How will they rule ??!

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I realize cops way over react at times. Dealing with someone that claims their vehicle might blow is probably a time to be on edge with the atmosphere today.
Not true. The man said the greatest thing I've heard anyone say, and it doesn't really matter what your beef is - he said to boycott the city of Charlotte. Don't spend money there. If more people would stop buying shit, well, that would be step 1 to solving a ton of our political problems. Gotta be self efficient.

He said nothing about white people. Anyway, it doesn't matter. He's doing it because he feels charlotte doesn't support black people. They sure as shit don't. They don't support poor people. They don't support white people. They don't give a shit about you. If mf'ers of all colors would realize the govt doesn't give a shit, and quit buying into their bullsjit, well, that's step 1 to a battle we will never have because people are stupid animals driven by shiny things.
No, its that angry white men have become the new emotional drama queens. For example, literally every stat shows crime is down (obviously some exceptions) and we live in one of the safest times in human history but the hysterics of the angry white right think its the most dangerous. Like your quote, you think you are showing causal evidence of a relationship existing between black president and black unrest.

You think correlation equals causation. It does not. For example, I could say its obvious you represent one of the largest populaces of uneducated white males due to your lack of understanding of logic and basic understanding, but that would be logically incorrect. You are just uneducated. Also, the fact that you are trying to equate a black man in power with social unrest, and its the cause of the black man in power, well, you can figure it out. Its like being a closet homosexual. Its no longer socially acceptable to be what you are. You are the last bastion of hold out.

I get it though. You wish society could except who you are, and you dont get it. Almost a twinge of jealousy. I mean the blacks, the gays, the immigrants get theirs, why not you?

This pretty much sums up your line of thought:

Well this is just stupid.

The answer to the question is yes the first black president gave the black community confidence to stand up to injustice. The problem is they are so quick to start riots they often look real stupid for doing so within a day or two.

Case in point of Charlotte's reaction was going on in Tulsa, then it is what it is and cops should smarten up. However what actually happened in Charlotte is starting to look justified for the cop and the BLM supporters look ignorant.

Now what if cops in return gave BLM supporters more of a dose of their own medicine and over reacted to their riots? Shew wee!

Now that would make for good TV!
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Not true. The man said the greatest thing I've heard anyone say, and it doesn't really matter what your beef is - he said to boycott the city of Charlotte. Don't spend money there. If more people would stop buying shit, well, that would be step 1 to solving a ton of our political problems. Gotta be self efficient.

He said nothing about white people. Anyway, it doesn't matter. He's doing it because he feels charlotte doesn't support black people. They sure as shit don't. They don't support poor people. They don't support white people. They don't give a shit about you. If mf'ers of all colors would realize the govt doesn't give a shit, and quit buying into their bullsjit, well, that's step 1 to a battle we will never have because people are stupid animals driven by shiny things.

I agree with your stance on the government, but the attack as well intended would be misguided. You boycott shops and local business you destroy the common man, not the government. You want to destroy the political establishment, don't vote establishment EVER would be step 1.
Not true. The man said the greatest thing I've heard anyone say, and it doesn't really matter what your beef is - he said to boycott the city of Charlotte. Don't spend money there. If more people would stop buying shit, well, that would be step 1 to solving a ton of our political problems. Gotta be self efficient.

He said nothing about white people. Anyway, it doesn't matter. He's doing it because he feels charlotte doesn't support black people. They sure as shit don't. They don't support poor people. They don't support white people. They don't give a shit about you. If mf'ers of all colors would realize the govt doesn't give a shit, and quit buying into their bullsjit, well, that's step 1 to a battle we will never have because people are stupid animals driven by shiny things.

So then BLM supports conservatism and nationalism over globalism?

I mean it sure sounds like they get it.
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I realize this is a predominately male sports focused message board in a conservative state, but in a completely blind poll Hillary got three votes out of 100? You can consider the demographics and small sample size all you want...but three? She's just barely beating out Christian Laettner.

I agree with your stance on the government, but the attack as well intended would be misguided. You boycott shops and local business you destroy the common man, not the government. You want to destroy the political establishment, don't vote establishment EVER would be step 1.

lmao local businesses...

The ones the Feds have on the hook? Get a clue. You have no idea how much power we've handed to the Feds. Go open your little local business and find out.
There is no right or left in the science.
hmmm. Dunno about that:

"I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd (sic) from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline."

Scientists are people, just like anyone else. Fame and fortune -- celebrity on one hand and ridicule on the other, can make politicians of just about everyone......
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Well this is just stupid.

The answer to the question is yes the first black president gave the black community confidence to stand up to injustice. The problem is they are so quick to start riots they often look real stupid for doing so within a day or two.

Case in point of Charlotte's reaction was going on in Tulsa, then it is what it is and cops should smarten up. However what actually happened in Charlotte is starting to look justified for the cop and the BLM supporters look ignorant.

Now what if cops in return gave BLM supporters more of a dose of their own medicine and over reacted to their riots? Shew wee!

Now that would make for good TV!
Thanks uneducated angry white man. Please give me more anecdotal evidence and proving me right about causation.
So then BLM supports conservatism and nationalism over globalism?

I mean it sure sounds like they get it.

Fn right. It's so simple it's stupid.

The UN controls the internet starting on October 1st.

