who knew HCQ showed effectiveness against SARS1 and also effectively worked against SARS2 in vitro.
Deny the science - but the medical prints are linked...and they are I believe 100% foreign works, with no worry about Trump. In the US, Michigan and NY had retrospective analysis that also showed reduced mortality with HCQ use.
Laugh about potential increase in deaths to own the orange man some more though!
Oh no, you didn’t link the Minnesota study that didn’t even use laboratory confirmed covid cases and testing, did you? Oh haven’t followed this much, did you?
Damn! Michelle's harder than a wedding pecker.
No cultist here. I don't even like Trump. Unlike brain-dead idiots like yourself, I vote based on policy, not person. Keep making a fool of yourself here by trying to agitate conservatives since you are so unhappy inside. It's priceless.
I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time on C19 research.Well this was a damn murder. Somebody send something nice to dmb’s family.
Libs are dumb long as Biden signs a piece of paper in Paris on climate and feelings theyll never pay attention to this
Damn! Michelle's harder than a wedding pecker.
Oh no, you didn’t link the Minnesota study that didn’t even use laboratory confirmed covid cases and testing, did you? Oh haven’t followed this much, did you?
Ps: numbers were low in that study and hospitalization was still halved in the HCQ group.
When I post anything negative towards dear leader I’m an “agitator”. When the knuckle draggers post some deranged conspiracy theory about election fraud you don’t make a peep. At least you realize supporting Trump is an embarrassment since you obviously don’t want to admit it.
HCQ had a fantastic safety profile prior to Trump mentioning it. Pregnant women and children were able to take it. Then he mentioned it and it became enemy #1. Not great