How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Bill, the total number of votes in question in PA are far fewer than the current margin. If they were 100% Trump, he still loses. The votes haven’t been counted, they are not in the current totals. The ruling will have no affect on the outcome

No authority is absolute, no rights are absolute.
Just as legal scholars debate what is meant by “well regulated militia”, it is debated if the reference to “state legislature” refers to simply the body known as the legislature or the law making mechanisms of the states. Were it cut and dried the SCOTUS would have quickly ruled and we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Bill, you’re aware of the circumstances that led to the decision, right?

Bill, he lost. Get over it.
Bill, the total number of votes in question in PA are far fewer than the current margin. If they were 100% Trump, he still loses. The votes haven’t been counted, they are not in the current totals. The ruling will have no affect on the outcome

No authority is absolute, no rights are absolute.
Just as legal scholars debate what is meant by “well regulated militia”, it is debated if the reference to “state legislature” refers to simply the body known as the legislature or the law making mechanisms of the states. Were it cut and dried the SCOTUS would have quickly ruled and we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Bill, you’re aware of the circumstances that led to the decision, right?

Bill, he lost. Get over it.

How many votes were separated? If they didn’t separate them then there’s no way to tell. I’ve yet to see an actual number, have you? Not an estimate. Throw in the fact pa changed their voting laws after going to the Supreme Court.

The Constitution is not cloudy on this subject. It verbatim says only state legislatures can change voting laws, that isn’t foggy.

Gov Newsome was just hit for this, he isn’t the legislature, he did not have the authority to change voting laws. The CA legislature later did change the law, now we can disagree on ballot harvesting, but they followed the law. The law making bodies of each state is the legislature.
How many votes were separated? If they didn’t separate them then there’s no way to tell. I’ve yet to see an actual number, have you? Not an estimate. Throw in the fact pa changed their voting laws after going to the Supreme Court.

The Constitution is not cloudy on this subject. It verbatim says only state legislatures can change voting laws, that isn’t foggy.

Gov Newsome was just hit for this, he isn’t the legislature, he did not have the authority to change voting laws. The CA legislature later did change the law, now we can disagree on ballot harvesting, but they followed the law. The law making bodies of each state is the legislature.
He does not have the mental capacity to understand.
Bill, the total number of votes in question in PA are far fewer than the current margin. If they were 100% Trump, he still loses. The votes haven’t been counted, they are not in the current totals. The ruling will have no affect on the outcome

No authority is absolute, no rights are absolute.
Just as legal scholars debate what is meant by “well regulated militia”, it is debated if the reference to “state legislature” refers to simply the body known as the legislature or the law making mechanisms of the states. Were it cut and dried the SCOTUS would have quickly ruled and we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Bill, you’re aware of the circumstances that led to the decision, right?

Bill, he lost. Get over it.
I actually thought bill pretty level headed. I was wrong.
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I like how lawyers in PA filed a lawsuit in 2 counties claiming massive voter fraud .......... except both counties were big trump win counties lol. I guess those poll workers forgot that you want to come out ahead if you cheat.
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How many votes were separated? If they didn’t separate them then there’s no way to tell. I’ve yet to see an actual number, have you? Not an estimate. Throw in the fact pa changed their voting laws after going to the Supreme Court.

The Constitution is not cloudy on this subject. It verbatim says only state legislatures can change voting laws, that isn’t foggy.

Gov Newsome was just hit for this, he isn’t the legislature, he did not have the authority to change voting laws. The CA legislature later did change the law, now we can disagree on ballot harvesting, but they followed the law. The law making bodies of each state is the legislature.
Less than 10,000
Less than 10,000

Then it shouldn’t be too hard to verify them. If they didn’t separate them, nor save the envelope they came in then the vote is tainted.

Who has the ability to change voting laws RQ, per the Constitution? Newsome was just rebuked for that same reason.

Also, in that article it says a large number of provisional ballots were used, as I posted the other day, those don’t require ID’s or matching signatures.
Bill, the total number of votes in question in PA are far fewer than the current margin. If they were 100% Trump, he still loses. The votes haven’t been counted, they are not in the current totals. The ruling will have no affect on the outcome

No authority is absolute, no rights are absolute.
Just as legal scholars debate what is meant by “well regulated militia”, it is debated if the reference to “state legislature” refers to simply the body known as the legislature or the law making mechanisms of the states. Were it cut and dried the SCOTUS would have quickly ruled and we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Bill, you’re aware of the circumstances that led to the decision, right?

Bill, he lost. Get over it.

Hello kind sir, you seem to know a lot about this election. Maybe you can tell me why foreign nations handling vote totals in many states is not election interference, but Facebook memes are? Regards!

The facts, or ELECTION SCIENCE, of this whole ordeal can’t be ignored. It doesn’t add up any way you want to slice it, and the media sure is not helping by denying it all.
oops, guess the whole "we weren't allowed to observe" bullshit was completely made up.

President Trump’s campaign on Sunday scrapped a major part of its federal lawsuit challenging the election results in Pennsylvania.
Trump’s attorneys filed a revised version of the lawsuit, removing allegations that election officials violated the Trump campaign’s constitutional rights by limiting the ability of their observers to watch votes being counted.