Distributing more wealth globally. Won't mean any different for consumer, until the businesses losing money to the global cause want to recoup that loss, then people will get pissy, but they won't understand why. Then, and this is the best part, our govt, the ones who cause the problem, will pretend to care and will swoop in to "save" us with some bullshit plan or fee, reassuring us that they're on the case! And they're gonna bring e-dollars back to America!!!
lmao local businesses...

The ones the Feds have on the hook? Get a clue. You have no idea how much power we've handed to the Feds. Go open your little local business and find out.

Are you trying to say that locally owned and operated business's don't exist in the south, specifically Charlotte? I'm all for boycotting giant chains, and shit like that, but boycotting the oppressors shouldn't mean hurting your fellow man, you'd be doing nothing but hurting yourself in the process.
I'm saying the Feds/banks own your local businessmen for very obvious reasons, sweetheart.

A shit ton of people need to be hurt in order to reform this mess we've created. Your town doesn't need 10 chicken chains. Sorry. You don't need all this junk. We need common sense. We need education. We need labor. We need skilled/technical labor. We don't need gd organic gluten free kosher lunch spots. We need gd farmers.
Last time I checked "the angry white man" isn't the one destroying their own communities in protest of "the angry white man" holding them down or killing them.

Just imagine the horror if they protested and rioted every time a black man killed another black man...then again, who would they protest against?

Democrats have been handing out government assistance for decades like it's candy, and the inner cities eat that shit up. They complain about no jobs, but why put a job in a place that is sure to be burned up and looted? Obama has done absolutely zero for racial justice, the man is what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton wish they had been.
Proving you right? By saying it would make sense for the riots to be going on in Tulsa but not in Charlotte where a black cop shot a black man who jumped out of his car with a gun?

Please explain why anyone should care about the Charlotte situation?

And don't get it confused, I'm not angry at all, actually the exact opposite TBH.
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I'm saying the Feds/banks own your local businessmen for very obvious reasons, sweetheart.

A shit ton of people need to be hurt in order to reform this mess we've created. Your town doesn't need 10 chicken chains. Sorry. You don't need all this junk. We need common sense. We need education. We need labor. We need skilled/technical labor. We don't need gd organic gluten free kosher lunch spots. We need gd farmers.

Sweetheart? awwwwww lol

Dude, I'm actually agreeing with you. Yeah I agree the chains (which are big business) are free game. I'm saying that mom's flourist, or pops diner shouldn't be.
Hillary's outreach speech to millennials at Temple today was all staged. The so called "millennials" were all high school students on a field trip, most not even old enough to vote.

There were more media than supporters & was done so purposely. Controlling the narrative. Keeping her voters ignorant of the truth. Complete fraud.

Thanks for taking time to post this. Very informative and the interviews were entertaining
Why are big chains fair game? I've worked with many of them at the corporate levels and have never found any racist behavior. Profit focused--certainly, racist? Nope.
Why are big chains fair game? I've worked with many of them at the corporate levels and have never found any racist behavior. Profit focused--certainly, racist? Nope.

Not about race. It's about this government dependency caused by crooked wealthy politicians and their wealthy friends. Those friends are the ones that own the chains. Profit focused is just another way of saying more for the top, less for the bottom.The time is coming for a role reversal.
Flames will only burn hotter if Trump is elected. One Moe reason to vote for Hillary, she knows how to keep the peace.

On a more serious note, saw an article that states Hillary has no scheduled campaign appearances until mid-October. Didn't bother to verify, but that's really bizarre if even remotely accurate. One of the nastiest hard fought elections and she disappears in the middle of it?

Strange days indeed.
Those friends are the ones that own the chains.

Most are publicly traded so no difference between them and any other company. No question if you look you'll find some jerks in positions of retail influence and power, but after 25+ years of working with a LOT of retail executives I'd be hard pressed to think of one that would be considered racist. Most are pretty good folks who happened to be successful.
One of the nastiest hard fought elections and she disappears in the middle of it?
4 touchdown lead
run out the clock
play stallball
Dean Smith's detestible 4 corner offense
& all those kinds of sports metaphors

cannot imagine the amount of drugs she is going to be pumped up with for these debates. crime that athletes have to be piss tested after games but Pres candidates do not??
I wonder if she'll wear her special glasses for the debates.

A, "Do you need to take a break, it looks like you're having problems with your eyes. Can we get a doctor out here?" from Trump when she goes cross eyed might be the KO blow. Assuming the cameras don't pan to the audience to avoid getting her cross eyes.
I mentioned this yesterday, but think about trying to focus on your replies during a debate...

  • With close-ups on international television with tens or even hundreds of millions of people scrutinizing your every single physical movement, expression and reaction
  • Against a very unpredictable opponent
  • With, possibly, a debilitating illness
  • Pumped up on medicines that may affect your ability to think and speak clearly

That said, she recently participated in similar debates with Bernie and seemed to hold up pretty well. So it's possible some of this is all set-up to lower the bar for her performance. We'll know soon enough.

And, Trump won't say a word about any physical issues....he won't have to and it would only serve to prove the libs narrative about him.
Like I said, it only applies when the liberals say it applies.
No, its because its a message board. It doesnt apply to any body here.

This isnt the government restricting your rights or prohibiting your speech, its a private business, where you agreed to a terms and agreement to post here.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This doesnt apply here.

There is an objective standard here, its not a political standard. Man, this is basic government 101, not high tech stuff. Dont be like screwduke who thinks you can run 3 terms or doesnt understand Congress is who makes laws.