How will they rule ??!

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Dude, again, we can't even hire cops. Do you want to be a cop? Maybe we can put refugees in the academy.
Really hoping Clinton goes ALL IN for BLM.

Seeing riots over a black person shooting a black person may finally make my white guilt rise to such a level I'll vote for Clinton. She just needs to remind me how evil I am.
Hopefully these protests will eventually at least make the cops think a little bit longer before firing as opposed to having it seemingly be their first instinct. "Shoot, then ask questions later" seems to be their motto. I will say the last five years we've had about 1,000 of these instances it seems like so its definitely opened my eyes and the eyes of many others I'm sure. If they save some lives down the road and cause us to reexamine how we train cops it'll all be worth it.

Do you really think cops are not aware of the situation and arent thinking hard about shooting perpetrators? Why in gods name would a black cop just randomly shoot a black man in the street? His life will now be miserable and he'll face multiple death threats for trying to do a job that he will now lose.

There's just absolutely no logical motivation for this to happen other than either the man did something that justified the shooting or he's an insane lunatic. There's really no middle ground and it has to be one of those two. Which is more likely?
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These protesters are opening eyes. What a load of shit.

And they're making it impossible for anyone who's rational and intelligent to take their side. You start shutting down highways because of your hissy fit and causing misery to people that are trying to be productive by destroying your own communities and shutting down highways – it's going to be hard for anyone intelligent to see their point of view.

But man does the media love this shit. Can't wait to kick off the morning news with these childish tantrums and presenting one side of the argument.
Like in football, it should take irrefutable evidence to counter what the tape shows: which is a dude complying with four officers surrounding him and no obvious threat who suddenly got shot dead.

Who gives a shit if he was high or there were drugs in the car. He is dead over a traffic stop for no obvious reason. If he reached for a gun or something, ok. But this is ridiculous on its face.
I suspect we've both been trolled and the poster was illustrating the Dunning-Kruger Effect. If he's correct, we already know what the Clintons are like. We had 8 years of relative prosperity. 2 years of budget surpluses. The bad guys were ousted in the Balkans. And UK won the NCAAs twice in 3 years.

[EDIT] And you don't "know" anything of the sort. Please look up the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Tell us about her visit to the know the one with sniper fire.

So you prefer the devil you know, to the devil you don't know? You love you some government, huh?
Lawyers argue the window was up on his car and there's blood on the gas, therefore there's no way for him to reach in the car.

Even if he was under the influence, shooting him doesn't seem justifiable based on the evidence.

The pilot in the helicopter was the shooting officers husband. Happened to be in the area, reportedly.

So, black man in Oklahoma breaks down, might be on drugs, said he "looks like a bad dude" over the police radio , doesn't appear to be harming anyone, unarmed and has his hands up. Dead.

White guy in Florida high on drugs, stabs a couple in their garage, eats their faces, and is taken alive.

I think it's time we really look into how police are trained and how police are recruited. I do think there are racist cops out there but not every cop who shoots a black guy is racist. Instead, most of these high profile shootings seem to be cases where the officers are poorly trained or ill suited for the job.

And I'm really bothered by how in this case, they let him bleed out on the road without providing aid of any kind.
Like in football, it should take irrefutable evidence to counter what the tape shows: which is a dude complying with four officers surrounding him and no obvious threat who suddenly got shot dead.

Who gives a shit if he was high or there were drugs in the car. He is dead over a traffic stop for no obvious reason. If he reached for a gun or something, ok. But this is ridiculous on its face.

It wasn't a traffic stop. It was a call about an abandoned car (in the middle of the road) and a man acting erratically.

Walking away from the cops with your hands in the air is not complying. I don't think he deserved to be shot, but the cop should have probably tasered him when he walked away, before he got near the car. I know if 3 cops have weapons drawn on me, they are getting my full and undivided attention.

Being on drugs is not an excuse. That's on you.

Bottom line: The cops failed to control the situation, plain and simple. They should have tasered the guy before he got near the car, where he could have potentially had a weapon. I don't see how the lady who shot him isn't charged.
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Everyone is a little racist at best. Some just flat out show their racism and others try to reserve it out of respect.

The issue being political is swaying the direction of our country at this point. If you think those that get the black vote give two shits about black people in general you are lying to yourself.

Racism only exists for those that need a crutch and excuse.
Tell us about her visit to the know the one with sniper fire.

So you prefer the devil you know, to the devil you don't know? You love you some government, huh?

Basically, even if HRC were to match the worst imaginings of this group (Alex Jones to the Murdoch power) she would be better than the best possible version of Donald Trump. For HRC to match the worst imaginings she would have to be a contradiction: a frail woman about to conk any second AND a greater Machiavel worse than Professor Moriarty.

I suppose what I want is for people to spare a little of their own skepticism for themselves. "What if I'm wrong?" is a powerful tool for the good.
There's really no middle ground and it has to be one of those two. Which is more likely?

[laughing] Whatever you say. The truth, in 99.999999% of everything in life is somewhere in the middle, not the two extremes. Just the facts of life my wildcat friend. After seeing 200 police shootings on video in the last 3 years that seemed dubious at best its opened my eyes to irrational cop behavior.
Racism only exists for those that need a crutch and excuse.

How many ways is that true?