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oops, guess the whole "we weren't allowed to observe" bullshit was completely made up.

President Trump’s campaign on Sunday scrapped a major part of its federal lawsuit challenging the election results in Pennsylvania.
Trump’s attorneys filed a revised version of the lawsuit, removing allegations that election officials violated the Trump campaign’s constitutional rights by limiting the ability of their observers to watch votes being counted.

Washington Post lol. The Russia Collusion hoaxers
Hello kind sir, you seem to know a lot about this election. Maybe you can tell me why foreign nations handling vote totals in many states is not election interference, but Facebook memes are? Regards!

The facts, or ELECTION SCIENCE, of this whole ordeal can’t be ignored. It doesn’t add up any way you want to slice it, and the media sure is not helping by denying it all.
No foreign nations are “handling vote totals”.
Then it shouldn’t be too hard to verify them. If they didn’t separate them, nor save the envelope they came in then the vote is tainted.

Who has the ability to change voting laws RQ, per the Constitution? Newsome was just rebuked for that same reason.

Also, in that article it says a large number of provisional ballots were used, as I posted the other day, those don’t require ID’s or matching signatures.
Bill, votes were counted per PA state law. Below is from the votepa website. Do you ever tire be

Provisional Ballot
If you are a registered voter but your eligibility to vote at your polling place is uncertain, you have the right to vote a provisional ballot.

What is a provisional ballot?
Sometimes county elections officials need more time to determine a voter's eligibility to vote. Election officials may ask that voter to vote a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted.

You may be issued a provisional ballot for the reasons below:
  • Your name was not in the poll book or supplemental poll book.
    • For example, you reported to the wrong precinct; or
    • You did not report a recent change in residence to the county election office.
  • You are required to show ID, but cannot show ID.
  • Your eligibility was challenged by an election official.
  • You were issued but did not successfully vote an absentee or mail‐in ballot and you do not surrender your ballot at the polling place to be spoiled.
  • You returned a completed absentee or mail‐in ballot that was rejected by the county board of elections and you believe you are eligible to vote.
  • There is a special court order with respect to your registration status.
  • There is a special court order related to extending the hours of voting.
  • You believe that you are registered in a political party, but your voter record indicates otherwise (for primary elections only).

How do I vote a provisional ballot?
If you vote by provisional ballot, you will be asked to follow these instructions:
  1. Complete the sections on the provisional envelope labeled Voter Information, Voter Affidavit for Provisional Ballot, and Current Address in front of election officials.
  2. Mark your provisional ballot in an accessible and private area of the polling place.
  3. Seal your provisional ballot in the secrecy envelope.
  4. Seal the secrecy envelope in the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
  5. Fill out the Voter Signature section on the provisional ballot envelope in front of polling place election officials.
  6. Return the sealed provisional ballot affidavit envelope to a polling place election official.
  7. Receive your provisional ballot identification receipt.

How are provisional ballots counted?

Within 7 days after the election, the county board of elections will decide whether you were eligible to vote at the election district where you voted the provisional ballot. If you were eligible, they will count your provisional ballot.
Bill, votes were counted per PA state law. Below is from the votepa website. Do you ever tire be

Provisional Ballot
If you are a registered voter but your eligibility to vote at your polling place is uncertain, you have the right to vote a provisional ballot.

What is a provisional ballot?
Sometimes county elections officials need more time to determine a voter's eligibility to vote. Election officials may ask that voter to vote a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted.

You may be issued a provisional ballot for the reasons below:
  • Your name was not in the poll book or supplemental poll book.
    • For example, you reported to the wrong precinct; or
    • You did not report a recent change in residence to the county election office.
  • You are required to show ID, but cannot show ID.
  • Your eligibility was challenged by an election official.
  • You were issued but did not successfully vote an absentee or mail‐in ballot and you do not surrender your ballot at the polling place to be spoiled.
  • You returned a completed absentee or mail‐in ballot that was rejected by the county board of elections and you believe you are eligible to vote.
  • There is a special court order with respect to your registration status.
  • There is a special court order related to extending the hours of voting.
  • You believe that you are registered in a political party, but your voter record indicates otherwise (for primary elections only).

How do I vote a provisional ballot?
If you vote by provisional ballot, you will be asked to follow these instructions:
  1. Complete the sections on the provisional envelope labeled Voter Information, Voter Affidavit for Provisional Ballot, and Current Address in front of election officials.
  2. Mark your provisional ballot in an accessible and private area of the polling place.
  3. Seal your provisional ballot in the secrecy envelope.
  4. Seal the secrecy envelope in the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
  5. Fill out the Voter Signature section on the provisional ballot envelope in front of polling place election officials.
  6. Return the sealed provisional ballot affidavit envelope to a polling place election official.
  7. Receive your provisional ballot identification receipt.

How are provisional ballots counted?

Within 7 days after the election, the county board of elections will decide whether you were eligible to vote at the election district where you voted the provisional ballot. If you were eligible, they will count your provisional ballot.
It may be Sunday but school is in session