im an independent............ but me, nor the left posters are posting 5000 tweets on here that just go nowhere or is proven false and thats just the past 10 the lack of self awareness from the lefties is great.
im an independent............ but me, nor the left posters are posting 5000 tweets on here that just go nowhere or is proven false and thats just the past 10 the lack of self awareness from the lefties is great.
LOL. there is going to come a point when you guys will get sick of people just outright spreading false info to get your hopes up. Im just wondering how long before that point comes.
Prior = Child Sexual Abuse
Current Aggravated Assualt = metal pipe "hidden sleeve"
Prior = Child Sexual Abuse
Current Aggravated Assualt = metal pipe "hidden sleeve"
Sit back and watch.
The fun 'bout to start....
The amount of activist leftists who have records of crimes against children is staggering....I guess at this point we should assume a majority of them are pedos.
are you saying activist lefts are just pedo's? wouldnt that make many UK players pedos for marching this summer? the vast majority on the left, right, and middle can agree pedos are disgusting and a scourge on the earth. which is why half of america hates trump.The amount of activist leftists who have records of crimes against children is staggering....I guess at this point we should assume a majority of them are pedos.
I thought we were all going to find out about the many evils perpetrated by Democrats before the election so we could vote our conscience? What happened?
plus Northam and his lackey Coopertheres 5 governors who should hang. Her Murphy cuomo wolf and newsom.
I believe in Sidney Powell.
Really? When it comes to constitutional law she is 3rd rate. Any team led by Giuliani is a Cracker Jack team.
🖕So there will or won’t be an audit? I come here about once a week generally curious which side is so full shit now that I honestly can’t tell ya apart anymore.
Will there be an audit?
Yes or no works here.
When will the audit be?
It sure is. It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that these people the lack of self awareness from the lefties is great.
Liberalism is a mental disorder but it doesn't come without its perks. Being able to just forget anything you want that happened in a 4 year period could come in quite handy. Color me green with envy on that an independent............ but me, nor the left posters are posting 5000 tweets on here that just go nowhere or is proven false and thats just the past 10 days.
im an independent............ but me, nor the left posters are posting 5000 tweets on here that just go nowhere or is proven false and thats just the past 10 days.
We all know soros will pay the DA and all of these charges will go away.Prior = Child Sexual Abuse
Current Aggravated Assualt = metal pipe "hidden sleeve"
Starts at the top...The amount of activist leftists who have records of crimes against children is staggering....I guess at this point we should assume a majority of them are pedos.
Brennan telling Obama that the Russians were spreading made up intelligence around to hurt Hillary is "being involved"? You trumpsters are funny
However, during an audit, they will have to prove that they DID follow the law and verify signatures. It shouldnt be for us to find the smoking gun, the data already does that. I think some ppl may not fully understand what an audit does.Would be interesting to see if they did find something legit at this point whether the media would take it seriously. I think there was severe ballot harvesting, but there isn't a great way to prove it.
the constitution can be amended ............. its been allowed since it was created if it gets a majority. if you dont like that fact, then you truly do not value the entire constitution.... just the part of the constitution that fits what you like.
but its pretty hard to get ....... which makes the rights cries about it for 60 years feel like the boy that cried wolf.
I put him on ignore over the weekend. I strongly disagree with Plat but at least he generates his own original posts. This guy just makes ridiculous troll replies to other people’s posts. Just ignore the dude and stop responding to him.If it 'gets a majority'????????
Are you as daft as ever? No wonder i put you on ignore.
Stop posting here. You utter idiot.
The excuse was, it was late and they were tired and wanted to go home for the night. Libs on here were defending it to the hilt too.On election night, several states that Trump was ahead in. For some reason stopped counting their votes. Has anyone heard what excuse they gave for doing this? I'm not asking why they did it, we all know why they did it. They did it because Trump was so far ahead, like in Pennsylvania where Trump had a 700,000 vote lead that they didn't have enough uncounted ballots left to give Biden enough votes to over come the massive lead that Trump had. So they had to quit counting long enough to come up with several hundreds of thousands of additional uncounted ballots, all Biden votes so they could steal the election. That's why they did it. My question is. What excuse did they give for doing it?
Bill, those statistical gymnastics posted here have been done with data that is simply wrong.
You keep saying that states didn’t verify things yet present zero proof.
You claim that people don’t have faith in the process...duh, because they listen to people who have lied to them for years and are brainwashed. That isn’t my problem. That’s a GOP problem that they have been unable/unwilling to call out those forces, unwilling to challenge Trump on his baseless claims. If you don’t accept reality, if you want to live In some alternative universe of “alternative facts”, you only want to listen to an echo chamber of information and reject anybody who tells you you’re wrong...why is that my problem?
Eventually you’ll figure it out. It will take some longer than others, some will be too prideful to admit being brainwashed but that’s where we are.
When this is all behind us you have two choices...either accept reality or continue to live in denial.
the vast majority on the left, right, and middle can agree pedos are disgusting and a scourge on the earth. which is why half of america hates trump.
I put him on ignore over the weekend. I strongly disagree with Plat but at least he generates his own original posts. This guy just makes ridiculous troll replies to other people’s posts. Just ignore the dude and stop responding to him.
are you saying activist lefts are just pedo's? wouldnt that make many UK players pedos for marching this summer? the vast majority on the left, right, and middle can agree pedos are disgusting and a scourge on the earth. which is why half of america hates trump.
Is trump a pedo? well hanging out with a proven pedo...kinda kills the image for many people.
When I think of a Biden voter this is the image in my mind. He is one of those "you ain't black if you ain't voting for Biden" types. Typical liberal with his hand out and looking for a little child to abuse.Prior = Child Sexual Abuse
Current Aggravated Assualt = metal pipe "hidden sleeve"
You didn’t hear? The resident Libs here said the voting stopped because they were sleepy and needed a nap.On election night, several states that Trump was ahead in. For some reason stopped counting their votes. Has anyone heard what excuse they gave for doing this? I'm not asking why they did it, we all know why they did it. They did it because Trump was so far ahead, like in Pennsylvania where Trump had a 700,000 vote lead that they didn't have enough uncounted ballots left to give Biden enough votes to over come the massive lead that Trump had. So they had to quit counting long enough to come up with several hundreds of thousands of additional uncounted ballots, all Biden votes so they could steal the election. That's why they did it. My question is. What excuse did they give for doing it?
Why, why , why are these anarchists USEFUL IDIOTS not being shut down? Oh, I forgot...George Soros's name is no longer allowed to be used on Fox!!
Ok...arrested in DC, be out of jail same day. PITIFUL!When I think of a Biden voter this is the image in my mind. He is one of those "you ain't black if you ain't voting for Biden" types. Typical liberal with his hand out and looking for a little child to abuse.
Based on the comments made by liberals on this forum I would have to agree the vast majority are pedos. I haven't seen a single one I would leave in a room alone with one of my loved ones.The amount of activist leftists who have records of crimes against children is staggering....I guess at this point we should assume a majority of them are pedos.
Prior = Child Sexual Abuse
Current Aggravated Assualt = metal pipe "hidden sleeve"