So the guy gets out of his car with a gun, gets back in his car and when the officers approach, he gets back out of his car with a gun? I mean a dude gets out of a car with a gun. What exactly are they protesting? Tulsa, I understand.
Is it a coincidence the US gets their first black president and racial protest are becoming way to common?
In 2012 there was a concerted effort to push AA turnout, they knew they had to gin up their base to stay in power. It worked, got more AA votes in important swing states like OH and FL.
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Arguing with a progressive, liberal, government dependent supporter is useless. They bring nothing to the table but the same tired bullshit all the time. There really isn't a group of people more pathetic and such a drain on our Country. The fckers are too damn lazy to pack up and move to a country that better suits their views like France or Canada. They are hell bent on making us weak and everyone poor and hating each other.

If a group of people ever deserved to be rounded up and gassed, it sure as hell wasn't the Jews.
Is it a coincidence the US gets their first black president and racial protest are becoming way to common?
No, its that angry white men have become the new emotional drama queens. For example, literally every stat shows crime is down (obviously some exceptions) and we live in one of the safest times in human history but the hysterics of the angry white right think its the most dangerous. Like your quote, you think you are showing causal evidence of a relationship existing between black president and black unrest.

You think correlation equals causation. It does not. For example, I could say its obvious you represent one of the largest populaces of uneducated white males due to your lack of understanding of logic and basic understanding, but that would be logically incorrect. You are just uneducated. Also, the fact that you are trying to equate a black man in power with social unrest, and its the cause of the black man in power, well, you can figure it out. Its like being a closet homosexual. Its no longer socially acceptable to be what you are. You are the last bastion of hold out.

I get it though. You wish society could except who you are, and you dont get it. Almost a twinge of jealousy. I mean the blacks, the gays, the immigrants get theirs, why not you?

This pretty much sums up your line of thought:

3-4 officers within 6 feet of the guy - this should've ended differently.

Need some new procedures for police when its multi police units vs suspect - could at least have a non-lethal option w/2nd or 3rd officer to use deadly force if deemed necessary.

Also need some PSAs on how to comply with the police - most of these situations involve a stupid decision or 2 followed by a scared overreaction.
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Lmao yes, we need to be more selective when choosing cops....

Y'all don't realize how bad things really are. At all.
Because he was allegedly on PCP and wasn't coherent nor responding to any commands. Not sure if they qualifies for shooting the guy but it's hard to tell based solely on the helicopter video.
Don't know the specifics of this case. And don't care. My comment was about there being better alternatives to a police state. Not individual cases or officers.
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Arguing with a progressive, liberal, government dependent supporter is useless. They bring nothing to the table but the same tired bullshit all the time. There really isn't a group of people more pathetic and such a drain on our Country. The fckers are too damn lazy to pack up and move to a country that better suits their views like France or Canada. They are hell bent on making us weak and everyone poor and hating each other.

If a group of people ever deserved to be rounded up and gassed, it sure as hell wasn't the Jews.

This is so close to advocating violence that I'm surprised you haven't been banned. I'm not going to report it, but, jeez-louise, guy, listen to yourself.
I was waiting on this thread.

Kept wondering how/why an innocent black man would allow this situation, in this current environment of racial/LEO tension, to be elevated by refusing to cooperate and being belligerent over a stalled vehicle.

2 hours later, I read about the PCP and I quickly moved on with life. Case closed.
This is so close to advocating violence that I'm surprised you haven't been banned. I'm not going to report it, but, jeez-louise, guy, listen to yourself.

Go ahead and report it if you want. 1st amendment, isn't that what you cowards cry all the time? Oh that's right, only if it suits you. Bunch of damned cowardly double talking, blind morons.
Whatever happened to using less than lethal force on a suspect, i.e. taser, ASP baton, pepper spray? My god there are more than enough cops there to handle the situation without a murder being committed, and by the way that's what the woman cop did was murder that guy, drugs or not he did not deserved to be gunned down. Cops today are such pussy's, they have overwhelming force and still shoot this guy. Intent, Capability and Opportunity must all be present prior to killing a they not teach this anymore at the Police Academy?
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Whatever happened to using less than lethal force on a suspect, i.e. taser, ASP baton, pepper spray? My god there are more than enough cops there to handle the situation without a murder being committed, and by the way that's what the woman cop did was murder that guy, drugs or not he did not deserved to be gunned down. Cops today are such pussy's, they have overwhelming force and still shoot this guy. Intent, Capability and Opportunity must all be present prior to killing a they not teach this anymore at the Police Academy?
PCP. PCP and cocaine and crack and meth and bathsalts... happened.

Ever seen 3 cops dump multiple rounds into a coke fiend and he's still coming at them? That shit happened.
It will be interesting to see if Trump can pull the country together.

Some of his policies are moderate, almost liberal, in nature; so will moderate Dems (if they still exist) give him a chance?

I fully expect libs to dig in their heels, which is fine since they don't contribute anything anyway.

I guess, at the end of the day, it wont matter since he will get 4/8 years to blame it all on Obama, amirite libs?
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Contradictions of the left:

Boooo death penalty, Yaaaay aborition

Yaaaay 1st amendment. Stop being mean to me, your words hurt my feelings and scare me.

Yaaaay equal rights for all. White males have to much privilege, we should take it away.

Black Lives Matter, just not those black lives in Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, Dallas, Los Angeles.

Yaaaay equal rights for LGBT community. Bring on the Muslims!!!!
It will be interesting to see if Trump can pull the country together.

Some of his policies are moderate, almost liberal, in nature; so will moderate Dems (if they still exist) give him a chance?

I fully expect libs to dig in their heels, which is fine since they don't contribute anything anyway.

I guess, at the end of the day, it wont matter since he will get 4/8 years to blame it all on Obama, amirite libs?

He could literally raise the dead and liberals would still protest and hate, and the msm would denounce every move.
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